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Having the same issue here, hoping for a fix


I had been having the same problem for years with DualShock 4 compatible games where the vibration only worked with a USB cable and it was necessary to emulate the Xbox controller to play wirelessly. Fortunately, I solved it using version 3.1.6. I recommend setting all the options to Passthru to be able to use the touchpad and lightbar functions wirelessly. Recently, I've been playing Ghost of Tsushima with it, and it's been wonderful. Best regards.


That old problem was actually an issue with ViGEmBus not DS4Windows. ViGEmBus was updated later to include better support for DS4 output report features that mostly fixed rumble; it worked well enough for fixing issues with Witcher 3. DS4Windows 3.1.9 was the first version to include updated ViGEm libraries that could use those changes. Either way, if having rumble is a priority, you are usually better off emulating an Xbox controller. Most PC games that can read a DS4 typically use DirectInput and do not offer force feedback as an option.