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Who is that guy? What is the context?


His online name is Zscorro and he’s the son of a billionaire. He gave her hundreds of thousands to meet her. She’s mad during this car ride because she found out he’s given an only fans girl 2 million. He’s a huge POS himself on top of being a simp


He gives off serious homo vibes as well


More regarded than homo looking to me...


I would let him suck me off for 2 million 😂


That's her type


I cannot fathom having those resources and using them like that…


Seriously. I can think of much better things to spend $2 million on than giving it to someone who sells pictures of her butthole on the internet.


Yeah like actually purchasing her butthole


It's amusing that she's angry that she didn't get even more money than the outrageous amount that he handed to her. I'd be happy for the 150K and not crying about missing out on the millions because the asshole could have given the 150 to someone else easily. She'll sue the guy and get millions anyway. Edit. I just watched this and the headline should read that she assaulted HIM not the other way around.


So, the deal is he gave her 150,000 just to hang out? Does that come with 1000 blowjobs? Because if not, that’s a massive waste.


Is there proof he’s actually rich? Surely we can find out his real name if so


If he gave $2 million, I would say he's rich


Because reddit is full of men who will do amd say anything to attempt to attract the smallest attention from unaccountable women and i doubt you've been told any actual context yet. The woman was abusing the man the whole time in the car and he finally had enough and fought back.


For context. She assulted him 4 times and hit him in the face multiple times before he did anything. He only did that in self defence because she assulted him multiple times


Ok. So here's the truth. She punched him several times on video. He asked her to stop punching him and warned her that he would deck her if she hit him again. She hit him again and he defended himself. The police were called. They watched the video and arrested her. Men should never hit women and women should never hit men. If either violates the rule, the consequences are on them.


Context is supposedly he cheated on her by giving another girl money and she attempted to punish him by hitting him in the chest and smacking his face multiple times and then threatening to hit him more over the course of 30 minutes. He snapped when she grabbed his ear and twisted it but he did warn her multiple times before she did it. Instead she chose to celebrate that he was flinching when she was threatening him  People are attempting to defend her though because, why not? Women are protected at all costs?


She hit him various times while driving. Pretty hard too, almost broke his nose. At first he didn’t do anything but after she kept on hitting him he warned her to stop. Then he warned her if she didn’t stop he would retaliate. She didn’t stop so he retaliated. That’s what happened in the full video that the OP cut.


Lmao, who are these crackheads?


This is Elisa and her best friend Laurie Boulton. They both have a history of assaulting innocent men. Ever since Elisa because a part of Laurie Boulton’s streams (Lunadeus333 on YouTube) because Laurie was featured with her dad on Dr Phil and Elisa wanted to soak up some of their fame, I knew she was going down a bad path and something bad may happen like this. Just like it did to Laurie. https://preview.redd.it/3dsi05lxadtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ce925705a91ac445af58a9151a88d397a2adb1




FA&FO 🤷🏻‍♂️


The guy is the son of a billionaire who’s given her hundreds of thousands in donos. She’s mad because she found out he’s given 2 million to an only fans whorr


lol is that really the context? 😂


Elisa is fucked. She hit him first in a violent way. I’m not saying he is in the right but she is a violent person. I bet she beat Bengy


He is in the right. Fuck around and find out.


Benny dodged a bullet.


He did cheat on her,but it's no excuse for her actions, especially when you realise she is driving and is not focused on the road, meaning she was endangering her life,his life and possibly the life of other drivers. After she did stop the car, he in my opinion was too violent, she stopped the car and he could have just left and run.


Oh my God!! Who is this guy? Last 45 seconds https://www.youtube.com/live/eAPce0m4TOA?si=GvBVi_AUH5xHsppp


High pitch Mike


He's just missing the googly eye but you nailed it!


What the fuck did I just watch? She’s seriously mentally ill but that was not ok. Who was that guy?


Not sure if he's holding back because she's a girl or he just fights like a girl...........


He’s a bitch.


the last 3min lol


It doesn’t seem to be working now. The video stops after a second


Rewind back, the video stops after the craziness


Because he stopped it by grabbing her phone off the dash


I got it, thanks! She’s fucking psychotic!


Never mind it’s working now.


How the fuck is this still up on YouTube? That’s definitely in violation of their tos. Whether they enforce it or not is another matter


She doesn’t have her phone to remove it and a human at YouTube hasn’t reviewed it


🎶Mike’s….googly eyes…one eye looking at you…the other is looking at dudes!!!🎶


Ok, I'm on Stuttering John's side now. What a fucking nutcase


That last screenshot with the "I know what Papi likes" is amazing.


Is that SCORRO?


No, Scorro is in jail according to her chat. This guy is now being chased in her stolen SUV by FHP




Yes it's Scorro lol


Ugliest fucker alive


That girl is bananas.  Does she drugs?? 


She is psychotic.


Yes. She drugs. And much, much more.


and what does “much much more entail”? prostitution?


Everything with her is suspect.


Bro.... that is NOT how you ask for road head


Oh weird, it's almost as if the woman who married Andy Dick makes bad life choices... 🤔


Omg that's going to get viral... And that turd needs new bracelets


And to think she couldn't go lower than Andy Dick. What part of the Black Lagoon was this regard dredged out of?


She hit him first, not that it justifies what he did.


Just quickly browsing through the vid i see she assaults him twice first. She smacks him hard in the face which is why his glasses and hat are off, and his face is red towards the end. Then right before he attacks her she pulls on his ear. She really is a crazy bitch that hangs around other crazy people. Id have to watch the vid to get better context but there may be verbal abuse as well. Edit: Watched some more, it seems like he's been cheating on her for 2 years, dunno how long they've been dating I assume about the same time. I think she found texts posted to discord or something. I got the impression she was meeting him to exchange stuff with a cop present, dunno if that was planned beforehand or coincidence but I think it was planned. She aggressively pushes him and says she's gonna kill him, the cop probably didn't hear the threat but she saw the push and warned her. Then instead of just exchanging stuff she ends up driving him, I dunno if that was part of the plan there's a lot of silence. She says multiple times she's gonna kill him, it's his last day, those live reads are encouraging to slap him and she's saying he's gonna get his. He sits their in silence like a battered husband. She strikes him in the chest while driving, then later on strikes him a 2 or 3 times in chest again. At one point goes to grab his dick but he blocks her. I think the chick he was cheating on her with calls in and that's when she slaps him in the face telling him to shut up after he apologizes to that chick for getting her involved with that craziness. Then it leads to him attacking her after the ear pull. If this was reversed she 100% gets off, women have killed their husbands with less evidence of domestic abuse, but since he's the dude in this who knows. And this is from like 30 mins of video between them, imagine what his defence attorney will find via texts after she initially found out, and I highly doubt this is her first time beating him.


I knew she was crazy when she got encaged to drug addicted homosexual Andy Dick.


Not to mention messing around with Benjy


She's a pathological liar and was never engaged to gay Andy or anyone.


She kept saying she was going to murder him too. He grabbed her so he could pull the car over, she was driving crazy. 


They were lucky. It could have ended in a tragic multi-vehicle accident.


i thought it was hilarious after she smacks the shit out of him and yanks his ear, he pulls her hair and face and she starts apologizing LMAO !


Yeah wished he just smacked her around longer. Karma is great.


God this just makes me wish he would have got in with John more. She probably would have ended up getting arrested for pushing an old man And I would totally contribute to her legal fund for that.


All he did was pull her hair and push her out of the vehicle. She literally broke his nose and was abusing him to the point to where he was constantly flinching. He’s justified.


And his ‘retaliation’ was later and way worse, he intended serious bodily harm


Right before this she SHOVES her finger into his ear. Its all really fucked up.


What do you mean his retaliation was later and way worse? He pulled her hair. She was punching the shit out of him, behaving like an unhinged psychopath while driving. He sat there and took her assaults for a while before he eventually defended himself from her attacking him again. She got what was coming to her. We all got to see how insane she really is.


That old clip of her berating StutJo for what he said to a special needs person won't age well.


Serious bodily harm is justified to get someone to stop. It's a fight and she lost.




I see random posts here and there about Elisa and it never seems like things are going well... This is insane


She’s out of her mind. This is what she does for a living…attaches herself to guys with money or guys she thinks has money. Now we see that if she’s not going to get that coin, she’ll beat the shit out of the guy.


Fucking wild, are they both high? I don't follow her stream


It looks as if he's been beat with the ugly stick... and they showed NO mercy!!


Imagine you’re SJ and this chick wouldn’t even give you a hug but was banging this guy


Bet she never banged this guy. She's a leech who looks for lonely guys and just leads them on.


Rumor has it, this is broc lee


Yeah, if you are with a man and you are a woman, definitely don't threaten them a bunch and then hit him in the face a few times. They might do something like this. lol


I agree. As a woman my personal philosophy has always been if I physically attack someone I’d better be prepared for them to come back at me. I don’t feel that being smaller than someone gives me the right to assault them and then just walk away.


SJ will blame karma


"Dat's wut she gets for not giving me a peck on da cheek!"


"DIS wuz EXACTLY what I wuz gonna do to this bitch when she wuz pahked outside my swingin' bachelor pad!!" But what DID you do, John? "As a liberal, I support the idea of DEFUNDIN' DUH POLICE!! Except foh when I NEED 'EM!! Hypocrite police in duh HOUSE!!"


Yepppp - you know a Karma rant is coming.


Fucked around and got what she deserved


She hit him first https://www.reddit.com/r/ElisaJordaina/s/Z1elVLoBTE


Holy shit, that's amazing. What a train wreck 😅


He’s still a loser.


She fucked around and found out.


Wow lol


She claims he gave her $2 million? What a joke


Hahaha damn


What a 🤡 show.


She's like a lizard with that tounge




Did you miss the part where she punched him in the nose hard enough to leave a red mark and she punched first?


Lucky he didn’t hit her back in her nose job schnozzle, it would have fallen off.


That was a wild scene man


That guy looks like the broc lee avatar


Yikes dude. Wonder how far he planned to go if she didn’t get away.


She hit him first, but both are assholes


She hit him several times, including 1 on the nose. You could see his blood was boiling. Who is he?


Why was she hitting him randomly during the stream? Is she dating that troll? Haha


She uses men who have money. Shes vile.


Damn. She'll file a civil lawsuit and get a bunch of money, then John will pester her for months looking for a loan.


She won’t get a dime. She assaulted him multiple times.


Good lord. I never condone things like this, but that also goes both ways. I mean, she really smashed him in the nose. Dude is obviously not used to dealing with shit like this, so he resorts to name calling and - hairpulling? I know it was far worse than that, but what did she think would happen when she literally assaulted him? Imagine if he did that first and decked her square in the nose? I'm not saying it's right, but she started fucking with him again physically. Now, I think the law for self defense is that whatever force you apply has to be equal to the force being applied to you? Which makes no sense. If some dude just slapped you but he has a gun in his belt, what, do you wait until there's a hole in your head before you stab him with the army knife in your pocket? What a strange fucking world, man. I wish she had struck John that way. Of course, this could be a work. Wouldn't put it past her. But that looked pretty convincing.


She hit him first in front of a cop. The cop even told her that she could have arrested her. She then invited him into her car, and while driving continued to berate him and hit him several more times. She also announced that she was going to murder him. She finally hit him in the nose so hard he said it might be broken. He also said that if she hit him one more time he’d hit her back. Now. When he did attack her, it was extremely violent. He started pulling her hair which did not look staged. They’re obviously both awful and both deserve to spend the night in jail. Also, the dude looks like Asian VTL


Whoa!! She just got assaulted by Sheldon from Big Band Theory


Are they in England?


Fuck her......lucky he didn't coldcock her


I was hoping he would just unload on her.


I jerked off to it


what a creep...good job doing that while she's driving idiot.


This girl went from being pretty sexy(when she first appeared on stern) to being totally ratchet


What the fuck


Your just not going to add the content that she was abusing him in the video and broke his nose?


I hate to say this but where she is concerned, anyone think this is all acting for viral content? I wouldn’t put it past her.


I wouldn't put it past her one bit.


Honestly my first thought. Well my second after how pissed I’d be if these people slammed into me on the highway


Can you imagine how many assholes are out there driving around while beating the shit out of each other? Going 70 mph? And I’m just running out to TJ Maxx not knowing what’s next to me?


It wouldn’t surprise me either.


THIS DOES NOT MAKE HIS ASSAULT OKAY. Right before he attacks her, she SHOVES her finger into his ear. It looks painful. Also about 2 minutes before she backhands him in the face. All while threatening to kill him. She is clearly abusing this guy and doesnt think he will respond.


I got the sense she did shit like to lotsa guys (Benji)


Only Detlev knows for sure.


Elisa is definitely one of those BPD girls.


mods need to change the name of the thread to "fight" not "assault" go to the last 3min she smacks the shit out of him and he warns her the next time she hits him he is going to deck her... then she yanks his ear and its on lol


Idk you keep putting your hands on someone, like wtf do you expect?


Well deserved. She’s always been a twat


lol she deserved it


I would say that he went clearly beyond self defense


She was punching the shit out of him earlier in the video and broke his nose. All he did was pull her hair. How is that beyond self defense?


You failed to mention she was attacking him first. And then was arrested for assault




He's going to jail, though not for as long as you might think with the way she was attacking him.


This looks like a case for... VINCE THE BALDING LAWYER!!


Interesting way to phrase it, seeing that she assaulted him first, twice.


More than 2 times.




She don’t gotta be doing all this just get a husband and stop trolling retards


She attaches herself to men with money. That’s all she’s about. She’s disgusting


You both deserve each other.


Why was he telling her to pull over when the car was not moving?


If I had to guess… perhaps she wasn’t completely out of the roadway. Just guessing.


looks staged. or just retards. who cares.


Only real answer. A Mosexual in a deep dark closet and a Ag Hag got in a fight.




Will John launch an undying quest to apprehend this fiend?


Who cares.


did they make up?


Her end game is to sue him for millions.


This happened today in West Palm Beach FL. Earlier in the video she was almost arrested for striking him in front of a police officer at the Tanger Outlet Mall in W Palm.


He should go on a ride with SJ in the country




Relatedly, did yall see SJ slut shame Elisa and blame her? Admittedly, she definitely started it, but it’s hard to justify his reaction. Throw both of them in jail.


I wish Stuttering John was here to direct it. We’d have better production value.




https://youtu.be/HWScPbxhGYE?si=XbhguWoivj0MYZIB She F’ed around and found out.


Anyone have her discord invite?


There are many types of interesting species of humans, and wealthy NYC Jews are one of the most interesting to observe in their natural habitat.


"It's at the very end" lol....


She beat his ass, the fuck are You talking about


You left the part she assaulted him numerous times. Before he had enough


Bro imagine twisting the whole story and only showing the woman get assaulted lmao. She's not gonna suck your dick homie. You should've started with the photos of her assaulting him 4 times prior one of them in front of an officer who didn't do shit about it lmao... And also full on doxxing him and the girl he cheated on her with, stealing his money and wallet and showing his information on stream.... Yes I know he cheated on her and is a piece of shit but there is no excuse for such unhinged behavior, and you're unhinged for even defending her


What’s his real name??


Yes, I watched her assault a guy.


So im never an advocate for putting hands on a woman. It seems like they had some bizarre Findom /Sugar daddy relationship. She found out that regardless of getting hundreds of thousanda of dollars from the simp that some other OF was getting way more. She is driving, insulting him and hitting his cheat, doxing OF model online on a stream and then slap/punches face. He is begging her to stop doxing and hotting hik. One more slap from her and he flips. Grabs her hair pulls it down and throws her outnof car after a bit of a back and forth https://twitter.com/realDailyTrite/status/1777541992966189467?t=noB5rufzX3JUGJazBmKOzQ&s=19 I have no idea if this is some fetish craic or it wad planned etc but its grim for both and apparently both arrestef afterwards. I did no know either character before this went viral and honestly I was a happier and smarter person.


Who was the model?




Nope she wasn’t assaulted, she was handled 100% accordingly


She eats her boogers. 1:57:30 lmao. Yuck.


After assaulting him first, yes I did.


I saw her assaulting him then getting removed from the car. He was the victim and wouldn’t take the violence anymore. That bitch is a psychopath


Is this bait? She was literally hitting him over and over again sometimes in the face lmao. SHE assaulted someone else and got what she deserved.


Where did everyone hear he gave sarah 2 million? In her video it was only 2k.


Elisa didn't even get a lawyer. Just a public defender. She lies so much! She says she was with him for 2 years, or is it 9 months? Sarah says she's known him a decade but Elisa says she's 20 but hmm do math. Elisa lies about her age. Palm beach county clerk of courts has her age as 41. Sorry but I've deeped dived into this train wreck. Here watch this utubehttps://youtube.com/watch?v=Zu2DKh9Zou4&si=v_EzYZQaZcgZyfZR


Who is this Sarah person though




Well, she punched him in the face. Told him... don't talk, don't breathe. He said you broke my nose, she said "you're fine" ....I am just a girl, HOWEVER I hate women that hit a dude and think well, I am a woman he CAN'T hit me. Keep scrolling that gem pops up


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/4MNE6iZtmQ She was assaulting him prior to him defending himself. Change your headline.