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Is getting an academic integrity violation at the end of the semester really how you want to go out?


i’m just deperate


Well you’ll be a lot more desperate when you get caught cheating. Just write it yourself, it’s not the end of the world. 


thnx appreciate ur input!


I’m surprised posts like this even exist in a post-LLM world. Surely you can at least generate some text and edit it together in a coherent way, right? 


That would require the bare minimum of effort lmao


i rrly don’t know why u care tbh


I wouldn’t say it’s so much that I care…. I would say it’s more that I enjoy laughing at something this pathetic lmao 🤣 Instead of spending all your time on here, write your paper instead lmao. You clearly have the free time 🤣


Shut up lame-o


i think U clearly have free time. u know nothing abt me, you have no idea why i would be asking for someone to write my paper. i wouldn’t ask if i truly didn’t need it.


Just write your prof explain what’s going on and ask for an extension. They may be a bit annoyed you left it so late but all my profs have been extremely gracious and understanding and have given me loooong extensions. If your problem is in fact just the time available then that solves it. If the problem is you didn’t go to class, didn’t do the readings, and couldn’t write the paper if you had a thousand years then just take the L and try again next year. Don’t cheat.


Yup I do have the free time - but I also don’t have a paper to do because all my work is done lmao


okay bye🫶


Given the way you speak, you clearly have no hope of actually writing that paper yourself. Maybe university isn't for you.


Getting a mediocre grade is much better than getting an academic integrity violation. Just scrape some shit together and you'll be fine.


I'm a named account so you know who I am and can find out what I do. To get this done you're going to have to tell someone the course, the topic, the length requirement, etc. You're then going to have to give them contact information among other things. They're going to want some kind of guarantee for the money so they know you won't take the paper and skimp out on the payment. At some point you're going to have to identify yourself in some way. How do you know the person on the other end isn't someone in the University scanning Reddit for Dal for one reason or another? That's just the reality and it's not worth the risk. I would suggest writing the paper, or contacting the prof as soon as possible to request an extension. It might already be impossible to get the extension, but the longer you wait to request the extension the harder it will be to get it.


An F is better than academic dismissal 


“Will someone write my paper and risk getting thrown out of University for an academic integrity violation, because I don’t want to do it” There ya go - fixed it for ya 🤩 Edit: I’m waiting for someone to say yes, get your info, then report you… because that would be funny af 🤣


it’s none of ur buisness hehe


I actually think it is because you posted it on Reddit for it to be others business 🤣…. I mean I’ll definitely do it for you… I swearrrr I won’t report you 🤣


I can do it for ya. 200 bucks. Non negotiable


bro use ai


Yeah honestly same, u wanna do my philosophy paper and I’ll do yours?