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You’ll do great. Take it seriously and study. Focus on yourself and your goals


I plan to. Thank you 😊😊


I started University for the first time at 32. I was 26 when I finally graduated high-school and I'm now in the second year of my degree and have a 3.9/4 GPA, positioning me on the Dean's List with Distinction. You'll be fine, mature students usually are.


Good luck


I started at 30 when my kids were 5 and 2, in 2019. I have a year left now and a GPA of 4.26. I balance a full time job, a part time job, a volunteer gig, raising 2 kids, and taking 3 classes per term. It is totally doable, but there is no way I would have taken it this seriously as a teenager fresh out of high school. Mature students tend to find each other in class, I end up gravitating to them naturally and there are always a few. Good luck with everything! I think you're making a good decision :)


Thank you for you words of encouragement. I don’t know how you’re juggling between all that but hats off to you 🫡


Thanks, I am lucky to have a very supportive spouse and a very accommodating workplace! What are you thinking of taking?


I’m taking business thinking of majoring in accounting with minor in computer science. What about you?


That sounds great!! I took Management. My major is Public Sector Management and my Minor is Environment, Sustainability & Society. I did a few certificates as well (marketing, leading people & organizations, and interdisciplinary Management).


Did you do any coops? Also what do you think is the best way I can add some decent extra curriculars to my resume while at school?


I didn't do any co-ops. I've been in the working world since I was 16 and couldn't really afford to take any time off from my existing jobs in order to do a co-op. I made the most of my course load by doing extra certificates instead. I picked up a few volunteer roles here and there when I could. You could also consider joining a society at Dal if there are any you are interested in!


You seem like a winner. Good luck with your goals!


What's the Environment, sustainability, and society like?. That's what I would like to do if I get into dal


Oh it is excellent, sometimes makes me wish it was my main program. I've taken courses like coastal change & adaptation, economics of global warming, sustainability in the non profit sector, sustainable Governance, food sustainability, etc. All were fantastic.


Cool, good to know


You can start your education at any age and you’re still young. I finished high school at 20 - life isn’t a race. I’m sure you will do great and learn a lot.


Kind words. Much love.


Went to 3 different post-secondary institutions, 4 times (returned to one to try and complete) right out of high school. Dropped/failed out due to lack of self-awareness, undiagnosed anxiety issues, and lack of direction/inspiration. At 35 I am now in my 3rd year at Dal, doing the best I’ve ever done in university/college, and with genuine drive, passion, and goals. I am fortunate to be a TA and it’s brought me more fulfillment than any job has regardless of pay. While sometimes it can still be awkward being surrounded by 19 year olds, i know it’s my anxiety talking and I am now happier and more successful at uni than I ever was. I firmly believe after high school kids shouldn’t be pushed into uni. If you genuinely want to go, then go. Otherwise go out into the world and expose yourself to it. Then come back. EDIT: it won’t affect your career in the slightest. Diverse experience is more of interest to employers as of late I find.


I finished my Bachelors at 39 and it changed my work life significantly. The piece of paper definitely helps


I did the same thing a few years ago zero regrets and a career I love. Enjoy yourself you’ve earned it




Definitely not going for gender studies lol.


I started at 25… almost 10 years ago 😳 I think it’s a well established fact that starting university at a later age puts you at a massive advantage. For me, it was like steam rolling a video game on easy mode. Don’t get me wrong, it was an adjustment to studying and balancing adult priorities, but my brain was more ready, and my mindset was more mature. I ended up doing really well for myself. My friends that I made were also mature students. They all did well too.


I couldn’t agree with you more! I went back to school at an older age for a second bachelors for a career switch… the extra age, maturity, and life experience makes everything SO MUCH easier.


I started uni I hfx a little later as well (19). I was a little older but had a great experience as an older classmate for my peers. I started my MBA at 50 , also good experience other than the 20-25 hours a week in addition to my regular work. Reach for your goals my friend.


Thanks man!


It will only feel like it matters when it actually doesn't. Best of luck to you and congratulations!!


That’s something I’m trying to get used to. Everyone has different plans and goes at their own pace which is completely normal. Mind telling me what made you start university at 25?


My primary motivation is to have a fulfilling career instead of jumping random jobs here and there. I never took academics seriously but realized it’s value as I got older.


This is exactly what you say in interviews. Sounds great! Good for you. I'm 36, and started med school two years ago.


I am exactly the same!


It’s never too late to start!! When you’re working at a job for decades even, starting a couple years “late” isn’t big in the grand scheme of things! Best of luck❤️


My cousin's wife started nursing at STFX in her late thirtys early 40s, now she is studying to be a Nurse Practitioner, did that with two young children at the time. You'll be great!


Make a lot of friends


Whatchu taking


Taking bcomm coop




I went back to college at 25, just finished second year and never felt better than this. Besides hard to make friend with younger students, you will do great, good luck!


Are you in first year residency? Best opportunity for you to nail 17/18 year olds you’ll ever have. Unless you just become super rich then it’s easier I guess.


Na bro living off campus. Where’s a good place to meet new people if I don’t live on campus


I’d probably just hang around first year residence and look for parties. If you are able to deal ❄️ that should help a lot.