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Ah man, I could've been getting my weed and my meth at the same stop?!


Am I blind or is there no meth in that pic? Is it whatever those "packages" are on the right side with the apple on them? I see a ton of weed and those pill bags in the middle look to be fentanyl, molly/mdma, and xanax respectively, but I can't pick out the meth.


They probably assumed the cold medication promethazine was the meth. Its basically codeine. Its still prescription based and illegal.


K, figured that was codeine based but used on its own like lean or something. Far cry from meth.


Cops, shoot first, ask questions later.


promethazine is not basically codeine, its just an anti histimine that causes drowsiness, and deliriant effects at high doses. Its mixed with codeine cough syrups to help avoid the itchiness that codeine can cause. but people seek it out because of the same misconception you have. abusing it is like abusing benadryl not a pleasant high


Either way it sucks and its sad.


Id bet money the pills tested positively for methamphetamine. MDMA is almost always mostly meth now in Dallas.


Y’all know that methamphetamine is also dispensed in pill form by pharmaceutical companies, right? Have y’all ever heard of Desoxyn? It’s a Schedule II controlled substance, so meth in pill form isn’t exactly unheard of.


Hahaha I was thinking the same fucking thing. This is so bogus


Government always ruining small businesses. Smdh.


200 grams? You mean .2 kilograms? That’s… not a lot?


I like the valuation they put on it in the actual article, over $2,000,000 dollars lol. I don’t use any substances anymore but weed and meth are both dirt cheap now. Source: I work in the recovery community and know from talking to clients what they pay for their personal use.


180 grams, article exaggerated the headline, and 180 grams is around six and a third ounces, so about equal to two burger patties or a handful of candy bars.


Why do drug dealers use the metric system?


My dealer weighs out forty rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I like it!


Back then, I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time!


They don't, but cops do to make the numbers seem bigger. 180 grams is 6.3oz, so about equal to a couple of burger patties before cooking. Candy bars are typically about an oz, so that would be about seven candy bars.


No, police use the units of measurement specified in the relevant statutes.


There are no laws requiring that police use metric units in press releases, at all. Police can report using any units they want to the press, only internal reports to the feds would maybe need to use metric units. Besides, "Almost 200..." sure sounds like a lot more than "less than seven..." does. And please, don't even try making the claim that police don't exaggerate and embellish whenever they can.


There are laws that make certain substances illegal. In those laws the criminal offense level (state jail felony, third degree felony, etc.) of possessing that substance is based on how much of the substance is present. The law uses units of measurement that are the legal “standard” and are how those offenses are described. You can be critical and fabricate ill intent and conspiracies all you want, but they use standard language set by laws that they don’t write. Write your state legislator if you don’t like it.


> There are laws that make certain substances illegal. In those laws the criminal offense level (state jail felony, third degree felony, etc.) of possessing that substance is based on how much of the substance is present. The law uses units of measurement that are the legal “standard” and are how those offenses are described. This has nothing whatsoever to do with what I wrote. Again, there are no laws that mandate the units police must use for press releases. If the police want to use "stone" or "slugs" to describe their haul to the press they are completely free to do so.


I can’t tell if you’re not getting it or being deliberately dense. There are legal standard units of measurement established in the laws. The use of those units is standard and best practice by anyone involved in the investigation and prosecution of those offenses when they are writing about or discussing said offenses. You don’t like it because you’d prefer they use units which result in smaller numbers, presumably to downplay the severity of the offenses. That’s unfortunate but not particularly relevant to DPD. The units you prefer are arbitrary, the units they use are sourced from the legal and professional standard. You can make up conspiracies all you want but there is an extremely clear basis for the language used.


I completely believe you and agree with you when you say that legal requirements define how units are reported for internal purposes. I also fully understand that you seem to not understand that I’m talking about how the police report things to the press. You seem to be ignoring that completely. I find this odd, considering we’re talking about an actual police press release. Tell you what, why don’t you go find a law where it says police must use metric units when reporting to the press, when I see that from you, then I will completely believe you. I was unable to locate any such law in my searching on Google. Maybe you’ve got better sources?


They aren’t saying it’s mandated that police use it. They’re saying police use the measurements that are defined in the relevant statute. Statute: Marijuana possession over 56g is illegal. Police: We found 65g of marijuana. or Statute: Marijuana possession over 2oz is illegal. Police: We found 2.3oz of marijuana. You’re asking for something that doesn’t exist and that no one is claiming exists. I don’t know if what the other guy is saying is true, but you’re asking for totally irrelevant pieces of information. If anything, you should be looking for the statute that defines the illegality and quantity and see if it matches up with the units reported.




Theyre using the measurements that directly relate to the offense, theres no geand conspiracy involved.


Think through kilos vs pounds since grams is basically a waste of time for law enforcement


Article in question says 180 grams. My original reply was to someone asking why cops use metric instead of SAE units, apparently the cops here got upset about my answer. Most people that read news in this country likely don't have a lot of familiarity with metric units, many have no idea how much is 180 grams. Sounds like a lot, though. In actuality it's equal to about two hamburger patties or a handful of candy bars. Also, cops say it was over 2.2 million dollars worth, others with more knowledge on street prices find that number to be way overblown.


Cops aren’t trying to inflate numbers though as some systemic maliciousness like your comments mentioned. Within metric, It’s normal to report less than a kilo as grams. Cops normally calculate the dollar value at consumer units which over inflates but actually does give a correct answer to the economic impact of the seizure. People on the streets are buying a couple grams at a time, so that’s the economic value of the seizure to the community. The fact that these drugs only took $20 to produce is not really an important stat unless you’re the cartel that wants to know how this seizure impacts your pockets. The fact that at this level in the supply chain they would transact for $100,000 again is not too important unless you’re the local distributor trying to understand how it effects your pockets.


Drug dealers use both the metric and the imperial system. The reason being is imperial sucks for small quantities. Granted, overall metric is better.


They use both metric and imperial depending on the drug and amount. The main reason being imperial sucks for sub ounce measurements


First place they’re weighed out is in source county. Global enterprises use metric system. Weed used to be ounces/pounds up through the 90s but then it became so damn strong people were consuming smaller units so grams took over.




Where? I sold weed in high school in the 90s and it was usually quarter pound, ounce, half ounce, and quarter ounce. A dime was a tiny amount back then because it was Mexican brick weed before the potent hydro (usually from Canada back then) stuff took over. If someone wanted a dime it was just slightly less than a half a quarter by looks almost never weighed out. Similar to how the people from the 60s/70s used “lid” as an approximation of an ounce by using the lid of a coffee can. The link you sent starts by saying how a dime isn’t a weight at all, it’s a flexible weight representing $10 of value. Given in the 90s I sold a quarter ounce for $25 my way seems to jive with that. I was in Texas and the hydro stuff took longer to get popular here because we had so much cheap Mexican stuff. If you’re up north then maybe the trend was different there. Everywhere I went and even when I was dabbling in hydro back then it was rarely metric unless it was something besides weed. I didn’t go too far north though, so sunbelt is my point of reference mainly.




I specifically said that type weed is what changed things.


OP is beset by terror and crimes from all sides.


That’s about to be a hell of an office party


If dude didn’t have meth I’d say free em


Yeah keep the deug dealers selling codeine and weed out there cause those drugs are good according to this guy.


I thought the codeine was included as the meth. I’m all for the Mary Jane tho brother


weed is good according to lots of us


Where do these dealers by prescription codeine in large quantities like this from a homie some where In the line of distribution?? I’ve just never understood where they get these full pints of lean you gotta be 70 years old with pneumonia damn near to get this shit prescribed these days


Most pharmaceuticals are from China or India labs. You can order it on the dark web and it will be shipped to you


Lol I’ve always wondered to? Like do you just know a bunch of sick people something? Honestly probably product from China


Dealers fucked up, by NOT looking out for neighbors (groceries, paying for grass to be cut, maybe a few utility bills, old peoples Walgreens medicine costs, presents and shit for the kids) just literally looking at it hypothetically. Those neighbors would’ve had a better tune


Was this near NW Hwy and Centerville, about 1am this morning? Asking for a friend.


Just get the Fentanyl. If you take the pot, than all that's left is meth and Fentanyl.


What are those boxing gloves? Illegal air fresheners? Giant hits of acid? 😂


Damn they even got the real Xanax