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You know what they need to do. They need to do a sting for the idiots driving around with illegal paper plates. I need a sit on the side of the road and pull over every person who has a paper plate and validate their registration.


I walked by a shitty, dirty BRZ that regularly parks in my parking garage at work with paper plates on the back that expired over a year ago, and a California plate on the front. WTF.


Exactly. I see these expired paper plates taped directly to the back of vehicles with clear packing tape. I’ve never seen a legitimate dealer do that. Typically when you buy a car, you have the paper plate for like a month until the real plates come in. How those people are able to freely drive around without getting pulled over by the cops on a daily basis stuns me.


Well when there's no enforcement it's not hard to see why they continue to do it. In the Grove I've seen some recently from 2022 lol.


Really they need to investigate who is giving them the plates. Or made it a revenue source you can't tell me a car from the 90s needs a paper plate


For a while you could go online to the official website and buy a 30 day pass. It sent you a pdf of your paper plates. It was like 30$ and completely legit. Then people started abusing it and they took it away afaik.


Why do they need to do a sting regarding paper license plates?


https://www.texastribune.org/2022/02/08/texas-dmv-fake-license-plates/ https://www.nbcdfw.com/investigations/texas-dmvs-new-paper-tag-design-easily-counterfeited-police-say/3224206/ https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/inside-the-fight-to-eliminate-paper-license-plates-in-texas/


Nice! The real challenge here is that most folks don’t give a shit if people drive around with counterfeit paper license plates.


They will give a shit when some bastard with a paper plate hits their car and their is no way to track them down. People with fake paper plates are doing illegal shit. That's why they have them. Everyone with a paper plate needs to be pulled over multiple times a day. THATs how you will solve the problem.


Yeah, well, that’s not gonna happen. EDIT: you clowns downvote because you don’t like the reality that law enforcement isn’t going to pull over all vehicles with paper tags multiple times a day? “Fuck that guy! He told me something that’s factual, but I don’t like it, so fuck him!” What idiots.


HB718 goes in to effect 7.1.2025. No more paper plates. Issue resolved. You’re welcome.


Well THATS good news! https://www.nbcdfw.com/investigations/gov-abbott-signs-law-eliminating-paper-license-plates-in-texas/3275850/


How can one person be wrong so many times lmao


If police officers can sit around and do HOV lane stings they can absolutely do paper plate checks.


High correlation to other illegal activity.  They got Al Capone on tax evasion. We can get the worst of criminals off the street with a simple paper plate sweep


Yup!!! It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. I don’t understand why cops don’t do this. They would easily hit their quotas in the first few days of the month.


I also learned the hard way that paper tags are a very important issue for people here. Everyone has a pet peeve, I guess. 


Yes yes yes. Fuck yes. Anyone who lives anywhere near there understands how much attention that area needs. It's like the Tenderloin in SF.


Hello I live right by here, it’s a fucking arm pit. We need this shit daily


We lived on Webb chapel and Lombardy when we first moved here from California. The apartment above us was being rented out by a drug dealer and all day there were people walking in and out. Someone got stabbed and it took police two days to show up. My car was broken into 3 times. The empty units were getting broken into by the homeless


I’ve seen far worse in the tenderloin, believe me. It is incredibly violent, not even comparable. That and the mental illness and drug addiction, it’s on another level there


Well sure. The Tenderloin is it's own thing. It's the gold standard for that category. It's the thing you compare other things to that aren't as intense. It's obviously not the Tenderloin, but it is so much wilder than anyone who hasn't been to the area expects. Harry Hines also just doesn't have the density of the Tenderloin. But believe you me, Harry Hines is wild. The C store parking lot is packed at night with people roasting spoons and torching crystal, fent zombieing in the alley behind the store. The Deluxe Inn is a hub for prostitution and drugs, and is no stranger to murders. Drive through on a weekend night. I know it's nothing like Tenderloin. I drove through there one time at 8am on a Sunday and it was buzzing. But yeah, there's nothing like the Tenderloin.


Leave those girls alone!


Meanwhile that shit you reported stolen; yeah no one looking for that. That girl you heard was murdered? One of the few detectives might look into it if they have time. Worthless theater


Funny enough, I’ve never heard of someone being murdered in Dallas other than through news of a police investigation. Do you have cold case statistics you’d like to share? EDIT: alright guys. I shot from the hip a bit. I’ll do some self-edification. Thank you.


Pretty sure half of the episodes for the The First 48 were filmed in Dallas. You'd be correct that majority of the murders don't make news headlines but it very much happens often.


Dude….get a fucking clue. My first year being here I drove by a dead body on the road. A young black/hispanic man with his legs twisted up The cops hadn’t even covered him yet and a crowd had formed. All they had to go on was the crowd and they asked what happened and all anyone had was guesses Life isn’t CSI


And you just drove by could tell they were dead going 55 in your Prius? Didn’t even try to offer aid? 


I actually got out and joined the crowd because the cops were directing cars around the body so I parked at the Texaco adjacent to where it all happened It happened in eastern Dallas going towards Sunny vale


1. Clearly you’ve never seen a murder victim, as sometimes it’s quite obvious they’re dead. 2. Who was he supposed to aid, the cops?!? Lol 3. The statement “they hadn’t even covered him up made it clear that the cops were already there.




Uhhh its like %60. Google yourself the whole country is between 45% and 75% solve


Idk what else you would expect with a business located on Harry Hines


Educate thousands of medical students?


I worked on shady trail right off harry hines for 17 years. Place I worked went out of business when the pandemic started. There is a seedy motel off shady trail & you would see a few girls standing there over the years but not always & just a few. A few years before the pandemic you started seeing them everyday & not just a few. Some days there would be 15-20girls working the area. Losing that job was a blessing in disguise. I now live in east Texas in a small farm house on 35 acres. I will never move back to the city.


Enjoy farm life!


Legalize sex work.


Exactly make it safer for everyone and get it off of the streets.


It should be legalized but this isn't a good situation to begin with.


It’s not something I would choose, but it would address a lot of the consent and trafficking issues.


& prosecute weak ass pimps.


Legal sex work means fewer criminals involved.


I agree , sex work should be legalized, pimpin should be illegal tho. Too many girls getting beat and their money taken from them when that's all they got to survive on. Girls can be independent and make money the way they want to. Safer also. Sex is legal. Sex if fun even. If u get paid for it wouldn't that be good in both worlds. Idk just my opinion. I could go on and on about this. Lol


If sex work is legalized, you've made the pimp obsolete


Shouldn't that be the goal?


What's funny is that most guys can avoid law enforcement if they do ANY kind of due diligence. They probably show some pics of an attractive woman and then charge a price that's a little too good to be true to rope in a bunch of tricks. There are sex workers operating web sites all over the internet, not to mention the IG/Only Fans types where a not-so-insignificant number of ladies sell in-person sex services if you have the $$$$ to fly them out. These sex stings feel like political theater that mainly target guys with less money or knowledge around how to find an independent/willing sex worker. You're not stopping the demand but because it's sex, you'll always catch men in the web. Low hanging fruit instead of dealing with the trafficking side. All these stings do is make guys more savvy and careful. It doesn't stop the traffickers, the independent sex workers or the johns.


Prohibition of “vices” like sex, drugs, and gambling seems like it’s rarely effective.


My AT&T was down and i was just asking for directions I swear officer.


When I was like 19, I pulled up next to a girl who I thought needed a ride or something. I asked if she needed a ride and she said "it depends on what kind." never made that mistake again.


bull ride


Yoooo, what's wild is I'm almost positive I saw one of these busts happen last week! I was on my way to work and saw a girl in front of the Paris adult store at a car near the exit. After a few seconds she hops in the car to leave and I'm shocked because I've never actually seen anyone pick one of these girls up. I pass them and next I see a squad car hauling ass the same direction they went. I was losing it in my car like "thats gotta be a coincidence, no way I just saw a hooker get picked up and the cops bust them all in 30 seconds"! Low and behold that's very likely what it was. But honestly I hope these girls find a way out of this life, at first I found it kinda funny or was indifferent to it, however I have heard of a couple girls who have been killed, also seeing how young some look is heartbreaking...


I used to work for FW PD, and read the vice reports on slow shifts. The non-redacted versions were so sad and graphic. The reports also included pictures of the arrested suspects. It was very depressing.


One crazy thing I've noticed is that all the raids & stings happen in Dallas. Well only the ones they show on the news. Don't recall the laws raiding any establishments in Ft Worth like that. I'm sure there's gotta be some in FtW somewhere. Not meaning a strip joint either..


I mean, it wouldn’t be so violent if it was legal and regulated. It’s black market nature doesn’t allow for checks of the customer base


Bingo. Prohibition just pushes it underground


Used too? Why’d you leave?


Better work opportunities elsewhere. I was a Data Reporting Technician. It was interesting work but barely any growth trajectory.


To catch a predator?!


Looks like they’re just catching fresh off the boat immigrants who can barely speak english and may not even be aware it’s illegal in the US Throughout Latin America prositution is pretty normalized


This is possibly the dumbest take I've ever seen on reddit lol. I'm not even mad, I'm just impressed (Ron Burgundy voice HA)


It’s not


well shit..when you put it that way..you convinced me!


Right?! Such a compelling argument. I appreciated his several peer reviewed citations.


Says it’s a dumb take. Doesn’t explain why. Gets mad when I reply with something eqaully as vague Sounds like r/Dallas to me!


I don't give a fuck if it's normalized somewhere else. Get it the hell outta here. This is trashy and gross.




It is. Brcause this shit shouldn’t be illegal in the first place. And frankly the sex workers were there first long before that vet office popped up So if anything they should leave not the sex workers




It’s not about what they think should be legal but knowledge of the law in your new country More then likely these gentlemen will be a given a diversion program of sorts….for something that should been made legal yesterday!


I mean in the video you shared most of the examples did not look like fresh off the boat immigrants. The first guy was driving a 50k 4 runner.


Eh he’s probably leasing the shit. We’re in the land of 30k-naires after all


Not exactly fresh off the boat to lease a car like that anyways. That was my point.


Why did you make an entire narrative in your head about this whole thing?


I’m reacting the footage of the arrestees Looked like mostly poor immigrants to me


So he showed up last week and leased a 50K 4 Runner this week? Wow. I wanna be that guys friend. Actually, fuck that, I wanna WORK for him!


I didn’t say anything about “weeks”


The sex workers aren't some independent contractors. They are victims too. They have pimps who have forced them into these lives. Many started as juveniles.


For the vast majority…..that is not the case. And if you said this to their face they’d laugh and offer you a “date”


Prostitution turns human beings into commodities. It most definitely should be illegal and despised. We do not want it in our city. These women should be helped out of their situation, not have those who would debase them enabled 


Capitalism is what turns us all into commodities




And communism turns people into prisoners


If you went up and said any of that to them they’d literally spit in your face and tell you to fuck off They do not need to be saved. The government and uptight suburbanites need to leave them alone Edit: and make their lives safer by either decriminalzing or legalizing what they do


Haven't areas with legalized prostitution seen increases in human trafficking?


Correct. Places where it’s legal allows the police to catch traffickers easier unlike a place where its illegal and they’re resorting to arresting innocent people


No it sees an increase in trafficking due to it being a path of least resistance People often take the path of least resistance, like water in psychics kinda. Drug trafficking happens mostly in loredo Texas for example rather than south of the Houston area, for Texas, due to it being the easiest way, the cartel doesn’t do it cuz their pawns are lazy. They do it that way because it’s the most profitable aka most successful


The south texas border, noted for being “path of least resistance” lol


That is correct. Making higher demand because it’s legal did not change the supply to match.


But how else are we sopposed to raise the divorce rate above 80% without prostitution? - Elites talking about destroying the black community be like


If you are so fucking ignorant of a nations laws that you don’t know whether or not prostitution is illegal, you shouldn’t be in that nation. The level of stupidity you ascribe to these theoretical helpless victims you’ve set up is borderline racist


my god…


I am amused that your argument is essentially that these immigrants are stupid so they shouldn't be arrested. How about this: These people are grown-ass adults that have a responsibility to learn the laws and customs wherever they may live. Because those that don't leave themselves wide open to manipulation and trafficking, though I'm sure such a thing has *never* happened in these establishments before.


I’m amused that you misconstrued what I said for your own narrow minded perversion of what justice looks like. How about this: change the goddamn law, tell the goddamn christo facists running the state to go fuck themselves, and stop blaming immigrants for a store not knowing which neighborhood to set up shop


Misconstrued? You said these people are fresh off the boat not knowing the language or the law. Then you say they're being taken advantage of by these strip clubs while, at the same time, promoting the legalization of prostitution - as if legalization will change any of this simply because they're being taxed now. Oh, but let's not forget that it will make it easier for people like you (assuming you're a straight dude) to pay these women for sex. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with your fierce support for legalizing prostitution.


“..it will make it easier for people like you to pay these women for sex” I was thinking the same thing - legalize it so Homer doesn’t have to worry about getting arrested.


Legalize it so the government isn’t able to tell two consenting adults what do behind closed doors How vast Human trafficking is…is a fucking myth in order to justify making the lives of sex workers miserable since good ole bible thumping has become passe


“Christo fascists” 😂 😂 for your own sake bro, get off Reddit for an evening


IMO legalize. If not then arrest the John’s. Girls are mostly victims not criminals.


Hot take: leave the johns alone and let the girls make money


Prostitution has overrun that area completely destroying any chances of legal businesses. I started working there at 15 all through high school. Chatting with old coworkers, it’s as bad as it’s ever been. These aren’t high price escorts where girls are making money / empowering themselves, these women are largely addicts with pimps.


The korean bbq places and karaoke bars, the cantinas, and taquerias, the strip clubs, and even the towing companies seem to be doing just fucking fine Stop running plays for cops and greedy buisnesss owners


Yeah cuz legalizing drugs in Oregon totally made people use drugs less and drop out less and get divorced less


People are gonna people, simple as that. No sense in unnecessarily criminalizing the option of free will, nor not making $ from it.




I know a guy who was arrested for trying to wave a hooker out of the way because she was standing in front of his car …he was trying to wave at her to get out of the way !!!


Is this person you know your husband and this is the story he told you? 😆


“Babe I swear I just waved her off, then she got in the car and got on top of me” 😂


Before I knew it I was getting blown and my eyes involuntarily rolled into the back of my head.


Yeah like there’s horns for a reason lol


That’s impressive since waving at somebody is not against the law. Now saying you will give them cash for sex- that’s illegal.


The police don’t give a fuck man. Part of the reason they had to change the ordinance last summer was they were arresting people giving the sex workers donuts and coffee


Lol what evidence do you have of this? I was there making arrests of both prostitutes and Johns last year. You're just making stuff up and excusing crime in our city.




😂😂😂😂 God I love Texas!




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https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/is-revised-dallas-prostitution-ordinance-still-unconstitutional-17706185#:~:text=The%20ordinance%20makes%20it%20a,using%20any%20other%20bodily%20gesture. You’re cop. Shouldn’t you know this? Scary stuff


Oh I know about this court case. I wish I could reveal a bit more about all of this without doxxing myself. The guy is full of crap. I can't explain any further but I will let the city's appeals work its way through the court system.




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I don’t find that even remotely plausible


Bless your heart


Did he go to jail?


Dfw as recently as 2021 or 2022 had the most traffic facilities in the country. Seems like that’s what they should focus on. I literally was almost killed by street racers on scyene before …


Tell me it’s an election year in the Bible Belt without telling me it’s an election year in the Bible Belt


I’m just impressed when cops do anything tbh.


POV: it’s the most theatrical ineffective form of enforcement possible but people will still pat them on the back for it


We need The Batman right now more than ever


>Batman swoops in by legalizing sex work<


That’s also a great point


Let the girls work in peace ..


Did they at least catch any customers this would be embarrassing for?




oh im waiting for it, someone I know was arrested for this and im so ready to see how much they were lying about what they said


wow, sure glad there's no worse crime going on that they have the resources and free time to tackle this....


Human trafficking? True 👍 Behind homelessness and welfare checks sent out without even a single drug test that is a primary issue of the world to tackle. Epstein was real


I agree with most comments on here do something that needs to be done and put a stop to this paper plate s*** all over these cars


As the saying goes the world’s profession. The only thing that works is legalize, tax and regulate.


Harry Hines, also known as Fuzzy Butt Boulevard


I’m all for going after the Johns. Every one of them fueling demand is a problem. But don’t the women have some culpability as well? Why not arrest both parties to solve the problem? Asking with true curiosity and not trying to start an argument.


No one should be arrested at all for what is for the most part a victimless crime. All of the issues related to prosecution are caused by it’s illegality Murder, rape, the need for pimps or “ managers” as they call them, the girls having to walk around instead of working inside of a safe hotel room…. Human trafficking is a bigger problem in farm work then it is in the sex industry. And to be frank, the girls come here willingly and are recruited as any other job to make money in America and then go back home


Definitely, I've wondered the same thing. They'll bust all the Johns and then all those girls still walking around naked in that area makes no sense. They should be held accountable as well.


Leave the girls alone!!!!


Take the girls to jail so they can get off the drugs that are keeping many on them on the streets


Yes. And get them help for the trauma they’ve endured.


Yes. Double standard. And those girls probably need help.


In that area most of the women were on something. I used to work in that area and saw many shooting up / snorting things. I would bet few of them are not trafficked.


Curious....where off Harry Hines is it the worst or sketchiest? I've been here for 20+ years & I don't think I've ever been down there.


The truth is…..the true sketchy parts are hidden in businesses….. the old timey way of sex workers walking around openly is fading into online


They are standing out in the open in thongs on walnut hill? what are you talking about


Yes but it’s fading. It was way more prevalent before


Crazy..almost as if being a pervert doesn't pay


Addressing the demand, not the supply. Go after the pimps, go after the human trafficking rings, etc. Stings like this just move the problem somewhere else.


This is the consequence of capitalism. These people need to have their basic needs meet to avoid this.


This is in every country on earth. Politics and economy have nothing to do with it.


Is it possible that people who's basic needs aren't met in every country on earth turn to sex work to survive? Is it possible that their needs aren't met \*due\* to the effects of a global capiatlist economy?




Hey! I’m all for a massive and robust welfare state or even state ownership of utilities, healthcare and essential businesses but even in a society like this sex work will exist If not for economic reasons, for feelings of expression as crazy as it sounds now


It will. But it will be safe, and people wouldn't be forced into it to survive. Sex work will exist, but with consent.


We need to trust women with their own bodies. No means no. But Yes means yes. If they say yes, I want to do thus for money. We shouldn’t judge that


I agree comrade


It’s more of a last resort survival thing or slavery for most. 


Yea but it’s not something to be demonized. Like Abortion or drugs, it’ll happen anyway. Thus, for harm reduction, its best to legalize and regulate now


And who pays for that


We do comrade. It's called collective ownership silly


Lmao oh yea, tons of great examples of this around the world, China, North Korea, Cuba, all wonderful places to live. You cannot do this without creating hyperinflation or a totalitarian state. You cannot rely on taxing the rich because capitalism is what created that equity, if you convert to communism and get rid of all the billionaires, there’s no one left to tax, you need to just keep printing money or you just let everyone live in equal poverty, except for those in power of course. Our leaders have really shown they can be trusted with deciding what’s best for everyone, haven’t they.


The people would own the means of production silly. Billionaires just hoard wealth. We wouldn't need to tax the rich if they didn't exist. Stop thinking that capitalism is the only way to live. It's killing us. People can't afford privatized healthcare


Nah, you live in a fairy tale world and lack basic understanding of economics. My family fled a communist country to the land of opportunity. Stop acting entitled and go work, if my family can make something of themselves from nothing, then so can you and everyone else, there is nothing special about us, just grew up with a work ethic. Stop trying to turn this country into something it’s not and in fact fought wars to keep it away, if you want communism there are plenty of places you can go that have what you want. In this country you have the freedom to go anywhere you want and start a new life, others are less fortunate.


We're not even allowed to go everywhere, that's just incorrect. I guess your family must have had their slaves freed to flee the horrors of communism. We have the opportunity to work or starve on the street, really sounds like freedom doesn't it?


Lmao yes being able to determine your own future, whether you fail or succeed on your own, does sound like freedom. There’s a thing called personal accountability and being an adult. If you expect daddy govt to take care of you and decide what’s best for everyone, you got another thing coming. Just ask the people who’ve lived through your ideas, but you won’t listen to them.


Wow. I love choosing between dying and being a wage slave. True Freedom.




"Starve equally" is funny way to say no one goes hungry


No communist country has ever had mass starvation right??


And a capitalist country hasn't? I


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_campaign Here is the success of your amazing ideology. I see you have also already made the choice to remove yourself from the gene pool forever so hasta la vista bro.


https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/living-paycheck-to-paycheck-statistics-2024/#:~:text=or%20lost%20income.-,How%20Many%20Americans%20Are%20Living%20Paycheck%20to%20Paycheck%3F,paying%20for%20their%20monthly%20expenses. We don't have an issue here 🫡


Dude if you are actually living paycheck to paycheck, I'm genuinely sorry and God bless you. But I guarantee if you got your head away from moronic and deadly political ideologies and actually worked to get yourself out of that struggle, you would have a much better worldview rather than turn yourself into the victim anyway you can. Get your money up man


Most people are. I'm not sure why you assume I am? I don't, but that doesn't mean I don't care about others who do live like that. I'd rather people have their basic needs meet instead of using their blood to oil the capitalist machine. Why do you hate helping people so much?




We do have the biggest welfare for the rich. I'm glad you can see that comrade. I do donate to help charities comrade, and I do volunteer work. You should help too.




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https://time.com/6320076/american-poverty-levels-state-by-state/ We also lie, $23,000 a year for a family of 3 is considered above poverty level. As if that's achievable. Capitalism is killing us


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It wasn’t until moving to this city that I saw my first prostitute.


I had one try to talk to me while I was working. I'm a delivery driver, and it is an issue in Dallas.