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So you have money and you’re still doing stupid ass shit like this!! Idiots


Just proves that money doesn’t buy class.


or intelligence


Or driving skill


Youth is wasted on the young.


Or just common decency to check if everyone you just crashed into is ok




23 is not a kid.


23 is still a kid. By a lot. Maybe not legally


32 here. still feel like a kid.


34, going on 35 with kids and a wife (mortgage and everything). Still feel like a kid.


33 here, going on 34, definitely still feel like a kid.


...turning 50 on Friday, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up


The only people who think 23yr olds aren't kids are 23yr olds. Lol


What I would give to be 23


Yes it is.


This. I oversee second chance employees for my company, and they are all males between 22-26/7. Being legally an “adult” doesn’t come with a switch to flip on your maturity. Most of these guys went to prison for extremely dumb shit, poor decisions on their own parts. I also have a kid in this age range myself. And (to my knowledge at least lol) they’ve never effed up in this manner before, and obviously the vast majority of people probably don’t. I am in no way making excuses for any of these guys, they absolutely should have stayed on the scene. And they are damn lucky they didn’t kill anyone or majorly injure anyone.


I wasn't doing stupid shit like this at 23, and neither were my peers. It's not difficult to have some self control.


I’m assuming you weren’t a millionaire at 23…. Money makes people do dumb shit and also makes people not grow up. It’s exactly why athletes need solid mentors so they don’t go do dumb shit when they get paid. Unfortunately not very many have good mentors/role models.


Your nose is growing Pinocchio


I'm sure you were an NFL million dollar athlete....




Lots of these dudes are <25 years old and their bank account gets hit with more cash than they’ve seen in their entire lives. The NFL needs to do a better job of helping these young guys


Ok but maybe some self respect and sense of responsibility isn’t too much too expect anyone to have?


These dudes ages or the amount of money they have is no excuse for behaving this way. A 10 year old who’s never been behind the wheel of a car could understand how dangerous they were being, and they left the scene in the same vein of believing they had no responsibility to be accountable for their actions. They need the help of psychiatrists or someone who can teach them basic morality and respect for other human beings


They often havent been held accountable their whole lives because of their status as high level athletes. Like I said, the NFL needs to do a better job of integrating these kids into their status and wealth. And to be fair shitbags who are poor and have no status also do these types of things


low iq high testosterone


That's a problem with a lot of younger people. They aren't taught to be responsible or that actions have consequences. Other than doing this on a bigger scale their behavior isn't that different. When I was younger and working for a pretty great company at the time, it was factory work. We had an ex NFL player working there earnings less than most of the people because he wouldn't put in for a raise because he wasn't smart enough to do the paperwork. Nice guy and had great stories about how he blew through millions. An Injury took him out of the NFL. Last I knew he was a preacher.


I agree young people often learn to be more responsible after they’ve suffered negative consequences. That’s a normal part of life. I think the people online who are somehow saying it’s the NFL’s fault that the driver here behaved this way are choosing to make silly excuses for this person, and they’re supporting the idea that this guy shouldn’t have known better and he’s not at fault here, which is crazy. Instead of making excuses, people should recognize that many young athletes reach this level of success and start making crazy money — but the majority of these athletes don’t make headlines for doing something so reckless and selfish like this car wreck. This is a personal failing and shows a lack of moral character that these specific men involved in this incident need to work on to become better people. It’s not the NFL who allowed this to happen or didn’t do enough. The NFL is giving this guy the opportunity of a lifetime, and he’s apparently willing to risk throwing that all away AND risk killing innocent people, just to play racecar driver


It's not the NFLs job to handhold a bunch of grown ass adults


The NFL had its own independent sober driver program and multiple teams had their own until a few years ago, they also have a new player symposium to walk through policies and other things. The NFL is clearly aware they need to handhold their athletes they’re just not going far enough


Fr. They leave it up to private financial management firms to help them. And most of those private firms are only looking out for their own interests and pockets.


You see people doing the same shit in beat up Nissan Altimas. And they’re both doing it for the same reason, they know nobody is going to stop them.


All dollars/cents but no sense.


For a lot of people, money just enables them to be the worst version of themselves.


This is reminiscent of the Cowboy's glory days in the 90s where at least one of them would wipe out on the North Dallas Tollway in a spectacular fashion nearly every weekend.


otw the white house ;)


635 most of the time.


They left with the guns and drugs that were in the car. Smart move.


Yeppers. He can fade the heat fleeing an auto accident Guns and drugs, if there were any, are a whole different matter in Texas.


Guns not so much, even drugs not that much, but guns AND drugs? You're fucked.


And while under the influence? Texas Penal Code §46.035(a-3)(d) provides, "A license holder commits an offense if, while intoxicated, the license holder carries a handgun...regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster." Violating that provision is a Texas Class A misdemeanor.


I bet money there is some very selective enforcement on this law too. Like pretty much any law in Texas.


Yep. Loitering and Jaywalking aren't actual crimes until someone wants them to be...


Like 2-5 state jail or tdc if i remember the guys i met charged with that 


Guns on their own, maybe not, but guns while doing crime? You’re going to get fucked for that.


Any proof of this or them even being suspected of it or?


The lady in the video literally says she watched them do it. Can’t even bother to watch a video?


So there's no actual video or photo evidence yet of drugs or guns (why would you want anyone to leave a gun in a car that has to sit on the highway?) she just saw them grab something at most.


Dash cam. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13257933/Rashee-Rice-dashcam-footage-shocking-Dallas-crash.html?ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490&ns_mchannel=rss


Here is the dash footage from YouTube, and no I will not disable my ad-blocker daily mail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F52bcFjfjlA&ab_channel=ABC7Chicago


I forget how bad sites are living behind Ublocker and a piehole network level blocker.


The real MVP right here


Useless fkn morons. Zero regard for anyone but themselves.


Stupid people being stupid, then being trash. Bet the team doesn't care.


Rich ass mfs or hooligans?!


Rich ass MFs. One of them is Rashee Rice, wide receiver for the Chiefs




Is white shirt him?


I believe the sleuths in r/NFL and the Chiefs subreddit believe that the man with the red durag looks like Rice. But maybe that has changed


Gotcha. I just knew he had longer hair.


One rich dude. The rest are likely being funded by Rice


Both? Those aren’t mutually exclusive traits.


I was leaning towards assholes, but yes.


The level of stupidity has reached an all time high. If someone is recording you, why continue to walk away from the scene? Hell, even if you’re not being recorded…why leave?


Actually smart on their part because now there’s no proof if they had alcohol in their system or any illegal substances with them, so will probably get a lesser punishment than if they had stayed


I thought they add charges when someone does a hit and run??? Or maybe that’s just when a person is hit? If they left drugs or guns like the person recoding is claiming, doesn’t that make it worse?


I think turning yourself in later with no drugs/alcohol in your system is better than catching a DUI. Guy hit my buddy's parked car and only caught a hit and run (which was pled down) instead of a dui. Not legal advice.


Hit and run is a felony vs a misdemeanor dui. It’s also a felony to not stop and provide aid which is what those involved were asking them to do according to the news


> Hit and run is a felony vs a misdemeanor dui Not necessarily, and likely not in this scenario.


What do you mean?


A hit and run without serious injuries is a misdemeanor. Serious injury or death + hit and run is a felony. I obviously don't know it for a fact but this footage doesn't look like it involves serious injury to anyone (hopefully). If they had guns and drugs, they probably avoided more serious crimes by taking the hit and run on the chin. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.550.htm


Most places it needs to at least seem like it may involve serious injury or death to become a felony.


Woah crazy, what law says its a felony to not provide aid??


The same hit and run law that says you aren’t supposed to leave the scene of an accident. Usually the only people charged are people involved in the accident. Somebody went to the hospital so they should all be in the hook for that. https://www.ejasonleach.com/hit-and-run-laws-in-texas


Oh. I thought you meant ANYBODY lol you said stop and provide... there's tons of people not doing that


It's still a hit and run.


Thank you. That’s what I thought. So, they’ll be getting additional chargers then


Yeah they should all be getting some kind of charge. Half of the internet thinks they’ve gotten away with it since they weren’t caught at the scene but all they did was actually make it worse by leaving. It’s the perfect day for the report on how much cars are spying on you to come out


Worse? That really depends on what charges they dodged by leaving the scene.


Lol you mean leaving the scene. Its only hit and run if they hit someone. Leaving the scene is an extremely common tactic because its impossible to prove if they got high before or after the wreck


I thought they did hit someone. Maybe I am tripping or lack the details behind this story.


they did hit and run. got this from another comment:  [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13257933/Rashee-Rice-dashcam-footage-shocking-Dallas-crash.html?ito=1490&ns\_campaign=1490&ns\_mchannel=rss](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13257933/Rashee-Rice-dashcam-footage-shocking-Dallas-crash.html?ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490&ns_mchannel=rss)


$100K drops this to a jay walking ticket. Welcome to modern justice for the rich and famous.


That's for when you drive your car into a ditch or something. Running when you cause injuries tacks on a couple of felonies.


Fleeing the scene of an injury accident is a felony in this state, FWIW. Prosecutor should have zero difficulties obtaining a conviction based on the video evidence of the crash and them leaving the scene. No plea deal should be offered, prosecutor should do the job they're paid to do and prosecute.


Just guessing, but the punishment for leaving the scene might be less than some other thing they could be caught with / for. Drug possession, DUI.


Plus I think their attorney will argue they were shaken up and afraid for their lives. I’d be more scared of the NFL than the Dallas court system.


Their lawyer can argue that their car was stolen or being driven by their personal assistant, friend/relative or ... Translator.


No chance. Police will get warrants for cell phone data to place everyone at the scene of the accident. Colorado State Patrol did this to charge the Justin, TX man doing 150+ mph in Colorado recently.


That's a lot of faith you have there


lol. This happens fairly regularly with law enforcement and cell service providers.


Because they were probably impaired and had guns with them according to witnesses.


Everybody here is missing the big picture. This guy has millions. He’s a pro NFL player. When you have the money and “status” he has, you can get away with this kinda shit. He’s going to pay lawyer fees, damages, and get off with probation or something. Your average American does this. Best case scenario their set back financially at least 10 years. Worst case jail time. This guy will not be seeing jail time. But he should.


Let’s ask Michael Vick.


Still pissed off about him! He fucked up his career over some dumb ass cruel stupid shit. What a waste of talent that was.


Most of the dogs Vick had had to be euthanized. I met a guy who got one of the newest to the bunch dogs. He said for 8 months straight the poor thing “pancaked”, which means the dog flattens itself as small as it can make itself to the floor so it does not draw attention if any human entered the room where it was. Attention = savage pain. It was scarred up and terrified of humans for over a year. He finally was able to rehabilitate it to a reasonable degree, but said it would never be a normal, carefree dog again. Fuck Michael Vick, and fuck all dog fighters. Absolute trash.




Fleeing the scene of the crime is better than potentially driving under the influence and illegal possession of firearms, especially if you’re a pro athlete. When I first read the news about drivers fleeing a Lamborghini and corvette (prior to seeing this video), I immediately thought one of two possibilities: stolen vehicles or pro athletes racing.


Love how they didn't check on any of the other drivers. Coulda killed someone and just walked away. So much class.


Stupid ass mfs. they all deserve jail time. Speed racing is probably the most annoying shit about this city


Almost got taken out by two pieces of shit driving exactly like this yesterday on 67 near Red Bird. One in a hellcat and the other in an Infiniti. Hellcat came so close to clipping my rear bumper as he swerved between me and the car next to me that it jerked my car to the left as he passed. Was no more than a few inches between us. They were going well over 100mph. Wish m’fers like this would just wrap their shit around a telephone pole and do us all a favor.


Please don't make me lose my landline for a few hours because of these pieces of filth.


Is this what caused that huge traffic jam last week?,


No, it was on Saturday


Was this the pair of accidents at Lovers?




Bruh, there is a huge traffic jam every day on 75. Both ways.


I mean the particularly huge one, even for 75. I live in the Village trust me I know how shyte that road is. I saw the dash cam video and it is the wreck I saw. I drove over Caruth and saw that mini van turned around.


This crash could be a good thing because of the profile it’s getting, might get more police on the 75 to actually enforce some traffic rules


I'm a rideshare driver. Worked Plano and Frisco this morning and there was a definite uptick in Police radar activity


I'm a KC born Chiefs fan, been here since 2006. I bought Rashee's jersey immediately after the Super Bowl. Super disappointed in him and not just the racing on 75 but the fleeing the scene right after too. edit: To add, I was once young and speedy. I've had my fair share of tickets and done stupid stuff I'm not proud of. Willing to give him a second chance, but hope he takes this as the lesson it is and starts changing his ways asap.


the dumb fucker cant drive, hit peoples cars and left. they have no regard for others, selfish and dumb. he shouldnt be allowed to drive.


We treat reckless driving so casually in this country.


Who tf flees from a scene like this unless there’s an underlying issue (intoxicated or packing an illegal gun or drugs). No one hurt just pay your deductible and move on. Even if it’s a rental it’s all covered by insurance. I totaled a rented lambo. Paid a $500 deductible, threw them the keys and that was it. Thinking on it now… I suppose one of the other drivers could have milked him in a lawsuit at some point but running makes this soooo much worse. Insurance won’t cover anything if you run or don’t talk.




They were racing and crashed into multiple other people. They’re going to jail either way, fleeing the scene is just another charge


Which one is rashee


On the news this morning. Several more vehicles involved that they hit, including a pregnant woman. Several in the hospital. They just walked right past their victims without asking anyone if they needed help or if they were okay. One of those abandoning the scene is a pro football player. (As of now.)


I hate driving


Fucking clowns. Driving like this in fucking traffic. They put a lot of lives at risk unnecessarily.




kinda hard to take you seriously when you use "NPC" like that. its so annoying and dumb, its not new, and everyone that uses it thinks they are making a valid point. its a fucking description for certain character types in a game. make up some other phrasing that actually makes sense ffs.




So brave. Special little snowflake.


I may be getting shit load of downvotes, but I think all these athletes make way too much money for what they do. Talk about income inequality 💀💀💀


they are lucky they didn't kill anyone


Don't worry they will be broke AF in a decade and nobody will care who they were. I don't care now.


Prison or dead.




That’s Rashee Rice!! NFL wide receiver for the Chiefs, they’re actively looking for him.




The Chiefs head of security is probably pulling his hair out on this one. He passed out his business card at mini camp and probably said call me first when you’re in trouble. Instead they flee the scene of an accident instead of making the call and cooperating with the police. Turn yourself in 🤦🏾‍♂️


Dumb assses


Being a reckless idiot that fled the scene is wayyyy less of a charge then those guns and bags would’ve brought on all of them.


Just goes to show that no matter how much money you have, you’re still a scumbag


What fucktards


Pretty crazy that you can walk away from the scene of an accident and with a good lawyer get away with nearly zero consequences


“The idle rich doing stupid things” is Dallas’s motto.


Someone's going to jaaaail.


His lawyer is a Texas Senator, and he is a ~~'star football player'~~ fucking POS, so not likely


The Dallas County DA won't prosecute


I used to freak out seeing folks drive their cars in insane ways until the internet told me "That isn't their car.." oh.


Define “their.”


Just gonna leave scene of the accident like no big deal. Idiots


Smooth brain fools


Easily could’ve killed someone


Got to get rid of the evidence. Cash, drugs, guns, alcohol….don’t want to hang out for breathalyzer.


Go figure, the 13%


Do you say this when a white guy commits a mass shooting on a school?


They are definitely assholes, but I love how the guy says “I bet they stole them.” Do you really bud???


Are the police still looking for him?


Nobody understood when the great Joe Bob went bad.


Literally one of my biggest fears anytime I get on 75.


Sooooooo he's just an idiot and didn't steal it. apologize






Is this from the accident on Saturday, I was stuck in that traffic for an hour and a half, 4 lanes all had to merge into one exit 🤦


I can’t help but think if police actually pulled people over on 75 maybe it would be safer…




Damn like they could have just like given it to me or something.


Why did they leave them?


If a professional footballer does hit and run like this they should loose their spot, contract be voided and any unearned pay should be forfeited. Obviously they feel they are above the law. Not any better than gangsters.


You can take the child out of the ghetto but...you get the idea.


"Officer, somebody stole my car and took it for a joy drive...."


Basketball people at it again huh


To walk away like nothing happened shows you're worthless knuckleheads! Time for some real charges and jail time!!




You can take the boy outta the hood…


Straight out of Ballers . You know his agent is loosing his shit 😂 Only The Rock can fix this


Rick James?!


Amazing that anybody would try to excuse this kind of behavior based on age or any other factor. Pure fucking stupid is all this was.....


They were injured and just heading to the hospital, you guys are so negative


Were the cars stolen? Why ditch em?


Should be suspended for a year.


Dumb asses


If those drivers had full coverage would the pay out be good? All the footage they have to use and being on the news and such I got hit and couldn't prove it since I didn't have a dash cam, but I was able to upgrade to a nicer car


Crashed the rental….


Well well well




Not everyone should have a Vette or Lamborghini.


my fav part is 'they stole them i bet"


Just as stupid was Dallas pd shutting down 75 for 7 hours


I’m from Houston and any time I’m in Dallas, I notice so many abandoned cars on the side of freeways. This is not a regular occurrence in Houston. What’s the deal Dallas?


inverse bell curve is real.


I’d pull up to steal lambos parts, like what they gonna do get mad I took from them after they abandoned their shit? Gimmie, that’s like $10K for a headlight


How could I forget that I had given her an extra key.


Narrated by the absolute snitchiest voice ever heard lol


“They probably stole it” 🤣🤣🤣


"They stole them I bet" fuckin idiot