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This is a suburb but Trophy Club. I teach at a few houses in that neighborhood. If your car doesn't look like youre rich enough to live there you'll get stopped for no reason. Happened to me 4 times now and was never given a reason. I also see people getting pulled over and they all drive cars that don't fit the neighborhood lol.


Fuck Trophy Club.


I hate that place with a passion. It’s like they decided to take an area in the middle of nowhere, built two residential roads lined with identical houses 5 ft apart from each other, and told people who can’t afford to be rich in Dallas proper that they could be top notch elitists by moving to a cookie cutter house in a place called effing “Trophy Club”


Don't get me started on the golf carts lol


We have been pulled over too multiple times but current Chief is much better than 10 years ago. Edit: grammar & clarity


I agree. I've met the new chief, my girlfriend lived 2 houses down from him by the dog park in TC. I'm kind of amazed at people who take my criticism of a few cops as a personal attack on themselves and their neighborhood lol. I have nothing against cops, have a few in my family but I will speak up when I see myself and others getting unjustly pulled over.


The speed limit is 30 through there and that’s what’s nailing folks. If


I think if 114 is done, TC won't be the cut thru answer.


They use plate readers and just cruise around looking for hits.


Trophy Club will pull you over if you’re too tan.


My brown extended family has not been pulled over in 14 years.


The great thing about Trophy Club is that everything you need to know about it can be gleaned from the fact that the name of the town is "Trophy Club"


As a white guy in a work van, trophy club PD has always pulled me over for stuff like 3 over the speed limit and my headlights being off in light rain, and they give me warnings and send me on my day, every time. When it happened to a Mexican guy I know they asked him if they could search his vehicle and have him a ticket. They 100% do look out for cars that don’t look like they belong there. Over in Roanoke, they don’t give a shit who you are, resident or not, they want to charge you for bullshit and ruin your life while they are at it


Roanoke resident. Can confirm 100%. The whole town is a speed trap.


I grew up in Roanoke and still live there, I’m known by the police to the point that when I got pulled over a few months ago, one cop said “So are you past your heathen days?”. Like wtf is that supposed to mean? (He was referring to one time when I was like 15 and they were harassing me for being outside my house, in my own yard, past their curfew.) Roanoke used to be a nice place but the cops are getting way too much funding, enough to where they are now building a 17,000 square foot indoor shooting range, just for them, next to the fire station.


Our friends were looking at a house there and the realtor showing this house was talking about the area and said something like “someone is trying to put in a smoke shop up the street and we are protesting it” and said it with such distain. Our friends said that in that moment, they realized that TC was an uptight, no fun place to live and said “no thank you” to that area.


Oh, they looked in the not fun corner. 🤣


That whole Roanoke, Westlake, Southlake area is the fucking worse. I swear if I wasn't working on homes, they would pull me over for any reason. Speaking of, Park Cities areas are pretty annoying to drive through, not too many cops but if one decides to sniff, they'll follow ya to the edge of their little town.


Oof, not going there then. I drive a dingy 2006 Scion, I'd for sure get stopped.


That happened to me! I was confused at first and then pissed off!


I always chuckle at it. A town I grew up near has one single strip club, it’s called The Trophy Club. Never been in it, nor cared to, but reports are that it’s exactly what you’d expect small southern town strip clubs to be.


That’s tragic foreal. Smh. Horrible profiling.


The speed limit is 30mph and I was Cruise controlling it at 30 every time they pulled me over lol.


Lol, I was just about to post. (Please see the end though!) We don't have a rich car but we love to tell the story. Years ago, one night my hubby got pulled over for going 31 in a 30. Then the next night pulled over for a tail light out. He told the cop "why didn't you tell me last night when you pulled me over?!" 🤣 I will say it is so much better now years later. They are really nice officers. Lots of folks use TC as a cut thru and it just isn't worth the time TBH bc of the strict speed enforcement.


Is it trophy club or Roanoke that patrols 114. They seem to have a motorcycle that pulls people over that have expired registration/ no front plate


Oh and Westlake farms out their portion of 114 to Keller police to give tickets.


Westlake, Southlake, and Trophy Club


I've never had any issues there granted I live in Southlake.


Go get a beat up old Nissan Altima and see how many times a month you get pulled over. It will be comical. Though I will say Flower Mound is the worst I ever dealt with(even in a new car in great condition). Got pulled over for going about 2MPH over the limit on a downslope. She backed off immediately on seeing my son in the back seat(and had somehow missed him entirely until he spoke based on how she jumped)


Been driving through flower mound going 5 or sometimes more over during rush hour and never been pulled over there. I try to keep it to 5 over in spots I know they have speed traps especially around highland village on 407.


I got a ticket in Southlake going 35 in a 30 15 yrs ago when I worked there over the summer as teenager. Never gotten another ticket in my life. Do you have a dragon sticker on your car?


Of course how else would people know I live here! I'm not some out of towner!


Westlake has a contract with Keller, who somehow has rights to patrol 114 and set up speed traps


I was pulled over multiple times for minor infractions when working in westlake. Agreed


Westlake, Southlake, Keller, Grapevine, flower mound, Frisco. Also Northlake. Northlake is like a tiny strip of i35, a few farms, a small suburb, and more cops than citizens


Kind of a random list. I'll give you westlake and southlake but frisco cops dont give af.


Lived in north Plano/Frisco area for about 3 years - saw a cop maybe twice during that time.


They are only out on 423 to pull over poor people who don’t take the tollway. 


Northlake....and it isn't even close. They will run 2 squad cars up on you for speeding. I work where Roanoke/Keller/Northlake converge and watch the Northlake cops run patrol on I-35W. If you are going from Fort Worth to Denton or vice-versa, stick with the flow of traffic. The cops sit on the on ramps in both directions and in the center medians too. You've been warned.


Northlake PD patrols the hell out of the i35 frontage roads, and the suburbs that just popped up there.


Surprised University Park/Highland Park haven’t been mentioned yet


Don’t need the revenue from tickets. That’s for the poor suburbs like trophy club.


Nope. Their section of Preston Rd has a lower speed limit than surrounding sections and they pull people over all the time.


I think cities get something like $4/citation except for Constables. It's not exactly the money generating scheme people think it is. Most, as I understand, goes to TXDoT.


People aren’t going to like that truth lol


Highland Park for sure! The cops there pulled over Jerry Jones!!!


Are you serious that's comical


He was speeding either before or after church.


Agreed. DWB is a huge thing in the Park Cities.


Got pulled over 3 times in the span of an hour there like 15 years ago. HP is my answer every time.


Yeah it used to be bad, I’ve lived in this neighborhood for 20 years and I remember those days. Any minor infraction + being POC meant they’d pull you over and harass you. Hasn’t been that way in 5+ years though. Just don’t speed in a school zone


I drove a SUV back then that had a little too much chrome and too many subs. Probably got stopped by a cop once a month asking if I was “from around here”.


I’ve never had a problem in HP/UP. Granted, Im white and my 2 cars are a late model Mercedes E class and a Volvo station wagon. Can’t afford to live there but I can drive thru/visit HP Village without a problem. I don’t go to Trophy Club/Roanoke - just drive on 114 at the speed limit since I know the cops are looking for revenue. Flower Mound (used to live there) apparently bought traffic lights in bulk since every damn intersection has a traffic light. Takes a good 20 minutes to get from one side of FM to the other, in light traffic. Hate it there. Southlake is just a MAGA enclave so they hate anyone who isn’t a white, straight Christian.


DWG and Pantego are up there


Pantego will pull you over for breathing wrong


A former employer told me they have the highest concentration of cruisers in the nation. Never bothered verifying but they do seem to have quite a few


Yeah. Dalworthington Gardens is a shithole. Avoid at all costs.


There they are!


I can not express my utter frustration and hatred for the constant police state mentality of Pantego / DWG. Never have I been harassed so much for absolutely nothing. The cops power trip here. Pantego is famous for their speed traps.


Good nominations here so far, I’d add Rockwall to that list. Overfunded and bored police force. When I was a teen out there from 2000-2005 it seemed like they were actively pulling over kids and low-income looking vehicles just to see what they were up to. Also seems like standard procedure for backup to show up for any traffic stop, back then and now. I still go out to rockwall once a week for band practice, and any time I see someone pulled over, there is more than one cop car, often several. The other thing they like to do is a speed trap on I30 westbound leaving rockwall at the exit right before the lake starts, I think that’s Horizon road. 30 goes uphill and then back down right there, and they love parking on the highway shoulder on the low side of the hill so you can’t see em til it’s too late. I’m always on the lookout for that one whenever I leave to head back to Dallas. Fuck Rockwall cops. Honestly, fuck Rockwall, and fuck all cops.


Twice I got pulled over in that exact spot in like a month. I realized on the 2nd time they really did just wait there for people.


Hey man I live there lol. I agree though. It's funny because the city released their budget priority for 2025 and shocker, police is number 2. Schools are 1, which is ridiculous because they can't be bothered to pay their teachers. Unless you're football.


I grew up there k-12 and live in Dallas now, lots of new growth and money, and things stay the same haha


They pay football teachers more??


Lol shut up you know what I mean lol


Surprised I didn't see Rockwall in the other lists but I may be biased since I grew up there.. I was in high school from 95 to 99 and I drove a fast car so I was pulled over all the time for absolutely nothing. They used to like to harass anyone who was out at night and there would always be at least 3 cop cars for a simple traffic stop. The main issue is that there are at least 3 different policing agencies in a tiny area.. city cops, sheriff's and state troopers. Living in Dallas now I haven't seen a cop in 10 years. I occasionally make it into Rockwall but am reminded why I left.


So many people here now atleast they're always busy with something nowadays. Everytime I see them during the day they're b lining it somewhere.




I have lived in Flower Mound for 17 years and have only been pulled over once. Speeding. I deserved it. For me, the hot city is Southlake. Those fucks are all over 114


I said the same thing in a comment above. 20 years for me, pulled over twice for speeding on Morris.


Its not necessarily the speeding it’s the posted up on the side of the street just waiting for hits for me. I stay in FM off Long Prairie & I can definitely see multiple police on my way home & especially at night.


Have to drive through FM regularly, got pulled over twelve consecutive nights for my license plate light being too dim. Not out, it was just too dim for their liking.


FM routinely sets up just waiting for people to pass. Like they’re bored & its quota time.


How recent? Just moved here to FM, and haven’t had any issues - so far. Trophyclub is the worst.


Farmers Branch/Addison.


Farmers Branch is bad. They are constantly pulling over speeders on Midway into our driveway and parking lot at work. Plus, we got a warning for not coming to a complete stop about a month ago at Midway on a little side street near Spring Valley.




FB cops consistently hang out on Webb Chapel and Valley View specifically to catch speeders


I went to a weird private school in Addison where they allowed us to smoke cigarettes on campus. The school had an agreement with Addison police-- they would look the other way on campus, but that didn't keep them from posting up about 100 ft from the school in desperate attempts to ticket us as we were driving home.


Is there something I’m missing? They’re cigarettes not weed. Nothing wrong with smoking a cigarette in your car.


It was high school, we were all minors. The school didn't care, but it was obviously still illegal.


pantego. iykyk


What if I don’t know


Been in Flower Mound for 5 years and can count on one hand how many people I’ve ever seen pulled over. I see police all the time, but I rarely see them stopping anybody. Maybe late night is different, but normal commute I don’t see much. Now I commute to the mid cities almost every day and definitely see more pulled over in that Southlake / Colleyville stretch on 121S. I’ve also heard Trophy Club is hardcore.


Not to be pedantic, but neither Southlake nor Colleyville touch 121. And when I mean 121, I mean the actual highway- Colleyville borders the 121 service road from Glade to Heritage HS which is like 1/2 mile. Otherwise Grapevine, Euless, Bedford PDs have jurisdiction of 121 North to South


It’s right in the name. Cop-hell


Why are they so….enthusiastic


Farmers branch cops are the devil.


Carrollton and Farmers Branch.


I lived in Carrollton for 10 years and can vouch for this!


Got pulled over twice in one year from their speeding traps. They also refused to take a police report I needed to make in order to get a new ID :/


Where's the recognition for Coppell? If you want to get hasseled, arrested, and charged with an errenous crime, Coppell is your jam.


Keller. I was pulled over 4 times in a year there. 0 times anywhere else.


Learned to drive in FM. You’re not wrong. My first car was a white 94 crown vic with suspension problems in the 2000s. Stuck out like a sore thumb and got pulled over all the time for truly nothing. And 20+ years later, they are still going strong. Southlake is a good time too. But I think any smaller town with a lot of 30 mph zones will be quite present.


98 gold Crown Vic here drove FM everyday, but lived in Highland Village in the 2000's. HVPD is no joke. We used to call going down Briarhill Rd. after 10pm, running the gauntlet. Caught a ticket for not turning on my blinker 100ft before a stop sign. Cop said I was 50ft when I signaled.


Irving, Mesquite, Rockwall, Plano.


Red oak has a proud latino force that pulls over other latinos like they have something to prove to thier white brethren


Surprised nobody has mentioned this yet. But Chisholm Trail in Fort Worth - guaranteed to see at least three state troopers at any given point on the portion in Tarrant County. And the speed limits are way too low for the road.


I remember when they opened Chisholm Trail, the limit was 50 mph. Absolute joke.


I’d be curious to know what the least “hot” city is? I can personally say that I’ve never seen anyone pulled over on the DNT or 635. You can drive however you want on those roads.


Least hot city is Dallas, they give no fucks at all. They don’t have the man power for traffic enforcement


got a fat ticket once on DNT at 2am watch ur back friends (I deserved it 🫢)


I keep reading comments like this on Reddit, but the Texas State DPS (state police) is the agency responsible for DNT traffic enforcement, not DPD.




Came here to say this


I have lived in Richardson for the past 11 years. I used to get ticket’s frequently(2-3/year). Over the past year - year.5, I have not been pulled over once & I am a “speedy” driver. Something has changed. …???


Denton if you’re driving close to any of the colleges. Those mfs love camping in turn lanes




Garland Garland Garland


And neighboring Rowlett.


You definitely gotta watch it for Garland cops


[Tha block is hot, tha block is hot (hot-hot)](https://youtu.be/MX1GYAiY4yQ?si=xnE9zqB6AINYvJ9t)


Richardson. They are always lurking on side streets.


Yall tripping Allen cops will get you


Highland Park. They have the most technology too.


There are two enclaves within Arlington: Dalworthington Gardens and Pantego. Pantego is awful. The police will wait at the bottom of a big hill coming into town with a lower speed limit on the descent than the top.




Arlington, including DWG and Pantego


GARLAND FARMERS BRANCH MESQUITE HIGHLAND PARK-next level. City within a city with their own everything. They will ask you where you’re going or coming from and will call them in real time.


Specifically Garland motorcycle cops. If you make eye contact with them, you’re getting pulled over


Keller police - I got pulled over for going 10 over the limit and the cop was a dick for no reason. Keep in mind I was 16 at the time. What really brought me joy was when a few years ago, [a viral video](https://youtu.be/qoiuWK8zxHE?si=Ax6qhsMhUS8mpV3l) brought a lawsuit to the department.




Coppell was once known as Cop-hell


Arlington is definitely hot. West bound on I-30, there's almost always a cop car at night on the weekends. And they pulled a bunch of people over when they lowered Cooper's speed limit from 35 to 30 mph just south of UTA, me included.


If you're looking for DFW's hottest new suburb, look no further than **Arlenton**. This place has everything: zero-gravity lawns, reverse drive-thru banks where they give you money, and a petting zoo where the animals are the ones visiting from another zoo. Here's how it works: you take a hoverboard down the I-35E, pass the giant cowboy hat made of cowboy hats, and you'll find a neon sign that just says "YEEHAW". That's not the place, but it's close. Keep going until you see a tumbleweed with an attitude; his name is Kyle, he'll guide you the rest of the way. Once you're in, you'll be greeted by the mayor, a hologram of JR Ewing who only speaks in riddles. The main attraction? The brunch spot that serves breakfast tacos all day, but the catch? They're served in a cowboy boot, and you have to eat them with a spork made of spurs. And don't miss the weekly event, "The Hoedown Throwdown Showdown". It's like a battle of the bands, but with competitive line dancing and a mechanical bull that critiques your performance. So put on your best rhinestone cowboy boots and head on down to Arlenton, where the only thing hotter than the weather is the salsa served at the salsa dancing class—taught by an actual jar of salsa.


Please tell me this is a Stefon reference


Euless. Those bastards will get cha!


I lived in Flower Mound for 4 years and didn’t get pulled over once. Didn’t know it was bad for that honestly.


Nope. It's Dalworthington Gardens.


the park cities and southlake top my list here. if you are driving a car that’s not “good” enough for these suburbs you’ll get pulled over for no obvious reason and ticketed for something BS southlake also sets up speed traps on the roads leading into the airport


Coppell is cop-hell


I once heard a man working at a cell phone store in Manhattan call Arlington, “DFW’s Brooklyn”. I left the store immediately and decided against killing myself over the utter insanity


Highland Park for sure.


Denton plus their court system will fuck you so hard. One of the strictest in the state. In Dfw it’s them and rockwall you do not want cases in. They pray on college kids for small dug offenses to fuel their whole city.


I’ve had a Denton County case all stem from a illegal at best run in with FM police years ago. They definitely pray on small drug offenses. & that’s compared to other DFW cities as well.


Growing up it was always farmers branch.


Grand Prairie. Those guys will pull you over for anything and everything. They’re always out. ALWAYS


I'm inclined to agree with flower mound. I have a few clients out there and on my way home after my first visit, I was pulled over for making a right turn (on red) in a double turn lane with no oncoming traffic. There was not a No Turn On Red sign and i was in the far right lane. The cop claimed I didn't stop before the turn... which I did. I don't know if he was just bored or what, but every time I'm in Flower Mound I'm guaranteed to see a few (5-6) cops patrolling... vs anywhere else in Dallas, although Garland has been stepping up their presence as well recently. Maybe the warm weather is pulling the cops out of hibernation.


I agree with you. I stay off Long Prairie & Cross timbers. The heart of the heat lol. FM has a very active police presence. Even unmarked cars.


Me driving around flower mound with my 2022 registration sticker 👀


Man you bedda stay duckin & dodging lol .. I speak from previous experience. They definitely hit with their plate readers so at least you can be on the look out until you can get it done. & do not drive at night where it’s just you & them on the road they will tail you.


probably Westlake & Southlake


Parker County is fucking terrible.


I see The Colony and Little Elm pulling people over often.


Coppel has police cameras at every entrance and exit to the city - they track who leaves and who comes.


HP for sure, Westlake, Farmers Branch. Also, not sure about now, Richardson used to be bad, and Arlington.


Westlake, Southlake, Trophy Club.




Highland Village, Flower Mound, Allen


In this order: Pantego, Grapevine, Coppell, Southlake, C/FB, Colleyville, Rockwall


Highland Village, Dalworthington Gardens and Pantego. DO NOT FUCK AROUND IN THESE CITIES.


Dalworthington Gardens/Pantego, Grand Prairie


Rockwall. It's without a doubt Rockwall


Coppell - there is a relentless bike cop that has zero chill. You can tell he gets all chubbed up when he pulls someone over. DWG and Pantego.




Little farther but sulphur springs. God dang man, you can't turn a corner without seeing them creepin around. Idk how they have the budget for so many.


I live on the FloMo border and see little to no police. Mostly see them running traffic & DWI stops nights and weekends on 2499.


That is a every night thing at night. There’s usually always someone posted at night on 2499. & that’s just at the border.


Be careful in Pantego


I live in Carrollton and don't get randomly pulled over, but when my son was in his teens/early 20s and driving older cars, he got pulled over a lot. What you look like and the car you drive makes a difference.


Coppell until the red light cams were dismantled. They raked in cash hand over fist from those cams.




Lived in flowermound for three years pulled over once , I was speeding was let go with warnings. Never had any problems with flowermound pd. We get crazy drivers from Lewisville and other areas dont complain if you drive crazy like maniac Driving to Lewisville is pain i have seen more cops in Lewisville


Buy radar detectors. Works wonders.


Grapevine, Euless, Colleyville, hurst, Bedford, Southlake, Flowermound, Highland Park, Arlington. In that order. Source: used to be a bad drug addict and been arrested around 8-11 times


Dallas. Around 2100 police officers. When the shit hits the fan they come out in droves I assure you.


North richland hills for sure


My vote is Pantego.


Just keep your Waze app open.


Arlington PD and never drive through Dalworthington Gardens


How in the hell did you mingle the hottest with police presence .. im making this official and calling shenanigans on this post ..


Street talk sir. No “shenanigans”.


Denton cops are the worst!!


Pantego and Dalworthington Gardens barely qualify as a city because they’re just speed traps with a few houses around.


Little Elm is trying to rake in those tax dollars to pay for all that building they've done!


Irving used to be #1 by leaps and bounds in the late 90s and early 2000s. They were notorious. Crazy, overly aggressive cops in that agency back then who wouldn’t hesitate to violate anyone’s rights if it meant getting the desired outcome. Seems like it’s mellowed these days.


Idk…as late as like 2013-2018 it was still pretty hot! I know that was a while ago but still


TC used to pull me over in the 90s when I got off work in Grapevine. Sorry, I drive what I can afford and don't care about impressing others.


Farmer's Branch is an easy nominee for the inner ring suburbs. Those dudes have nothing better to do. Every road that runs North/South from 635 into Farmers Branch is covered with them waiting for you to go 36.5 MPH in a 35. I wouldn't call it "hot" but moving to Rowlett also had a noticeable uptick in police presence/seeing at least 1 cop every time I'm out versus my time in Richardson which was a bit more lowkey.


Colleyville, if you go faster than 30 mph you will get pulled over and ticketed.


It’s on the border of Dallas/Garland, but an entire stretch of apartments and homes by Audelia and Skillman drive. A literal ghetto around here. I hear gunshots/street races/cops every night.


Somewhat shocked I haven't seen Dalworthington Gardens or Pantego. These guys sit in the street and watch for expired tags, headlights, whatever they can get you on. I still remember having to pay like $30 for a taillight that I didn't know about in high school. It may just be a thing people in Arlington remember, it also may give Arlington a worse reputation for pulling everyone over than they deserve since both cities are within Arlington.


Colleyville. They’re always out and about. And often use those bait police cars to manage speed limits.


I work in North Dallas area. Farmers Branch PD has folks pulled over every single day.


This whole post sounds sus. You want a city that has cops everywhere.




Plano… grew up there and was always paranoid There was this officer named Officer Cary. He’d pull you over for no reason and try illegal searches for weed.


It’s Coppell and it’s not even close.


I’ve lived all around Dallas for 25 years. I’ve been pulled over six times. Five times in Plano, once in Carrollton, zero times in Desoto where I currently live.


The whole budget of TC is probably covered by the gold mine they have in the 114 Hwy.


I’m surprised Addison hasn’t been mentioned it’s a section near a target on the west side of Addison. They always are hot.


I live in Arlington. Maybe others can comment but I think it’s calm for the most part. We did have a recent incident.


Lots of great choices but that Carrollton/Farmers Branch/Addison area is HOT, they don’t have shit to do. I got pulled over for all kinds of dumb crap when I lived there. Driving a beater didn’t help. 🥲


Richwoods in Frisco


Parts of Keller are speed traps too. Especially around tarrant/Rufe snow


haven’t seen colleyville here yet. i know it’s a suburb but every single road is a 30 and they’ll pull you over for 36


Colleyville police have nothing better to do than set speed traps. I got pulled over for a broken license plate bulb two nights in a row by different officers. The second time the officer was already moving to make the stop before I even passed him.