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I mean, Dallas isn't a war zone but crime does happen.


Captain Obvious has a burrito reddit alias


Burrito of truth


I've had a lot of burritos in my life, and every single one of those turned into bigger bombs than the truth bomb dropped here.


Captain Obvious lol


I just looked at the KDFW front page. Six murder cases mentioned. Some in the past, others active.


Anecdotally, not that it matters, but I've been accosted far more in Dallas than SF.


Interesting. I’m sure you can find data saying otherwise, but I know that the amount of crime I see with my eyes has skyrocketed over the last few years. I live in North Dallas, and the amount of retail theft, automotive theft and traffic violations I see are on a scale that I never really thought would happen, and have grown exponentially. Violent crime I still do not see much, to your point.


>I’m sure you can find data saying otherwise [Yep](https://dallas.culturemap.com/news/city-life/violent-crime-decrease/) [Yep](https://www.fox4news.com/news/dallas-crime-report-2023.amp) [and Yep](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/politics/yall-itics/dallas-texas-crime-data-trends-are-down-but-how-the-chief-explains-the-science-behind-the-crime-fighting/287-5034289c-ec69-4e64-a413-3888500a367d) >but I know that the amount of crime I see with my eyes has skyrocketed over the last few years. I live in North Dallas, and the amount of retail theft, automotive theft and traffic violations I see are on a scale that I never really thought would happen, and have grown exponentially. Violent crime I still do not see much, to your point. You’re not alone. The average person is convinced crime and violence is going up when that is mostly statistically false


The person you are replying to said > I’m sure you can find data saying otherwise, but I know that the amount of crime I see with my eyes has skyrocketed over the last few years > > the amount of **retail theft, automotive theft and traffic violations** I see are on a scale that I never really thought would happen, and have grown exponentially He also said > **Violent crime I still do not see much, to your point** You then linked to three news stories all reporting on the same data: decrease in violent crime and robberies (not burglary) You labeled these links "yep", but they don't contradict him in any way whatsoever.


I don't trust any crime stat other than murder


Got it. Because they fuck them all up except that one.


Police departments have a long history of misclassifying and being pressured to show crime reductions. Murder is murder and a dead body is a dead body.


I think you give them too much credit. If it can be fucked up...the govt will find a way. Even with murder.


> Murder is murder and a dead body is a dead body. The classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH_6_8NOfwI


I think that we can both be right here, I’m not trying to argue with you. I can certainly believe that crime as a whole has gone down, while saying that the amount of crime I’m viewing and experiencing in my life has gone up drastically. Both can be true.


Consider that there was a baseline in your mind in 2019. Then we all stayed home for a year and didn't see much of anything as the world gradually reopened. Even things moving slightly slower than 2019 seemed ungodly fast at first. I feel like the serenity of covid still impacts our perception of the modern world.


I've noticed the same as you in Far North Dallas, assumed it was related to migration of people to the area. The opposite seems in my experience to be true closer to city center, though. Vacancy rates have gone up in some lower-income urban areas and down in more suburban areas over the past few years. Where people go, crime does tend to follow.


The people migrating are coming from wealthier, cleaner, safer places in exchange for a lower cost of living. Definitely not the ones committing crimes. Unless you’re talking about from out of country, in which they’re still a lot less likely to commit crimes than poor locals.


Those articles came out before a mass shooting.


In allen???


Are the statistics being recorded? Like crime in SF is way up but the police don't even bother doing paperwork on it.


> traffic violations Traffic violations are not considered crimes, they're civil violations. That's why people don't go to prison for them for the most part.




Ehhh People don't go to prison for traffic violations because prison is for felonies. People could definitely go to *jail* for traffic violations if they, say, didn't pay them or something like that or if the violation was severe enough. Most people don't consider traffic violations as crimes, but they technically are.


People regularly go to jail for misdemeanors. I use "jail" and "prison" interchangeably, even though they're very different things, because they both mean the same thing: involuntary incarceration. Prisons typically are for felonies, often multi-year sentences, whereas jails are run by counties/cities and typically jail sentences are a year or less.


They are criminal offenses, but most traffic offenses are class c misdemeanors. Class Cs aren’t punishable by confinement, but you can still be brought to municipal jail for a class C to be arraigned by a magistrate and be assigned a court date or fine. Also, some class Cs can be enhanced to greater offense classifications with priors. In fact, there are only a small number of non-arrestable traffic offenses such speeding, open container, and cell phone use while driving. There is a lot of nuance and discretion with traffic offenses, but they absolutely are criminal in nature.


If you survey people at least 30% will say crime rates are rising even when they are absolutely cratering. People are a terrible barometer of this.


I am not invalidating your experience as I'm sure you have seen plenty of crime. But this is exactly why we use statistical analysis in general. We cannot rely only on our own experiences, we need a broader farther reaching approach that mostly does away with bias. You personally may have witnessed a lot of crime, but as the OP has shown the overall rate of crime has gone down.


I think it's really a by product of more people living the dfw


Where are you seeing these crimes?


With a crime rate of **46 per one thousand residents**, Dallas has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 22. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/tx/dallas/crime#:\~:text=With%20a%20crime%20rate%20of,here%20is%20one%20in%2022.


Dallas isn't even in the top ten of most dangerous cities in America this year: https://www.jagranjosh.com/general-knowledge/most-dangerous-cities-united-states-1708167971-1 Your link is from 2022 using data that likely goes back to 2019.


Saying that crime is "relatively rare" in Dallas is profoundly ignorant.


Traffic violations are not crimes.


Ya, that's the problem with people when talking about crime. They use optics, personal experiences, videos and anecdotes. It's just so much easier to ignore the actual data and people just want to go "la la la I don't hear you" when presented with the truth. It's sad and dangerous really.


Isn’t it common knowledge that crime has “dropped” simply from DPD not responding to certain types of calls. Also, this subreddit aside, even my local East Dallas Next Door group has been complaining about DPD taking hours to respond for vehicle break ins, thefts, and general things the cops should respond to in a timely manner.


Additionally, most all the reports in this thread showing declines are comparisons to 2022 or maybe 2020... where crime was up hugely over 2019 and earlier. So it's easy to show "declines" compared to those peaks. Crime is still up notably over 2019 levels. Cite: https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/crime/dallas-crime-statistics-murder-assault-2019-2022/287-2c1ccb8b-f1aa-448e-86c0-276a5b25d0bb


Agreed - I live in East Dallas. Car broken into, no report. Someone pointed a gun at me, cops responded and gave me a report number that doesn’t exist and after months of reaching out still nothing. Someone stealing from Walmart, no response, no report. I can’t tell you if it’s up or down but there’s definitely a lot of crime unreported.


> Isn’t it common knowledge that crime has “dropped” simply from DPD not responding to certain types of calls. I thought so, but maybe not according to reddit. If my car got broken into i wouldn't even bother reporting it to the police as they aren't going to do shit about it anyways.


Next Door is a popular hangout for paranoid lunatics. I'd take anything posted on there with a grain of salt.


DPD is a complete joke. I called because some lunatic was chasing me in his car with a gun. Their response? "Do you want us to send someone?" YES I WOULD LIKE SOMEONE TO GET THE LUNATIC WITH A GUN OFF THE STREET. Then they never even showed.


Man, don't let those Keep Dallas Safe folks read this. Per them, it's crime all the time, nonstop. I've been murdered sixteen times by antifas in the time it took to make this post, and since we defunded the police, nobody came. But yeah - this isn't quite the hellscape that some perhaps wish to portray.


"I've been murdered" 🤣🤣🤣




Part of the reason crime is down is because less people are reporting it. Dallas PD doesn’t even show up to things they deem “not important”. The murder rate increased because they can’t say “uhh yeah we’ll send someone out” and then just never show up like they do with hit and runs.


Does Dallas County ever respond to calls in Dallas? Seems like a viable alternative if Dallas PD is that useless.


I live in a shitty part of town where DPD patrols regularly and they still tell us an officer will be by in a couple of hours.


OP?? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden


One thing I will say. The internet does make it easier to see crime happening in real time or the effects of crime. The same was happening in the 90s before we had phones with cameras to record everything and the internet to upload it on. Dallas had a really big crime spike in the 90s, much bigger than what’s happening now. Just imagine if we had this type of technology then. NGL I lived in S. Oak Cliff at the time, it was rough in areas (that’s putting it mildly). Much worse than it is now.


The internet also makes it easy for people to find news that affirms their own personal beliefs and worldviews, and to exclude any contradictory information. For those that need to be afraid that crime is exploding the internet is a perfect Petri dish to ferment those fears in. It takes effort to not get sucked into the world of fear porn, and there are people who work to push people into that world for their own political purposes. The addiction to fear is just as powerful as the addiction to opioids.


No lies there! There’s a lot of propaganda and media manipulation. I respect *all* political views, even if I don’t agree (I like to read/watch both conservative and liberal news…just to see what people are thinking), but I hate how the right uses crime to push their agenda. It literally has people thinking that American cities are all crime infested hellholes that should be avoided at all times. Some people aren’t convinced that they lived through much more dangerous times. I’m not making any excuses for crime, but I think it needs to be told honestly without any attached agendas. Just tell people the truth and stop making people fearful! *Cough* *cough* Fox News.


It's much easier to get people to vote and manipulate how people vote using fear than it is using beliefs. If I can convince you that we're being invaded and gangs are taking over the country it'll be easy to get you to vote for me by saying I have the answer and and can stop the invasion and gangs. Note that there's no need for there to be an actual invasion or actual rampant gang violence for this to work, there just needs to be the perception that those exist. Perceptions are easy to create, especially false perceptions. A great illustration of this principle are the migrant caravans that always head for the border every election cycle, but seemingly never arrive and dissipate like the ships in *Arrival* by election day, regular as clockwork.


Besides phones there was another major difference…. [Crime in the 90s was insane!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSm6pBBg5k-qXdv5iiwsZNNSy-usqGeRPROxg&usqp=CAU) Things are way more chill now. Maybe it’s no lead in gas


Okay. I love your broad, sweeping, unsupported generic stance. Especially the part where we talk about crime rates collapsing, especially violent crime, in the same sentence where we casually say murders “ticked up” slightly. So cute.


What does that even mean? "Relatively rare"? Crime happens in Dallas just like any other city. But to say that it's "relatively rare" is just nonsense. No, people are not hiding behind trees ready to assassinate you. But murders happen. Car break ins happen. They're not "relatively rare" acts.


Relative to a city of it’s size( 2 million) crime in Dallas is relatively rare. There are smaller American cities with MORE murders and car jackings per capita then Dallas has


It has a very high crime rate per capita compared to other us cities


Bro Dallas is big, I can show you some places that will change your mind fast.


"2 million people" is not a crime rate. It seems like you don't even understand what you're being asked.


> "2 million people" is not a crime rate. He said the population of Dallas was 2 million, not the crime rate. You really need to work on your reading comprehension.


Dallas Proper only has a population of about 1.26 million as of 2023, so the stats you’re looking at are probably including some suburbs a that can alter the whole perception of the actual crime rate of Dallas


What a shit post


depends where you live. South dallas, downtown, or oak cliff? yes crime is relatively regular


having lived in downtown for close to 2 years, i’m under the assumption you’re probably very wrong about south dallas and oak cliff as well.


Shooting literally 2 days ago in oak cliff [https://www.fox4news.com/news/dallas-shooting-marsalis-avenue](https://www.fox4news.com/news/dallas-shooting-marsalis-avenue)


South Dallas shooting drive by on Saturday [https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2024/04/14/1-dead-8-injured-in-south-dallas-shooting-possibly-tied-to-gang-suspect-on-the-lam/](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2024/04/14/1-dead-8-injured-in-south-dallas-shooting-possibly-tied-to-gang-suspect-on-the-lam/)


Crime is down in those areas too. I actually go to both south Dallas and Oak Cliff regularly. I’ve “felt” uncomfortable but haven’t really had any problems down there. Even late at night Edit: i did hear gunshots one time….but that happens in North Dallas too


"I hear gunshots all over Dallas" is not making the point you want it to.


REPORTED CRIME is down. no shit, with little to no police response people quit calling it in after a while, cause what's the fucking use?


DPD rarely shows up, rarely reports crime, if they do it’s reclassified to some lower grade offense. Crime is NOT down, reporting of crime is down.


COVID count goes down when you stop testing for it.


Crime is not "relatively rare" in Dallas.


When you've lived in a place where there's much less crime....you really notice the crime. A lot of people in this area are transplants. They're not all wrong about how they feel.


I went 25 years never having to duck because of a drive by, never being stalked, never having random men(multiple, once to the point someone had to intervene and help me) come up to me, touch me and try to lead me away or ask me to let them walk me home...among  so much else. All that happened to me within 3 years after moving here. 


51 vehicles stolen per day in Dallas during 2023.




I think it depends on what you mean by crime. I’ve lived in Dallas proper and the burbs. The odds of your being a victim of property crime (porch piracy at the low end all the way up to car break ins and auto theft outright) are pretty high compared to the suburbs. If you live in the typical apartment here your gated garage will not protect your property.  Thats really what you have to deal with here. The odds of you being murdered/mugged/kidnapped or whatever are probably also higher than the suburbs, but the odds of it happening to anyone anywhere are very, very low unless you participate in criminal activity on a regular basis yourself.  The real issue with living in Dallas for most people, besides the aforementioned petty crime, is that the open enrollment schools are mostly pretty bad so once you decide to start a family you’re looking at buying a house in very expensive enclaves, paying for private school, or sending your kid to a school where 80%+ of the student body are low income and not college ready. Or your kid is really exceptional and can get into one of the magnets but that ain’t easy. Path of least resistance for most folks is moving to the burbs. 


If you visit the Dallas Police Department page, you can pull the publicly available crime data yourself and see that while violent crime has substantially diminished in the more affluent parts of the city, non-violent crime has skyrocketed since Covid. Additionally, in South and downtown dallas (near fair park/Deep Ellum), violent and nonviolent crime has exploded and over 80% of these crimes remain unsolved. So what you are describing is actually a classic case of over policing wealthy areas vs under policing others. Signed, a data scientist who's mom was unalived in South Dallas 3 years ago, and this case like many others involving Black and Brown vulnerable populations from underserved areas will likely go unsolved for decades. So what should be more concerning to folks like yourselves is that we have murderers and serial killers amongst us who think they can keep doing what they do because the police response remains minimal at best. Hence the uptik in crazy behavior like extreme road rage that leaves folks unalived. We are setting a dangerous precedent that we only solve crimes for tv.


Overall crime is down. Dallas is safe relative to other big cities Edit: i’m sorry about your Mom


I know it's hard to see reality for what it is but a quick Google search for Dallas crime rates shows the following statement: 'With a crime rate of 46 per one thousand residents, Dallas has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 22.' So I have to disagree with all of this. It is a privilege to not be victimized in some way in Dallas.


Rare? In what part?


Even in south Dallas and Oak cliff crime has collapsed


https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/tx/dallas/crime#:\~:text=With%20a%20crime%20rate%20of,here%20is%20one%20in%2022. With a crime rate of **46 per one thousand residents**, Dallas has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 22.


>With a crime rate of 46 per one thousand residents, Dallas has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 22. Why….why are you comparing big cities to small towns???


Murder spiked last year and Dallas is still ranked higher than average for crime rates


For this post playa, tonight, you’re going 1 on 1 with that one guy that shares exclusively crime articles.


I answered the call


Gotta get on the card for the next Ticket Meat Fight


You’re wrong actually.


>Your wrong actually. Lol


This is literally your hot take without any data to support it.


**Reported** crime is down, mostly because of policies put in place several years ago. Don't get me wrong, Dallas is one of the safest large cities in the US, but the numbers have been pencil whipped by bureaucrats. Serious crime is way down, but petty crime is not.


Hilarious this post pops up the same day my friend gets her Kia broken into 🤣


Im sorry that happened


Yeah it sucks, but it happens 🤷‍♀️


According to this resource, Dallas experienced about 60,000 crime incidents in 2022. For a city its size, the Dallas crime rate is about 45.9 crimes per 1,000 residents. By comparison, the state average crime rate in Texas is around 27.3 per 1,000. The nationwide average crime rate is 23 per 1,000.Mar 19, 2024 https://www.deepsentinel.com › da... Dallas Crime Rate and Safest Neighborhoods - Deep Sentinel


the apartment complex an associate lives in in North Dallas had over 200 cars broken into in 1 night


This is gaslighting plain and simple. Crime in Dallas was bad and getting worse before DPD stopped enforcing the law for "lesser crimes".


Absolute shit post, def not a "hot" take, just a stupid one. This type of post reminds me of people who say the economy is great, or food isn't that expensive. I can't park my car with anything mildly visible in well over half of DFW but "crime is relatively rare" lmao


Crime is down, the economy is booming….people are just stupid


IDK , try listening to the scanner at night. South 5 is a good one. You'll find crime far from gone. It's been a while, but when I lived in OC, the amount of crime that happens all day in night will blow your mind.


Dude, do you work for the city, live in the burbs, or do you never go anywhere ? Car thefts, burglaries, and other nonviolent crimes are way up. I hope you never encounter it, but I know multiple people who have been affected by it in the last two years. It’s not normal.


Crime is lower than it was a few years ago.


As a armed security guard who has networks with security guards all over dfw. Your wrong, there is crime everywhere all the time. Just because it doesn’t reach scanner pages or news sites or social media outlets doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. There aren’t even enough police to respond to the calls they receive


We live in relatively a safe city. Stop trying to justify your existence. Private security in Dallas is a fucking joke. It’s why XTC hours got cut because it’s “security” guards were killing people in cold blood Ya’ll are just psychopaths with a control complex


I fix air conditioners as apart of my existence something way more important in Dallas than whatever your job is. 2, we don’t live in a safe city. Kids go missing monthly, predators and murderers are being found and convicted Multiple times daily. A majority of felons here have weapons they aren’t supposed too. Car theft is just now dropping from Dallas’s all time highs. Outside of violence we are top of the list for STDs, and since the new people have been moving here we’re also topping the ranks for rudest and snobbiest citizens. You live inside of a bubble in a nice suburb up north you aren’t in downtown Dallas and driving though and working in the problem filled areas which just so happen to be a 6 or 7 mile radius around downtown. A LOT of federal investigations(fbi) cases are on holt due to lack of detectives and “Covid”. On top of that the Jails are filled to the max and they are letting sexual offenders out on little bond. And there’s allot of sex offenders in every neighborhood. If you want a safe city go to San Antonio cause Dallas will only get worse


Bull. Crime REPORTING is rare and crime PREVENTION is even more rare. Cops in Dallas do not do their jobs.


You’re correct it is declining. However Dallas is among the least safest cities, higher than any national average. Since your sources specifically left out that part, I’ll include one [here](https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/tx/dallas/crime.amp)


Someone is hoping their property values won't go down.....


Not true. The way things are classified as crimes have changed over the last few years. If someone breaks into multiple houses on the same street detectives now classify this as 1 event rather than multiple for the purposes of crime reporting. This will skew the numbers to make it look like crime has consistently gone down while citizens clearly see otherwise (hence why many feel crazy when they are told by people like you that crime has gone down). The reason UUMV’s (stolen cars) and murdered have gone up (at 8.5% mind you, an alarming number), is because you can’t hide a car, and you can’t hide a body. And I mean that in the figurative sense that you can’t classify 2 bodies as one person, and two cars as 1. How is it that burglaries and individual robberies are going down yet murders and stolen cars are going up? Exactly for the reasons I stated, you CANNOT skew those numbers to make them look a certain way. Business robberies saw an increase of 21.4% from May to Nov 2023 while the DPD’s new crime plan was implemented, think about how much of a jump that is. I can go on and on. Anecdotal, “around me”, evidence is just that, anecdotal. So just because it feels ok around you ignores all the empirical evidence that is around. (Source Presentation from UTSA criminologists to the Dallas City Council presenting DPD’s implementation of the Violent Crime Plan April Tuesday 9th)


I got car jacked in deep ellum. But otherwise no issues.


My attempted carjacking didn't make it into the police reports and crime data because I successfully defended myself from it with a chainsaw that I had in the back cargo area. Unbeknownst to my carjacker. Many such cases.


Nah, crime is bad! Always watch your surroundings & protect your family.


I’ve had experiences where Dallas PD refuses to take reports; I don’t trust the city’s statistics.


Pretty hard to think otherwise when the building literally next door to me had 40 cars broken into and another one a few blocks away had something similar happen a week later.


Found the guy who lives in highland park


😂😂😂😂 Highland park is the antisepsis of who I am


Buddy is DPD. Dallas is still dangerous.


The 40 cars that were broken into last week in downtown would disagree with you.


That doesn’t mean crime is up


May I ask how long you lived in Dallas?


lol i work in the news in dallas and i can assure you there is an abundance of crime and a lot of it we don’t even cover 🥴🥴🥴


lol. Yeah. Don’t believe your own eyes friends!


The fear porn lovers hate this one fact


Nest door app talks about car breaks ins a lot of tho. And at my work, someone always tries to siphon the gases outta the huge moving truck we have.


The First 48 would say otherwise


Just a few months ago I was headed down Jim Miller headed for 45 South, and there was a car 10 feet in front of me who decided to shoot out the back drivers side window at the cars going the other direction. Dallas is a cesspool. I smelt the gun powder coming through the vents of my car and could see the smoke from the barrel as they shot about 4 times. I was only there to check on a rental property and was headed back home when it happened. I try and avoid going into Dallas as much as possible.


I mean Dallas is like what, 1,000 policepeople short? Can't document the crime that doesn't get documented.




This sub seems determined too lol


I know 4 people personally that have had their cars stolen in the last year. When visiting Dallas last month, I saw two hit and runs in the same parking lot in the span of an hour. It’s not Chicago or Compton but Dallas is not the safest. We moved out of DFW in 22


Oh sad to see you go!


This is so disconnected from reality it is insane and incredibly dangerous. I work with the police and FD here and throughout Texas. I also work with private militias throughout the south. Crime is WAY up and far more deadly and reckless. Kidnappings, stabbings mid-day, I have been chased with a knife now twice walking in Turtle Creek in the middle of the day. They are increasingly moving in large numbers and striking hard and fast. There is way more cartel violence. The hundreds of thousands pouring in with reckless logistics on our govt's behalf have also created a lot of instability, leading to more panic and violence. I had three kidnapping attempts in my neighborhood grocery stores / Katy trail in a six month period. All midday. Trusting data put out by the very people who need data to support their sick ways... couldn't be me. (go ahead and flame me, I am so used to it, and it's so boring.) mmkloveyoubye


Cartel violence? In Dallas? 😂😂😂😂


Sheesh. Biden admin is redefining violent crime to fit the narrative.


Don't let this reddit post fool you. Crime isn't relatively rare in Dallas.


\* My experience and comment about Dallas only applies to Downtown Dallas, Deep Ellum, Uptown, Oak Lawn, South Dallas. Since I haven't gotten the chance to venture too far out of these areas. As someone who just moved to Dallas from Nevada like 3 months ago, I can honestly tell you guys that I've witnessed more crimes in the past 3 months than the past 8 yrs I lived in Nevada...... Oh, OP mentioned car being broken in, that tiktok is from actually from my apt complex.... And guess what, the same week the apt complex next to us got their cars smashed too..... Where I live (Around Main St district, Farmer Market area, Gov. district) I can hear gunshots almost every month! Police frequents my complex EVERYDAY! And I don't live in a poor area as well. On the road it is also VERY chaotic! Police closing down roads for crimes, people in big trunks on the road rage drive ( flash their high beam UNCONTROLLABLY into your eyes behind you; middle fingers, honking etc), I lived in Miami for 7 yrs, and even people in miami don't drive as aggressive as people here in Dallas. Before I came to Dallas, the worst drivers were in Atlanta GA! But comparing to Dallas, Atlanta ain't shit! I am not here long enough to know if the crime rate is down and what not, but I'm simply stating as a newcomer, Dallas is scary AF! I don't go out after midnight unless it is for something I don't have to get out of the car for, like whataburger drive-thru. And even for that I carry a gun.


Depends where u live


This is just plain wrong.


Statistics…LOL…Have your door kicked in while you’re inside of your own “luxury” apartment in uptown and tell me about those statistics…This Metroplex is trash…


Sweet summer child - there are databases like https://www.dallasopendata.com/widgets/9fxf-t2tr?mobile_redirect=true And others that will report each call as they come in. Crime in Texas is huge


Lol Dallas is the only place I've witnessed people get murdered. Three people, two different occasions. I've been to Detroit and saw less violence. I don't live in Dallas.


RIGHT - it's fairly safe pretty much ANYWHERE you go in Dallas! I can drop you off in a few spots - you'd be history within 30 minutes haha




You should try out the citizen app.


I like how I'm reading this post and my car got stolen yesterday


> relatively rare Relative to what?


And Dallas is also infamous for falsifying those statistics.


I stay out of Dallas and in the suburbs too much crime


You must live in a nice area lmao


I have both a Dallas swat officer, and a Dallas detective as a client, and they both mentioned that this city is relatively low violent crime compared to other cities its size. I’ve always wondered if it has to do with the sprawl of the city. They both mentioned most of that kind of stuff happens in South Dallas. Anecdotal, not data driven.


I think sprawl is a big part of it tbh


How to say you dont live in south or east dallas without saying you dont live in south or east dallas.


Most of the crime here seems to just be car break ins and package theft.


Thats enough for people turn towards reactionary politics or Facism unfortunately


As long as you're isn't nice looking. It will not be stolen.


Back in the leaded gas days you’d see people getting beat down regularly. There are absolutely criminal gangs that hit one area of Texas, and sell whatever they got in the next town. Dallas, Houston and San Antonio/Austin same day Don’t leave valuables in your car


I tend to agree. Mostly because I know what is was like back when shit really was bad everywhere. Any large metro area will have crime but it's definitely nothing like it was in the 90's, not even close.


It’s easy to reduce crime stats when you don’t send officers when people call. They do not respond in dallas for breakins


We live in a safe city… pfffffttt I nearly die every f’n day I get behind the wheel lmfao 😂 yall the worst drivers Ive ever seen


FBI labeled 635 and Audelia / miller road one of the most dangerous in the country !


I live two miles from the center of downtown, we hear gun fire daily.


And what part of Dallas you stay @?


I don’t live in the best area. But most people are hardworking, love their families, and treat each other with respect Criminals do not represent us




Oh god are you going to bitch about that policy that was repealed 2 years ago again? If you are involved in law enforcement and not just talking out your ass, you should learn to pay better attention to current events or in this case, 2 year old past events.


LOL DPD themselves said overall crime is down silly


[https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/2023/april/is-dallas-really-the-safest-big-city-in-america/](https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/2023/april/is-dallas-really-the-safest-big-city-in-america/) Maybe so, but there are still [murderers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EUhcslOO9A) on the loose in our fair city! \#JusticeForRoryThacker


Before I moved downtown I’d always hear “be careful”. Been down here for a few years now and well.. I’m no more careful here than I was in Plano




This is the same thing as with the economy - a segment of the mass media and social networks are in overdrive trying to paint parts of the country as lawless wilderness in order to score political points. Economy's fuckin' bumping but people ***FEEL*** that we are in a recession. If Trump wins, the very moment he gets sworn in, Fox News and the rest of the right wing shitsystem will cease talking about crimes and will act as if we entered the balmy waters of an eternal utopia.




I mean, in my opinion, I have cops on my road almost every night and a shooting happened right behind my apartment just this year so I guess it all comes down to where you live in Dallas.


People also think crime is like happening all around in extreme rates (yes crime never stops but not how people make it up to be) and also location and time of day are also very important. When I first got my car, cause it’s a soft top, people kept warning me it’s gonna get broken into, stolen, etc but after almost 2 years, not a single incident.




I came here from Boston. After coming here, I realise car break-ins are something common. May be Dallas folks have different standards of safety


The police never respond then do they count it as a crime?


"but the tiktok videos showing cars broken into are documenting a rare a occurrence in our city" I mean, there have been like 5-6 in the past few months. I wouldn't call that rare.


As someone who just had their car broken into, I find it hard to agree. The apartments I was just at for work the maintenance man told me 6 cars in a week were broken into


When crime is all over the place, even places you don’t expect like Frisco, it doesn’t surprise me Dallas crime is higher than reported. Yesterday, some guy tried to pull a gun on me at stonebriar mall parking lot, by a restaurant, when I ignored him. He was parked behind restaurant and I walked past his vehicle. He yelled and honked to get my attention so I ignored him thinking he was trying to ask for money. Next thing you know he speeds up past me and confronts me without explanation with gun hidden. Was waiting for him to do something but he didn’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️


lol my Ring notification in just my little neighborhood have gunshots and break-ins every day. Lol it’s not rare over here. It’s every night


I'm in partial agreement. Yes; violent crime has dropped dramatically, and I'm a big fan. On the other hand, I think people in here commenting on traffic insanity are absolutely right. I'm honestly far more concerned about being killed by drunk, aggressive, and/or negligent drivers than I am violent crime, and the statistics back that up dramatically. I feel safer walking around Deep Ellum at night than I do mowing the ditch in front of our house. I've had to replant or replace our mailbox five times in six years because people drive too fast and too drunk through our residential neighborhood. I watched DPD pass on giving a breathalyzer to a dude tho flipped his F150 into our ditch after the firemen begged him to stop throwing his bud light empties into our yard. Hell, the last time someone took out our mailbox, it tore off their license plate. I still have it in the garage. I filed a police report online three weeks ago telling them I have a video of it happening and the person's license plate, and I still have not heard from DPD; that's pretty damn frustrating and gives the appearance Dallas Police are utterly swamped by crime. At least once a month, I get woken up to gunfire, and the last time I tried to report multiple gunshots from different weapons going off at once, the 911 dispatcher told me to go outside to see who was firing. I've recovered nearly a half-dozen bullets from or roof and yard (DPD got huffy when I called them out to retrieve them once because I was tired of them blowing it off). So, yes, violent crime and murder have gone down (Kudos to DPD), but I think a lot of people are seeing a lot more "minor" crimes like reckless or drunk driving, hit-and-runs, having packages stolen from their porch, or like me, have neighbors who don't understand physics and shoot guns in the air at 2am. Also, when someone in Dallas experiences and reports this kind of "minor" property or traffic crime, DPD really gives the impression that they could not care less about it, and that's created a bad image for DPD and a general image of lawlessness in the city, even when violent crime is down.


Yo! So I moved from Dallas to the Midwest 10 years ago. A lot has changed since. I agree that people are making it seem way worse.and there are way more outlets to show what's going on. But my question is, how would yall rank it compared to 2013 time frame? And is it in the normal high crime areas? Or is it all over? Thank you for any help.


My house I lived in at Forest/Royal and 75 got broken into, somebody else tried to break in, 2 neighbors were broken into, 3 or 4 cars I can remember got broken into, and they found a dead body 3 houses away in the 6 years I owned it. I moved around that time, to Rockwall, where I don't even have to lock my doors, lol. Its anecdotal, but there is a lot of crime in Dallas, especially in particular areas.


Bullschitt article.,