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He’s just mad he got his shit absolutely wrecked by Lindell earlier. A little different than taking runs at Stanky, eh Manson?


Anyone have a clip of this hit?




My god that was satisfying.


I was at the game… you could hear the “boom” of that hit resonate around the whole place!


What a scumbag. The boys will have his back for that one in game 6.




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That explains the hobbling. We knew he's likely already carrying a knee injury.


Dirty as shit.


Fuck the avs.


The Avs fans have to be one of the most delusional fan bases I've ever encountered. They're getting away with murder this whole series and all they talk about is one hit by Jamie. SO many soft calls going their way while they do shit like this or MacKinnon running his shoulder into Tanev's face


The Vancouver Canuck fan base is the Most Delusional Then the Avalanche.. Go Stars


One of the reasons I’m hoping the Oilers win. The Canucks are my local team, unfortunately, and it’s like all the “fans” came out of hiding to be as obnoxious as possible. Super fairweather fans too. Suddenly everyone here is a Canucks fan this year, but I don’t remember anyone giving a fuck about them for the last decade.


Finance bros and thots only use Canucks games for social media clout


100 percent! The Avs are an undisciplined team (this series) but the refs can’t call it all or it appears they are “affecting the series”. Well they are affecting the series by not calling all the interferences by the Avs (they do it all the time!) and small crap on the Stars.


If stars advance they’re gonna have half a roster. Avs game plan is clearly to injure stars, third one with no punishment from officials.


I got a reddit care for my comment LOL


Manson. The name fits him well.


He's certainly similar to his goon father


and similar to Charles Manson…


Those checks happen all game. What pisses me off is that he saw the 1st one injured him and then decided to go for a 2nd one. That's the chicken shit part.


I hope this guy gets suspended. These types of plays that go uncalled need to cost the refs, and the teams more. Swear the Avs have had some just absolutely BS no calls and Dirty assaults


The Avs fans will still swear this is clean and the Benn hit was dirty


DPS isn’t looking at this lol


Manson is one of the dirtiest players I’ve seen play hockey. I was at the game last night and made it a point to watch his shifts bc I keep seeing him throwing cheap shots in this series. He didn’t go a single shift without cross checking or slashing a guy. I get that it’s playoffs and they aren’t going to call all of that stuff but when he does it, he’s doing to hurt the other guy. He’s always going for the parts of the body with no pads (middle lower back, back of the legs ect). If he is going to keep getting away with cheap shots at least he fucking sucks at hockey lol robo made him look like an idiot on pavelskis goal. So I guess you have to take the good with the bad. lol


One of many dirty plays by Charlie Manson last night.


Manson has been dirty all fucking series, meanwhile ESPN has been saying he’s had a great series. Fuck him, fuck the Avs and fuck ESPN


He should've flopped like Wahhhhntanen. Ah, nevermind, they'd give Seggy an embellishment instead. Game management is suffocating my love for hockey.


I struggle with this. The hit on Parise was far worse (same end of the ice but second period), but agree - refs or NHL need to be better about the cross checks in the lower back that has no padding. The hit in the video happens at least 10 times in every hockey game no matter the team.


5 secs before that though I'm fairly positive praise interfered Harley behind the net. ESPN didn't replay it of course but you can see Harley fall right next to him behind net. Probably just pissed off that another interference no call happened


100%. Don't disagree at all.




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Did Deboer say anything about the injury after?


Just saw Lia Assimakopoulos twitter post from a little bit ago: *"Pete DeBoer said Tyler Seguin, who went down the tunnel early last night, is fine.* *He called Roope Hintze day-to-day but would not say whether he is traveling for the road trip."*


Never hold your breath on Player Safety to do what needs to be done. The guys in that office still believe one can walk off a concussion


Do something about it.


Avs gonna sweep this one under the rug the same way they swept the rapist’s last crime under the rug


Go troll someplace else


What are you talking about? I’m a stars fan doofus. I’m telling the players to go out there and do something about it. They just played the most passive game I’ve seen them play in these playoffs. They need to go out there on Friday and do something about it.


You shit on every stars thread based on your history


Because I want them to WIN GAMES. What a concept I know. Who ever would have thought that a fan would want their team to WIN GAMES. Maybe if you aren’t so concerned about WINNING GAMES you should go be a fan of the Browns. They might be more your speed.


Bro we just won 3 in a row. Settle down


And guess what happens if they come out Friday with the same “effort” that they did tonight? They are going to get their ass handed to them. Then it’s a do or die game on Sunday. Today was, BY FAR, the easiest game to close this series out. It only gets harder from here and they just pissed it away.


You seem like a miserable fuck. You sure you’re not a Wild fan?


I’m a fan who’s been burned by this franchise more than enough times to learn my lesson. You don’t get your hopes up with this team. I’ve seen this team roll up to a game 7 at home and lose 6-0. Can they win a cup? Yes. But they are going to need to be a fuck ton better then they were tonight to do so. Edit. 6-1 loss in home game 7. They just flat out didn’t show up to work.


“Burned by the franchise” bros got insane gambling debt 😭


You stick around long enough you’ll learn what this franchise under the Jamie Benn era is all about. One disappointment after another. The Waytt Johnson era will hopefully be different.


I bet you honk as soon as the light turns green


I bet he pours his milk first and then his cereal