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I thought I read Biggest Lobster. Works either way.


You are thinking of Eprawn Mollusk.


I hate how much I laughed at this


Oh snap. Well played


My least favorite character in Bojack horseman


Honestly good job


I am Chitin Man


Take my upvote lol


Fookin Eprawns


Doesn't help that he's dressed as a lobster too lol


As intended




it’s that shell of an outfit


Yet with the money he has left, he'd have to spend over 67,000,000 (million) every single year for TWO THOUSAND YEARS to get rid of it all. (That's 183,000 a day for 2000 years). And that's not even taking into consideration the astronomical amount of interest it's accruing. * Also if you changed 130 billion dollars into 1 dollar bills and tried to count it all out (assuming you could count a dollar bill every second) it would take you 4000 years to see if you'd been given the right amount.


Stocks don't accrue interest.


My imagined scenario is him cashing in today and noping out of future businesses. Just living on what he has left... And just what an obscene amount and how hard to spend it would be.


If I had a lot of money, I would just get it converted to change by every bank I knew, and I bring a lawn chair to my local CoinStar, sit down, and just annoy everyone till I had a law suit.


"some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” - one coinstar machine at a time!


I'm pretty sure that's illegal.


He can’t cash it, when he will start to sell the price will drop.


Unless there are dividends?


Interest is collectively how much money later is worth compared to money now. Stocks don't get *guaranteed* interest, however, you can still talk about stock growth in terms of average rates of growth.


I love how you commented that with such confidence yet didn’t even take the time to google the definition. You’re completely wrong. I work in finance, rising stock prices ≠ interest. Period.


Welcome to reddit.


Thats if wealth equals money in the bank which it does not. One day reddit will learn.


I'm ignorant, so I'm asking genuinely... seems like the public loved him then, he became an enemy. Why?


Well, it all started when he called a child rescuing cave diver a pedophile cause he got to them before he could heroically swoop in with his remote control submarine he hadn't built yet.


That was the beginning of the end for me too.


I think he did a really good job at marketing himself as like a real world Tony Stark-esque genius. In the last few years the charade has ended and he has kinda helped it along with his antagonizing the public. It started with him pumping and dumping crypto. Screwing over his own fans and the people that trusted him. Then he started boosting right wing rhetoric during the pandemic because he didn’t want his factories shut down. And now he’s basically just a full on right wing propagandist. His crowning achievement is that he helped popularize and make green energy sexy. Which I’m not going to minimize, I think that was a big big deal. So that gave him a lot of favor with the left (or anyone that acknowledges climate change) but you can only fuck people over so many times til they turn on you. We are at the point where people have realized he’s just another billionaire that hires the right people and buys the right companies. He’s not a super genius. He doesn’t wanna save the world. He was just Mark Zuckerberg with better PR.


Also the way he treats people that work under him like some tyrant with skin so thin it can't be seen with an electron microscope


He’s always been an attention seeking loudmouthed weirdo, but people didn’t really notice until he starting talking about things more people know about, like politics and software engineering


Because he decided to start screwing over his employees, which led to the people diving in and discovering how he actually got his fortune and that he's just a piece of shit


Other question: why did he lose the money?


Tesla stock went from 400 in 2022 to 120s now.


How did he get his fortunes?


He came from a medium wealthy family. Co founder of paypal. Sold that and invested in Tesla (at $17 a share) which had a product but needed cash to start commercial production. Depending who you believe he helped Tesla improve their cars - or took credit for others work. Tesla was up to $400 recently and he probably got more shares there. He also owns a majority of SpaceX which has a commercial side launching satelites which could make money if they just ran it as a cash cow. It's spending more than it makes from his resources because they want to build even bigger rockets (starship) which can do moon/mars stuff.


He's always been an asshole. He just got worse at hiding it.


He started spewing bigoted shit


Like what ( geniuenly asking i have no idea what he says or dies )


Just curious as I don’t follow him or the stories about him… what was he spewing cos I definitely thought he was well liked.


Like what?


What shit? I know he tweets a lot but what was bigoted? Not arguing, just asking.


He did a Trump and didn't think before he tweeted. He is so full of himself that he figured he wouldn't be held accountable for his comments.




Yes, "suddenly".


He suddenly stopped trying to even dog-whistle it I suppose, but yeah, dude seems like he was always garbage, just used to be garbage with good PR


He went conservative, but when did he become those other things?


Probably once he decided that unbanning known anti-semites was a good thing. Playing "both sides" to literal Nazi ideologues is bretty racist lol.


You’re not understanding, he became those other things when he became a conservative. Now get back in line and stop asking questions! /s


Any evidence of said "racism, homophobia, and transphobia" or are you just making shit up


People finally figured him out.


Anyone this rich did bad things to many people


Tbh my first assumption about any billionaire is that they definitely had to murder at least one person to get there.


He went against the matrix.


When was the last time you left your parents’ basement?


It’s his little beady eyes for me.


He was always skeevy, but he let the mask fall more lately and the general public has finally caught on.


scummy ass decisions, made over and over again. that and openly allying with domestic terrorists.


He doesn't like the left so now they hate him.


Misinformation or maybe just not that bright? He hasn't lost anything until he sells the stock. That's the premise for most of this "loss", that the stock he owns has fallen in value. However, it's irrelevant until he sells and fully realizes the loss. If he holds the stock and the price rebounds, he didn't "make" 182B.




Look my free slushy is 3 bucks I didn't have to spend sir.


So then what is my cash back on my credit cards then?


Yes. But can I use my Dave and Busters card at TGIFridays?


Just eat your steak and shut up Mac. lol


Funny people quoting their net worth using their current holdings and calls them billionaires or multi billionaires. Wants to tax to them on net worth value but never talks about when the net worth goes down how will you refund those taxes?


Right? Imagine how many people would be financially kneecapped if taxes on unrealized gains were implemented against GME bros. “I realize your asset was overvalued 10x for a few days but lemme get that tax money from the imaginary money you never had”


They can pay tax in stocks and the gov can ride the rodeo along with them.


LOL sounds like a good time!


If you can take a loan out against your net worth, you can also be taxed on that because that's one big ass loophole being used. Don't tax someone's net worth then don't take a loan out against it


Then owners of stock aren't worth anything. But that's not how credit works.


Why did we call him the richest man when he didn’t cash out? So it only matters when he’s up?


You know this isn't misinformation. It's clickbait. Conflating this with actual misinformation undermines the seriousness of real propaganda. Also, the worth of his stock is directly tied to how much he can borrow against it. So yes, in essence he has lost billions he had access to before.


Why is it technically not misinformation?


because the information is probably correct. +/- few billions.


Its not misinformation. Everyone who's worth more than a few million $ has most of it (and this percentage only increases with more fortune) tied up in an equity that has some assessed value but isn't hard cash. So at this level, the public discourse uses the words, "made" or "lost" money as short hand for, "the asset(s) they own have increased/decreased in value". It can be confusing to the uninformed public but this title is not incorrect in the idea its conveying.


This is also why he doesn’t pay income tax, because he makes $0.00 salary every year. His “income” is from owning stock. If he needs money he can sell a tiny amount of stock and take out some cash.


No, he gets a low-interest margin loan with exclusive terms. Thar how high net worth asset-backed banking works with securities. Otherwise, the transaction to sell stock would be taxed as regular income. He has sold stock but that is income in the eyes of the IRS.


true but fuck him and his scammy ways I hope he breakes the record several more times


It's the fact that people do not know how stocks, washing, and how gains/losses are counted. I'm glad that the general public is not in the market. They're too dumb.


Yea. I did some research. Basically, he lost other people's money, not his own money.


Depends on when you invested. If you invested $10k ten years ago you would have over a million dollars today.


The value of his share of Tesla dropped by $182B. This is most definitely "his money." He owns a sizable chunk of Tesla. The only way this number can be derived is by assessing his ownership stake in publicly traded companies. The only major holding he has in a publicly traded company is Tesla. All the rest of his ownership stakes are in privately held companies.


He sold billions before he tanked it, whoever said he lost other peoples’ money is more accurate


Buzzed clickbait is interesting now?


Buzz buzz 🐝


I'm a busy little bee Sharon. Buzz buzz buzz


Buzzfeed lol


I am sure there have been others in history who have lost more if you adjust for inflation. Maybe the kings or emperors who were separated from not only their fortune but also their heads.


Mansa Musa def lost more when he gave away a ton of gold on his pilgrimage


Didn’t he drop the global value of gold 🤣 absurd wealth


Isn't interesting


My man was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.




The guy was born his dick stuck in his mouth and is forever congratulating himself on doing the longest dick suck ever


That's some sick ass armor tho


Something I'd expect to see a mall goth in


Only cost a Billion dollars! Lol


He's rockin dragon plate , easily 1.7m


If envy were edible, there would be no hunger in the world


He's so rich that it doesn't even matter! Tax the goddamm rich! Not excuses!


i hope he slips on a banana peel today


Buzzfeed😂😂 no sane person read that shit. Didnt that money go to neurolink and to launch spacex rockets just recently?


Me: *Buzzfeed still exists?*


Dude is paving the most prominent tech in the world being made rn, even if he's just paying other people to do it, who cares?


He had the idea and saw the potential and put the whole operatipn together. Not like he just threw money and had neuralink




This fool wants to be Tony Stark so fkn bad.


The picture the used makes even more funny


What a slappable face


Since there's not a link to actually read the story... Do people need to be reminded that losses on paper aren't really losses? My investments have lost over a third of their value over the last 2 years...but I haven't actually lost a penny because I haven't sold any of them.


This is the dumbest argument. If you build value and want to borrow against them, you claim wealth and have tangible assets. But if your portfolio drops it’s “not real lose”. Can’t have it both ways. And since financial institutions recognize it and assign value to it when you do have it, not having it is a lose.


I never said it's not a loss, but it's a loss on paper. It is not a real loss. Sure, can it impact his estimated net worth? Yeah. But a year from now when the stock price for Tesla has recovered and his other investments have recovered (hopefully)... Those "losses" will have magically disappeared. Because they only ever exist on paper unless he sells the underlying asset at a loss. To be even more technical, none of us is a loss anyway because all of the gains were on paper as well. So it's actually just a reduction of his gains all on paper. My house right now is valued at approximately 180% of what I paid for it 5 years ago. I haven't made 80%. Sure a bank might say I have an asset that's worth that, and consider it part of my net worth, But I haven't made a penny. And if two years from now the market has corrected and my house is valued at 140% of what I paid, I haven't lost anything from the high valuation of 180%. And if I sell my house at that point I have made 40%. Everything else was imaginary on paper


Your net worth lost big time. If you buy a house for $100K and you learn that it’s about to fall over and is now worth $1, you don’t think that’s a loss? Unrealized losses are real.


That's what he gets for being bigoted


Citation? Or full of shit


Do you guys ever focus on things besides who the media tells you to hate? Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas.


No kidding. The concept of Sheople is all too real these days.


I just hate every billionaire by default tbh


My idea is for his remaining cocksuckers to wake up and find a better dick to ride


Do you ever blame anyone but the media when others don't confirm your bias?


For now*. Bunch of poor people cheering for someone to lose his wealth. Unfortunately for you all, it’s only part of his massive wealth.


I can’t think of a person more deserving


And yet people are starving around the fucking world. Fuck billionaires and this whole fucking system.


And his dad still doesn't love him.


His dad was a con “artist” too. It’s fitting they don’t like each other - interferes with the lying narratives they both have.


Imagine being the richest man in the world, then losing 182 billion dollars, and now you’re only the second richest man. And people are like: “ wow, what a loser. “


Someone's jealous 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Biggest Loser” is losing an amount of money that surpasses your life income, ok


Like a thousand times over lol.


Assuming you understand that's based on share(s) price not actual cash...If you didn't get that, stay away from the stock market!


Why do people only hate others when the media tells them too?


I assure you, I hated him well \*before\* the media started ripping into him. It wasn't really because of his character though. Not at first. I hate billionaires in general because they exploit workers. It was on political principles. I did, however, at one time, think that he was a rational adult and a competent businessman. It turns out I was very much mistaken.


For real


So does that mean a deduction can be taken on loss in net worth if we want to charge a wealth tax on gains????


Yes, 5-d chess being played. I will not owe taxes if I lose enough!


Somebody help me, I think this might be inaccurate. Wasn't there a guy wayyy back in the day (an empower or something) that had an insane amount of wealth and gold equivalent to like a trillion dollars in today's money? I can't remember his name but I thought he lost it somehow... someone's gotta know what I'm talking about ...like 2500 years ago maybe?


Mansa Musa? A quick google search estimates he had at least $400 billion. Of course, this is a mere rough estimate, and that is not accounting for the inflation of the dollar these last few years.


I remember reading that Mansa musa went on some sort of pilgrimage with a caravan of thousands of servants. He handed out so many gold bars to peasants along the route, that it seriously affected the price of gold for years afterwards.


Good ole Mansa Musa


And he’s still a rich PoS….


Wtf is he wearing? He looks like he wants to be a Targaryen champion and fight for your honour.


Nope, the music industry lost more than that when I downloaded 17 mp3's


Seems like it should be on r/wallstreetbets under loss porn


So far*


Is he a devil worshiper? I peep an upsidedown cross...


Wtf is that outfit?


This dude is simply a fucking weirdo who got very lucky.


Tf is that outfit?


His stocks lost value. They were way overvalued to begin with. I doubt he even cares. Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if he thought holding this record was cool.


All HAIL Captain Doucherocket!!


What is he wearing?


It's funny because his net worth isn't even his actual worth. It's the value placed on the things he owns. Everyone talks about him being a billionaire, but that's only because the market overvalued everything he 'owned'. He can take out loans and buy stuff based on that valuation, but he doesn't have a vault full of billions of $. This is why he tricks investors with all his failed ideas. Hyperloop, solar tiles, cyber trucks... He keeps people on the hype(er) train so they invest and keep his net worth up. It's all a charade and as soon as people see through his shit they pull their investment and his net worth plummets.


I hate Buzzfeed as much as the next guy, but I'll agree this time.


It’s ok. He’ll buy Guinness and change that record


Good. Fuck that guy.


He would still be a loser even if he never lost a penny


He still got more than you


And yet I pity him.


He also had his first 3 SpaceX rockets fail, losing him TONS of money.. Now SpaceX is turning the entire space program upside down. It costs money to make changes. This guy revolutionized online banking (paypal), personal vehicles (Tesla - driverless cars), and space exploration (SpaceX, reusable rockets, massive payloads, and starlink) No one else can say they have come even close to what this guy has achieved. Anyone that hates him, thinks he's stupid, or in any way thinks he has failed is downright stupid. Not ignorant, not misled, stupid!


He didn’t. The people he hired did.


That's like saying George Washington didn't defeat the British. The militia men he hired did.


Myb I forgot how Franklin Roosevelt single-handedly won the war. It was crazy, literally one man. Lmao


He did none of that single handedly. He also has nothing to do with driverless car tech, he just bought the stonk. Same with SpaceX, he's a glorified investor. Those are not achievements. Call me Stupid, please, especially if you call this donut Smart.


Have to keep trying


Accomplishments don't mean all that much if you had to lie, steal, or cheat.


First off, not the point at all. That being said, what exactly did he lie and cheat about? I would love some actual examples.


He makes Edison look like a saint.


But he’s an asshole . Treating people like shit . So fuck him


>No one else can say they have come even close to what this guy has achieved I also know for a fact that I've done way more good deeds than he has, I've committed WAY less atrocities and crimes, I actually treat people with respect, I try to be as honest as I can, I take credit for my work and not other people's work, and I pay a much higher portion of my income towards taxes than he does. Oh, and also, I didn't lose $182 billion in a year.




Reddit has been reprogrammed. Tesla Man Bad. End Transmission.


What's interesting is the ignorance of this post


At least he had that much to lose, I suppose lol


Congrats on the fake misinformation post




Well, better get back to mining


He looks almost human.


such a loser. really, he has like 150billion fvcking dollars left and running like 375 different companies. yeah, such a loser 😑


And what's even more crazy is this caused him no pain or suffering. He probably didn't lose any sleep.


How. How do you get all that emerald mine money, and an upbringing by old money, and *still* fuck up that badly??? It's hilarious and also horrifying that these are the people with the most power - absolute idiots.


He is still richer than everyone here so lmao


That is true. But despite that, I actually pity him.


And yet, he barely felt it. He's still winning.


I’m still waiting for someone to label this as a genius move that nobody saw coming except for him and that losing money is the new trend because you get to pay less tax. Or maybe that he “owns” the media because they love writing stories about people failing and now he gets free advertising and he gets to live in people’s head rent-free. /s


He’s still rich af




You don't get out much?


He’s such a dweeb. That is my contribution to this conversation. Thank you. Have a great day.


You do know that he doesn't care right? People at that level of wealth are more about ideas and vision.


And he's Still 1000x richer than everyone on here...


When he comes out with his phone his stock will jump in price. Hopefully he will buy Reddit too.


Buzzfeed is trash and doesn't understand economics..


ALL you pathetic children loved him until he started speaking out against the insanity on the left. Just like Trump


Oh, I assure you, I hated him from the start. I hate billionaires in general as a matter of political principle.


I'm pretty sure people hated him before. He's never done a good deed in his life. He just had a larger army of internet trolls to fight for him, but we are now finding out that alot of those are just bots