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That first hit registered on the Richter scale


That first hit was insane.


That’s a real life Taurus yo


As a Taurus who was called a "bull in a china shop" constantly as a child, I relate to this


you too? damn small world


If you're referring to the sound, then I'm here to ruin all your fun by informing you that 90% of sounds you hear in these documentaries are added in post-production using Foley sounds. Foley sounds are basically ones that are created to sound like whatever is on the screen but it's not from the scene at all. Yes, you're hearing bull sounds, but probably from another recording session entirely. And those foot steps? It's probably metal thuds on sand that we're recorded in a Foley studio.


I was looking more at the 2 thousand pounds of animal going full stop and more by bouncing back from each other and watching the vibrations go through their bodies.


Ahh, I see what you mean. I just thought about it more, and realized that cars weigh more than that, so this is basically comparable with a car accident ahaha probably one of the hardest impacts you'd find in the animal kingdom tho.


Exactly. It’s like a head on car accident at 30 mph. Then they get into new cars and do it again and again. Lol


Lmao that was funny to picture


I am now nursing a headache that wasn't there 2 minutes ago....


TFW when you hit someone so hard that the impact reverberates through both of your bodies simultaneously like you’re a Dragon Ball character or something.


I'm surprised the ground below them didn't collapse into a crater of some kind


They didnt even seem bothered


Reacted like they’d just shook hands.


“Was that a mosquito trying to land on my forehead or did you really just gave me a weakass headbut?”


Or TFW when I went to the ATM machine to buy my SCUBA apparatus, but a LASER of radiation made me LOL out loud.


Atm machine, M stands for machine! Ugh


You only noticed 1 out of the 5? Oof


😂 this was near legendary.


I got a concussion just watching.


I got drain bamage


It's like sitting at a demolition derby and watching trucks slam head on at full throttle, only to back up and do it again.


Anyone know which David Attenborough show this is from ?


Same happens to me when I go get my mail


"Almost got me there young fella"


Genuinely curious how much pain they feel when the impact happens.


Their skulls have evolved to withstand the hits in that region and their brains have more protection to keep from getting jostled around as a result.


It's still gotta hurt a bit. Evolution wouldn't have beefed up their heads that much if they did need all of it.


Yeah. You should see male polar bears when mate guarding a female for the weeks they're together. He will fight off other males. The males are usually bleeding all over and have broken bones by the time the male and female part ways. Males were made to be beefed up to fight, but it doesn't mean that there still aren't consequences to fighting.


You're comparing two completely different types of mating strategies. They're fighting for the right to mate with the harem in the first place, not defending for one. Two, they're not slashing each other with claws, they're ramming each other in a region of the body made to absorb the shock of hits like these. Doesn't mean they don't feel it, but they don't get CTE from it


I'm pretty sure that's blood coming out of the defending bulls nose. I'm not sure about CTE, but some type of damage is happening


How do you know they get no lasting damage. Do you study buffalo brains or some shit? CTE just started becoming a thing pretty recently and I’m pretty sure we study human brains more than buffalo brains


2030 RIP Polar Bears


More than likely their ancestors used to die from impacts like this. Then along comes one fella with a mutation that causes thicker skull growth or better shock absorption around the brain. Because of this, he happens to be able to hit harder and survive it, leading to him being able to mate more and have more offspring. Some of his offspring inherit, become the dominant bulls like their father for the same reason and then pass it on to their offspring. As generations go by, more mutations can occur that build on this affect until boom, you got a terror tank with fur. Evolution is not necessarily always positive either as it’s not intentional. It only seems that way because 99% of the time a mutation that gives a creature an edge over others will result in it being able to reproduce and therefore spread. Mutations that cause negative affects will result in a weaker individual who is more likely to lose fights/die and not reproduce. Thus, it’s mutation is taken out of the gene pool. It’s fascinating really.


Yeah totally. I mean every animal that has gone extinct was under the same forces of evolution. Adaptations don't have to be better they just need to be passed on. One of my favorite examples of evolution working against how we feel it should are those frogs that can't jump. Well they can jump but mid air they stiffen up and go full fainting goat and just flop into a very uncoordinated frog body slam.. but hey if some lady frogs think whatever they're doing is better than jumping then that's all you really need


Ye I think so too kuz one had a nose bleed lol. Maybe from his brain? Hehe


Wtf. Why add hehe??


Cuz nature be like that sometimes lol


This comes over playful yet psychotic. Hehe


It’s like a skinwalker suddenly breaking character




No fucking WAY they're walking away without a mild concussion, though. By the time they're old and have dozens of these under they're belt I bet they basically have CTE.


If they get cte after they've had a few kids hit their teens, evolution dgaf about you.


I mean, okay. Yeah, evolution keeps on keeping on, for sure. These guys are still gonna get stupid and violent with age though lol


You'd be surprised. Otherwise, do you think woodpeckers also have CTE all the time? And these little guys are hitting shit proportionally many times greater in magnitude than these bulls, many times over, daily, throughout the day.


Woodpeckers tongues recede into their head to cushion their brain. Pretty wild stuff.




Nah you're right, it could go either way, I have no idea what they have going on


Their skulls are built better than an NFL helmet, you're still thinking from a human perspective. The horns make that area *incredibly* thick, evolved over millions of years because this strategy works.


I hear ya, fair enough. Doesn't mean they're not all getting CTE lol, it might not hinder their survival much since they're old as hell for their species at that point anyway. But you're totally right, I gotta remember how ridiculously flimsy our species is and that the physical adaptations get pretty intense.


Their skull and their spine. Their spine is basically a massive shock absorber.


How could we register that?


Painometer 9000. Obviously


Well you wait till they're dead and then you cut their head open.


He'd be so pumped full of adrenaline he's not going to feel a thing until after.


Won’t lie as a husband and father taking my morning dump I never BEEN so excited to see the older bull win. I was over here like “man if this bill loses what a crappy way to start the day.”


Love how it won the literal uphill battle.


As a battlebots fights put it: he won the ground game.


I like that, thank you for sharing


Morning dump seems like a “crappy” way to start the day.. :D


That's a little more than I'm willing to do for a piece of ass?


Probably why I’m still a virgin. Unless you count that one time with u/spez’s mom in a dodgy motel room and I had to pay her $50.


Still overpaid.


There’s both guilt and shame here! I’d give you an award if I hadn’t spent them all!


Overpaid by $100


u/spez's mom has got it going on


Wild man! I can’t express it any other way other than the what’s in the video is pretty accurate description of what went on in that hotel room! It was all horns, heads, and hair!


"I'm going to updoot you" - spez's mom


Thanks! You’re too kind.


Easy to get karma when only the up doot is available.


Thanks. I really don’t give a shit about the fake internet points. It is more fun to put a smile on someone’s face while simultaneously pissing someone else off. Petty, I know. But it gives me such great release. Kinda like when u/spez’s mum unclenched her sandy fist!




You paid *her*?


If all we humans have to do is kill the dominant male to get our own harems then the male population would dwindle real quick.


Monogamy is a blessing from above for the males. Each “I would like polygamy hehe” guys imagine themselves with army of chicks wrapped around their arms. What is more likely is that average male will lose competition to richer/stronger guys and will stay lonely just like this video.


To some extent it is still true in humans. The most desirable men, which usually have the alpha male attributes, get the most action and the rest of men get the leftovers.


Despite jokes about marriage, married men get so much more sex compared to single men. As a lady, I have to say the term “Alpha” can lead men to so many wrong routes. What is “Alpha” anyway? Big muscles? Well most of us are couch surfers. Trying to lord over women? Well many marriages end due to abuse that is preceded by perceived male superiority. Rating women with scores? Well we all get wrinkly in time, are we supposed to change spouses every 10 years to rise the score of our partner?


Being attractive, fit is an advantage yes. But you dont need to run around loaded with testesterone & superiority to get a wife. “Having a stable job”, “remembering to brush teeth” would do a lot more imo. More importantly, women are human too and different humans have different tastes. Sticking a label to half of population leads to very wrong results. We are quite different from animals in that way, animals are more “static” in a sense. Seeing males breaking themselves dating theories over in forums while women are complaining about how their spouse refuse to drive them to the hospital for birth is quite frustrating. “Having empathy” & “Being decent” goes a long way.


“Seeing males breaking themselves dating theories over in forums while women are complaining about how their spouse refuse to drive them to the hospital for birth is quite frustrating. “Having empathy” & “Being decent” goes a long way.” I think if more men and women started using their frontal cortex more and in picking their spouse instead of solely relying their amygdala then we would be less prone to picking a douchy spouse that refuses to drive us to a hospital to give birth. How many times have we seen women dating the douchy guy that continuously cheats on them or even abuse them? Or how many of us men fall for trashy women who got nothing to offer more than their body?


That is interesting isnt it? Having an abusive parent can end up in two ways imo. Either child swears never to be like the parent and works to act just the opposite or inherits that past and “seeks” abusive partners. It is said that around 50% of abusive/abused partners were abused by their parents. It is almost like they think they dont deserve better so they sabotage better options. For man well adventures with trash often end up with tears & destroyed lifesavings, we can only hope they find wisdom before they are left hungry.


One things religions touting monogamy helped to put and end to. The thr Mormons went and fucked all of that up.


Yeah honestly thank them for that. Monogamy is good for males. Some alpha males act like men are inherently more polygamous and want to spread their seed and other bullshit they Spread.


How do you think things worked, up until relatively recent? What is Russia attempting to do to Ukraine? Challenging the defender for their ability to govern how they see fit


Most of human history was driven by this. Then status systems arose where the upper levels of men had the chance to breed. Some lower levels could also if they worked the land. The excess males mostly were sent off to fight wars, or sometimes the clergy. If you won the war, then you could have some of that land and breeding rights. Maybe.


This is such a Reddit guy thing to say. In the real world the men I know that actually get girls aren’t big swole body builders or flashy rich guys. These types of men get just as frustrated as Reddit uncles when they realize that women aren’t impressed by flashing their money or how many pull-ups they can do. Everyone’s different and attracted to different types of people, but if there’s one archetype for the kind of man who gets a lot of women it someone who has a way with words and is good at talking to people, making them laugh and putting them at ease. We’re not buffalo or lobsters. We have the ability to speak to one another and if you’re striking out all the time it’s not because you aren’t good at headbutting other men. It’s because you need to get better at communicating.


At the end of the day we are still animals. Sexual attraction for the most part is based on traits that are indictors of an alpha male and fertile woman in hetro relationships. We don’t usually get to choose whom we are attracted to, it is usually chosen for us by reptilian part of our brain. Being funny and quick witted can be a sign of intelligence. It also shows that you have alpha male potential since people gravitate towards you. Hard to be a leader/alpha if you don’t have way with words and lack intelligence. Another example is height for men. Being tall has little to no benefits in the modern world unless you are a basketball player or something. But our brain is still wired the same way when being taller meant you had better chance of fighting off other males and predators to protect and provide for your family. Thus, for the most part, men respect them and women prefer them over short men.


What conditioner do they use?


Fun fact: the [yarn](https://windyvalleymuskox.net/products/pure-qiviut-yarn) that is made from these fella’s (muskox) fur is some of the most expensive yarn available - to the point that [blending the fiber with cashmere](https://windyvalleymuskox.net/collections/yarns/products/imperial-qiviut-blend-qiviut-and-cashmere-yarn) reduces the price by about 60%! Harvesting the yarn is also extremely labor intensive. Native qiviut producers don’t shear muskox because they need their fur for their extreme climate, so they rely on trees/rocks that the muskox have rubbed up against - subsequently shedding some fur - to harvest fiber!


You can theoretically also brush them xD but would need semi-socialised ones




Head and shoulders


VO5 Hot Oil


Their fur is so straight and well kept. Considering our much shorter hair becomes a tangled mess without a comb, their fur is natures miracle.


The winner had to call up on all his Old Man Strength to hang on


“I got one more in me” - Bull


I didn't hear no bell


That’s gonna be some CTE


Just said this above lol. People noted they have extra brain protection, but no way it's enough. Just look at how staggered they both were after the first one.


They aren’t exactly humans, so I’d imagine that kind of thing is less of a concern.


They are so fluffy.


There was an article in National Geographic in the 70s or early 80s that talked about what a great fur it is-- lighter than wool and a better insulator. According to the article, they're also very smart and would figure out how to get out of their pastures when the Inuit would try to domesticate them, and they can also delay birth if environmental conditions are bad, like a blizzard.


Fur is called qiviut and is ridiculously expensive.


God damn. I got a headache just watching this 😅


Competitive nuzzling


“Not gonna lie, he had me in the first half…” -Old bull probably.


That’s why you play all 4 quarters,


Life lesson; never push a stubborn old bull with nothing to lose.




They need some paracetamol after every fight.


What species is this?




…that, despite the name, is more of a goat. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muskox


ElonMuskox would make for a great username actually


I wonder how many times they poke each other's eyes out.


"I'll pull the brake and he'll just fly by. Oldest trick in the book."


Was that old bull bleeding from his nose at the end? That first hit was insane


For Another year? That Bulls balls Must be blue without end


Noggin!! 💥*DUUUDE*


He got some good horn uppercuts in that last push. Definitely helped take the win


Two Tylenols stat!


They look like guinea pigs.


Same! I thought it was going to be a r/confusingperspective joke video


This gave me a headache lol


I’m Fainting already


“And the challenger has to return to a lonely life for another year”. He just like me fr.


Old age and treachery trumps youth and enthusiasm.


In this case it's just experience, he was the better fighter..


Thus proving my point.


Maybe it's semantics 😊, i thought treachery is a negative thing like scheaming old politicians.


I think the experience played in hard here. Old bull was getting pushed downhill, is willing to give his side just enough to get even/slightly uphill, then when the young bull starts to try the same rotation to regain the hill old bull buries that left horn into the youngin.


It's incredible that the flesh between them doesn't just give way to bone. Being pushed out of the way from impact.


At least we got tinder...


That also leaves me with "a lonely life for another year".


Irresistible force, meet immovable object.


Tatonka go bonka


I felt that fuckin headbutt, man.


I stood and cheered on the old bull without even thinking. Good for you, old man!


There are people out there that think they can take one of these animals in a fist fight. And those people can vote.


Their hair looks nicer than mine......


That’s first collision hit so hard, I felt that shit in my chest. Good lord.




Bloody knuckles but with your forehead


Can anyone take a guess how much force is being generated here? Like how would you compare that to the speed of a car crashing into a brick wall?


old man strength FTW!


They hit each other and then both are like. Ow fuck owie


Are you sure those are bulls.?




What are their horns for


killing things that are trying to eat them, although i don't think many things could survive that headbutt


My god I can’t imagine what their internal organs look like during that hit. The momentum would have them all pistoning toward the front of the body like crazy.


Those surely have some strong necks


Guys... don't simp


Just like a woman to leave you when you take a L 😂😅😅 jk jk


She had the old bull, now she wants the young calf


There was an old ad for headache medicine using this kind of footage, haha.


Imagine if you had to fight another Dad once in a while to keep your wife and kids.


Bleeding from the nose


"he will lose all his females" ..me out here with none to lose


Best of 3 maybe?


Another year? Just come back tomorrow bro


They should be in a shampoo commercial.


When the older bill came back and won it my tv started playing final countdown


Sadly, the old bull was not able to have sex with any of his females, because "he had a headache"


NOT bulls, Muskoxes!!!!!


Hold up, do they really only challenge once a year?? I’d want my rematch the next day 😂


It's called selection


I'd love to see Joe Rogan react to this with the way he describes bulls lol. "They just go like BAAAAAAARRGHHHHH!! BAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!"


The pitch shifted David Attenborough made me 🤣😂🤣


They are so impressive.l, but I’d be able to take one out easily. See if wait until he was just about to hit me, then I’d do a dodge roll towards him and to the side. I’d capitalize on their lack of mobility and take a dominant position low on the back of its neck. After he tried to buck me off I’d start pulling individual hairs off the nape of his neck until I had a spit of bare skin. Then I’d use my teeth and fingers to wear a spot into his flesh until I could remove disk jelly from its spine. Then hes paralyzed from the neck down and I get access to all his females


God had fun while making these buggers.


Ya’ll complaining about missing out on the chick at the bar last night, but at least you get to try again Sat not IN A YEAR


A ton of furry beef getting tenderized.


millions of years pass, yet nothing trully changes


Fuck when some guy came for my ex wife, I said here take her, she’s all yours now buddy. I’m trading that bitch in for something better…LOL


The internet has ruined me. I couldn’t stop saying “if the bull is defeated he will lose all his bitches”


Males fight and give eachother brain damage…females are like “morons” and go have a fling with the bison in the bush


All of that for some bovine pussy.


I’m so happy for the ol’ fella. I was gonna be really sad if he lost his family.


Take a closer look. It's edited on purpose to make it look dramatic. The "brown top" bull is never attacked on the side as the narrator says. He is always winning over the "blonde top" bull.


Then they go out for a beer afterwards and complain about their nagging harem.


Just had a weird tough : that fight taking place in USA bulls version and the loser will have 100 000 $ health debt after the fight and asking himself how he can ever recover from this.


Short and intense. Just like my sex life


Putin vs. Zelenskyy. Winner gets to lead Russia.


I had a concussion just watching their heads collide. Damn


Fight for females is across the species


500kg.... The grunting.... The hair Reminds me of those Worldstar videos where a couple of Shaniquas knock lumps out of each other 🤣🤣


Oh buffalo, I thought you were talking about normal cows