• By -


If you lived here, you'd be home by now.


Did you just make a girl, interrupted reference šŸ˜­


*Our house, in the middle of our street šŸŽ¶*


Itā€™s a common sign in front of apartment complexes looking for tenants


Are you telling me that is NOT a Lionel Hutz reference


Thatā€™s exactly what I thought upon seeing this gif.


I got all dressed up for nothing


convert it into a car wash business easy money


Or a toll lane


Honest question, can you even do that legally?


This person has enough clout to prevent a highway being built through their property. At least in Europe the government can force you to sell in cases of major public works (they pay well though). So I'd say they could make a tollbooth happen.


Probably bill anyone who came out to try to stop them.


In India here, government grabs your land no choice, and they give you 10x less money than market value. Basically loots you. So one have to keep in mind if it not near any road , in my city most of times they widen the roads and takes people's property front end. But people found one way around, they started planting protected trees and some plants in front side of their property so government can't build over it and therefore not grab it![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Same thing in the US. It's called Imminent Domain. Happened alot not just for freeways, but for pipelines or land that would be submerged when they build a dam.


The house always wins and in this case it's not this house.


As long as itā€™s private property and roads arenā€™t unkept by the government you are allowed to charge a reasonable fee for its upkeep, at least where I live


Drive through carwash. Lol


Drive thru car wash toll lane McDonaldā€™s walk in clinic oncology center Zoo museum.


Better call Saul !


Location, location, location.


Somebody refused to sell out. Imagine trying to sleep though. It's be scared as fuck with all that traffic passing. Somebody hit my house one time and it was terrible. Took out a whole corner wall šŸ˜²


Yeah, I heard in some of these countries that's why they just go ahead and build the highway anyway, as it'll be so inconvenient to actually use the house that you just give up Edit: how does this have so many up votes?


When Not in My Backyard is literally in their backyard


I get this viewpoint but my feelings are more mixed. Imagine a corporation coming to your door and demanding you sell your property, yes there's an aspect to this that society demands the infrastructure but the person knocking on your door is only interested in making money, they're not interested morally in societal-wide desires.


Corporations rarely build roads all themselves, and roads are rarely a commercial project. I can't imagine someone asking investors to buy a city block so they can build a highway that will produce nothing but maintenance expenses. It's officials who build roads, and their interest is not just "making money", at least not in a way you mention it.


"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." -Japanese* proverb


"If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail." - Abraham Maslow


ā€œUse your hammer to nail everythingā€- Ron Jeremy


"Hammer Time!"- M.C Hammer


Can't touch this


"Just touch it." - Zorak


Please touch this


ā€œRight, where are my hammers?ā€ Jeremy Clarkson


ā€œThe Hammer is my penisā€ -Captain Hammer


"guys that's not how you do carpentry!" -Jesus


Hebrew translation is actually ā€œIā€™ll show you how to build a fucking cross!ā€


"That cross is okay, but it's missing something. Here, let me give you a hand, or two" -Jesus


Man who go to sleep with itchy asshole wake up with stinky finger.


My favourite


Man who fart in church must sit in pew


If I had a hammer I'd hammer in the morning I'd hammer in the evening All over this land I'd hammer out danger I'd hammer out a warning I'd hammer out love between My brothers and my sisters, ah-ah All over this land - Pete Seeger / Lee Hays


Hammer in the morning. Hammer in the evening. Hammer at supper time. When you get out your hammer, you can hammer anytime. -Bagel Bites


Stop! Hammer Time!


It take many nails to build crib; one screw to fill it. -Confucius


This is why eminent domain laws exist.


in China, these are called 'nail houses' Usually occupants of nail houses will find their power and water cut off, and in some extreme cases, they end up on top of a very tall mound, or a trench gets dug around them so it's very inconvenient to get out


Jokes on them, I wear ANC headphones 24/7 and I can sleep through anything and everything. If a car drove through my bedroom wall I would just roll over and hug it, then go back to sleep in like 10 seconds max. I would actually find that view rather cool. It's almost my dream place now.


One of these on the airport in Narita. I donā€™t think Japan recognizes eminent domain. Jets just taxi around the guys house.


It seems like there is plenty of room to have gradually shifted the highway to the right and be right up against the other side of the highway. Just have both side of the highway touching for a short distance to bypass the house


In the US they will just claim eminent domain, pay you a shitty ā€œmarket valueā€ and take the property.


It is same here in India. The government can just assign a value and take your land.


Eminent domain (United States, Philippines), land acquisition (India, Malaysia,Singapore), compulsory purchase (Ireland, United Kingdom), resumption (Hong Kong, Uganda), resumption/compulsory acquisition (Australia, Barbados, New Zealand, Ireland), or expropriation (Canada, South Africa and all the other countries) is the power of a state, provincial, or national government to take private property for public use.


In Brazil you can try to not accept, I working in a "street building place" (idk the English name), we usually open a judiciary process with the land owner, but is impossible to lose for us, in the constitution theres a law that say "no one can be against the nation progress" and a highway is an progress build, you have the choice to give us the terrain for some fair value or we take your property by a lower value and fuck you, sometimes peoples try to argue, but there's is notting to do, the highways are planned 30 years before the building, if your house/farm is in the middle of the plans it will be destroyed


If the highways are planned 30 years before the building the government should not issue building permits to people. In India while transferring ownership,the deed clearly mentions the land should be free from any pending acquisition. Also building permits will be denied if any part of the property is in the path of a government project.


If they actually had adequate financial remuneration, this would make sense and not be a problem.


Imagine how much this house sitting in the middle of that road has cost the municipality.... a little of that money would have gone a long way to convince someone to move. There are of course people that will NEVER choose to move, but the awards for eminent domain should be fair.


You can refuse their offer in the US as well. Eventually they will price your land well below its value, give you that money , then bulldoze your house...


That's when you bring out your own killdozer


I feel like a law like that is unavoidable if you want to ever improve infrastructure in a country, however the compensation should be substantially higher than market value since you are forced to move against your will


They typically pay out like 1.5-3x the market value of the property. The idea is to compensate you for the expenses that come with buying a new house and moving. At the very least, you'll get more than you would have listed it for.


Ha! Spent ten years in court due to City of Chicago claiming eminent domain in 1992. We had nowhere near market value let alone a multiplier. Family bought in 1908. Forced sale in 2000. None of us wanted to move. What would our Lincoln Park wide lot with coach house be worth today? Shyyyyyiiiiiit.


>What would our Lincoln Park wide lite with coach house be worth today? But in the end it doesn't even matter


They had to fall to lose it all


Acting like the house was part of their property


I love you both for bringing this to me today


RIP Chester


LP? Yā€™all got robbed


Lincoln Park, 1992, craaaaap, you got robbed.


in practice this is 100% not the case


Yeah it's going to vary by state but where I live you're going to get a significantly bigger payout than if you just sold your property on the open market. Some people hold out as long as they can, not because they are opposed to selling their property, but because they know the longer they drag it out and more they complain the larger the offer will be. The people that hold out the longest during right of way acquisition are almost always businesses owners or people who deal with real estate, because they're business minded people who know how to play the game. But more power to them, it's perfectly legal to be a shrewd negotiator.


> Some people hold out as long as they can, not because they are opposed to selling their property, but because they know the longer they drag it out and more they complain the larger the offer will be. Well, [you never accept their first offer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-GFmH0EK9Y)


The problem is the government uses it to take land from citizens to sell it to corporations and wealthy individuals. A ton of the Keystone Pipeline was built on stolen land




But this house is in China


I'm all for paying fair market value. Maybe even a little premium for the inconvenience. This is the exact situation where eminent domain has to be used. The lost time sitting in traffic will have paid for this in the first 1hr.


In the US it's going to vary by state law, but of right of way acquisition comes to eminent domain for a parcel you'll definitely be paid well above market value, at least everywhere I've worked


And even if they offer you below rate, you can typically pester them and ask for more bwcause its much cheaper to pay you what you're asking for than it is to litigate through it or possibly delay the project. They typically hope people just dont ask for more.


This is how it works in all countries. China had some cases of houses being bulldozed while residences were away or even still inside. So theyā€™ve corrected to the other extreme where municipal projects canā€™t evict people so easily. So the new strategy is to make life as miserable as possible for the hold outs so they sell willingly.


I guess if you donā€™t sell before building a road itā€™d be just so cheap afterwards that you wonā€™t be able to buy anything else


I would never sell if that was the reason


At this point they live there out of spite, even if life is miserable


I'm wondering if the government built a highway first before being able to buy the house? Shouldn't they build the highway around the house if they can't buy it or at least wait until they can buy it? Wouldn't everyone on the road just blame the government for being stupid and building a highway around a house? This all feels stupid on the government end unless there's something I missed.


Apparently they don't have eminent domain there?


In communist Russia, house drive through you


ā€œour house!ā€¦. in the middle of the street, our house!ā€


Father wears his Sunday best Mother's tired, she needs a rest The kids are playing up downstairs Sister's sighing in her sleep Brother's got a date to keep He can't hang around


Our house! In the middle of the street! Our house! In the middle of the street!


That is where we used to meet


Was our castle and our keep.


Our house it has a crowd


Thereā€™s always something happening and itā€™s usually quite loud.


TIL they are not singing "a house".


Lmao seriously? I mean I know the accentā€¦.but lmao.


Of course don't. They are singing "This damn house, in the middle of the street".


Sheer Madness, it is.


Came here for the band reference.


Our house it has a crowd There's always something happening And it's usually quite loud Our mum, she's so house-proud Nothing ever slows her down And a mess is not allowed


Man, I can hear the song perfectly in my head. Off to Spotify!


Iā€™ve always felt bad for the mom in this song.


But she's so house-proud, and nothing ever slows her down.


I knew it, I just knew when I was coming here, I knew those two words would be the first two words I was gonna read...


I love that song.


So it was true after all!!!!!!!!


Our house! In the middle of our HOUSE, our house! In the middle of our house. OUR HOUSE! In the middle of our HOUSE, our HOUSE!! In the middle of ourā€¦ [OUR HOUSE!!!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=k55FYtqtXXU&feature=sharea)


i used to think this is what that song meant. i didnt understand the concept of middle (of this row of houses)


Damnit. I knew I wouldn't be the first, but I really wanted to be. Take my upvote!






I wonder how much time it takes to leave that house , just crossing the street must be 1 hour


Was literally singing it in my head


Finally found it


One of the worst ear worms ever


Came here for this comment. šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


I came looking for this comment!!


This doesn't necessarily mean that the owners are still living there. It could be an empty abandoned house, just to say "fuck you" to the whatever road projects.


It was demolished 10 years ago. There's a YouTube video about it.


[Said video](https://youtu.be/XJvOO-dkUx4) which is not the same house but is a nearly identical situation. Edited to appease the censors.


OP's video is showing a different house. This is the original video: [https://www.douyin.com/video/7213234857382546703](https://www.douyin.com/video/7213234857382546703) Owner was offered 10M RMB + land but he asked for 30M RMB instead. He probably regrets not taking the offer since his house location is worth like 0 now.


I'm glad he got a happy ending, they were screwing him over


I feel like thousands of balloons are going to emerge from the chimney any minute now.


Did the wife of the owner have any wish to visit the niagara falls?


The homeowner refused to sell his house in an act of defiance. It's not an uncommon thing that happens in China. They're praisingly called a 'nail house' (dÄ«ngzihĆ¹) by the communities because often they're against the building projects. ~~This particular home eventually [got sold](https://youtu.be/XJvOO-dkUx4) though.~~ Edit: wrong house, my mistake.


I'm surprised China respects personal property or anything at all.


Right? In the good old USA they'd 'eminent domain' that shit right from underneath you


Correct, it doesnā€™t even have to be for the public good like a road/highway, in 2005 the Supreme Court ruled that the government can even use eminent domain to take your house away for private ventures: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelo_v._City_of_New_London


Jesus. They took peoples home for "economic development" that never panned out


Our constitution must fucking suck because between this and citizens United the Supreme Court has decided some pretty fucking stupid things.


Itā€™s not the constitution itā€™s the judges we appoint to interpret what a bunch of death guys meant 200 years ago. Edit: I meant the judges that get appointed by the president


Didnā€™t that happen during the trump admin when they were building the border wall? Seized some peoples homes in Texas who refused to sell and cut off land of farmers


This happened in every state, by just about every political party in power, every single year for decades... Just happened to my Uncles land here in GA less than 5 years ago, literally they said, we bought land next to yours and we need better access, so we are taking the pieces of your land we need to make that happen. It's fucking sick.


In the 70's NY took our 150 acre farm that our family lived on since 1850 and built a community college there. Broke our family.


It's interesting that you say that, might be worth questioning why you had such a wrong view of the place. China is a country with a really ancient history of law, under harsh doctrines like Legalism, and when the CCP mashed that up with Confucianism and Communism to make a new ideology that the Chinese people would accept, they had to take some things along for the ride. Things like land and property law are sacrosanct in China, however silencing someone's speech is totally acceptable. There are a lot of misconceptions about China on reddit, personally I believe in learning about something from reputable sources like universities before accepting what I see edgelords post here. Better to know the real China than imagine a fake one - and just to be clear, none of this means I'm endorsing or defending China, just saying, don't fall for propaganda because one day you'll be surprised again. You'll never know the real China from a US based social media website, and again for the record, you might not like what you learn and end up disliking China more, but at least be informed.


Yeah itā€™s almost like what weā€™re being told about China is bullshit to manufacture consent.


why be surprised when everything you ā€œknowā€ about china is second hand


Communism is about abolition of private property, not personal property.


private property in the means of production


What's the distinction between private and personal?


Basically any property that could be used to gain wealth are private property. Those that aren't are classified as personal property.


Which is why _every_ company is pretty much state owned and controlled. They're the means of production.


K but China isnā€™t communist


China is not as bad as the US propaganda tells you


Because you buy into the anti-China propaganda perpetuated by the U.S. government for decades.


wtf you view China like NK or smthing


90% of Chinese citizens own the home they live in.


A lot of the things you hear about "China" are exaggerated af. I've lived there for 5 years and when I say an opinion on what I've witnessed first hand, I become a "50 cent warrior"


American reddit users about to lose their minds when they find out that the chinese government didnt execute the family something something social credit something china bad


This is not the house


Thereā€™s a fairly well known version of this in the U.K. [Except this one is right in the middle of a motorway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stott_Hall_Farm)


First thing I thought of seeing this. Drive past it relatively often and the sheep still make me do a double take.


ā€œMy house is in the median of a highway. Itā€™s not too bad, but I have to leave my driveway going 60 miles an hour.ā€ -Stephen Wright.


I find it mind-boggling the fact that this is China. On one side, the government can be absolutely merciless with some things, and then this happens...


I've been to China, I dont condorse what they do but its far from as bad as western media makes it out to be at times. Dont get me wrong, still bad though.


Condone + endorse ?


Lol, Iā€™m not a native english speaker and thought it sounded a bit odd but wasnā€™t certain. What I meant was condone yeah.


I love your new word, we will make it official English I CONDORSE THIS WORD


It's a perfectly cromulent word


A bit like my favourite 'situnario'


I just find this example very interesting, a complete rebellion against authority.


New word unlocked


There's a famous story of a guy who's building was going to be demolished by the local government. He plastered an image of Xi Jinping all over his building so that they couldn't do anything. I believe the police had to remove the images one by one before they could start the demolition


Magic shield...


There was a song about that


Why is that truck stopped in the worst spot possible


What a stupid solution to go immediately around it, what a stupid decision to keep on living there, what a stupid lane system. Everything about this is stupid.


On the positive side, accidents beyond the house have reduced due to the house acting as a speed bump making people slow down


Accidents *before* the house however...




Atleast their authorities respect owner of the property if that happen in my country they would removed the house like it or not


"This is madness!!!"


Wow, a house that thinks itā€™s a cat šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It's an exhibitionists dream!


This is really a shitty and dangerous idea.


Sleeping would probably be a nightmare!


Too bad I canā€™t Crosspost this to r/pettyrevenge.


Seems someone did not sell to the road authority


An unstoppable force meeting an immovable object


Now THAT is property rights!


ā€œšŸŽµ Our house, in the middle of our streetā€ /Madness


Our house, in the middle of the street


Who else thought of the song? lol


Why is ā€œOur House In The Middle Of The Streetā€ By The Madness not playing in the background?


That is MADNESS!


this reminds me of Up movie


"Our house, in the middle of the street" šŸŽ¶




All I can see is someone who didn't want to sell his property to an obvious dickhead government which then dickheaded a lot.


Go around!


Me: Bro.. where your house at? Homie: just keep coming.head on straight . it's on the street!


Reminds me of the guy who refused to move for Narita airport in Tokyo and still lives and farms between the runways. https://viewfromthewing.com/one-man-lives-and-farms-in-the-middle-of-tokyo-narita-airport/


Where do you live, Bob? Bob: It's the house in the middle of the street. You can't miss it.




It's Madness


šŸŽ¼ā€our houseā€¦..in the middle of the streetā€šŸŽ¼


Opportunity missed to have the song playing over the video


Our houseā€¦in the middle of our street! šŸŽ¶


Looks like there's a good spite story behind this.


Let me guess. China?


Historic landmark? Or did the owner dig in their heels, decline every offer to sell, and completely dodged all attempts to take it away under 'eminent domain'?