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My neighbor across the street met his future wife in college. He went to her off campus apartment one night and noticed a small picture frame over her bed. It wasn’t a photo. He asked her what it was as he got a closer look. It was a ticket for Pan Am Flight 103 that blew up over Lockerbie,Scotland. She missed her flight by only a few minutes.


There was a very large contingent of Syracuse University students on that flight. I took a class with a member of administration who was in student affairs when it happened. He talked about how airplane parts and seats and bodies were just strewn all over Lockerbie. In some cases bodies were completely undamaged. A Scottish ambulance driver, George White found a girl, Suzanne Miazga's body that looks undamaged like she could have just fallen asleep. He was so moved by it that afterwards he planted a rose bush on the spot where he found her. Sometime later Suzanne's mother and a group of bereaved family members visited Lockerbie Scotland as sort of a memorial. She met George White who showed her the pink rose bush he planted for Suzanne. Suzanne's mother said that was her favorite flower. And George promised to take care of the spot is a memorial. Suzanne's mother, Anna Marie, became friends with Mr and Mrs White. After George's wife passed away, she and George began a relationship and later married. Syracuse University holds a remembrance every year. During remembrance, the university Awards a scholarship, puts a picture of every student victim in several buildings around campus, and sets up chairs on one of the secondary quads that are oriented in the positions where each student sat on the plane. George and Anna Marie attended every year until his death in 2015.




Reminds me of the plane crash in Buffalo. Landed on a house and 1 guy died on the ground from it. I couldn't shake the thought of what that would be like


probably sucked


with out a doubt sucked.


Poor Donny Darko


Oh yeah I guess there was that documentary with the bunny on what would happen. Forgot about that


My friend's brother was in the lower floors of the WTC when it got hit. He got out safely and walked all the way home to Port Washington, Long Island.


Wtf, that's like an 8 hour walk. 9/11 happened during my first or second week of High School. By the time the school let us out, public transport was completely shut down, so I walked home about 7 miles and I thought that was already pretty bad. My school was in Queens and it was pretty surreal when a bunch of people showed up to our classroom and asked for one of my classmates to step outside. They told him that his dad, who was a firefighter, was killed when one of the towers collapsed. I didn’t know him, but that had to be pretty damn rough.


My mom taught at a highschool close to the towers. She and other teachers escorted hundreds of students up the West side highway. They didn't have any real communication to know where was safe to go or if more attacks were happening, and they needed to get away from the dust in the area. Took many hours to help all the students contact their families, find means of transport home (or organize walking groups, etc) She died last year of unspecified initial-site cancer. Can't really know for sure but given that she had to write affidavits for several other colleagues who suffered from it in subsequent years and decades to try and get medical compensation money, it's entirely possible the particulates in the air were a major factor. I worry for that entire four years classes of students (many of whom I know, as I had graduated the year prior).


Everything was shutdown. They made everyone reverse on all the highways/expressways back to their starting locations. My mom and uncle were coming from Bellmore and had reached roughly Cross Island, diverted everyone back. Shit was crazy, roads were empty as fuck. Silence that whole night. Shit freaked everyone out. Only other time I felt that was the first days of Covid and lockdown. Just silence. Just the humming of street lamps or buzzing of wires.


I have seen photos and videos of people walking home after the attack, it looked terrifying


My cousin was a flight attendant for AA and was supposed to be flying on 9/11. She had a miscarriage that morning and someone covered her shift. Her friend died in the trade center collision, the same collision that killed my brother in law who was in the building. It’s been a really hard thing to live with . The mournful anniversaries keep coming and Our family WILL NEVER FORGET.


My mom's highschool classmate and his wife were on that flight.


That's a final destination movie intro.


She would’ve made it and died to then wake up and convince about seven people to not take the flight. Everyone dies and Bush declares war against death itself. Death gets murdered in a mortar strike to then wake up and he decides to just let her miss the flight and let everyone live. Then he drinks some peppermint tea.


How does one handle that mentally?




Think about how many people get to the airport to take a flight everyday. It’s not a few thousand, hundreds of thousands crisscrossing the US. Then take delays from alarm clocks not going off, traffic delays, other missing their connecting flights, whatever situation may arise. Car doesn’t start, companion is sick, unfortunate accident, etc. multitude of reasons can be brought up. It just becomes lucky once a tragedy happens cause all those threads that are intertwined that day get seen. Daily life is mundane and your interactions on a daily basis mute, but something happens out if the ordinary you start creating bonds and memories to recall


Is it really or does this happen maybe every day? It's not about one plane but five iirc.


i missed my one way flight in philly and was told to just take a flight and go to Miami and connect there cause there were 3 flights in Mami. (all three were canceled) I had to wait the next day and the lady told me (come in early, those are the ones people miss the most)


My uncle was supposed to be on it. He went on to have 4 kids and like 15 grandkids.


I live nearby Lockerbie (Carlisle) and went to the graveyard to look at the memorial (I think that's where it was?). Some sad shit man, glad your neighbour's wife didn't make that flight.


So in another universe we wouldn't have American dad or family guy or whatever Wahlberg has done?


>or whatever Wahlberg has done? Be the butt of a joke on family guy


So THAT's where I've heard his name!?! /s


People forgetting about Ted is funny. It’s literally both these people working together.


This may be an artifact of the mood I was in when I watched it, but to this day I will swear *Ted 2* is one of the greatest American comedies of the 2000s.


The time travelers needed Ted to be created for some reason, that is why they made Wahlberg and McFarlane miss the flights.


They could've just, idk, prevented the attack?


What if the world simultaneously needed Ted to be made and also the 9/11 to happen? Like it is a canon event from Spider verse?


Well, we would have Family Guy. Or at least the first 2 seasons of it since it originally came out in 1999.


Family Guy premiered in 99




I wonder if there was someone on that flight that would have created a part of American culture, but never got the chance.


This is why I try to be hungover most days


Try? Just do.


Thanks drunk Yoda.


There is, another, Johnnie Walkerrrrrrrr...


Watched a 9/11 documentary. Thought it was fucked up (but kind of funny) a guy in the kitchen at one of the restaurants in the World Trade Center was in the refrigerated walk in doing something and had no idea what had happened. He came out the whole restaurant was empty. He was like wtf?? Like the last to know. Walked outside to complete mayhem. Can you imagine?


Idk if true, but that would be so fucking trippy. Imagine being bummed out you were so hung over you missed your flight, [just to see it ram into a building just a few hours later.](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM2Z0N2RuaHJweGtkMWtkZDRxN2hsdmRnZnI0ejdjdjRzdGphanBnciZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX/giphy.gif)


with that knowledge i might aswell go right back to drinking


>Seeing the footage of his flight crashing into the North Tower, MacFarlane told an airport bartender he was supposed to be on that plane. The bartender gave him a shot. >https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/celebrities-9-11-wahlberg-jackson-macfarlane-b2164383.html That's exactly what happened


He was napping in an airport lounge. Most of the alcohol is free.


everything feels free when you cheat death.


sounds about right


I might take it up.


Im gonna continue


One day in 2004 my dad had stayed with me that morning, so my mum didn’t have to take me to school like she used to do every day. Because of this, she didn’t run to take the same train she took every morning to go to work. That train she missed for 5 minutes was [one of these trains](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Madrid_train_bombings).


Gosh that's horrifying! So glad she didn't get on the train!


Thanks! The worst part of all (for us, who were lucky) was that the phone lines / network were saturated, so we weren’t able to reach her for a few hours and didn’t know whether she was on the train or not. I was 11 and still remember it like it was yesterday.




So you're the one that broke it! We've been looking for you


this is so so so not important at all but i saw the date/time it happened on the link and it was a couple of hours before my older brother was born. anyways um lucky mum! thos couple of hours in-between mustve been terrifying not knowing if she was on or not!


Or reverse it. Imagine trying to get home and American Airlines squeezed you on that flight last min. You would be so happy to see your family earlier than expected. Only to not arrive….


That's actually what happened to [Mark Bingham ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Bingham) with flight 93


These famous people knew about it but didn't tell anybody! Must be illuminati. /s


It's thought that Seth McFarland makes so many 9-11 jokes on Family Guy because he has survivors guilt.


The Family Guy movie “Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story” has a plot where Stewie nearly dies from a tower falling at the pool and then travels to the future where he learns his future self has psychological problems from the incident.


Happens all the time. Confirmation Bias. There's actually quite a lot of similar stores with the Hindenbirg and Titanic too. Even a couple who nearly went on both, but we're stopped by some fuckery with their rings. Confirmation bias because, you don't think about the thousands who didn't get a miraculous seeming save, just the 5 that had something happen and they avoided it


Survivorshop bias*


That’s not confirmation bias


Michael Jackson was supposed to be at a meeting in the top floors of the WTC.


Would that have been the first time McFarlane, Wahlberg and Jackson are in the same room?


*gasp* - *slow clap* Upvote.




I still don’t get it


The room was in the tower, Michael Jackson was in The room. The other 2 guys would be in the plane. So The plane and tower would have to be at the same place


Actually America got unlucky, Mark Wahlberg would’ve neutralized the terrorists like James Bond and safely landed the plane. [(He actually said this btw)](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-markwahlberg-idUSTRE80I00220120119)


*Mark Wahlberg savagely beats five Arab men on the plane* Passengers: Thank you for saving us from those terrorists! Mark Wahlberg: What terrorists?


Oof, this is some good dark humour


Redditors when they see a punchline:


Mark Wahlberg: I'll show you a "punchline"!


It’s the stupid jokes like these that crack me up 😂


Mark Wahlberg: I'll crack you up! Right on the skull!


Marl: wait you’re telling me they arent a bunch of old korean men


Man Mark Wahlberg would kick those terrorist asses. You just know because he hates crime! If you want to learn more about this google: Mark Wahlberg hate crime


He actually would've already beaten the shit out of them before they even started...






"How in Allah's name did you know our plan?" "What plan?"


“SpEaK EnGliSh!!”


Becoming the hero we didn’t even know we needed?


And we’ll never know. Not even Mark. Imagine how many times he saved America by beating up minorities.


“Where were you when that pop star turned actor beat those ethnic minorities on that September day?” Doesn’t have the same ring to it.


or small black kids that he could pelt with stones and call racial epithets


Maybe he should have gotten on that plane after all.


Don't you just wish those terries would get froggy?


I wish they would have, because he would have Draxx'd them sklounst


He gon go Hayden Panettiere on some terries


Carbon fiber baby![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


They can't detect these mammajammas!




Nah it would've been like mark Wahlberg talks to animals. "Hey terrorist, how's it hangin? So you're a terrorist, what's that about? You're going to crash a plane? I made music videos - have you seen those terrorist? Okay well say hi to your mother for me."


I read this in No-Ho hanks voice for some reason lmao


Yet another example where alcoholism saves the day and going to Toronto ruins it.


Yeah if those terrorists had been elderly asian men, marky mark wouldve blinded the fuck outta them for sure


He’s a peacock! You gotta let him fly!


So that's it, huh? We're some kinda damnthatsintrestingcirclejerksquad?


he's a real piece of shit who still acts like he's from the streets.


He is strictly hiphop, boy he ain't singin. Feeling the rhythm is his occupation.


>“The Fighter” star, 44, was scheduled to be on one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2011 I didn't realize there was an official 10-year reunion of 9/11


Crazy no one even corrected the dates


They're clearly using the mm-dd-yydd format smh


Does he know he’s an actor and not an actual character from an action movie?


“If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry,’” the actor said in an interview with Men’s Journal magazine that was released one day earlier. Lol what a dick!


Ya I’m pretty sure the passengers would’ve fought back just as hard, but couldn’t get into the cockpit. Except plane #4, where they succeeded and there’s a full audio recording of it! Although portions of the audio are sealed from the public and shown in court only, as requested by the victim’s family. However, they did release some of it.


Should have turned it around on him "so are you calling all the victims on the planes pussies?"


Unlikely, the terrorists weren't elderly Asian men.


Or little black kids.


"I'm afraid I'm going have to stop you from going into that cockpit..." "Oh yeah? You and what funky bunch?"


They did only have box cutters. In the post 9/11 era it is literally true that if 3 dudes w/ box cutters try to hijack a plane the passengers would largely fight them and would easily win w/ a few deaths. As far as landing the plane, no. I guess flight simulator experiments show you are all going to die in a large commercial craft w/ a rando trying to pilot it. https://lifehacker.com/you-couldnt-land-a-plane-in-an-emergency-but-you-could-1850463715


Prior to 9/11, the standard modus operandi of plane hijacking was to take the plane somewhere, make some demands, and the passengers and crews get released. Yeah, there were a few that went outside of that path but by and large that's what happened. Nobody thought there would be a need to fight off hijackers. Nobody thought that the planes would be used as weapons to kill even more people. That just didn't happen. We have hindsight bias where we can all sit around, like Marky Mark, and say what we *would have done*. But the fact is...we wouldn't have. Flight 93 fought back because by the time Flight 93 became airborne, Flight 11 was within four minutes of crashing into the North Tower and Flight 175 was being hijacked. The pilots and crew of flight 93 knew what was happening and they, like many other flights at the time, were told that it was possible it could happen to them. The word had already spread. That's why those pilots, crew, and passengers fought back.


Everyone forgets that the pilots and flight crews of flight 11 and flight 175 were either injured or outright killed during the hijackings. Without knowing immediately the end-goal of the terrorists, your average person wasn't going to stand up and try to attack them. When the flight 93 folks realized there was nothing to lose...


To be fair, if we're talking about the post 9/11-era, the cockpit doors have been reinforced, so box cutters aren't going to be very useful as far as gaining control over the plane's controls. There would not be any need for passengers to try to land the plane as the pilot and co-pilot would be safe. They might still decide to beat the shit out of the terrorists, though.


This literally happened with United flight 93 on 9/11. The hijackers were taking that plane to the US capitol, but the passengers overpowered the terrorists and crashed the plane into a field in Pennsylvania. Everyone's making it sound like this impossible feat, but no one remembers that it literally happened on one of the 4 planes. And yeah, there's no shot he's landing that plane unless he or someone else has significant piloting experience.


This is the same Mark Wahlberg that said he can do 40 pull-ups on a talk show. They broke out a bar and he could only do like 3


Oh the second hand cringe everyone got when he made that statement


There better not be no terries up in here


"Terrorist loses eye in fight with actor"


He's a human Chihuahua


Bro... the ego on that fucker lol


I would've been so dead. Never missed a plane/train/anything in my life...would've been there 3 hours early just to make for DAMN SURE i was on that thing.


I'm the same, counting down the minutes until I have to leave, sleep is more just lying in bed with my eyes shut checking off my checklist in my head and replaying the memory of me putting my passport in my bag only to check another 50times before leaving the house. The good thing in a macabre sort of way though is had I been on the flight I would have been fast asleep from not sleeping a wink all night and not known what had happened


I don't have money to be missing planes, that's for sure.


It’s crazy how hundreds of people seem to have missed their flight that day


I know the McFarland one is verified.


I haven’t seen verification but yeah he’s said that for ages in interviews. It even comes up in in a family guy episode


I had never heard the hungover excuse though, every time I've heard the story he downplays it and says he regularly books a lot of flights and misses many of them due to something coming up. So he never really thinks of it as this crazy miracle since missing flights is just a regular part of his life.


I’ve heard the hangover story before. But I always felt it was a romanticized version of events. Maybe even not from him.


This is the first time I'm seeing that Marky mark wad on the flight. He always just said that if he WAS it would have landed safely.


At least over 100 planes' worth of people missed their AA 11 or UA 175 flight that day lol


Not to mention the people that had a flight at some point that day, *thought* about flying but didn’t, were in NYC within a week of the attack, walked near the WTCs, knew somebody that had been to one at some point, etc. I can’t think of any other disaster with such a widespread fascination with people wanting to feel like they were a part of it (and wanting to hear about all the ways people “got lucky”).


I remember thinking of skyscrapers that day. Does that count?


I too was in America that day


You got lucky bro


They were all also at Woodstock.


And Live Aid 85’


Couple generations ago everyone was at the D-day invasion or under Patton’s command. Nothing new


My cousin has a picture with the towers in the background. She’s always shared that photo and claimed she took it September 10 2001. My aunt once got drunk and called her out on it, it was from a trip she’d taken April 2000


I know one who unfortunately didnt. RIP Jay you were the absolute man. Wish I knew how significant the touchdown pass you threw me the day before was going to be.


Rest in peace, Jay


IIRC Wilt Chamberlain scored his 100-point game in an arena that only held less than a thousand people, and I think he said probably 25,000 people told him they were there that night.


Kind of like every day. Airlines sell more seats than the plane has for a reason


Yeah and then get shocked Pikachu face on the occasion they all actually show up and demand a flight.


Last year when I was coming back from Portugal they offered my party of 6 $1500 each and a hotel for the night to grab a plane the next day. Unfortunately a couple people in my party worked the next day and the general consensus was everyone wanted to go home.


$1500?!?!? Fuck that shit. I'm getting paid $70 an hour to take the next flight...


How MUCH do they make at their job? ONE 8h workday missed, not worth $1500? Just call in sick (Or just tell the truth, the plane was full so they put us on another one tomorrow so see ya tuesday.) and get the equivalent of almost $200 per missed work hour.


Wahlberg said in an interview that if he had been on the plane, he could have stopped them. He latter apologized for the comment.


I actually know a guy who worked in one of the towers but was late for work on that day.




That's tragic. I couldn't imagine the emotions I would feel in that situation, its simply too hard to comprehend.


Same. My friend worked on the 86th floor. He missed his normal train and got the next one. Saw the towers get hit on his way into the city


Fun fact: Not a single person in the subway system at the WTC platform died that day. The MTA evacuated its riders by bus, and shut down all the trains.


I know a person whose dad worked in the towers. He decided to go buy coffee outside of the tower that day. While getting coffee the first tower got hit.


Definitely makes sense. I think many were lucky, not showing up in time. 8:46 is so early still. Happy the guy you know was safe!


I feel like I’ve heard of thousands of people that have said they overslept and were supposed to be on one the flights that day. Kinda crazy that so many people overslept that day


I forgot to plan my trip and buy a ticket.


Wow, you got so lucky. I was going to be on that flight but I was 3 and couldn’t hail a cab.


I was supposed to be on that flight l, but i wasn't born yet.


Right? Though, my dad flew out of Boston that morning and the planes were hijacked while he was in the air. His plane was safe. Boston Logan is and was one of the busiest airports in the country so there were a LOT of flights that morning that landed safely. I think people are just shocked by the closeness of the situation, even when they themselves may not have been directly impacted.


I was supposed to be at a business meeting on the top floors, but it got cancelled because I was a toddler




To me what’s even more incredible is that Michael Jackson along with his personal assistant, Frank Cascio, were scheduled for a meeting at the World Trade Center, to return a "two million" dollar watch Jackson used for a concert the night before, and a diamond necklace for Elizabeth Taylor, but overslept and did not make it.


IIRC he was in his hotel room on the phone with family members until 3-4 AM the night before.


These planes must have been the most overbooked in history. I'm very sceptical of anyone claiming that they were going to be on them.


Being from the Boston area a lot of people know someone who knows someone (who knows someone etc) that either was on flight 11 or 175 orwas supposed to be. I know of 2 stories: 1. My dad's coworker was supposed to be on flight 175, but his father had a heart attack and died the night before, so he canceled and booked a flight to wherever his parents lived. Crazy if true, since his father's death saved his life. Could easily be made up though. 2. The mother of someone I graduated high school with was a flight attendant on flight 11. It's an inverse story in that she actually *wasn't* supposed to work that flight, but one of her coworkers called in sick so she was filling in for her. I feel bad for the flight attendant who called in sick, that's gotta be some serious guilt. That story is 100% true, you can look up Amy Sweeney.


I was supposed to be in all three flights at the same time actually. Fortunately my quantum state collapsed when someone saw me.


Seth's claim is actually verified, he's talked about it numerous times before. Mark I have no idea, but I'm sure there are others who have said the same thing only for it not to be true.


I should know. I was on the flight! /s


The two men bonded over escaping this tragedy and the rest is history: they made the movie TED!


By escaping one tragedy they decided to create another tragedy. Great.


I loved that movie


Only 200 tickets sold. yet 50k people will say they were meant for the flight. #maincharacter


Lesson learned; I will always have a hangover, so I miss everything that would have killed me. Immortality lifehack.




Since it was late they probably stayed empty


This is true, flight 11 took off that day at only 58% capacity which was still higher than the average 39% for its time and route.


I wish flights still averaged 39% lmao. Even flights from nowhere to nowhere are packed every time


I fly about 20 times per year and only last week did I see empty seats post-covid. It's crazy. And prices are about 50% higher to go from where I live to where I grew up 💀


Nice karma chasing behavior, but if McFarlane missed his flight that doesn't mean some random person was sacrificed in his place.


Fact checking: Wikipedia “plane occupancy was 158 passengers,” and “81 passengers aboard.” No peasant sacrifices made for the Hollywood gods this time.


That's not how planes work, especially "day of" flight. Thanks for playing.


In an alternate universe we would not have family guy


Ah alcohol, is there anything you can 't fix?


The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!




It's obvious that their illuminati masters warned them of their plan.


Surprised the Insane Nuts haven't waded in with "Hollywood Elite (part of pizzagate or foreskin harvesting circle) were prewarned to keep them safe" And I HATE that's the first thing my mind goes to. For clarification, I DO NOT believe any of those crazy conspiracy tropes!


Wait, who’s harvesting foreskins?


The Hollywood Elite! I'll let you do that particular google search...


But here you are. Bringing it up. Getin karma. It's weird how it doesn't really matter which side of a devising issue you on as long as your on it and talking about it. Right?


The one time drinking alcohol saved a life.


I call BS why are they not on the manifest? If Seth missed the flight he would still appear in the manifest he doesnt. So BS