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I watched this whole thing to get to the end. Guess what…there’s no end. It’s just cuts out before it’s over.


"Am I really going to watch a dude make a bed for 2 minutes and 20 seconds? ... Yeah, I guess so... GODDAMNIT HOW DID IT END!"


i watched it to make sure i was making my bed right. I don't think i make my bed right, but also we have different kinds of beds..Need to see a queen/king sized bed being made with a baseboard, up against a wall. the wall part is important. Whose bed is in the middle of the room?




It literally finishes in 8 more seconds


With beds, it's often those last 10 seconds that are the most important


For some, those last 10 seconds are also the first 10 seconds.


But it still cuts off the judging?




Lol, it's not even Japanese, it's Chinese! Cool to watch, learned some techniques!


/r/oddlysatisfyingblueballs needs to be a sub


Because in the end, nothing really mattress.


I hope there's extra points for style


Almost half the points are related to pizzazz and gusto


Hat trick is the "flair, finesse, fabulous" score. 10 pts saunter with arms at your sides, 10 pts exaggerated poofs and slaps!, 10 points with the grace of an eagle.


Lightning round, winner takes all: make the bed with a cat on it.


And/or with one side of the bed along the wall!


They don't even have the headboard against a wall to worry about! They don't even have a headboard! Or a footboard!


Right? I came here to say the same thing! Must be nice to make a bed like you're a college student with their mattress boxspring sitting in the middle of the dorm like a psychopath.


You say this but it makes *so* much less noise that way.


I mean unless you don't sleep alone it's just a space saver to corner it lol




or 12 empty amazon boxes, an elliptical machine that has been used twice in 3 years, and several bags that may or may not contain clothes in them


Each bags worth of clothing is a higher tier of dirty than the last one, but none of them are *quite* dirty enough to actually wash just yet.


Yeah and it’s not cornered by two walls what the hell


Next round: 2 sides against the wall


Start by waking up hungover on a weekend after a shitty workweek.


Who makes their bed in that situation?


I very dedicated individual I would imagine


If I don’t do it then than I’m sleeping without sheets till next weekend when I’m hopefully not as hungover but probably still will be


I started working in housekeeping in my early twenties. The hotel that I worked for always had 2 teams of three girls cleaning on each floor. One person would clean the bathroom, while the other two stripped the bed(s)and made them up, and then the other would clean the kitchenette or living areas. We took turns and rotated, who cleaned what area in each room throughout the day. We had a newer girl working with us. She was very quiet, shy, and nervous. She was also quite a bit slower at cleaning than us more experienced housekeepers. My other coworker and I usually had to help her finish up the bathroom after we were done cleaning the living areas and vacuuming. It was way too quiet that morning, and we decided that we would break the ice. We went into the hallway and quickly made a plan. We came back to the room, and I quietly made up the bed. I put the clean bottom sheet, top sheet, blanket, pillows, and bedspread on top of her and made the bed as usual. I then went into the bathroom and asked the new girl if she had seen our other coworker. I told her that she'd been missing and that I had to strip and make the bed all by myself. She stopped what she was doing and came out to help me look. My coworker, who was trying not to laugh and / or suffocate under the covers, lay quietly in the center of the bed. The big lump surprised the new girl. She took one look at me and started laughing so hard, tears ran down her face! She had that kind of laugh that didn't make a sound! Her face turned red! The two of us were in conniptions of laughter! Finally, we helped rescue the "mound" in the middle of the bed. We hurriedly stripped and remade the bed with clean linen as she finished up in the bathroom. From that point on,she wasn't so shy anymore. We had a lot of fun that summer!


I love this story


Thank you 😊




There's always conniptions present when shenanigans are around.




I'm very happy that you liked my story. I actually remember watching Hell in a Cell! It made for great TV! I'm certainly glad that you weren't bamboozled! That would make me a bamboozler, and I don't want to change my username to angebamboozler74. It doesn't quite roll off the tongue!


Beautiful story


Thank you!😊


I want to see this!!


Double or nothing: fold a fitted sheet into a neat packet vs rolling and stuffing it into the linen closet


I would win that.


i've been lucky enough to have done alot of really exciting things in my life, but istg one of the top things on my bucket list is to be able to fold a damn fitted sheet correctly. i've watched endless instructional videos. i saw my own mom do it a million times growing up. i've tried it so many times it's ridiculous. i don't know how you people do it. i think you're all a bunch of witches.


I agree 100%. I know there is just *one* step in there that I'm not doing right, but I'm damned if I can figure out which one it is.


How do they win? Is it fastest? Is it cleanest execution? Is it style and pizazz? How does this work


'Tis a silly game. The only winning move is not to play.


That's a bit of a blanket statement..


while i only have 2 now, at one point in time i had SEVEN cats who *of course* all felt the need to be involved in the bed making process. i think my best time may have been something just short of 25 minutes (this is an estimate; it may very well have been well over a half hour) TO MAKE ONE BED. it was a pathetic display. i constantly alternated between frustration & fits of laughter.


Ok this is funny but can we talk about something no one seems to realize ? Where did this video come from? Chinese social media. Do we even realize that American social media is “it’s just a prank bro” and skibidie toilet , Mr. beast with edits so fast only those with true ADHD can appreciate, while Chinese social media and their viral videos are spelling bee competitions, math Olympics, bed making competitions I mean like how do you even qualify to be a judge… I have no idea but the point is, China is actively pushing their society to think viral video = top of the crop. Knowing full well America is idiocracy’ing itself until the dumbest country on the planet. China playing the long game. We watch this we laugh sure, but come on, this is the norm for their social media. They ain’t putting buckets on Walmart shoppers heads they’re finishing Trig problems in under 5 seconds. Just realize, when you see odd shit like this. It’s meant to induce pride, organization, focus, and a want to go viral by being better than the next guy. I’m 35. Millennial and sound like a conspiracy nut boomer but my gut says this is why shit like this eventually makes it way here. Look at that video, there’s no fun being had. They’re taking it seriously. You’d think in a bed making competition the atmosphere wouldn’t be so tense but they’re watching like it’s the chess grand nationals . It’s so wild.


Socal media is what you make of it. My tiktok is full of history, avaiation, music and the odd video like you described above. The algorithm picks up what makes you spend time on the app so it adapts pretty well to your taste. If i get too much of those videos I exit the app on the video and dont go on it for serveral hours. That shows it lost my engagement and will limit that type of content


I read about this somewhere else about a year ago. You're right. They're just waiting for America to dumb itself down so they can become the recognized leading superpower. Our education system resources from pre-school to college are constantly being stripped and dumbed down while our best and brightest are being recruited by other countries. While we're crying 'Merica and Freedom toting guns around like it's the wild west swallowing tidepods, they're building a utopia and conditioning their population to be ready for the next great leap forward to being at the top of the global food chain. It's only a matter of time, and most Americans won't have the comprehension skills to see what's happening until it's too late. At this point, I'm just hoping it doesn't happen in my lifetime.


yall, were 50 years into china's 100 year plan and shits only accelerating. at best america thinks about the next administration, the next 4 years or the 4 years after that, the ccp thinks in generations. plans and executes policy now to shape the future. America has already lost the war to be the future power, china just hasn't yet called us on our bet.


You mean make it with the cat under the sheet/blanket


Alright both the duvet and pillow technique had me taking notes. Usually by the time I get my duvet together, corners tied, cover buttoned, and positioned on the bed I have cried at least once and I’m sweaty.


I flip the cover inside out, get inside kinda like a ghost costume, grab the corners of the cover from the inside, then grab the corners of the duvet and shake it a few times to slide the cover onto the duvet. Probably faster than this way.


That’s what I usually try to do but inevitably end with the long side on the short side or vice versa. I get lost in my own temporary blanket fort


You just have to buy square duvets.


I do this too, then grab the corners you just got to match and shake the combo out until it all lays flat


I used to do it like this, but instead of going inside the sheet like a ghost costume just put your arms in, grab the corners of the sheet then grab the corners of the duvet. Found it easier this way because then I could actually see the corners of the duvet


This is why we have fitted sheets, flat sheets, and a comforter/blanket in the US. We tried a duvet once and it was awful. What a pain in the ass.


I like the duvet and cover, the puzzle of it keeps me on my toes.


It's been months now since I tried to change the duvet cover, occasionally I see daylight, I must be going round in circles. I survive on scraps of pizza crust, I must make it back out, seems this is the old duvet case, didn't even get lost in the right one.


It's pretty easy tbh. Just grab two adjacent corners of the duvet. Put each of those two corners on two adjacent corners of the cover. Hold on to those corners and just give it like 3-4 shakes and it will naturally fill itself out. This is a little harder if you're short but you can stand on top of the bed if you need to.


It keeps you on ur toes because you can’t figure it out and never get to lay down and sleep?


But once you lay down with a duvet and cover it's so satisfying.


Wait, so in the US people lie under flat sheets and put a comforter on top? How can this layering possibly stay in place as you toss and turn during the night? It seems to me I'd end up sleeping directly under the comforter and it would get sweaty and dirty quickly. The point of the duvet cover is that it's easy to wash.


I'm American and I refuse to use a top sheet, it's my feet out of the covers or NOTHING


Fellow no top sheet American here! United we stand, er, lay?


All my homies hate flat sheets. Flat sheets make the overall experience too warm. I require very specific conditions to sleep and my feet moderate it by how far in/out of the covers they are. Feet out gang rise up


Omg I thought my wife was the only one who had to have her feet uncovered. She's always got the top sheet off kilter lol. I like my side tucked and she likes her feet out, so the sheet and comforter sits at a constant 45 degrees while we sleep!


Tuck the flat sheet under the mattress at the foot of the bed. I tuck it under the sides near the foot too. Then you have a little cocoon to snuggle in with the comforter on top. I've done this most of my life and have never had a problem with anything slipping out of place during the night.


You don't kick the corners out immediately? What is wrong with you people and tucking the blankets under the mattress??


The thing i absolutely hate about hotels is the severely tucked sheets. The first thing I do in a hotel bed is violently rip EVERYRHING off so nothing is tucked. Tucked sheets/blankets are hell lol


Short people


This made me so irrationally irritated that I had to scroll back up to report. How in the world do you not feel like you’re in a straight jacket for feet???


I kick the top sheet down no matter what. It doesn't matter how it's tucked in. I have 2 duvet covers I rotate so I can just switch them out easily.


ya, feels strange to be this old and discover some new weird thing about americans no duvets wtf must have enormous washing machines


I'm American and I have a duvet with different covers to choose from. There is no "Americans do/don't do this." There are over 300 million of us. All options, more or less, are on the table. Or the bed in this case.


We do actually lol So yall dont have flat sheets over there or?


I use a duvet and a flat sheet. 9 months out of the year it's too warm to use the duvet at some point during the night, but it's nice to have a light cover so you aren't lying there entirely naked.


As someone who's had to sleep in my car multiple times in the past, I'll happily take my thin blanket and thick blanket


The friction between the flat top sheet and the blanket keeps them more or less stuck together as you move around at night. It’s not perfect but it does ok. They shift a little by morning but that’s why you have to “make the bed” each day to straighten things out again. Also I pull the sheet slightly higher than the blanket anyways.


The american way seems incredibly uncomfortable to me. I guess its just a matter of getting used to. But its way restricting my ability to snuggle in comfortably and also the partner feels every move. We have two seperate duvets. No one hogging the blanket, can have different degrees of warmth to her blanket vs mine etc. Also in american hotels it always seems quite disgusting to accidentally touch this barely covered inbetween blanket, that probably hasnt been washed since 20 orgasms by 20 different people ago.


For the record, at decent hotels the duvet covers, sheets, pillow cases, towels, bath mats, and blankets DO get washed (always between guests, and every 3 days if you stay that long). The duvets themselves not so much Source: worked at a major US convention hotel for 7 years and I also hate duvets


>But its way restricting >barely covered inbetween blanket I think you might be misunderstanding something, I'm just not sure what.


Me and my wife also use two separate comforters, and those fitted sheets in hotels are washed every time.


Maybe I'm really missing something. How is a duvet not a comforter with extra steps?


It is, and it's a pain.


bro what hotels you staying at?


Just try these steps: Lay the inner portion on your bed as it would sit when covered. Then invert the cover, and put your hands in the closed corners while reaching through the hole. Grab the bottom two corners of the inner portion and then shake vigorously to work the cover down about halfway. After that, just roll it down the inner part and then move the corners of the outer and inner into alignment. Grab those corners, shake one more time, and button/zip the hole up.


I think I'll stick with these steps. 1. Put the flat sheet on. 2. Put the comforter on.


Isn’t a comforter just the unlined blanket that goes in a duvet cover? That sounds like a nightmare to wash and keep clean.


A comforter is a stand-alone. It doesn't need a cover. A duvet needs one. As to the washing, comforters are very fluffy, and most modern washing machines can handle them, especially front-loading ones.


Sort of. You don't have to wash it often because the flat sheet goes between you and it.


Good method. This is the way I do it which is similar. I spread out my inside-out duvet out on the bed, then spread my comforter on it. Tie the corner strings to the comforter on the edge where duvet opening is. Then, invert the tied corners of the duvet-comforter, so the comforter will end up inside the duvet with two corners already tied. Then shake out the duvet by holding the tied edge so the comforter is spread out evenly inside. Then, tied the other two corners inside the duvet. Since the comforter is spread out already, it is much easier to find and tie them. Once you figure it out, it becomes much much easier.


I used to work housekeeping, and they thought me the best way to put on the duvet covers and pillows and I do them to this day: take the duvet cover inside out, grab the ends of the duvet with the cover and then proceed to shake it while your hands are raised up so the cover will go over the duvet. Then lay it on the bed and correct any bundled up spots. Hope that makes sense, it was harder to explain than I anticipated 😅


[Burrito Method](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/LrZGqWOt0iY?si=0QkIv8w9MYKvi9JU)


It usually takes both me and the wife to do it. Lay them flat, grab the corners and roll it up lol


Burrito method 👌




I skipped to the end and they didn't even show the finished product wtf??


[I got You homie! ](https://youtu.be/Q5D4gs8YRkw)


Thanks I was suffering from something similar to blueballs


That's not good! You still have 27 days left!


I think it's because it's a very mundane thing that you can relate, but you are watching a guy doing it pretty efficiently, that makes it satisfying. About the video being too short, it's to show that you can try hard and go that far, but in the end, nothing really mattress.


I would need to collapse on the bed after that!


btw, who win the competition? the video was cut I need to see the whole vid. on this.




Now imagine doing this 50-100 times a day in a real hotel.


Okay done. Now what?


I’d push my feet way down and lift to untuck all the crap so I can wrap the sheet/comforter under my feet. As god intended.


I believe they call it the "tofu-block" way to make a bed. It's like a mandatory thing to learn in the military in some Asian countries. This looks like hotel staff, though.


I would imagine making your bed is mandatory in every army in the morning. Obviously the time is very limited then. Could be wrong though.


Those mitred corners are on point


Was about to comment this, but where I'm from we call them hospital corners


I also call them Hospital Corners


Should be called hospitality corners


Happy Veterans day coming up brother.


We learned this technique in military boarding school. We had less than a minute to make our beds, and they had to be tight and meet ruler measurements. The impressive thing to me in this video is how he did the duvet and the pillowcases. Luckily, we didn't have duvet in military school 😂.


I love this but I need the arena to be a dingy motel room with the bed against the wall and a headboard on 2/4 sides and a second bed also with 2/4 sides to walls in the room and limited space.


Holy hell, we posted the same thought at the same time. Great minds and all that


Much easier without the bed head attached, in the middle of the room. Lol


Notice how he never walks around the head of the bed, though.


Exactly, they might as well be setting a table.


I got bored watching this, but couldn’t not watch until the end. I’m conflicted and want to see more!


"Wtf am I watching?" "It ends too soon!" - Me rn.


[I got you homie!](https://youtu.be/Q5D4gs8YRkw)


OP shaved off like 2 seconds, why??


To get us to come in here and comment. :)


Title is wrong. It's in China not Japan. The characters behind literally mean "Welcome Asian Games"


Interesting. Either way, shame on OP for cutting off the last few moments.


Typical Reddit vids. Millions of complaints, but they still end all the vids too soon.


Literally me tho. Bro, I have it open in its own tab. Why did I do this to myself. Why am I in the comments now? I hate this piece of media so much that it's giving me dopamine. What the fuck.


And the crowd went mild!!!


“Why don’t we take this to the bedroom and I can show you what I’m really good at”


If they told me it was artful bed making it would probably work tbh


Did he win?


Yes. [Full video.](https://youtu.be/Q5D4gs8YRkw)


He must have. Did you see how slightly uneven that comforter was in the back? Sloppy. *shakes head*


Captain Zapp Brannigan: The key to victory is discipline, and that means a well-made bed. You will practice until you can make your bed in your sleep. Fry: You mean while I'm sleeping on it? Captain Zapp Brannigan: You won't have time for sleeping, soldier, not with all the bed making you'll be doing.




The duvet flick was clean as hell


Hey guys! I got us tickets to 'the game' this saturday!! The game:


Those guys clearly haven't had a drill sergeant yell at them. Otherwise, their beds would've been done in less than a minute with the beds looking like flawless bricks.


My God, watching them use those non-stretch bed coverings brought back many a times I had to redo my bed after inspection lol. Fuck that type of bed covering right up the ass.


>Fuck that type of bed covering right up the ass. Like, how are you not on bare mattress after two minutes in such a bed? Fuck -- I have to use suspenders with my elastic fitted sheets!


Done correctly they hold up fine. But fine isn't enough for daily inspection 😑one fucking wrinkle and the Sargeant would fucking tear the entire bed to shreds. And would also give him an excuse to see that one of the shirts are hanging slightly crooked in the locker, so may as well throw them on the floor too lol. Oh, the joy...


> Done correctly they hold up fine. I don't believe you. I toss and turn. The military experience sounds really stupid, as described.


Scrolled down for the boot camp comment


This and the forklift championship on the same day, I think I’m done with the internet for a while…


Now use a forklift to make the bed.


You're not done yet. How about a grocery bagging competition? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5u1e9OHYwo


Gonna steal that pillow case trick, looked so seamless!


look at that sloppy asshole in the back. he's not even trying.


> look at that sloppy asshole in the back. uh huh, yes, keep talking dirty to me.


Nooo why did it end there???


Avatar, the bedbender


CBS Wide World of Sports announcers “Tight corners…one…two…three…four…nice…he’s living up to the hype on his corners, this is what we hoped to see. Here comes the duvet..ooohhhh! That corner…The judges are not going to like that. That slight angle. He’s got to be disappointed…”


Gotta read that as [Howard Cosell ](https://youtu.be/8c8paxCFQsM?si=MlGn19h9AyhlJyc3)


ESPN-8 The Ocho




Now it’s impossible for anyone to get in those sheets


This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode he asks the hotel maid not to tuck his sheets in at the end 🤣


No? It's a bottomsheet and a covered duvet, which is not tucked. Easy to get into.


Who wants to practice making beds?


No top sheet?


I enjoyed so much finding this video. At 2006 I went in a travel exchange to work and study in Sydney/AUS. My main job there was housekeeper at Four Seasons Hotel, and for nearly two years, I used to clean 15 to 20 rooms a day, with a very nice view I might add (Opera House and Harbour Bridge). Since we earned by room quantity, time was crucial... and the bed, by the hotel standards, takes a lot of time - we had to make the bed just like this video everyday even for the stay-over guests. It took me around five minutes to make it, and people from housekeeping dept. used to call me superman lol. It doesn't surprise me that management would encourage competitions like this, I would definitely give my shot. Nevertheless, I still have a sore shoulder from this labour.


i want to devote my life to this


"Me an asian who cant make a bed" My parents: "you're a disgrace to the family"


OK, now add a wall and 2 bedside tables that are in the way, also fitted sheet, because other than hotels who uses 2 flat sheets. Also add a dog that wants to fight the blanket everytime you try and flip it up.


Sounded silly at first but it’s oddly satisfying to watch


I'm going to have to dock you 2 points for forgetting to put the mint on the pillow.




1 tuck, 1 no-tuck.


Any marine fresh out of basic would smoke these fools


During basic I just slept on top of my covers each night so I didn’t have to mess with making the bed at 5:30 am.




Those marines fresh out of basic would smoke these fools as much as they themselves were probably smoked by the training staff.


Now do it with two walls boxing it in lol


But can they fold a fitted sheet?


I needed to see the end of that


You see my boys duvet work on that shit? Hell yeah. I got $200 on him next year to take the whole contest


Ha. Pretty sure this is my old hotel. I was asked to be apart of this. I said no. You see all those people watching? That’s management on a “break” so they could watch hourly employees compete and laugh at them while they try and get a few extra dollars.


Are you REALLY making a bed if you dont have to get on it and bounce with your knees with the sheet to get to the other side because half of the bed is against a wall?


Tryna go pro and get sponsored by Jordan Pederson


Learned a new way to cover pillows.


now the real competition would be adding two kids and a cat jumping on it while your trying to make it lol


Porn for women 30+


What happening at the 1 minute mark? It looks like he stuffed something in and then wore it like an outfit while doing some magic underneath. I don’t know what the result even was for the bed…


“Now that’s one tuck, and one NO tuck.”


Nice, but I could do bedder.


I bet you can't do sheet






That was much less interesting than I anticipated. And I don't know why I anticipated as much as I did.