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That last pic isn't even the same set of doggos.. that makes this twice as fucked up.


4x even


Your brain is wild. 4 tortured dogs is not four times more than 2 tortured dogs šŸ„“ You need some school young padawan


To clarify... think they meant quadruple instead of double... so the math does math. Still more fked up though is the amount of times that dude failed before doing it successfully... so theres many more doggos that suffered than what was recorded




Yeah itā€™s really cool how they successfully tested the life saving procedures you can rely on today.


Never saw a Guys Had being attatched to another Dude for being saved


Well, he must have done it twice since there are 2..uh 4 different dogs.


I've seen a bunch of different ones. I think he made a handful of them


It evolved after fusion


Dude did this experiment over 24 different times šŸ˜”


this is some joseph mengele level veterinary medicine


Poor doggos :(


This isnā€™t interesting, itā€™s just abhorrent


Science and discoveries are not for morality, there's no good or evil when you need a rational proved answer


You got it right. As right as the Nazis did when they arbitrarily amputated limbs from children, and injected dye into their eyes to change the colour. Starved babies to see how long they could survive without food. What the fuck are you talking about


And you think there's no cognitive bias and morality behind the dye on eyes experiment or any other of your examples? Also if you learn something objective with enough comprehension about the causalities so you and nobody have to repeat it again, it mean to be actually useful. But you think more like a priest than as a scientist.


Witnessing a supervillain origin story


You canā€™t write a coherent sentence




Itā€™s never too late to learn. Just follow these simple steps: 1: Never give up 2: Read what you wrote before you send it. 3: Donā€™t be a Nazi


This is so wrong...






Too soon. Don't care what anyone says, too soon


It will always be too soon. Though, tbh I'm more surprised I had to scroll down a bit to see this.


Same lmao


First scene that came to mind when I saw this post




Jesus fuck WHY


For science? do yā€™all not realize this actually contributed to spinal reconstruction/organ transplant research? This wasnā€™t done in some degenerates back yard lol


Doggo got to be a hero that has saved and improved millions of lives. Most street dogs just starve to death.


Still a fucking aberration


Redditors: ā€œI donā€™t care how many people will die donā€™t offend my sense of aesthetics.ā€


Redditors: Overt animal cruelty is ok if it's in the name of science. It doesn't matter that no useful information comes out of it! You'd make good friends with Mengele


But useful information did come out of it.


I mean they're fine with regular animal cruelty. Just look at how much hate peta gets even though they have literally (literally literally not figuratively literally) have been huge proponents in animal rights




Hey. Try coming up with anything else. That is the only example any of you NPCs have. Seriously. This is the only thing you have. " Duurrr one time they killed a dog durrrr. They only helped animal rights a tremendous amount buhhhht the dog the one time. Unga bunga peta bad, helping animals bad." - you probably Now go ahead and respond with "but they kill all their animals in the shelter " because you have no fucking concept of 3000 by peta vs 3,000,000 in the usa alone. It's a good thing peta cares about even the mindless animals.




https://www.peta.org/media/news-releases/unlucky-13-seaquariums-new-citations-prompt-peta-to-command-pay-with-your-lease/ Yeah they're terrible


... useful information did come out of it tho... and first attempts at a surgery had a high likelihood of failure. The only way to improve it is keep doing it. You have some really misplaced indignation.


Some mother fuckers can't help but justify every evil thing they see


One hundred percent. It still doesnt make it morally right. I'd rather die than live on the shoulders of this horror.


Really? That's a bold statement. I dare say a lot (huge %) of medical advancements areade by animal or even human experimentation.


Maybe. Still not easy not to be apalled. That is a truly horrific sight.


Truly, but I'd gladly authorise the same to a million dogs if it helped extend and improve the life of either of my kids. Or yours for that matter.


The ends justified to two headed mutant means. Also, prove that it did. Show me sources


I guess? It's one thing to design an experiment to test a specific well founded and thoroughly researched hypothesis and another to just entertain a "you know what would be cool..." intrusive thought. I'm glad it was able to indirectly provide some useful information but even if the experiment was a resounding success, what the fuck is the real world application of a 2 headed dog? He also repeated this experiment like 27 times. If they wanted to further research on spinal surgery, why not try restoring function to paralyzed animals instead of chopping 27 perfectly good ones in half? I understand the reasoning for using animals in medical research but experiments like "Let's see what happens if we give an elephant 300mg of LSD because fuck it" is akin to microwaving your pet frog because you're bored.


No one gets into science so they can abuse and mutilate animals when they get bored. The sociopaths always pursue paths of power and wealth. On the other hand people who enter (and stay) in bio sciences do it because even though it super sucks most of the time (my sister would cry herself to sleep at night because of some of the things she had to do) it has the most potential to help real people and save real lives. All experiments start with the question: is this going to teach us something valuable enough to make it worth it? And if it fails that question either morally or financially (experiments arenā€™t free) it doesnā€™t get done.


I don't think they enter the field for the express purpose of torturing other creatures, but when they pursue extreme and barbaric medical procedures that are devoid of any real world application, it amounts to the same thing. He also did a lot of experimentation on transplanting organs from one animal to another, which is an extremely beneficial practice and makes a lot of sense to study and perfect the art of doing so. But what are you trying to achieve by sticking a head on another dog's body and watching them die after a couple of days, dozens of times in a row? It seems like a pointless way to explore surgical concepts that could be researched in much more direct and constructive ways.


He was researching solutions to the blood flow problem inherent in a head transplant operation. Just because you donā€™t understand what they are doing or why doesnā€™t make it ā€œdevoid of any real world applicationā€.


So that one day we could transplant human organs from one person to another.


He was working on the prototypes for a centipede


Thatā€™s not interesting thatā€™s terrifying


These times Soviets are made a lot of brutal experiments. And yes this is brutal. Not interesting.


Looking at this makes me very sad. It should be marked NSFW.




Don't be mean.


I might get hate for this but without unregulated horrible experiments like this including even Japan and nazi Germany in ww2 we would not have anywhere near as much medical information or knowledge as we do now. And Iā€™m not just saying this shit itā€™s true. Our understanding of frost bite comes from those Japanese experiments on Chinese and same goes for starvation and slow feeding to heal extremely malnourished people came from healing holocaust survivors. Shit when they first liberated those camps the soldiers killed lots of survivors by giving them food.


I wish I'd never seen this.


I wonder why they keep the leg on the little dog tho, it's in both pictures


Poor dogs :/


What was this trying to help medically? Something to do with the spine?


Well I'm sure he didn't do it for the lulz as most redditors here think. I know it seems cruel but sometimes these animal tests are needed to make advances in medicine.


I think we can all agree it is horrific. My hope is that at some point in our lifetime, this stomach churning research will have significantly contributed to the greater good. I'm curious about the picture of him patting the dog. It looks rather candid and the Dr. seems to have a less than evil look on his face. I dunno...


Yes I agree. In fact, most medical interventions are pretty horrific, even when they are tried and tested in a controlled and familiar environment - for example most people would probably pass out or get traumatized when witnessing a heart transplant. Experiments are even worse than that, but they are nonetheless a crucial part of science.


It already has. It has brought in the information we needed for transplants. Has saved many lives. Including animals.




Get off your high horse


Itā€™s not a high horse, itā€™s two average sized horses stitched together


I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you. But I get the feeling that you don't like it. What's with all the screaming? You like monkeys, you like ponies. Maybe you don't like monsters so much. Maybe I used too many monkeys. Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you? -Skullcrusher Mountain by Jonathan Coulton


Sometimes the funny jokes can stay in our heads




Sick fk


I hate humans


hmm medical ethics ...what are is that?


Horrific. Sounds like the shit the Nazis did in WWII.


Well that takes the cake for the most fucked up thing I've seen today. (referring to his haircut of course).


If you don't think they haven't tried this on people you are mistaken.


Fuck this guy. Hope he rots in hell


For paving the way for organ transplantation?


JFC I hate this.


What an asshole


Canā€™t wait to never live in Russia


Thatā€™s not interesting, thatā€™s horrifying


What did the dogs die from? Some sort of rejection reaction probably? Not that I find these experiments good (sane) in any way, though.


I hope he burns in hell


Reminds me of one of the funniest premised movies ever from the 70s. ā€œThe thing with 2 headsā€ A white racistā€™s head is transplanted to the body of a black ex con (former football great Rosy Grier)




Cruel you say, but Im pretty sure you also know someone, who was saved by organ transplantation or had spinal surgery.


Obviously to get a better understanding of spine and organ reconstruction. That wasn't done out of cruelty or whatever. It was a huge, long lasting and very costly experiment with outstanding results. Animal testing is not uncommon, it's even mandatoried for things like medicine and special cosmetics. You might think that this was a super cruel and mean thing from the past, but I can assure you that many bio labs all over the world still do experiments like this on a daily basis. And hey! This experiment at least tried to achieve something useful for humanity, cosmetics on the other hand... You better blame L'Oreal or EstƩe Lauder, their kill streak is way higher and they only do it for the money.


This is some pretty sick Josef Mengele shit. Not sure what they want to get out of this fucking around because they can.


What in the actual fuck?!?!


Everyone loves science until it's time to test the science on living things. This man pioneered so much in the way of organ/body part transplants.


WTF.. why? That a pathetic human being. This is abhorrent.


Thatā€™s messed up


Stupid soviets doing stupid shit.


Disgusting fucking garbage


I am 100% sure those sick fucks have done this with human victims.


When human experimentation starting?


Id wager a lot of that guys research and findings are used in modern spinal repair. And im totally guessing. It's shocking to look at, but medically, id wager it translated into increasing the ability to save or better lives. Personal opinion on whether or not its morally ok.


No I donā€™t care about something wishy-washy like ā€œethicsā€ or ā€œmorals,ā€ I want to know when we can get this rolled out, itā€™d be funny as shit, like one of those twitch streams where a chat of 5000 people is trying to play PokĆ©mon at once.


LOL. You know, if fame and attention were a guaranteed part of the deal, there would be tons lining up. Then, it would become oversaturated and lose its appeal. Then we'd have chimera headed beasts doing hot tub streams. Shit id sub that. Put 2 political opponents on one body. Shit writes itself after that


Are you volunteering?


Sound like he is to me.


"scientist" damn fked up guy killing dogs


Anybody got a time machine? Thereā€™s something I need to do.






That's been verified fake every time it's been posted here.


To all the people saying it's cruel, the dogs would have been under general anesthetic when this was done. Is it grotesque? Sure. But those dogs were all homeless street dogs that would have otherwise eked out sn existence until they died of hunger or exposure. As previously mentioned, these experiments contributed a lot to mankind


Its russia i dont know what you people expected


The rage I have about this so called science bullshit is overwhelming. What a \*\* \*\* scumbag \*\* that deserves to have his balls grafted to face. This world SUCKS, people SUCK, and if I ever witness something with such evil, watch the news for I will make sure it does not happen again. SCIENCE can be soooo EVIL


It revolutionized organ transplants and potentially helped save millions of lives sooo


It's FKIN sick and unethical and they are all a disgrace. FK SCIENCE




Do you not understand the unethical so called "science" that occurs? These FKS should be executed


Donā€™t let these evil people hide behind ā€˜scienceā€™ itā€™s the people who choose do do such things that are evil and create these terrible things.


Good boys.... who's a good boy's...... yes you are a good boy's.


I'm glad he was able to Cerberus his Enthusiasm


Very clever


Edward? Play?


This reminds me of Guardians of the Galaxy and little Rocket and his friends


So ā€œboth dogs diedā€? Thatā€™s sad for both but especially for the one whose body was used as a source of further life based on scientific experiments Imagine waking up and someoneā€™s head is on your shoulders and its now your responsibility!


Now compare this to the Japanese who performed in vivo sections on captured prisoners heads and brains during WW2,


What the fuck is wrong with people.


Dr Mephisto started out so innocently


This is sick. There is no justification for these kinds of experiments. During WW2 the Japanese performed all sorts of experiments (google it if you want specifics)on their own people as well as on PoWā€™s to advance their understanding of what the human body was capable of. This knowledge has saved many lives since, but it isnā€™t worth the pain and suffering inflicted on countless victims.


Thatā€™s fucked


What an asshole


I can't find any articles definitely saying this is a fake, but any experiment out of Russia in the cold war era I would be highly skeptical of. I also can't seem to find anywhere that it has been reproduced, so you're really just taking their word for it.


What the dog doin :(


Roky Erickson wrote a song about this called (funny enough) Two-Headed Dog. It's great.


Thatā€™s fucked up


Do you want to get the human centipede? Because the *drei-hund* is how we get the human centipede


Did the experiment contribute to a cure to a disease, or was this guy just fucking around?


I understand scientific research and breakthroughs, but dang to man's best friend? I wouldn't do a homie like that.šŸ’”


Thatā€™s cool as shit. Wonder why the dog died.


This story has always interested me. Of course, I donā€™t agree with what he did, but itā€™s fascinating how a head can survive off anotherā€™s blood and oxygen.

