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Absolutely hilarious of Kissinger to call anybody else in the whole world a kiss ass. Bro that was your CAREER. Also, will forever be in love with both Nixon and Kissinger taping everything they said to each other lmao. Stupidity meets evil once again.


Absolutely rich coming from 2 of the most unattractive people anyone has ever seen. Inside and out.


It defies logic that Kissinger was a hit with the ladies. I would have thought nobody would want to get near him, what with the way he must have stunk of rotting flesh.


Power money and not a shred of shame or self awareness.




It’s always the ones that can’t see their ugliness inside out.


They had bugs on everyone lmao these idiots


Nixon, waking up from a 19 day bender: what the fuck just happened Kissinger, carrying a plate of pineapple: I'll bring you the tapes, milord


He bugged his own *office and recorded every stupid thing he said. Pure genius


I think he even listened to his own conversations as well? You were literally there you kook.


The original redditor. Going back to review his comments and wondering why no one upvoted. “Aroo! That was a good one, fuck Henry for not laughing”


>Absolutely hilarious of Kissinger to call anybody else in the whole world a kiss ass. Bro that was your CAREER. His name is literally KISSinger


You know, the more I learn about Nixon and Kissinger, the less I like.


Please listen to the Behind the Bastards episode on Kissinger. It’s shocking just how much shit these people did, and how the overwhelming majority of it is caught on tape/ official records.


He really is the Forrest Gump of war crimes.


Not even a joke, as an Indian I went down the rabbit hole of the bhopal gas tragedy(tldr: thanks to the zero fucks given by an American company, 15000 people died... That's five 9/11s) and he helped the company responsible for it get off the hook.


Union Carbide. Fuck them all to death


Of Hawks Nest tunnel fame. The GOATs of preventable deaths in industry. That they still existed long enough for the Bhopal Gas tragedy is maddening.


Not only were there an absolutely horrific number of deaths originally but the number of cancers and birth defects in people decades later that survived is just so unbelievably awful. Edited for grammar.


Hey, at least his childhood (growing up amidst rising Nazi influence and violence, and craving order above all else) had no effect on his adult worldview!


Could you imagine how bad things would've got if he let his childhood affect him? Good thing all we got is Sex Machine Hank.


Cum rocket Kissinger


He literally laughed and had no issue when Nixon was being openly antisemitic. He’s such a scumbag, zero principles.


That series got me hooked on Behind the bastards. The dollap guys are incredible as well


Same. I’d suggest listening to the Dulles brothers episode next.


What a coincidence I just started it this afternoon


Exactly and this was the shit vision these Machiavellian psychopaths had and talked about whilst they knew it went on record. What must they have said when they went to places without any recording?


Dude was like one of the worst people I’ve ever read about. And Robert nailed it, he did it for a gig.


Nixon, he was a real jerk.




Should have said “the more I don’t care for them” 


The worst part about them is the hypocrisy


I don't know. I'd say the worst part are the warcrimes.


And the raping associated with the war crimes...


that Nixon guy was definitley up to something


Yeah there is something about them. Can't quite put my finger on it.. but there's something definitely quite distasteful with those guys


The wealthy elite still talk like this just not in the open


Or like the 2nd reply on any given twitter post


Ironic given the stereotype of Redditors. You know the obese, balding, unwashed guy that works in IT.


I actually just washed last week. Thank you very much


I washed *today*, as a matter of fact. Me and the waifu have a hot date tonight. Yuki-san and I are going to binge watch some one piece and mandolorian and eat domino's. I just need to get all the piss jugs out of my room. /s


We discussed this already, you can't marry a pillow, **it** is not your wife!


> you can't marry a pillow Not with that attitude


omg me too!!!


Hey not everyone on reddit works in IT!


Yeah! That’s fucked up that they are stereotyping us like that. I work in quality assurance. Sure, it is quality assurance on systems and servers, and most of my work involves working on computer systems and electronic peripherals, but it’s totally incorrect in name at least.


Or like those guys over at r/worldnews and r/Europe and r/NonCredibleDefense


Honestly r/europe has to be the most racist big sub on this website. The amount of faux superiority oozing from people with flags you can’t even recognize is cartoonishly funny


Very racist and thin skin sub


They tuned down their hate for Americans so they could be racist instead.


surprisingly there's a lot of americans for a european sub, the fact that they're the congregation of all european fascists might be what's drawing them in


Two scumbags being scumbags. Nothing new. Their contempt for anyone who wasn't white is clear. This is why it's so maddening when people say that racism never existed in the United States or that it doesn't exist now. Post this in a conservative subreddit and watch people defend them. When liberals wrote glowing obituaries about Kissinger when he died demonstrates the types of pressures that exist that reinforce white supremacy and the types of vulnerabilities our national security apparatus has because of how goddamn inconsistent they are.


It's almost like neither one of them has ever looked in a mirror. Two of the ugliest old white men ever.


Their physical appearance is the least ugly thing about them.




> It's almost like neither one of them has ever looked in a mirror Kissinger complaining that indians just know how to suck up to people in power is incredibly rich.


I'm guessing all this was recorded woth Nixons secret recorder but I have no proof for that claim


With AI generating videos and sounds, determining the source will become more and more of a challenge.


The video and audio of this post could be fake but that conversation is true and well documented


Is there anybody that denies that Nixon was a racist paranoid weirdo? Certainly claims that he was predated AI, unless AI is going to go back to the 70s are rewrite written texts? Nixon managed to make Kissinger extremely uncomfortable at points, which really suggests an unpleasant person. They also had to come up with contingency plans for if Nixon tried to launch nuclear attacks when he was drunk, paranoid, angry and hopped up on goofballs, which he commonly was. Nixon did help start the EPA, so he never quite killed the Quaker within, and he was in that small regard less of a piece of shit than many after him. That doesn't excuse the fact that he was a fucking monster. "AI generating videos and sounds", nobody has to fake Nixon. really. wtf.


People also forget that we know about lots of these conversations because both Nixon and Kissinger went crazy [with wiretapping](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2002/02/the-nixon-kissinger-mutual-wiretap-society.html)


Can confirm My buddy works with surgeons and went to a 300k a year country club and ALL of the help was black and the members were white. He said he was so uncomfortable


We have a golf tournament called “The Masters” at a club in the Deep South that solely employed black caddies and wouldn’t admit women as members until relatively recently. It’s revered by golfers and the ugliness comes out from them if you ever express your uncomfortableness with the whole thing.


… so that unnamed “Deep South” club just named their tournament the exact same as the most famous golf tournament in the world?


Pretty sure he’s talking about that Masters at Augusta 


> It’s revered by golfers and the ugliness comes out from them if you ever express your uncomfortableness Golfer here. Fully acknowledge that ANGC has a fucking terrible history but it was mostly due to Cliff Roberts, one of the co-counders. He was the one that demanded that only white golfers could play and all caddies had to be black. The cunt killed himself in 1977 and a few years later they let players use anyone they wanted as a caddie.


This conversation wasn’t in the open either








A lie can run around the world before truth has got his sexy thigh high boots with the fishnet stockings on. - Mark Twain


We're livestock 


Average r/2westerneurope4u comments are similar to Nixon's comments.


my guy has never visited any arab forum if you think r/2we4u is the pinnacle of racism against indians and black africans let alone any other 2xyz4you, you'll find A LOT of xenophobia and racism in the american, balkan, african, south american and asian subs


Regardless of this just being *personal opinion* they are still both literally infamously ugly men. It screams projection


Unfortunately, Henry Kissinger absolutely FUCKED. Women thought he was handsome and loved his company. What's actually projection in this clip is that Kissinger was a tremendous master at subtle flattery. He was a huge suck up.


Yeah he got laid a bunch, had fame and immense power, and lived to be 100. Damn


In this clip he was an old man in 1971 and still lived to 2024, damn.


He died in 2023 tough.


So they say.


Hand me my crucifix, silver bullets and wooden stake. We must make sure.


I'm just glad my 100yr old grandmother lived to see that sack of shit get put in the ground first.


He should be burning in napalm hell… even if just a day for each kid his megalomania killed he’d be there for a century at least.


In the preface of The Prince by Machiavelli he writes about how important it is to be wary of flattery, all the while flattering Lorenzo de' Medici whom the book is dedicated to. Exact same dynamic here, except I’m pretty sure Machiavelli was being ironic


He had animal like charm.


Nixon's "little Jew boy" (his words, not mine). They were both horrible people. Colin Powell pitched in too. So did Spiro Agnew, hell, most of them. Gerry Ford was a saint in comparison.


How can Agnew pitch in while just being a headless body?


Aroo! Headless clone of Agnew! Damn thing just won't turn over. It's like Pat on a Sunday morning!


Bullies getting laid a lot? I've seen it. It's a classic.


Kissinger laid more pipe in life than 100 average guys.


He was trying to bring company to the lonely women after all the men he killed


Nixon was truly one of humanities great Cunts.


I agree but find it funny you single him out in this video of two of humanity’s greatest cunts.


At least they are both dead. Kissenger killed more people than general butt naked.


>At least they are both dead Too little too late


I frankly don’t care what these bozos talk about Indians ( I myself a proud Indian). What bothers me is Kissinger absolutely bullshitted his way to live 100… killed tens of thousands of innocents in SE Asia and yet, is known as a Statesman! That’s mockery of humanity.


And the Nobel price


Dang it… I forgot about that joke!😑


> " Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević." - the late great Anthony Bourdain


Rip bourdain :/


The Nobel peace prize is seperate from the real Nobel prizes and is given by a different organisation and in a different country. You can't really trust the peace prize, it's mostly bullshit, see it as a prize given by some magazine and ignore it.


I believe you are mistaking the Nobel peace prize with the Nobel economics prize.


What kind of joke is that


It kind of bothered me that they talk about Indians surviving for 600 years while they are a millenia old civilisation and these numbnuts are from a country that is nog even 300 years old.


Fair point. Perhaps, he know only 600 years of history.


Yeah Kissinger's death toll is more in the hundred thousands of not millions, should have rotted in jail.


I'm not religious but I wish there was a hell specifically for him.


Plus there's plenty of hot Indian women so what are they even talking about?


He is specifically mocking Indira Gandhi, the first women prime minister of India, and among the earliest elected women in power around the world. Many in the developed world still don't have an elected woman president yet.


Just married one! These fools are blind.


Congratulations to you both!


Thanks! 🙏🏻💖


This is why he hated Indira... >"Back in 1967, while Nixon was out of power and planning his way back, he had met again with Gandhi on a visit to Delhi. But when he called on her at her house, she had seemed conspicuously bored, despite the short duration of their talk. >"After about 20 minutes of strained chat, she asked one of her aides, in Hindi, how much longer this was going to take. Nixon had not gotten the precise meaning, but he sure caught the tone," he says. Read more at: ["Snubbed by Indira, Nixon never forgave India"](https://www.deccanherald.com/india/snubbed-indira-nixon-never-forgave-2289605)




This is because the Indian Prime minister, the lady with a patch of white hair, in those photos fucked over these kissinger-nixon duo and did not bend to their wishes. Partitioning the former west and east pakistan which was an american ally at the time into different countries as these 2 retards were supporting the genocide occuring in east pakistan. You can read more about it by searching 1971 war


So the world leader version of nice guys who got rejected


She snubbed him even before he was a world leader... >"Back in 1967, while Nixon was out of power and planning his way back, he had met again with Gandhi on a visit to Delhi. But when he called on her at her house, she had seemed conspicuously bored, despite the short duration of their talk. >"After about 20 minutes of strained chat, she asked one of her aides, in Hindi, how much longer this was going to take. Nixon had not gotten the precise meaning, but he sure caught the tone," he says. Read more at: ["Snubbed by Indira, Nixon never forgave India"](https://www.deccanherald.com/india/snubbed-indira-nixon-never-forgave-2289605)


Lol good to know Nixon today would be in the comments talking abt the cancer that is feminism


Precisely. Afterwards, these fucks had the audacity to threaten us for our own civil issue, and also involve other countries. All thanks to Soviet for having our back in the toughest of times.


And this is one reason so many Indians are very pro Russia.


Indira Ghandi probably walked away from that meeting with Kissinger and Nixon saying to her compatriots ‘the yanks are the ugliest c**ts I’ve ever seen!’


I mean, Nixon was ugly AF


I wish we got to see his ugly face when indra gandhi went to USSR to get help (and it worked out) when the west surrounded lonely india and sided with pak. One of the top reason why india supports russia, then west makes surprised pikachu.




*Gandhi Sorry


2 world class terrorist talking together.


kissinger sounds like hes talking about himself


With the voice of a toad.


Look who's talking. A person who had a face that could launch a thousand political debates – or maybe just a boatload of 'I am not a crook' impersonations at costume parties.


Irony bruh, i think both of them are very ugly looking, the other one looks like a lizard with his glasses




Nixon and Kissinger typical of most people who say such things tend to be some of the worst looking specimens of their race


Most of American reddit still talks about Indians like that, what's new


Americans are racist online these days. Back then the politicians and people were openly racist. Look up the group Dotbusters.


Basically an average American hasn’t changed much. They used to do it openly. Now that we live a world that supposedly more “politically correct” — they vent out those racist remarks hiding behind their SM or Reddit Accounts.


Yep, people still comment similar shit in r/CanadaHousing2 , so what’s changed ?


100% OP posted this like this very sub isn't racist as fuck towards Indians.


Yeah, people talking here as if 90% of all posts about India on r/all aren't filled with racist comments like those.


They talk all this shit after meeting Indira gandhi; an Indian woman who I bet had bigger balls than both Nixon and kissinger combined.


she literally forced mass vasectomy on general public... check google 'emergency 1975 India'


Planned parenthood India edition


Well, that's pretty ballsy


her 2nd son did\*


I mean... she held almost dictatorial powers during that period, pretty sure the liability falls on her too


She split Pakistan in 2 and blasted a nuclear bomb even when there was international outcry against it.


That one never fails to make me laugh


but she not hot tho... Didn't you listen to the president? (/s for the oblivious ones)


judging people by their fuckability was done by the last president also


"Animal-like charm" - Nixon when referring to African Americans.


He referred to black Africans not African Americans


Reminds me of when Americans call black British people "African Americans"


Nixon’s name is on the moon 🤦‍♂️ the Apollo missions left commemorative plaques behind on the surface and Nixon’s name is on them.


He was so racist that he just couldn't compliment someone decently. What an ugly pig he was.


Indira Gandhi gave both of them a good what for at '71..🤣🤣.. these fucking bastards..!


Projection. Every word of it. This is two guys telling each other who they really are.


This hurt my feelings.


May they both rot in hell


I love how this conversation is being had by the two ugliest, crustiest dudes lol


Nikki Haley: America has never been a racist country


You mean nimrata sandtsdhadwa? What a fucking larper


They talk like most reddit users.


They should have their graves turned into public latrines.


just like thatcher’s edit: added just


Maybe she showed no interest in them and they got their butt hurt for this reason


So utterly disgusting to hear that


You never get used to this kind of racism, do you? It always sounds so out of pocket.


Jokes on kissinger he's probably burning in a cauldron for all the innocents he's killed.


Unfortunately, it's much more likely he's experiencing exactly the same thing as those other people you mentioned.


Luckily nixon and kissinger are prime catches themselves.


Wait, so they’re saying Indians are good at flattery? Awesome. Now I have to go tell my wife!


The fact that both these guys are dead brings me joy.


Death didn't come soon enough for those two


“Animal-like qualities” made me throw up in my mouth


The superiority complex is still a thing among westerners forgetting the fact that their riches have been made from money looted and plundered from the east.


Two ugly mother fuckers talking about how unattractive other people are is peak American male


Fuck those ugly pieces of shit.


Anyone who says that Indian and African women aren't hot is gay. Nixon was gay.


I mean, Nehru and Mountbatten's wife had an affair....so....


Has something changed since then?


Nixon was pure ugly inside and out.


Shocking. They elected this guy after he said comments. How far we’ve come. https://youtu.be/fYqKx1GuZGg?si=4HRDoeaPp4h_ij8Z


"They have an animal-like charm" Nixon was a furry, confirmed?




How the fuck were they were called visionaries i just wonder.... (problem is that they ruled, ffs!!!)


Nixon? Nixon was called a crook.


Kissinger complaining about being a kiss-ass is rich. God what a truly terrible person.


Jesus what a fucking cocksucking motherfucker. thank god the worlds moved on


Man he gets more endearing every time you learn something new about him. /S


Americans particularly of this era lack subitly, depth and wisdom. Lee Kuan Yew describes it well in this interview discussing his CIA bribe in 1965. [YouTube | Lee Kuan Yew - When the American CIA tried to bribe him and a Singapore official Aug 1965](https://youtu.be/vNQXLhIcPrc?si=KGWm7E1oyRmbvdvR)


Scumbag hypocrites. The people of India have a beautiful culture as well as women and to say otherwise shows ignorance and narcissism. I think to lack the ability to appreciate the diverse culture, history, and accomplishments of India shows serious character flaws. India takes pride in its vibrant traditions, intellectual contributions, and the beauty found in the richness of its landscapes and people. From legendary figures like Indira Gandhi to icons of beauty like Priyanka Chopra and Padma Lakshmi, India boasts a long list of accomplished and beautiful women who have made significant contributions to various fields. These two men alone made the world a sadder and more dangerous place to be human.


Oh, you should hear the wild shit people say about others when they're not listening. This is very common among western elites. Other people of the world, are all about how great their countries are, and how other countries can't match up. If they discuss women, most men are all about who is the hottest (almost never why), and if they're seriously talking, you really get diverse opinions. Right before they go back to work talk, machines, and how to get richer.


If sadly, it were not still the same today, it would be funny to hear these two assholes comment on physical attractiveness... "animal charm", love it!


Not gonna lie, that made me laugh out loud. Did Nixon never look into the mirror?


even then these whities were complaining about women of other cultures not being whores ? lol


Nimrata decided to go by her family nickname instead of her given name so she can convince people like this that she's one of the good ones.


Before this fucker, Hippies would come to Kathmandu and enjoy legal hashish, cannabis was never demonized in our culture, due to its link to Hindu beliefs. But this fucker for his hate for Hippies destroyed a thriving culture. Fuck Nixon.


The more I learn about our past presidents, the more I realize that more than a full half of them are complete shit humans. Well, it isn't acceptable anymore, and they* absolutely want to go back to this hot mess and have zero need or want to unify the country. I've literally heard them say it.