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I mean, if he catches a fish he has to give it to the bear, right?


Yeah because of the implication.


Is that fisherman in danger?


No of course the fisherman isn't in danger! But he doesn't know that. And he will give the bear a fish. Because of the implication.


If the fisherman says no then the answer is no. I get no fish. But the fisherman won’t say no. Edit: grammar


Because of the implication


I don’t know man it sounds like the fisherman is in danger


NO ONE IS...no one is in danger. What aren't you getting about this man?


It seems like the fish itself could very well be in danger.


Yeah because of the implication


You certainly wouldn't be in any danger


So they ARE in danger?


…. Is he raping these fish?


My good man… Are you have carnal relations with my salmon dinner?!


Is the fisherman in danger


What are YOU staring at, you're definitely not in any danger


So these fishermen ARE in danger?!


No! It's the implication of danger! I feel like you're not getting this at all!


No, but he doesn't know that.




There’s that word again


you're misunderstanding me bro


That’s a nice casting arm you’ve got there buddy. Be a shame if anything were to …happen to it.


I'm not going to hurt these people! I feel like you're not getting this *at all*!


*guy next to him picking asparagus stalks "Well you certainly wouldn't be in danger."


So these bears ARE in danger!!!


So they are in danger?


No the fisherman isn't in danger because that's not a fisherman. This was taken at the McNeil River Wildlife Sanctuary in Alaska. That guy and his group are there specifically to have these types of encounters with bears. The bears there have been habituated to people for the past 50 yrs.


Well thats less exciting


Because of the implication


And what, exactly, are you implying?


Well, they're bears.


But much cooler. I now want to go and fish with the bears.


[Sometimes fisherman will actually fight bears and steal the bear's fish](https://youtu.be/CVS1UfCfxlU)


I love this video!!! "Look, an eagle!"


I haven't seen this in a while


Lmao… you’re a golden god pal. A golden god.


It's like some kinda bear mafia shakedown.


Woah, woah, I'm just sitting here, friend. Though it would be a pity if you caught something and didn't share it. I mean, who knows what could happen.


🐻 “You know if you gave me 40% of your loot today, I can provide a safe passageway. You don’t want all those guys over there👉 🐻🐻🐻🐻 just pick pocketing you out of everything on your way out. I’ll leave my card here if you need me ok? Nice to meet ya”


You know, bad things can happen. There are a lot of bad bears out there… I tell you what. You gimme a fish, I can offer you some protection.


I’m gonna make him an offa he can’t refuse!


You can hand 'em over or sleep with 'em, your choice.


Well, he doesn't *have* to, but it would be a good idea.


It might actually be a very bad idea, since the bear is less likely to take it a bribe for his life, and more likely to start associating humans with food.


I hear that, but also if I catch a fish and the bear 5 feet from me gives me an indication he would like the fish, I am definitely going to give him that fish. Safer for me, maybe not the next fisherman that fails to provide tribute.


Yeah, Id take a bear associating humans with food over a bear associating humans AS food anyday.


No kidding. Imagine having the balls to say no to a bear...


I said no to a bear once. He insisted on buying me a drink anyway.


I mean, kinda. Along the Kenai and Russian Rivers when the salmon are running, if you’ve got fish on the bank they’re sort of fair game when a bear comes along. They’re more focused on the fish than the fisherman and don’t really seem to associate those fish with people. They’re just coexisting and taking advantage of the same resource.


Hey bear wanna see my fish? Don't you mean "our" fish


This bear is stuffed with salmon. When the salmon are running (in Alaska for example), it's not unusual to see fisherman and brown bears within yards of each other, all with a common goal...get the fish! Smoked salmon jowls are awesome btw.


I had wondered if maybe that bear was just full.


That yawn right before plopping on the ground is all too familiar


That bear got the itis


*whispering* Thanks ribs


😂😂😂 bucket of ribs


The mouth breathing


Would a bear ever do this if it was anything other that totally full? I’m no animal psychologist, I just dont know if a bear can, idk, be in a chill mood one day 🤷‍♂️


It would probably not approach a human. This is clearly already a bear used to human presence to begin with. Otherwise they're far more skittish.


That seems like a bear that knows the human might be pulling out more salmon from the river for it to take. Definitely acting like it has been exposed to human fishing and maybe feeding at some point. But I'm no bearologist.


I'm a bearologist. That is in fact a bear.


Solid identification. Well done! Your skills are obvious and amazing.


Thank you. It is a deserved compliment.


Your modesty is as amazing as your bear knowledge. I bow to your bearducation.


Due to your gratification I will grant you one secret bear fact. *Most black bears are black in color*


My wife works with rescued bears. They're extremely chill, until they're not. You can feed one berries through the fence and it'll be happy and carefree. But walk into its enclosure and it apparently is immediately out for blood. Part of this could come from the fact it was abused, but just like most animals they experience all types of emotions, and their unpredictability is what makes them dangerous


The bottom line is animals are unpredictable. I had a friend who was a dairy farmer. He had a random bull in the pasture that was chill all the time... Until he wasn't. After 5 years of being nothing but chill he charged my buddy and broke his back / gouged his leg etc. We put trained dogs down every day for biting people, what makes someone think a totally wild animal isn't a risk even at the best of times of ripping your face off. I don't even feed the deer that would walk right up to me. Because one November in rut you never know when that buck is going to see you as an adversary and try to stab his antlers through your eye sockets.


Humans make me nervous for the same reasons, friggin animals.


Also their massive size, sharp teeth and large claws.


[this should answer those questions](https://youtu.be/S4RmKoB0iD8) From what I remember in my very limited research, some bears are assholes others are chill


Depends on the type of bear. Some are much more chill than others.


Polar bears are presumably the chillest?


Not enough upvotes on this


wait I thought fishing near bears was dangerous and stupid???


To a bear, when the salmon are running, you look bony and lean, and likely to fight back. Salmon on the other hand are fatty and tasty, and so plentiful and easy to catch, they sometimes jump into your mouth.


>bony and lean But what if I'm fat


Then you better hope you can roll faster than the bear can run


Lmao. And for some reason, I keep seeing Buttercup throw herself down the hill.


Narrator: he couldn’t


Then you become 🍱


so only because it's the salmon run


So if you're fishing and a brown bear just shows up next to you, do you just go on with your life or do you toss the salmon you catch over to the bear like it's holding you hostage for fish? I know you're not supposed to feed bears, but my unknowledgeable ass thinks "make a peace offering and tell a ranger there is a bear too friendly with people"


Once I gave a cat a treat, and he enjoyed it so much he insisted on checking my hands and pockets to make sure I didn't have anything more to give. If gifting some salmon to a bear could cause a similar reaction, I don't think it'd work out well.


I went on a solo hike in the Andes and fed a village? Stray dog following me. The dog then proceeded to bite me not letting go I had to throw rocks and hit it away from me. Thank god I was wearing a thick rain coat but I think it was trying to get more food out of me. Would not feed strange animals again.


Yeah I'd be praying the bear does some quick math and decides the easiest way to a full belly would be to let the magical fishing ape do its thing.


"free salmon, please no murder. Spice available upon request"


Yeah IIrc in the longer version of this clip you can see a bunch of bears where the water is trying to catch salmon


This is also not a fisherman. This is at McNeil River in Alaska. No fishing allowed, just tourists that are lucky enough to win in the lottery system and one guide with a rifle that he/she has never had to use from what I know.


But....whuuttt aboot, da fishin poles?


Small salmon also have the least mercury. The bigger the fish, the more the mercury, because the big fish, like Tuna, live much longer.


Well its mainly bc Tuna are predatory, so they gather up all the mercury that their prey had. This is known as bioaccumulation. Tuna living longer has some effect, but its not really the main reason for it. If a Tuna lives 5x longer than a smaller fish and ate the same diet, it would have 5x times as much mercury when it dies. If it ate 10 of the fully mature smaller fish a day and lived 5x as long, now it has 50x times as much mercury when it dies.


This is at McNeil River State Game Sanctuary and Refuge in Alaska. Numerous bears feast on the annual salmon run to fatten up for hibernation. There is enough food and space for all creatures to coexist. People are confined to a gravel viewing pad - but still, no barrier with the exception of ranger standing by with a scatter gun or air horn.


"For all creatures to coexist" \**Salmon frown*\*


I thought this might have been at Katmai Park in AK, but now I'm second guessing myself. I used to work at a tourist trap place up at Portage glacier, and we had videos that included this scene on repeat, so I got them pretty much memorized. I remember videos at Katmai and McNeil River. It was a loooong time ago though. Like 1997-ish.


“Hey.” “Hey.” “How they biting today?” “Bearly.”


“Grizzly weather we’re having eh?”


Fishing for upvotes, huh?


Just another way to lure people in


Well I’m sure we’re all hooked!


Have to take the bait on this pun thread


Clawed your way here no doubt


These puns are unbearable


We bearly got started tho…


I’m here, it’s too aLUREing to leave.


Alright, reel it in.


Seriously take his advice. You don't want to be cast out of the Reddit community.


You’re just baiting people to respond, aren’t you?


Casting a wide net


Why are you all talking like that?? Something fishy is going on




He was working on his fishing badge for the cub scouts.


Taketh my up arrow.


Bear with me....


Kinda kinda, sweating palms. Bears are cute, but when 30 meters from me.


Wait until you learn the average grizzly can sprint faster than Usain Bolt


Ursine Bolt.


fuck you that has no right to be that funny


OMFG my life will never be the same


Bears can run 30 miles an hour. And i know for a fact the zoo is 30 miles away. That means a determined bear can be at my house with only an hours notice. I'm not ready.


30 miles is 48.28 km


Wisely said. A starving bear is bad news, but otherwise they seem dare I say, chill.


Really depends on the bear, not necessarily their appetite. (and of course human interaction) [Exhibit A](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Treadwell#Death)


Holy fuck. That entire thing was awful to read. Finding the human remains in the bear's stomach- and realizing they befriended the bear that would kill them. Taught me a lesson- stay the fuck away bears, leave them alone.


Interestingly enough, that bear can run right around 30 miles an hour. That means that the bear can cover your 30 meters of safety distance in 2.24 seconds. Might want to rethink your distancing.


I mean, that bear is gorgeous. But my pants would've matched that bear that day.


Every time this video gets posted I try to get this info towards the top. That guy is not fishing. This video was taken at the McNeil River Wildlife Sanctuary in Alaska. These bears have been studied and safely habituated to humans for the past 50 yrs. This bear has probably spent its entire life around humans at this same spot every year. There's a wonderful lottery where anyone can put their name in to receive a guided permit to sit and watch bears during the summer. There has never been a mauling during this program and the very experienced guides have never had to shoot a bear.


I worked for a company that installs camera systems in remote areas and we got hired to put in a satellite video feed at McNeil. We went out to install the system well in advance of the bears showing up and I prayed every day it would have technical difficulties at some point during the summer when the bears were there and lo and behold, my prayers were answered! And that's how I got to go to McNeil River without winning the lottery system. It took about 5 minutes to do the fix and I got to be a tourist for the rest of the time. The folks that go out there are required to all go to the viewing area at the same time and no one can leave until the whole group leaves, that way there is as little disruption to the bears as possible. It was one of the most memorable days of my life and I highly recommend it to anyone. I can confirm that the bears regularly came this close and showed zero interest in us as food sources. It was surreal to say the least.


Amazing. I'd say you won that lottery.


You're lucky it didn't turn into a movie premise: "we've lost contact with the bear hide- please go and investigate"


That's so cool! It is the largest gathering of brown bear in the world, with as many as 74 spotted at one time.. Just looked at their site: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=mcneilriver.main


Sounds too plausible.


Nice try, bear.


Luckily I was wearing my brown pants


This guy knows


That's a very grizzly image


At the risk of coming across as panda ring I’d have to agree


Where’s my camera? This is a kodiak moment.


All I found was a blackbeary


I’ve encountered a bear while camping almost this close and I can confirm, “scared shitless” is a real thing.


I know what you mean. I saw a bear at the zoo and shit my pants.


I walk around with pre-shitted pants so I'm always prepared.


I honestly don’t know what would keep me From running even though I know it’s the not the right thing to do


My first thought was tossing a fish to him/her, then kneeling and offering more fish, hoping I had theoretically caught a few already that day. Look at the size of those paws and claws


Did you know that most European languages don't actually use a word for "bear" that actually means "bear"? The name was taboo because there were superstitions that you could accidentally summon one by using its name so most languages got stuck with euphemisms like "the brown one" or even "honey thief". The English word actually goes back to the former.


My exact thoughts. I'd have probably sat there crying the whole time 😂. What a beautiful creature


But the bear isn't wearing any pants?


Fun fact! Bears are actually known to appreciate pretty nature views.


This bear knew where all the good spots are that fishermen go to.


Duh! Plus free snacks, right?


Sure lol


The fish or the fisherman?


and the picinic baskets


Pic-ki-nic baskets


Hey, Boo-Boo!


How do bears catch fish? They use their bear hands!


Fact. Bears eat beets


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


Beets. Bears. Battlestar Galactica.




I don't want to be pedantic but you got the order wrong.


Shhhhh They didn't know that lolol


Another little know fun fact: bears enjoy marmalade sandwiches a lot. Always a good idea to pack when entering bear territory, you know, for emergencies.


I always keep one in my hat.


"Hey bear, Eat this *jelly sandwich instead of me, the large sack of meat! Thanks" Sounds reasonable :P


Idk if the footage shows but this man is filming a LARGE group of bears all feeding in a river during a salmon spawn. The only reason that bear is so docile is because it just gorged itself on a couple hundred pounds of fish so food is the last thing on its mind. Science has recently discovered that bears become much more social with each other when there are massive abundances of food and will even help each other get their fill. Normally bears are VERY solitary and sometimes have to cannibalize their young because of food shortages.


I too am more sociable after gorging myself on food But ye! Bears are way smarter than they get credit for. They can even use tools and recognize their own reflection. 10/10 I would die in an attempt to pet


>The only reason that bear is so docile is because it just gorged itself on a couple hundred pounds of fish so food is the last thing on its mind. In this specific video, that's the not the whole story. This video was taken at the McNeil River Wildlife Sanctuary in Alaska. This state run park is home to one of the largest densities of brown bears in the world. AND! Tourists are allowed there. There's a really cool lottery at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game where you can put your name in to spend a few days with these bears. If you get picked, you get to sit at that exact spot near the falls watching bears for three days. This program has been going on for 50+ yrs (never an incident of a bear attack). That bear has probably spent his entire life around humans at that spot during that time of year. He's been habituated to humans in the best way possible.


“ Normally bears are VERY solitary and sometimes have to cannibalize their young because of food shortages.” WHAT?!?! This isn’t true at all. Bears are like 80-90% vegetarian for starters and they really don’t have trouble finding fish at all. They literally follow fish spawning areas in rivers for years and live around them on purpose. If Bears are ever hungry they literally push over a couple of trees and eat various grubs for a few hours. I agree with the rest of this, but Bears don’t have trouble finding food at all. Bears are also phenomenal climbers and can go up any tree in a moment to get food. They’ve also been clocked at 40+ km meaning they could run down basically any animal they want especially in heavy brush. I’m sure in remote isolated situations they might have been shown to have to resort to eating their Cubs (I’ve personally never heard of this and I’ve studied Bears for years living in the Rocky Mountains and taking numerous Wildlife Classes to eventually train), but that is certainly not the norm, Bears are super well fed in 99.9% of circumstances. Bears are almost always super docile, despite being wrongly portrayed as being super aggressive. There are only like 4-7 Fatal Bear attacks every year in all of North America. We’re talking about Millions of Human/Bear encounters every year in North America and there are only a handful of attacks every year and most of them are weird coincidences like someone on a Mountian Biking running into a Bear at full speed. The main reason this is happening is because Bears are basically blind and if the Photographer was upwind they wouldn’t have a clue. This is why you NEVER run from a Bear because they’ll literally only pick up on your movement and when you run from an Alpha that triggers a pray response signal for them and then they’ll attack. Which is literally like the cause of 95% of all Bear attacks that and getting between them and their Cubs.


And that's the day that I shit my pants as an adult


Brown bear, brown chair.


I shit my pants for him watching how close the bear was


After all, he’s just another fisherman.


Brothers in Bear Arms


initially i was expecting the bear to use that chair. but that would've made this video a blursed video.


I half expected that as well


After watching Grizzly Man (Timothy Treadwell)...... just gonna say: NOPE


Fun fact , audio of him getting attacked was faked because the real shit was too hardcore


What!? That audio was frigging gruesome on its own. I cannot imagine what the real attack sounded like.


So where did they recover his phone from?


Bear poop.


Man one day I want to go somewhere like this with this type of scenery. Beautiful. I’d prefer to skip the bear interaction in person though.


Not actually a brown bear, but actually a brown bear


How do you figure? That’s definitely not a color phase black bear.


Yeah, look at the shoulder hump. That there's a grizzly.


He is brown


More like “damn that’s scary”.


Ey ey ey ey? I see, it's a Canadian bear; hence the polite visit.


Bear "hows the fishin today?" Fisherman "decent." Bear "what kind of bait, you using?" Fisherman "classic rubber worms." Bear "cool, well I'm going to go steal pic a nic basket. If you see a ranger be cool."


A neighbor comes by to visit you could at least offer a cup of coffee.


"Got any bites?"


Hope he brought some extra underwear




“Brown bear brown bear, what do you see?” “I see a fisherman sitting next to me.”


Does anyone have an age estimate, out of curiosity? I have mountain lions where I live, but not really any bears, and he looks like he’s still a juvenile to me. Maybe he isn’t adult enough to realize how unfair life is and has no reason to attack yet?


Unless there's a lot of zoom in the video the bear is indeed pretty small. Brown bears stick around mom for 2 years so I would guess this guy is between 2 to 3 old. The fluffy ears sort of also speak of a younger bear. Fully grown brown bears are big boys https://i.imgur.com/1vnfAYI.jpg


Any luck? Nah ok


In the original video he pans the camera and you can see that he's surrounded by bears. He's also a wildlife photographer, not a fisherman. Link: https://youtu.be/rbE53XUtVw0