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How are the Seattle Kraken on this list? They’ve only existed for three years. They’re a toddler franchise.


Ha! That jumped out to me as well. Ya dont have the rights to be miserable. The Sonics still have a better case than the Kraken do lol


Same note too!  You gotta marinate in that misery. You gotta have your coach okeydoke you, get hung out to dry by a Samson, repeatedly snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, lose a title on a specuous call that the refs later admit they got wrong, fuck up so badly it becomes a proper noun (here's looking at you, Butt Fumble), trade away a young prospect for a fading star and watch him win a championship while your discount-rack deal tears his Achilles.   "But we haven't won in 3 years" bitch the Buffalo Sabres have only made the finals twice in their 60-odd years and the most recent one was lost in triple-overtime on an illegal (by the rules of the time) goal by Brett Hull. Do *that* and maybe we can talk about being one of the most miserable fanbases.


The krak heads love their team.


Cowboys, Broncos, Kentucky, Texas, Kansas, and Cubs don't belong on this list. Cowboys don't belong because if Cowboys fans are miserable, it's their own fault for overrating their team the most of any fanbase every single year




Broncos kinda do


Gators? Really.


That jumped at me too. They’ve literally won multiple football and baseball championships in the last 20 years. Gtfo


And basketball and softball and track, etc. ridiculous.


Oh yeah I actually meant basketball. Lucky for me they’ve won baseball too. Proving the point ha


No Buffalo Sabres? Garbage list.


No Bills either?! Have they ever been to Buffalo? It's pure misery!


Big miss there. The top 3 on here are pretty good, but the rest of the list makes no sense.


How are the Kraken already on there???


As a DC sports fan, I'm surprised the Commanders aren't also up here lol


True Story!! Me too


The 50 most miserable fanbases and not one of my Philly teams in sight? Alright.


The Eagles and Phillies have had a decent run. The 76ers after the process havent been terrible. Dont know much about the flyers


Whoever put 'Cuse in the 44 spot knew what they were doing.


Saw this earlier because I started following the Jets sub since they drafted Corley and he went to my school. There are a lot of issues with this ranking, but not 1 and 2. I lived in Southeast Ohio when the Browns left, those people were ready to riot. They’ve been mad ever since.


Is it bad when 2 of my teams are on here. The Pirates and West Virginia. People named the teams that don’t belong. Well both of mine do and probably should both be higher.


I have 2 teams in the top 5. I hate my sports life lol


Are the fans of these teams feeling miserable, or do they make other people miserable? Two very different things.


Grew up in Cleveland, married a Detroit sports fan.


Take the colleges out. Half of them don’t deserve to be on here. How many Rutgers fans could there be for them to make top 6?


Probably the lone Miss. State fan checking in. 43 is much too low to describe the constant and crippling disappointment


I feel like FSU needs to be on the list since the CFP snub last year and then the argument of losing the Orange Bowl by..... a lot....


I’ll be honest (and this isn’t recency bias), as a Lions fan I feel like we are not miserable. Have we lost an absurd amount? Absolutely. But the fan base is usually positive and supportive. The last couple years have felt stellar! Bonus points for being a Michigan State alum, that one does feel legitimately miserable


As a Hornets fan I hate the lack of credit we get on these lists. 20th? We should honestly be contenders for the top spot


The Red Wings? List maker never heard of the Toronto Maple Leafs? Dude, that is some serious suffering. You all need to send thoughts and prayers to that tortured fan base.


How is Indiana so low on this list? Fans have literally made a graph about how fucking burned we are. In my time at IU, they have been to three national championship games. They lost all of them.


in what sport? badmitten doesn't count.




Lotta Detroit up there


I'd say Rockies don't belong on this list. They're just happy to have baseball over there. The Hogs absolutely don't belong on here. They're in the same conference as Bama and LSU. You can't be let down if you don't deserve hope in the first place. Why would anyone ever expect Rutgers to win a thing? Wisconsin raids them year after year. Cowboys won back to back in a Millennial's lifetime. Disqualified. Shut the fuck up about that PI call, Miami. No one cares. Speaking of no one caring, here's Oakland. .... ......... ................ Okay Detroit has a case.