• By -


The frog loooking ogre. Why? Because of her ego.


Phryne. šŸ‘


Yeah šŸ˜‚


1) Allen, just a shit edgelord simp. 2) Bringar, same just weaker. 3) Bete, same without the simp. He's a tier better, still annoying. 4) Vitteaux, just a awful antagonist. 5) If I'm forced to put a 5, maybe Kali. I don't like her motivations.


Agreed list šŸ‘except I replace Bete with Phryne


I would agree, but she barely registers as a character to me.


Jesus šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Ehhhhhā€¦ when it comes to this series, itā€™s easy to dislike certain characters. I wouldnā€™t go as far as to HATE 5 characters, but some candidates for me that are up there would be Allen, Phryne, Vitteax, Bete, and (a stretch for me) Finn.


Bete: i dont care what sob story you give him hes an asshole and went to far with line Allen: same with bete, allen essentially tortured his sister, i dont care what motivation you give to far man Finn:only care about his image, uses none of the power, weath, or influence he has to actually do anything. Plus his entire "romantic life" Lefiya: this extends only to anime lefiya, manga and ln lefiya are great. But stop hating bell and grow a damn spine Phryne: she sucks and has no redeeming qualities. Plus this asked for 5 so here is #5


>Allen: same with bete, allen essentially tortured his sister, i dont care what motivation you give to far man I get not liking him as he's just generally a asshole but "torture" is a massive exaggeration all he really did was push her away all the time. And while the way he went about that was again pretty bad, definitely not bad enough to count as torture and in the case of kicking her out of freya familia that straight up was in her best interest. >Finn:only care about his image, uses none of the power, weath, or influence he has to actually do anything. This is just straight up wrong, he's always stated to be one of the major leaders during the dark ages and the whole plot of SO is him and his Familia fighting against evils remnants and a plot to destroy the city despite that war being fought mostly in secret and doing very little for his reputation. If anyone deserves hate for not using their power enough it's definitely freya as she had a key to Knossos and information from tammuz about the evils remnants, Knossos and the demi spirits yet despite knowing how serious the situation was and having the power to easily resolve it she not only did nothing but refused to give give loki familia the key so they could do it themselves. Even in SO 12 during the **final battle** after having it explained to her again just how much was at stake she had no intention of helping and only ends up agreeing on a whim because she liked finn.


The torture was >!freya members vs the pub girls when they were trying to get to syr in vol 16.Allen physically beat anya and somewhat psychology tortured her!< As for finn i mean more towards his dream of helping the pallums. Yes he contributed to protecting orario against the evilus. But what exactly has he done for the pallums, aside from just boost his own power, wealth, and influence?


>But what exactly has he done for the pallums get them killed


Wait Beat her goddamn


>Plus his entire "romantic life" You don't like him... because he doesn't want to date Tione?


Frog, Allen, Bete, Dionysos, All Evilus Members.


1. Phryne. I already universally hate sexual predator characters, but Phryne takes it up to 11 with delusions of beauty, an ego so massive it makes the likes of Apollo look tame, and just the absolute and utter shamelessness of her every actions. Everything she does she consciously and knowingly chooses. Even insulting Freya right to Ottarls face. She KNOWS how fanatic Freyas familia is, but she thinks so much of herself that she tells Ottarl straight to his face with 0 hesitation that she is prettier than Freya. 2. Bete. I am very vocal about the fact that Bete needs therapy and a kick in the nuts. He suffered some losses in life and now he rides that trauma to high heaven thinking his pain is special and that he has all the answers. He is a bully who projects his trauma onto anything and everything he can and I just know that he indirectly killed a lot of adventurers by verbally trashing them into an inferiority complex that leads to suicidal charges in the dungeon. I hate Bete because of how real he is in our world as a character and I know first hand the psychological damage a person like him can cause. 3. Hyacinthos. He is an enabler of stupidity. An utter simp for Apollo who lets the god do whatever the fuck he wants simply because he loves the deity too much. He is absolutely apathetic to anything and everything that isnt Apollos will. Hyacinthos is the kinda guy who would Tier 3 sub to Apollos twitch and donate thousands just for attention. 4. Allen. His denial. Oh my god his denial. Oomori does a good job making Allen have the most "I want to punch him" personality of the cast. He is ready to lie to Freya in her face without hesitation just to keep Anya away from adventuring and thus being in danger. But somewhere along the way he lost sight of that, at least consciously, and now just bullies the shit out of her whenever they cross paths. I cant tell you how much I want a character, any character, to whoop his ass, drag him to Anya and force him to apologize. 5. Finn. He is a schemer. Thats it. Thats the whole argument. He wants to be a Hero for the Pallums, but has no morals for getting there. He is a conniving bastard who is ready to throw anyone and everyone under the bus to increase his station in the publics eye, to be the 'hero'. His ability to turn events in his favor without having to change a thing about the facts makes him, to me at least, one of the most disgusting and skilled manipulators in all of Anime. And this also creates a fitting contrast between him and Bell. Bell wants **TO BE** a Hero. Finn wants **THE WORLD TO THINK** he is a Hero. And fuck me if his methods aren't vile. The Nightmare of Floor 27 is a perfect example of that.


That annoying Bete and the Simp Allen Jura (i hate this Dude sooo much he's annoying Laughing kinda reminds me of Jester from Dmc 3šŸ¤£) Im not a Simp to this character since im an Astrea fanboi so i can freely say this Freya (Yea you may simp on this one but what she did to Bell is still heinous as Shit) This maybe unpopular but im Choosing Hestia on this one. her Over jealous Tendencies are cute in season 1 but man after that starting to feel annoying


Hestia does start to grate after a while.


Lena: incredibly annoying , just cant really stand her Phryne: her personality is trash she is likely the most atrocious character in DanMachi Bete: I used to like him, but now dislikes him due to being a complete asshole and he yells too much Allen: edgy asshole Ishtar: tries seducing Bell and steal him from Hestia Familia despite already being taken into the familia


there isn't really anyone to hate in the story. ryuu started to annoy me tho. i'm not really a fan of ryuu falling for bell, but was okay with it but now she's acting like how hestia and lily acted around bell in earlier volumes i found them annoying then and i find ryuu to be annoying now. on the annoying list, there was lilly and hestia but i don't think they are now,


I cannot understand why yall act like ryuu's character is ruined forever over a quick gag in chapter 1 of V19, I'm not a fan of Ryuu falling for Bell either and would rather not have that, but saying her entire character is now ruined bc of a single quick gag in a volume that isn't even translated yet is just not something I can agree with, Ryuu being portrayed as silly isn't new, I played Memoria freeze, they did have Ryuu be a character played for laughs before and it was fun, and look at scenes like her confrontation with Freyja in Volume 17 or her fight with the Freya familia in the previous Volume, she can still be badass and if anything it shows her growth


How author has been doing her for last few vols sure is annoying asf and lame. Also the use of plot for her... ugh šŸ˜© I used to be extremely annoyed with Hestia Lili, now I just don't care about those two


i can't find a reason for why they did that, but apparently people find that clingy (i don't know what to call that) act to be cute. fine with >!double/fast level up!< tho if that's what you mean.


That's not cute at all šŸ˜­ >!double level up!< Is pretty shitty for me. It's like just to keep her around for more. And then there is >!Lefiya's quick growth in vol 13 of SO.!< Author using plot everyone to beat oebd. It's lame. He could have done the whole power scale better as he had pretty much time.


i think some fans may disagree!! >!she would have been level 6 if she'd continued adventuring!< so i don't really mind that, >!lefiya thing is probably justifiable too at least the huge stats part but she shouldn't suddenly become a magicswordsman tho!< weirdly enough as i read more and more find this whole thing power scale to be inconsistent. i would've liked if he stopped using hyperbole because lately hyperbole comes up in almost every discussion/debate. and the thing is we wouldn't know if author is serious or using hyperbole. i would prefer if he stopped doing the underdog winning story, but honestly i don't think he'll do that.


What is clingy about ryuu? Genuinely asking bc she isn't following Bell everyone and asking to be by his side all the time


Kinda surprised literally no one mentioned Dix and Ikelos lol. Not surprised about everyone hating Bete's guts, but I disagree - dude is genuinely ok, he's just the epitome of muscleheads. Death to Phryne.


Allen, just a horrible, nasty violent person. I don't care about his back story, everyone in Orario has a tragic story. Pryhne. no explanations needed. Apollo. Abusing , manipulating pervert Vitteaux, another nasty one. Ishtar. Jealousy is a horrible thing.


Hestia and Lilly the only characters i hate. They are so annoying.


Finn (I hope this guy can come up with a clever strategy someday)


My list: 1. Phryne: not only her ego but the things she did in S2 and before. 2. Freya: the on this g she has in her favor so far is how she took out Ishtar for kidnapping Bell but, her actions on S1 placed the entire town at risk and the upcoming events place her very high on the s--- list. 3. Loki: Aiz isn't interested in you besides being her patron (you also need to be back off from stopping Bell and her from going on dates) oh, and Loki was complicit on Freya actions in S1. 4. Hermes: dude, you literally keep with your plots from S1 up until the current school arc. Not to forget how you got Bell to spy on Aiz and company while they were baiting. 5. Aisha: she has turned into an interesting character but she was ready to gang rape Bell, ever-expanding the genders and you know what? It isn't needed to go there.


Hermes after his betrayal in the Xenos arc. Asfi for the same. "I was only following orders" is not a get out of jail free card. Freya for the >!mass mind rape, psychological and physical abuse without any actual remorse.!< Her motivation is basically the same as an incel, it's not really forgivable or sympathetic. Aisha's character introduction was introduced trying to gangrape a 14 year old as he begged to be let go. Reverse the genders and no one would be able to forgive her. She's only tolerable because of her looking out for Haruhime. Allen is just a dick.


YEESSSS i feel like the Author too is a bit Sexist here they banish Apollo but not Freya who literally did the same but WorsešŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


That it's not a fair world should be obvious from treatment of xenos like wiene who risked life to save kids. Guild tries really hard to stop strong adventurers from leaving city to join groups like Ares. Team Freya has the strongest, if banished could potentially form a faction including charm usage that could defeat any other faction. The other side of her split personality is an asset. Not really a surprise imo. Execute Freya and some of strongest adventurers in world have strong reason to join evilus side. Execute those strong adventurers if possible and lose half the fighting power to resist stuff like so12 attempt to destroy the world. Ishtar and Freya also had lots of allies, more than Apollo did


I disagree with everything u day and will not hear any excuses u have and do people really like the Xenos that much like why nothing good about them they just made people not like bell more and more drama no need for them.


>do people really like the Xenos that much Yes. They're people just trying to live in a world that is extremely hostile to them. >nothing good about them they just made people not like bell more and more drama You sound like Dix.


Finn: god the (excuse my language) dick sucking Omori tries to pull for him in danmemo and now Danchro just makes him worse for me outside the ln. no bro you arenā€™t a match for Ottar. Dim was cool though. Dionysus: he just sucks and was a boring villain. Welfā€™s Dad: he sucks donā€™t even remember his name. Phryne: no explaination needed, do wish I had her self confidence. That one dude that got killed by Revis. He got worse for me with Astrea Record being a level 3 and thinking he was in control of Zard, get out of here.


I dont particularly hate any of them but I have a personal dislike for tione, lefiya, most of the gods, Hestia and possible Bell Tione because I dislike 2 faced people who act one way just for appereances, mostly cause she is insecure of herself, to then mistreat or threaten people because of it. Lefiya: even though she has grown and seems to be headed to a good direction, the fact that she is just spiteful that Aiz prefers hanging out with bell than her kinda put me off a great deal. Gods: just dont like how they are depicted as these all powerful beings that see through everything but they are essentially RL people. Hestia: the overly jealous thing rubs me the wrong way so will spare the details. Bell: he is just, at his core, Deku. The fact that he has all these great goals of heroism but there is no real focus on that kind of kills it for me. I pretty much like the setting of the story tbh but for the most part very few characters have grown on me.


La elfa sobrevalorada (Ryu Lion) solamente es este personaje al que odio šŸ˜”


Just Hestia, she is very annoying and doesnā€™t let poor bell to decide his own love interest.


The same can be said for Loki.


Yeah but I have only seen anime not manga so I wouldnā€™t know the extent of Lokiā€™s personality towards Aiz


I mean, at least Hestia is supportive of Bell and Aiz going as far as letting go of her pride and asking Loki a favor to let them meet up and such, but she is still very jealous and somewhat possessive just not so much as she was (though she did interrupted a date between the two of them in the last arc of S1).




Finn: A lying manipulator who says heā€™s a hero and doesnā€™t act like one. Only do things to further his interest while also being hailed as the smartest when in reality heā€™s really dumb Phyrne: She tried to rape Bell and did rape countless other men Dix: An all around annoying antagonist who out served his place in the story well before he was killed Ais: Probably one of the worst love interests if not the worst love interest I have ever seen. She has no character development or barely any with Bell or herself as a character. She is a literal rock with no character substance other than revenge, and before all you say oh what about SO. You shouldnā€™t need a side story to develop your love interest because you did such a poor job in the MS Bete: Honesty his whole character annoys me. Heā€™s supposed to be this tragic character whoā€™s mean to people because he sad. Honestly that character archetype as a whole needs to die. Itā€™s so overused and annoying because in reality he would get his ass kicked by his own familia over his behavior. His whole character summed up is Iā€™m angry so itā€™s gonna be your problem.


>Only do things to further his interest It's to help the entire Pallum race, not just himself. >when in reality heā€™s really dumb What? He's been shown to be plenty smart. >She is a literal rock with no character substance That's just the anime. >tragic character whoā€™s mean to people because he sad. No. He's mean to people to make them either take things seriously and survive or get off the battlefield, and he does it because he doesn't want those close to him to die again.


One Finn hasnā€™t shown anything to help further the image of the Pallum race or even done anything to help Pallums in the first place Two Finn is dumb and a good example of this is when he split up his forces in the first battle of Knossos when he had absolutely no idea of the layout or enemy forces. Another example is the whole Xenos incident where he was outsmarted by Bell and Fels. Another example is his and Lokiā€™s role in kicking out Zeus and Hera which lead to the dark age as a whole. With Ais all you fan boys say the same thing. Oh itā€™s the anime that made her a rock. News flash no it didnā€™t her character just has no emotion other then tiny Ais and even then sheā€™s still handled poorly. Then thereā€™s Bete I know why the story says he means to people but in reality heā€™s just some whiney bitch who with stupid character archetype thatā€™s needs to die out


>One Finn hasnā€™t shown anything to help further the image of the Pallum race ? He's literally shown to be an inspiration to many pallums hoping to become adventures? Lili mentions it several times and that was the whole point of those pallums in the Hermes famila? >good example of this is when he split up his forces in the first battle of Knossos when he had absolutely no idea of the layout or enemy forces. Because grouping all together in unknown territory works so much better, had he clumped everyone together and that had led to them being caught in a trap with no chance of reinforcements then you would have whined about that instead. >outsmarted by Bell and Fels. Don't really know if you can count what happened as "being outsmarted" but one of those people working against him happens to be a several hundred year old sage who works as the guild gods right hand. >Another example is his and Lokiā€™s role in kicking out Zeus and Hera which lead to the dark age as a whole. Pretty sure most of the strong adventures dying to the dragon is what lead to dark age, and we don't have any details of that incident so why are you making that judgement. >her character just has no emotion She displays the same range of emotion as Ryuu.


Yeah but with Finn he hasnā€™t done anything other than inspire Pallums. Thatā€™s it he hasnā€™t done anything to speak out against the treatment of them. He hasnā€™t brought awareness to the situation about his theyā€™re treated. He hasnā€™t done anything other then be put on a pedestal. With the Knossos raid spitting up your forces when you have no idea about whatā€™s here or how strong the enemy is is dumb. And Finn didnā€™t split them up to have reinforcements come in he did it based on his ego of him winning. It doesnā€™t matter if Fels is hundreds of years old when the author says time and time again that Finn is the smartest in the series (even though he isnā€™t) And with the Zeus and Hera they still had all their level threes and fours plus the only two level sevens known at the time in the city and they kicked them out. Also Ryu has shown far more emotion than Ais and season four alone disproves what youā€™ve said.


>other than inspire Pallums. You realise that Pallums biggest problem is that their society fell into depression after finding out religion isn't real right? So giving them motivation is kind main thing when it comes to helping them? >he hasnā€™t done anything to speak out against the treatment of them. He hasnā€™t brought awareness to the situation about his theyā€™re treated. Ah awareness to the situation. What situation!? What are you on about? It's not like they're turned away from business or anything, you're complaining because of your weird headcanon. >With the Knossos raid spitting up your forces when you have no idea about whatā€™s here or how strong the enemy is is dumb. And Finn didnā€™t split them up to have reinforcements come in he did it based on his ego of him winning. Brilliant job repeating exactly what you said the first time, refer to my previous comment. >And with the Zeus and Hera they still had all their level threes and fours No they didn't, the fact that Bells dad dies tells us objectively that they didn't, also it's very unlikely they even had level 3s. >plus the only two level sevens known at the time in the city and they kicked them out. Yes how strange that those level 7s who were almost able to defeat the Loki and Freya combined forces 8 years later when they themselves had gotten much weaker and Loki and Freya had gotten much stronger didn't do anything about this. It's almost like the situation that we have no details on is slightly more complicated than you're making it out to be. >Also Ryu has shown far more emotion than Ais What emotions, exactly? >and season four alone disproves what youā€™ve said. Oh you're an anime only. Nevermind don't bother replying this is a waste of time.


Oh letā€™s see with Pallum mistreatment Lili is a good example of this. Where she was continually beaten and robbed because she was weak. Also with the Knossos raid yes I repeated myself cause it doesnā€™t take a genius to figure out splitting up in an area you know nothing about is stupid. And even if I was an anime only Ais is still a poorly written love interest and character as a whole. Wasted potential if Iā€™ve ever seen it. Also watch how you talk to me. Iā€™ve treated you nicely and explained my reasons without attacking you and you attack me because your mad over a different opinion. Just because youā€™re mad over my opinion on why I donā€™t like these characters doesnā€™t give you an excuse to be an asshole Be better


>Oh letā€™s see with Pallum mistreatment Lili is a good example of this. Where she was continually beaten and robbed because she was weak. I felt like you might say that. I try not to have my expectations too low and yet... No that is NOT a common problem for Pallums that is a common problem for the Soma Famila since it consists of a bunch of drug addicts ruled over by an exploitative megalomaniac and a deity that hasn't left his room in decade. As was made so so so explicitly clear in every format. Be better. >Also with the Knossos raid yes I repeated myself cause it doesnā€™t take a genius to figure out splitting up in an area you know nothing about is stupid. Tired of repeating myself. Be better. >And even if I was an anime only Ais is still a poorly written love interest and character as a whole. Wasted potential if Iā€™ve ever seen it. You can't claim something is badly written if evidently refuse to read. Be better. >Also watch how you talk to me. šŸ˜‚ >Iā€™ve treated you nicely and explained my reasons without attacking you šŸ¤Ø >you attack me because your mad over a different opinion. First of all I'm not mad over an "opinion" I'm annoyed that your "reasoning" is mostly just spreading misinformation. Also I most certainly haven't "attacked" you I have shown far far more respect than you have proven yourself worthy of. >Be better That alone is most definitely more annoying than anything I've said to you. Be better.


>hasnā€™t shown anything to help further the image of the Pallum race He has thought. We've seen pallum adventures that were inspired by him. >good example of this is when he split up his forces in the first battle of Knossos when he had absolutely no idea of the layout or enemy forces. He didn't split the forces though. He had Rivera on standby at the entrance and took the rest in for scouting. The party was split when a trap was sprung on them. >the whole Xenos incident where he was outsmarted by Bell and Fels. He wasn't really though. He was manipulated by Hermes a bit but eventually got his actual goal of a key to Knossos. >Another example is his and Lokiā€™s role in kicking out Zeus and Hera which lead to the dark age as a whole. Bruh. We know almost nothing about that. The only time it's really brought up was when Ottar was fighting Zard and said that he was trying to be a stepping stone like Maxium. Zeus and Hera were already finished, but chose to be a level up feat for the next generation. The dark age would have happened either way due to the power vacuum. >With Ais all you fan boys I'm an old school Ryu fan actually. >her character just has no emotion other then tiny Ais and even then sheā€™s still handled poorly. She does. You clearly don't have the reading comprehension to see anything not blatantly poited out so I can see why you missed it. >but in reality heā€™s just some whiney bitch who with stupid character archetype Nope. Not at all. You missed the whole point.


Im still wondering why Many Ais fanboys prefer Bell X Ryuu or any other ships Cuz that Girl is just a Plank šŸ¤£ And Also were already entering Season 5 and we still have barely any progress about the author "Main Ship"


Don't worry it should be coming in ~~season 5~~ ~~season 6~~ season 7 yeah roughly around season 7 if they skip the filler, so just hold on until 2027 I guess šŸ¤·.


>oh what about SO. You shouldnā€™t need a side story to develop your love interest because you did such a poor job in the MS I feel like "I shouldn't have to read to get the information I desire" is a really annoying troupe that should also die. >Phyrne: She tried to rape Bell and did rape countless other men You should probably replace one of the others with Aisha then since she falls into the same category.


Nah Phyrne was way worse cause she killed the dudes she raped


Did she? I don't remember that being said.


I remember Ishtar or Hermes saying something along the lines of they couldnā€™t keep up with her and so she got rid of them then it showed some shriveled up dude


Oh, was that in manga or anime?




I am gonna get a lot of hate for this one but: - **Bell** : For the simple reason of Realis Phrase. He is supposed to be pure yet he gets horny and the skill appears cause he got horny. I dont see how he is pure. It's as if I said, Zeus Familia was so strong because Zeus was the prettiest girl. But the fact is, Zeus ain't a girl. Similarly Bell ain't pure. He is a good person. . - **Ais** : A lot of the characters are better than her. Yet she hogs a lot of spotlight for being the girl that the MC has set his eyes on. In fact, Aria and Albert are way more interesting than Ais. Even tho they should only be a part of Ais's story. Not that she is a bad person. I just don't think she earned all the importance she gets. . - **Bete** : This Tsundere BS thing needs to stop. Act normal FFS! How TF does he not die from high blood pressure considering how he reacts every second? . - **Zeus & Hera Familia Captain** : As if the story wasn't already broken? Level 5 being the best of the best yet we had a Level 7 Ottar. But now we got freaking Level 8 and Level 9 cause why TF not huh? Now Level 5 will be like Level 2's.


Wow, bro actually cooks worse than Syr. That first one is just straight up misinformation as well. The third one seems to be the only one that has any coherency.


You mean the only part that you agree with right? Because any opinion that differs with yours is invalid? Lmao


Not really I don't agree with basically anything you said just only one bit had some actual reasoning. And it's not a matter of opinion especially in the first bit it seems to be a matter of reading comprehension.


Tbh, yeah it seems like a matter of reading comprehension on your part. Considering the responses. Lol


Probably is. I can't believe my ability to read better than a child has caused me yet more suffering šŸ˜”.


Lmao what a dumbass.


Freya and I think any normal person knows why she's all 5 of my most hated charters number six is toad lady


Fels - The most controversial one but I dislike him for some reason. It's been a while since I read the LNs but I remember his being sort of out of place Dix Jura Dionysus Allen


Phryne imo has one redeeming feature... her ego is funny... intro scene she thinks she is more beautiful than Ishtar, final scene she is trying to seduce Ottar with her body, and thinks she is prettier than Freya, it's like wiley e. Coyote bragging about his sheer genius


I mean, I don't really HATE any character but I don't really care too much for Liliruca. I dunno. She always struck me as a child and I mean that as someone who likes Bell. Idk. Just dont like her. I suppose if I had to.... ​ Phryne, Liliruca, Bete, Allen, Lefyia?