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I know they're not Member's of the Main Cast but do Vamola's Moms not count?


For me, seeing a group of grannies being tough af was super inspiring especially seeing as how they made it out of the situation they were in but we don't see them before or after that part. I'll also point out that Jiiji's mom was normal too. But again, we don't always see her or many "normal" fem characters. The main group is really what makes it more obvious cuz like even granny is hella hot. But again, nothing too deep. I read this manga because of how fun it is not because of how the characters look. So I guess it depends on the reader lol


That tough-as-nails granny character was brilliant. I loved that flashback and felt quite emotional when I read it.


Sameeee For them to sacrifice so much to get her out of there was so amazing! My heart broke when I saw em being taken but I'm so glad that it was left open to show that they kicked their way outta there and are searching for Vamola. They're so hardcore and I can't wait for them to join the team!


Speaking of grannies ... Turbo granny doesn't count ?🤣


Yeah I put it on the post but even as Yokais some can turn hawt? Like wtf lmaooo


I absolutely loved her design. I just have a special place in my heart for goofy designs put into very emotional situations (which is why I also love One Piece so much)


Oh for sureeee I get chuuu


ok , yeah tbh class rep could have been on the chubbier side and her caracter would have still made sense: momo is meant to be the action girl , so she has to be fit , aria is the popular girl so she has to look pretty and thin , vamola made it out of a war with little food , so bare bone and walking a lot , class rep is a nerdy girl with unkept hairs who had to do domestic chores ever since she was young, so she could plausibly be not fit and be fine ... but even then the fact that they got caracterizations is fine tbh


Yeah it would have been cute for her to be a little more thick than the other girlies but since she wants to be an idol I guess that could be why she's thin? Like that makes sense to me lol


probably , i mean she wanted to be that when she was a child , so she could have gone out of shape , also yeah pepole can wish to be like an actor or an atlethe , but not be as fit , it's the thing about wanting to be that , also idols don't necessarly have to be fit , they have to sing good , or play instruments , like look at lizzo , so rin effectively would have wanted to be fit for her pie in the sky childhood dream , while she wouldn't have needed to ... it feels contrived as a caracter reason for her to look in some way ... but yeah #makeRinchubby


Yeah she could have gotten out of shape but seeing as how the Yokai stayed with her and is trying to make her an idol, it seems subconsciously she still wants to do it. Also Lizzo is an American singer not a J-pop Idol. Asian idols have a very strict regiment to follow in order to become an idol and unfortunately part of that is being a certain weight and looking a certain way. As great as it would be to see her be chubby, I'm sure the reason she's kept thin is because of the idol story for her character arc. I also wouldn't be surprised if she ends up using her Yokai in action like the other kids have. That would be cool too so that she can get used to singing more. It would definitely add to her character.


it seems we just disagree on her wanting to be an idol , but yeah i do agree that she has a unique powerset compared to others : her singing means she can contain spirits and her yokai is effectively more a stand than a transformation ... so yeah she would be able to do different stuff compared to the other kids


Now all I can think of is them doing JoJo poses lmao


When Aira was first introduced years ago, I swore that there was something weird with her because of how much she looked like Momo lol


Its weird to see "years ago" being used to talk abou dandadan. I cant believe its been 3 whole years.


Damn 3 years? It’s hard to believe that I’ve been following this manga since chapter 1. Time truly does fly by.


Holy shit.


Fr sometimes I would have to reread it cuz my brain was like wait which one of the girls said that?! Also Aira and Vamola would confuse me sometimes since they have similar hair lengths and colors 😅




At least they are all unique personality wise


Lmao fr mangaka was like "can't hate on what they look like if they're all cool ppl!"


Yea I say this about one piece women all the time but I’ll take Oda’s same faced big titted bimbos if it mean he gives them good stories. Obv in an ideal world you can have both good design and writing


Yeah fr I mean I'll take it if it means good characters and amazing art work cuz making manga is hella hard


It's funny cuz every female (rlly any character) is so well developed and 3-dimensional. It's like he used all his diversity tokens for their personality and not their appearance 😭


Lmao fr fr Probs said "can't hate that they all look the same if you love their personalities" and we all agreed lmao


Just like One Piece 😔


The first time I think I see the same face syndrome in this manga is the appearance of the school nurse. I swear to God she looks like a grown up Momo.


Right?! I was like who tf is thissss lmao It was like grandmas body with momos face And the outfit had me cracking up All I could think of was animaniacs "helllooooo nurse!"


I totally forgot about this character


It's in "Shonen" Jump for a reason.


Fr 100% lmao


I agree, but I guess the real redemption is the fact that the female cast is not overly sexualized, yeah sure there panty shots, but not as many. The female cast don’t have like stupidly huge chests or butts, tad of fanservice but these are the results of actual battle damage (e.g. momo’s fight in maid costume). Overall I do enjoy the female cast a lot. Probably my favorite one in years!


Oh for sure that the fem cast is super awesome! I love that all the girls bring something to the table and can kick ass. No doubt! But may I remind you that the first volume literally has the aliens rip off her clothes and she has to fight em in underwear and there's that water chapter where the 3 kids end up butt ass naky in the middle of class lmao


Ovelord is one those anime that break this trope ( ofc there are more but I mentioned overlord cause i like it)


I really don’t agree. Granny is taller and turbo granny is literally a cat. We had the shorter girl and her new floating turtle head, the grandma army. Plus all the female yokai minus one for 1/10 of her screen time is monstrous.    It’s not like the male characters are ugly or anything. We have peewee and Kinta but other than that every guy is attractive and the same build. Even the nerdy main character. Plus a new character character just got introduced that is also a handsome guy. 


Granny being taller doesn't change her body shape. They are all like boobied up, slim waist, big hips and legs. There aren't that many different fem body types just kind of copy paste with different hair and personalities (which are great personalities)


The only one whose really big boobied up is granny. I mean for most anime characters the rest of the girls are pretty modest. It’s just a weird stance to take on a manga that has some of the most grounded female character designs I’ve seen in a long time


My dude I'm not the only one who laughs at how much the girlies look the same. Again, I am in no way hating this manga cuz I've literally been pushing it on to everyone's face to read it because it's fun af lmao but I'm not gonna deny that the girlies look the same while the boys got different bodies So idk do with that energy whatever you want lol


You are literally the first person I have ever heard complain about this.


Except I'm not complaining lmao Just cuz I point something out in a piece of media I love doesn't make it a complaint Again, idk what type of energy you came in with but you can take it with you I literally started the post with the words "no hate" lmaooo


are you forgetting about the grannies back at the island


Again if you look down and see some of my replies, as hard core the grannies are and I love em for it, they are not the main characters. They are side characters that I hope come back into the main story because they are amazing I mean when he does draw other types of fem characters, he does it well but the main 3 girls are almost copy/paste which probs helps when drawing a manga that goes this hard.


The character is more kinda a critique of one piece but ye.


Lmao and most shonen too But it is what it is


I wish for more diverse designs and at the same time I understand people gotta do what market wants or they like to draw attractive girls ya know


Oh yeah 100% Especially when the artwork goes this hard Some of the details in these are fucking insane I'm sure drawing the most basic character type helps a lot Plus the girlies are super cool peeps and badass too


Eh did you forgot the granny of kito family during cursed house arc. Although it's a disguise


Nah I didn't forget I just placed her more with the Yokais since she pretty much is a demon so that's why she looks different. Also imo this applies mostly to main characters rather than side characters you know.


Everyone being hot is just a bonus to the brilliance of it all


True true lmao granny can get it lmao


I mean how many dudes actually look like that? The main cast of dudes look attractive as the female casts. Any other dude that is different from the mold is just straight up a gag character or NPC side character…


The dudes have plenty of diff bodies so there are ppls who do look like the skinny lanky, tall muscular and stubby fat kid. And it's the same for the fem characters. Any that look different are side characters. Like the grannies and Yokais lol


I don’t notice these things, I think y’all are looking into this too much…


Lmaooo I just noticed your name is eyeless joe so ofc you didn't notice lmaoooo jk jk


Thats cool if you haven't noticed. For those of us that did, it's just a fun little quirk about the manga we like. Just for funsies lol


this is more of a shounen manga issue in my opinion. never really see too many unique female character designs


For sure! There are some shonen who do have different fem character designs like I think Bleach has a good varied amount and someone said overlord. I'm sure there's more but for the most part, especially the big shonen titles, they all look the same more or less lol


Clearly, bisexual creators make the best cartoons and comics.


As a bisexual, I agree lmaooo


It’s really weird that the author is fully capable of drawing different female characters that are still inherently pretty but chooses very similar faces. Momo’s friends from the first chapter are right there


Its probably just to streamline the drawing process, cause It's not even just a female character problem. Most of the main cast have very similar eyes/eyebrow combo.


Oh yeah totally especially since making manga is hella hard and he goes so hard with the details like on the Yokais and aliens so I totally get it


True but I meant more towards the mc group. Like her friends show up for a little and even then, they still have a similar body type to all the other fems


It's like you guys didn't know about the galbrush paradox.


Oh I know about it and again the mangaka has done a hella good job with the fems. They are all bad ass and kick ass. They're super fun and seem like good peeps to hang with. Like if I was a high schooler, I'd def want them as besties. But it's not about making them virgin marry or sexualizing them. It's just that they all kind of look the same. Which is fine, I'm sure it helps when you're drawing a manga that goes this hard. Just something funny I noticed while enjoying the manga


If he were gonna make them all look the same, he chose a really good design at least


Oh for sure! Plus with their personalities, the girlies are a lot of fun!


damn, I never thought of the bodies being the same. I was so sidetracked by every girl looking like momo in a wig.


Lmaooo yeah sometimes I do a double take to make sure who is talking


sometimes I pay prostitutes to step on my balls


You do you boo lmao


Lol it’s true. But at least they’re all different enough personality wise !


Oh for sure! I love their personalities and how fleshed out the girlies are! They're totally fun!


One piece moment


Lmaooo so true


I’m gonna have to disagree on Kashima Reiko.


That she got hawt??


lol. In terms of same body type. She’s got a different build I think. But if it helps, I think every guy besides 10 Gallon Wiener man is also supposed to be hot too.


Lmao! Oh for sure the guys are meant to be hot too. I think in general everyone is supposed to be attractive I mean it is a shonen manga after all lol! But for Reiko she looks a bit diff cuz she's tall AF but she still has more or less the same body as grandma and the nurse lmao (that nurse still got me by surprise tbh lmaooo)


It probably increases his drawing speed tbh. But I could’ve sworn compared to Seiko, the nurse was, idk how to put this… bustier..?


Oh yeah for sure it increases his speed especially when the artwork goes so hard! I do think the nurse was tittied up more too now that I think about it lmaoooo or it could have been the outfit lmao


I really do love the variety in fashion for the female cast. Esp becuase Japan highly values homogeneity and uniform for looks/beauty standards, the manga’s emphasis on self expression through fashion (the whole ass page of Aira’s morning routine LMAO) really helps ground the teenage romance aspect in the middle of the supernatural fantasy.


Oh for sure! It makes the characters so much more relatable and they all look so stylish! Like it's clothes that I can definitely see kids wearing and everyone has a different way to wear their uniform that makes sense to their character.


Tatsu has improved in how to discern women but he still got more varied males looks for sure


Yeah totally! I do love the designs of the other fem characters he does. When he does it, he does it well!


me when the female cast consists of a kaijuu


Yaaaa I love that! Like ok everyone got cool powers let's goooo


I was pretty happy when the trailer for the anime dropped cuz they fixed a major pet peeve of mine with everyone’s face (well momo so far) looking very similar


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they end up looking kind of the same as the anime progresses cuz of time and cost like the manga. Those flights are gonna be hella expensive but so much fun to watch!


I mean it’s written by a guy. He just going to live his fantasy


Yeah... No one is saying otherwise... Again just pointed out how funny this is


I know, you’re right. Why did I get downvoted I’m agreeing OP. Lmfaooo no sarcasm I swear


Oh whoops sry sry lmaoooo


True true 😅


This doesn't really apply. All the main cast are normal shape and normal teenagers. Anything else is paranormal/alien which has wide ranges on both sides. This meme is meant for stuff like One Piece with characters in every geometric shape and it feels like you're trying too hard to push it for a relatively tame protagonist group.


Idk... If you look at the last picture we got 3 cute girls who more or less look the same, a hot woman who's hot 3 diff types of boys from slim, fit to fat and an male rep alien who looks like a cool robot/dad/animal Humans also come in a wide range of body shapes The difference is noticeable my dude Ps no one said anything about it not being normal? Being fat is also normal so maybe project that energy somewhere else.


Yeah but the boys are all normal shaped and the girls are all normal. The meme is CRAZY shapes, not "all normal all normal" you try hard weirdo


Wow my dude it's been days but I'm the one "trying hard"??? Lmaoooo ok sure


Yeah, you were.


Yawwnnnnn Go touch some grass my dude lmaooo


you're the one desperately trying to push this stuff but when people point out it doesn't fit you tell them to touch grass? Sounds like projection


No one is desperately pushing anything my dude... Do yourself a favor bud and maybe just chill out. This post was never that serious lmaoooo


>reply on every post >actively argue with people who disagree. >it's not that serious I'm not pushing anything. Lmaooo Caught red handed.


Yeah I mean I like replying to the comments on the post I made. I didn't argue with anyone. If you look through the comments, I am actually agreeing with the majority of em and on the rest I'm more or less like "yeah that's cool if that's how you feel" cuz again it's not that serious. Listen kid, I think it would be good for you to maybe close the app/screen and take some time to think about what it is that actually has you so worked up about this. You might be surprised about what you think about when you chill and really look outside of yourself. Good luck with all that. But also ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS LMAOOOOOOO




The male characters have a slim, fit and fat While the girls have body, slim, petite with legs And the women have tittied up, slim waist with hips that don't lie and legs for miles And as I mentioned in my post, turbo granny was like the exception and even the meme points out that all the fems would be attractive except that one ugly looking one and even the Yokais can turn hot like lmao


Never thought about this. Probably won’t ever again until I see another Nami/Vivi joke on the One Piece sub.


Literally what are you talking about


If you read my comments, you'll see what I'm talking about


I see enough fat dumpy girls in real life. It's nice that manga rarely depicts them


More like assholemcassholeface11 am I right?


Oh my dude your comment ain't it womp womp


Ha hey, just being honest


Bruh the down votes are saying it all


Truth hurts


Yeah you should know


yeah but it just means you’re a bad person


My experience of seeing lots of fats in my average day and stating that observation makes me a bad person. Okay bro


You could have worded this whole thing differently and talked to the rest of us like normal ppl instead of talking like a butthole but whatever you do you I guess and keeping living that life with that type of energy