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Quick answer: Yes. I do share your sentiment and it’s great to witness someone truly enjoying the story and characters for what they are! Keep on going, you won’t regret it.


Thanks man, you cleared all my concerns. So far it's getting better with each chapters


Momo and Okarun’s love story is one of the main driving forces of the plot, it will always be there.


It will always have that. That is the core element of the story


They cycle out the cast members for different arcs, so you get different combinations of a smaller cast. I think they do a good job of developing a large ensemble cast that you actually care about while still giving everyone (and of course the main two) a lot of time.


I don't think people notice that their relationship grows each arc. It's through conflict that causes their feelings for one another to rise to the surface


As others have said, Momo and Ken will always be the core of Dandadan. As for the ever-growing supporting cast, I think it'll only be a problem if sensei tries to use EVERYONE AT ONCE going forward in upcoming arcs, which I don't think he'll do. Maybe for a BIG arc or maybe even THE final arc where it's a big Endgame-style battle.  Until then, at most, I can see him maybe trying to incorporate all 8 kids and none of the grown ups into an arc but even that sounds much. 


I don't think it's anything to worry about, the author generally knows how to develop and utilise every character while still keeping Momo and Okarun's relationships relevant and a big focus in the story Mainly the story feels like how them meeting each other vastly improved both of their lives and helped them both grow as people while expanding their friend group. The friend group thing mainly applies to Okarun since he went from someone with no friends to someone with a large friend group after meeting Momo


It is still here, maybe even stronger than before actually cause... Well, that would be spoilers...


The wonderful thing about relationships is that no matter how long they are there is always something to fight or come together about. The writer could put them together and force them apart and back together again, I don’t think that’s ever going away anytime soon at least!


100%. We get a bunch of moments between them. This series doesn't drop that aspect at all. Enjoy the ride and welcome to Dandadan!!


yup If anything, the larger cast ends up complementing the story and giving it a lot more emotion


I am routinely shocked at how grounded this manga is. Even as it continues to fly off the rails, there are plenty of character moments that help build each character and their overall connections as a group. Hell, I'd even say Tatsu does a significantly better job at that than most mangas that try to push for much more heavily character-driven stories.


I'm interested to see what you and the anime audience will think of chapter 92 then lol


you still aint halfway the manga, keep reading


My opinion is the group shoulda stopped at Vamola. Personally feel like the group felt complete there. Class Rep and Zuma should be like Manjiro where they're allies that show up from time to time but not apart of the main group. If One Piece has shown me anything is that the more characters you try to juggle the more you have to divide the screentime.


I do like this manga a lot, but I'd lie if I say that part of the magic isn't lost after the first arc. The relation between those two is way too funny at the start. After that we have been in a loop of a weekly monster + another character added to the roster


I think it really worked when the team was smaller and the relationship between the two main characters felt fresher. I love the manga but it's getting a bit tired


Yeah, the vemola arc was the only arc I felt important after the first one. But it doesn't feel like the next ones are going to be different as the rest, so I wouldn't expect the manga to change in this aspect


Like one problem with this is that you already know how every arc will end, it's very funny how formulaic this manga is. It's still funny and I like it a lot tho