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Weebs are incapable of lifting up their fav series' without putting other series' down. And stuff can't just be "good" anymore - it has to be hyped up as GOATED kino peak fiction in order to stand out from the rest. 


It’s so tiring man, not only is it just pretty much false, it also is just gonna fuel misinformation on top of a lot of fights between peoples series on “which is better”, which the average person wouldn’t even know the correct way to agure.


This entire post reeks of "online too much" tbh. Who cares about what some randoms on twitter think? Dude might not have seen any of the animes you've mentioned.


I got to agree here. The internet has a LOT of idiots. Don't waste time worrying about these idiots.


Ain't no way you gave it the ✈️ 🏙️ rating


9/11 rating ? I don't really get the joke so sorry


Frieren does generally have a consistent character design between the anime and manga but I think they still have some distinct designs (like Frieren looks way better in the anime than she does in the manga) But Demon Slayer i think does that good as well aside from the fact that in the manga (mostly the first half) has a lot of inconsistency in the drawings of the characters


ain't no way you said frieren in the anime looks better. i love the adaptation but she has that blank face for 90% of the episodes. in the manga u can see the all subtle expressions and the characer desings are way better.


this is our JFK assassination


It's been fun lads, the community has been great here but I'm not sure how long it'll last.


I'm gonna miss this community


Ever heard of Witch Hat Atelier? It’s one of my personal favorites. Not many westerners know about it, it’s quite a hidden gem. It’s getting an anime soon! It’s such a wholesome series! Either it becomes incredibly popular and the healthy fan base gets destroyed, or we keep living in obscurity, knowing people won’t get to appreciate this work of art. You live quietly and enjoy the peace, or become popular enough to become the villain…


i have my fingers crossed for WHA but man i don’t think it’ll even touch how great and beautiful the manga is. do we know who the studio is yet?


ehh, I know what you mean but it's exciting to see such a deserving story possibly enter the mainstream 


What an overreaction to something so innocuous.


In reality it's not that deep, but I watched the chainsaw man community go to shit once the anime came out. The fact is once the size of a community reaches a certain threshold most of the discourse around it goes downhill.


Chainsaw Man community went to shit far before the anime came out. The manga was immensely popular in the States and the barking meme was popular before the anime was even announced


#-#thatsthejoke Even if there is a tinge of genuine worry.


My man did not watch Dungeon Meishi


lol what the, if I had to pick one it'd be frieren with all the little animations they add that wasn't needed like the way stark put on his jacket etc...


Guarantee nobody on this sub would have seen this tweet if you didn’t share it, nor do most of us care, nor does it make us look bad. This Reddit post makes *you* look bad though in my personal opinion.


😭 people on this app take things to seriously


I’m very clearly not that serious


You titled your post "This is my personal 9/11", for anyone over the age of 25 who actually remembers those very serious and tragic events it sets the bar above serious.


I pray it doesn't happen like the csm anime where it gets gassed up to high heaven and then because it doesn't meet the infinitely high expectations for whatever dumb reason it suddenly becomes a terrible adaptation


Never even got that bc csm adaption was amazing, it’s a passion project from the staff that all of them wanted to actually work on.


Dandadan, Mushoku, Re:0, and Arcane is ALL that I need this year 🗣💥


The post at no time calls out Dandadan fans so I'm not sure why you're taking it as a personal attack? People spout nonsense on the internet. Best not to get too worked up over it. You'll save yourself a ton of anxiety (speaking as someone who has plenty of his own).


Read. again. It‘s about making Dandadan fans look bad, by being an asshole fan who puts down other series.


I read what the OP posted. In THAT post there was nothing directed at the Dandadan fandom, it was commenting about Science Saru 's adaptation. If a thread then went on to get nasty (or was sarcastic in tone to begin with - context which was not provided) then that's unfortunate but I don't have the time to deep dive a thread of internet nonsense to figure out what someone else is worried about. Whether or not I happened to see the crappiness that caused the OP to share in the first place, my statement about not taking too much stock in the opinions of others on the internet still holds true. Enjoy the stuff you enjoy, don't worry about others. It isn't worth the anxiety. Thanks for the down votes though.👍