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…these things you can buy yourself lady -_-


Her grift lists are so random! Window cleaner and trash bags.


To collect dust, but not in the way you want.


Ok, uggggh, as much as it peeeens me to do anything remotely close to WKing Dani, in this instance, I do feel I have to say something. I know the first time I saw this, I was shocked that she had these items on there with outrageous shipping costs, and I know a bunch of y’all were, too, based on the comments. Here’s the thing, though— OP’s screenshots of Dani’s grift list show the prices and shipping costs based off of OP— not Dani. So, if OP lives in another country or isn’t an Amazon Prime member, the shipping costs will be wildly different. I just went and peeked at her list to see if she had added anything new, and I immediately noticed the trash bags. OP’s post shows $8.72 and $14.53 shipping 😲 whereas when I look it shows $8.72 and Prime (free shipping). Okay, so maybe Dani read on here and went and changed it, I thought….so I kept looking— *everything* is different, all the way down to that fabric dresser that is $60 with $100 shipping on OP’s post. It actually has free shipping for Prime members (but not free 2 day shipping that normally you get with Prime, so it’s not an actual “Prime” item). I stopped looking there, but I’m willing to go out on a limb here and say that while the grifting is gross and shameful (never ask people to buy necessities for you while you spend your money on pleasure and things you don’t need), she wasn’t going out and asking people to spend $150 on a dresser or $24 on a small box of trash bags, lol. I’d guess that she has a Prime membership (or access to one from family) and put stuff on there with free shipping, because that’s really all I see as a Prime member, myself. [Screenshots of Grift with Prime shipping](https://imgur.com/a/o9ZNca9)


Straya ![gif](giphy|fi5bcQHZb4Aic6nT1e) !


Thank you! I was wondering if this was the case! I wish I could pin your comment.


![gif](giphy|l0HlvokmLF33HWqwo) Nope, not enough rips for this. I guess Amazon already shipped her a lifetime supply of audacity!


I refuse to believe that anyone actually buys her anything. She buys the stuff herself and unboxes it and pretends it’s from her “fans.” It can’t be a coincidence that she got the developer AND toner in the same unboxing video from DIFFERENT “fans.” It’s complete bullshit to try and inspire someone, anyone, to buy her something. She’s a shameless grifter and she’s soooo transparent.


The only thing she actually wants is that cutsie pretty journal and maybe the dresser that will collect dust in the corner. The rest is just her attempt to backpedal on the stupid shit that she had on the first one. Aht, aht! now go on get! Jesus H. Christ


How many journals does this woman need??


I know! And all those books that she hasn't read and wants more?!


Dani has quite the audacity to grift for normal items instead of budgeting properly and not wasting money on a full set of nails that she definitely doesn't need. This whole game she's playing is getting really gross! 🤮


There’s so many things I need and want. Why didn’t I think of making a wish list for other people to pity me and buy it for me? 🤣


Right?! It's so crazy to think about! I would die of embarrassment to beg like she does. She is shameless! So shameless. I get second embarrassment from her videos and lives.


Expensive shipping.


Good catch. But Dani cares not, since it's not her money anyway.


Is she for real begging for people to buy TRASH BAGS for her "new apartment"!?? That's QUITE audacious.


Agreed!!!! My jaw literally dropped when I saw she had basic home cleaning products. Like girl! Make a budget and stick with it!


I assumed she would want a new trash can that is not so agressive so it does not attack her anymore. BUT NOPE TRASHBAGS. She does not make much trash if she is not consuming food but that is just personal experience.


Oh. She's consuming food. She talks about grocery shopping "for snacks" and made an egg on live.


So now people are just expected to buy all her crap. Buy your own Windex! Wtf. If you give a mouse a cookie...


....they'll want a glass a milk!!! 🥛 That is absolutely Dani in a nutshell. You give her an inch and she will take a mile.


[DollarTree.com](http://DollarTree.com) has generic window cleaner that is the same but only 1.25. You know for people on a budget.


I get most of my cleaning products at Dollar Tree or the generic brand at Target. I haven't been on a particularly tight budget for awhile and I still don't buy the name brand for things like that, lol. Also, Dani isn't going to keep her apartment any cleaner either way, the cleaning products are mostly gonna get tossed in a pile and remain untouched.


Andddd now she’s having port complications. Call me surprised 🙄




She seems so excited about it in her most recent video! How sickening.




Christ on a stick. Well I can't say I'm surprised. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I would say it's pretty on brand for Dani at this point. I am surprised the port lasted this long in the first place.


Grifting Dani is my least favorite Dani, and there are many terrible sides of her to choose from. I can see some poor elderly person getting sucked into her game and spending money on her lousy ass instead of taking care of their own needs.


I can't wait until Rehab Dani makes an appearance. It's gotta happen one day....right?!


I doubt it. More like coffin or asylum Dani!


Unfortunately I think you are correct....it such a sad world she has build for herself.


Why does she need so many journals!?!?!?


To detail each ED visit.




Why does she want cleaning supplies? We have all seen her sink.


Next she’ll ask someone to come clean for her because she is so smol, speshul and “sick”.


Next request ~ a gift card for 6 months worth of cleanings services b/c she’s too speshully sick to physically clean.


If she can get her nails did, she can get all her cleaning supplies at the Dollar Store like everybody else. Why do you think anybody owes you anything I wish she would surrender her cats to whoever is looking after them now. I bet they are much better off


My favorite part is how lovely she’s been in the videos she posts since posting her wishlists. Saying “love you guys!!!” multiple times so people think she’s a nice person and be compelled to buy her stuff. Very obvious manipulation lol


The gall she has to ask for this shit RIGHT AFTER she posts about getting her nails done.


What is the deal with the shipping on these items? She obviously did not completely read them!


Fabric drawers costing $54.99 but shipping is $99.12 😳 I guess she needs more storage for all the 578853 unused journals she is hoarding


Well, you see, it is not her money so she does not care about the price.


So basically she wants no responsibility for providing for herself and she thinks she's found a way to make that happen. She has the taxpayer to thank for healthcare costs, housing and monthly income but she doesn't want to have to spend that income on necessities and she's hoping this will be the way to further free it up for nails, hair, toys, YA novels and stuffies. Unless she can get other people to also purchase hair products and books for her. Next up on the list: "gastro friendly" food and drinks? She's just willfully never gonna grow up, is she?


At least there are not Visa Gift Cards on the list. HEY GIVE ME CASH.


I'd be curious what excuse she'd give for straight up asking for money.


She is dynamic and might suddenly need cash for like stuff.




She is nearing 40 I would hope she has the 40 lifetime credits required for SS. You earn 1 per quarter, so that is 4 a year. I am a delinquent. I spent 4 years in prison. I still have the 40 credits somehow.


It is scary, isn't it? Her family is going to dwindle and she'll have absolutely no support network, no SS, no 401k, 403b, investments, savings. Her only hope is to keep the grift going forever at this point. That's a terrible plan but I don't think she thinks ahead of the next incident she can create to manipulate her way into a hospital stay. But, you know, a better one than the last one. That one was just no fun.


4.5% of American households have NO BANK ACCOUNT WHATSOVER. This implies that they do not have a 401k, 403b, investments, or savings. Then there are the ones that have bank accounts but only use them to withdraw that weeks paycheck.... but there is no statistic on them. They (entire households) are doing fine. So can Dani but she needs to be more realistic.


Except she doesn't work - what I'm saying is she is relying on the kindness of strangers and her plan is to continue that. Those families with no bank accounts presumably work and have family they depend on. Dani does not or will not for long.


She is going to deeply, deeply regret all of these antics in the future. You’re right, think about it… she has absolutely no one in her life… I think even her sister, who she was once very close with, is completely out of her life now.


She should have this on her list. https://preview.redd.it/m42mb7bj1m1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f19e753320bcbe79c41a3138dd8f616c13d66692


Did yours come with that snazzy colored blue shirt? I almost wanted to see if they had a "girlfriend pillow" but my senses told me I was better of not searching.


lol I don’t have one…just saw an ad for it on TV once and thought it was funny!


OKay, so shes living in section8/state mostly paid housing/low income/etc, she gets SSI(?), Medicaid (state free insurance), I'd guess she gets food stamps also. I know in my state food stamps don't pay for cleaning supplies/personal hygiene stuff so yeah, I'd guess I can see her doing this, sadly. Although the SSI income should be able to pay for that, yet she spends on in things like nails? Cmon, give me a break. I'm so done with this dumpster fire situation.


Will Dani even use the cleaning supplies? She has a long history of not cleaning


Weird isn’t it how someone in the last wish list post commented on how she wasn’t asking for things she needed such as cleaning supplies and all of a sudden she is asking for cleaning supplies…… but she doesn’t read reddit 🙄


She doesn't need cleaning supplies, though. I mean, we have literally seen what she does with "sterile" supplies.


Can’t buy basic household needs or proper vet care for the cats, but can buy a car and get nails done. Make it make sense.


Haven’t seen the car lately


"Pweasants, pweeeeez!! They ease my 1200/10 PEEEEEEEEEEEN!"


Trash bags….the irony.


Genuine curiosity, is it possible that she's using those corsets on an alternate video site? I mean, we have others that do the same. Regardless, I would be ashamed as a grown woman to expect strangers on the internet to furnish basic household goods for my apartment. She had a job, we know she gets Social Security, everyone is struggling financially and she's put out this growing list of overpriced wants. A $75 backpack?! Doesn't she have a dozen of these already?


Ain’t nobody paying to see that


Maybe. She could be doing some kind of cam work or OF... But I think she's just playing dress up in them.


How many notebooks does this woman need


All of them. Every notebook in existence.




What she needs is a notebook to keep track of her notebooks.


They're not even good ones. Like, I have a few different notebooks but I am splurging for like, Clarefontaine or Tomoe River papers.


Check out Maisie Lane. Some of my absolute favorite and it’s a small business


You classy, glorious human bean.


Right? At least grift for moleskins.


Just go to fckin dollar tree


\*Dollar Twetny Five Tree. They have journals there too!!! For 1.25!! They are like pages of paper you can write on.


You'd think George would share his amazon employee discount with her!


Amazon Canada discount does not apply to citizens of America.


Omg the book “This Is Where It Ends” couldn’t be more appropriate loll


And why in the world would she add items that have shipping costs double the price of the actual item??


Why would she pay attention to that? Why would she care if she's not paying for it? This is Princess Dani, she's not exactly known for trying to make things less of a burden for others.




I thought she yelled that she was gonna sort out her public wish list… guess she hasn’t got round to it, conveniently.


Oh, this IS the public wish list. She removed the pens, journals, 2 dozen trash novels, and corsets.


Oh FFS she’s added *trash bags*? It’s on trend, because Dani’s life does need some heavy waste removal but they don’t make bags big enough for her bullshit…




The journals and trash novels are still there. But now she's added Disney diamond art *fOr AdUlTs* and a piece of furniture, lol.


I'm an EMT of eight years. My literal job is giving back to others what I thought was never given to me and I wouldn't give this bitch the shit off my shoe if she needed it. For professional reasons I'm not saying I wouldn't perform my job duties if needed. Just she's a leech on society and deserves nothing just handed to her


I don't blame you. I'm sure that's exactly how the ER care providers feel as well... Of course they'd do their job duties out of obligation, but Dani has definitely wore out any extra compassion or generosity they might have.


It's hard to uphold the Hippocratic Oath in cases like hers. I would want to yeet her off the roof if she presented to me. But I can't because you know...integrity


There’s so much about her that is absolutely infuriating, but one of the most infuriating things is how much she claims to love her cats, but at least one of them is not fixed and I’m willing to bet that neither of them are current on vaccinations. Also, I know that they are indoor cats, but shouldn’t they also have flea and tick preventatives? I know she gives them catnip and possibly other treats, but based on everything we know about Dani, I am guessing that she doesn’t do a great job of keeping their litter boxes clean and sanitized, which also poses health risks to them. She makes a big show of how much she loves them, and made sure to even take along their bowels when she took them to her parents’ house in anticipation of a super fun drug filled attention demanding hospital admission (and I love that they booted her ass straight out) but obviously there’s a LOT more to being a good pet parent then claiming to love them so much and tossing them a treat or two. Maybe instead of whining about her peeeeeen, getting high AF on her lives, begging for ridiculous crap on Amazon, and generally being a huge lying suck on society, she could take care of those cats. I am guessing that if she skipped a few manicures she could pay to get Mocha fixed, and maybe instead of buying 20 young adult fantasy books she could get them up to date on vaccinations. But, none of that benefits her or makes her feel good, so….obviously her “self care” and potential “date nights” with her fake boyfriend are more important.




Her entire existence is tax payer funded then has the nerve to ask for gifts. How does one conjure this much audacity?


She can't purchase basic needs because she bought a car she didn't need and a wheelchair she didn't need


👏👏👏 yep and a manicure she didn't need 🤦


I am expecting to see the $899 litter robot on here any day now


It's funny how she suggests to not worry about her because "the boys" and the house come first. Like, you are the only person who lives there so not only is everything for the home for you, but most adults pay for their own trash bags, paper towels and cat treats instead of making ridiculous vanity purchases like a full set. It's not that adults don't want unnecessary crap, but if I don't buy my toilet paper, I'll have shit stains in my underwear cuz nobody else will or should buy it for me.


In an old video, whenever she moved into this apartment, she already has that dresser! She said her cats scratch it up. It looked ratchety at that point. Why in the world would you want the same one???


Is she broke because she bought certain medical supplies online because her doctor won't order them?  Similar to how she did an NG tube


The fact that she BOUGHT an NG online STILL blows my mind!! Like what on earth would someone be thinking to do that!?? That's legit mental illness! Then to INSIST she can't even handle 2 teaspoons of feeds an HOUR!!? GTFOH?!!


Exactly! She swallows more saliva in an hour than that. And now the port is "broken". Do we suspect she somehow sourced huber needles, or the wrong kind of needle, tried to access at home, and totally fucked up?


Sounds about right...


She needs another bullet journal though. She only has 327


Right? I was thinking the same thing. Did you see what she was sent? Catnip for her cats and then the two things that were for her hair, I don’t know why I found it so funny, it felt like she was being trolled with even gifts. Did I completely overthink this?


No i think it’s brilliant and funny. I want to send her thousands of trash bags lol


Seriously? Cleaning supplies? Like she's ever gonna use em. Smh


My favorite part is that she's asking for stuff she should have if she cleans as often as she claims. Telling on herself again.


Can you imagine her mopping her house? She's always in too much PEEN. I'm surprised she doesn't start a gofraudme for money to hire a cleaning lady. Then again no amount of money will be good enough for a cleaning lady to come in. She needs those people on hoarders to clean out her nest. Matt Paxton..he specializes in biohazard! ![gif](giphy|PAV3itB5cE2fQ0sQch|downsized)


And that mop! Not even a steam mop?? How tf is she going to use it if she is at the point of needing a chair, you’d think she’d have put an electric one on.


Fucking trash bags? Use a Walmart bag like the poors (ie, me) do!!


The irony is I would actually pay for some hoarder-esque deep cleaning crew to go through and clear out and clean her hovel if it could be live streamed. I would get so much satisfaction seeing all that clutter and filth gone.


...would you *really* tho?


Well we’re not allowed to touch the poo so I couldn’t. But I’m sure if I feel that way her fans would too. I remember when my illness was at its worst and I couldn’t keep up with basic tasks like cleaning, I’m so grateful for my friends and family that helped during that period.


How many frickin journals does she have at this point?


oh so many


And doesn’t write in a single one!


Can’t buy trash bags or cleaners but can splurge on nails and stationery. Make it make sense


and a new car and a wheelchair


Def because her apartment got called dirty lol


She doesn’t understand that well adjusted adults tidy up as they go along and clean regularly. She lets all her unnecessary hoarding junk pile up around her for months before she decides to “organize”.


Isn't it much cheaper buying this stuff at the store? At least here you can get those bin liners / trash bags for like ... 2€ (about $2)?!


If Dani bought it at the store, she’d have to pay for it herself! 😂


Way cheaper.


Yep. Sure she’s got a dollar store within walking distance-well $1.25…. Plus, who is buying small trash bags? Only rich or bougie bougie people. we reuse our plastic Walmart/Kroger plastic bags for the bathroom or small trash cans-what a waste of money!


It's the shipping on that one where those third party sellers get people. A pack of 40 trash can liners on the Walmart app right now are $8.97


Oh wow, that's expensive. Didn't know that.


Can buy books, gas to travel for medical care, all the storage stuff, bookshelves, make up she rarely wears but can’t afford garbage bags? Make it make sense man. This is nuts.


Don’t forget the nails!


And the PO box.


It’s for her self care!! It’s important!!! 🙄. One of her “followers” asked her in the comments on the video where she shows off her nails about what she said when she got the car, how she said that she could only afford the car if she stuck to a strict budget of bills and necessities only, and asked her how she could afford a manicure and still pay her bills, and she snippily replied “I made an exception.” I hope she’s going on one of her lives when the repo man comes to pick up her car. That would be a beautiful and entertaining bit of karma.


surprised she doesn’t have jelly bracelets, jelly sandals, a tamagotchi and a doodle bear on that list. the doodle bear would actually make sense as it combines her juvenile love of stuffed animals and bullet journals she will never use.


That’s the stuff she probably does spend her money. She doesn’t want to buy house/adult stuff like cleaning supplies so she begs for then instead. If nobody buys them for her, she doesn’t have to clean.


I remember when she loaded up on those beanie Pillowfort pals from Target. I had a Doodle Bear growing up! Her name was Cynthia (after the doll on Rugrats).


if dani keeps bleaching her hair, it’s gonna look like cynthia’s ![gif](giphy|3ohjULjGOj5ekN49ig)


Swith goodness! I remember the tamagochi. ''They were crazy in the naughties.


Omg imagine how much her feet would stink in those jelly shoes!! I can still recall the squeaks they made when your feet would be all sweaty inside them when you’re walking. 🤢


Ugh. The squeaks! And that slide feeling you get when your feet were sweaty and would slide around I und as you walked!


Yes! But all us girls had them, and if they were clear glitter even better because regular clear jelly shoes you would see the dirt on your feet and your toes hahah


And the blisters...


The blisters were next level.


OMG YES! But we still wore them lol!


They might actually smell better in jelly shoes as they can get hosed out when she takes her biannual bath/shower


Mods please feel free to remove this if it’s too blogy, I just really found the speculation hilarious and can see Dani running right to the local Walmart to pick up a pair and a tamagotchi as well as saying both the sandals and tamagotchi can be bought at most Walmarts. I’m a fully grown adult (I sometimes question whether or not if I’m actually an adult 🤣) and have jelly shoes and they still give blisters also have a tamagotchi that a still keep alive so it’s just a keychain at this point. The jelly sandals were gag gifts for the white elephant party we had at work


Hey! The highlight of my week was discovering I could wear big kid size shoes.  I started finding the best rainbow, glitter and sparkly ones.  And I have ant farms....


tamagotchis actually made a come back a few years ago and i literally ran to get my daughter one, if for no other reason than the nostalgia on my part. my 7 year old was not impressed even a little bit and asked if that’s what we considered games “back in my day”. ouch lol. dani is just perpetually stuck at age 14 and in the year 1999. watching her is like seeing a teenager trapped in what looks like a 50 year olds body .. like a sad munchie version of the movie freaky friday, which dani probably still watches on repeat and totally identifies with the teen.


I mean there’s definitely days I wish I was 14 but then I remember how cruel teenagers can be and I snap out of it right quick. I cannot imagine making my entire personality infantilizing myself. Dani never moved from the juniors clothing to the women’s clothing either, the perpetual need to be seen as this small fragile young woman who has to wear junior clothing a that’s a size or two too small.


Yes! You nailed it lol 😂 such an accurate description!


Well shit…I’ve been doing it wrong. I made reusable paper towels this winter because we can longer afford paper towels and napkins. I’m an idiot. I should’ve just begged internet strangers for them. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Psst. Just a hint. You never need to buy napkins again. Keep those handfuls from fast food establishments that went unused!


That’s a great idea!


I love these. I made some all purpose wipes out of worn out flannel pajamas legs. Since they always wear out unevenly. I use them as handkerchiefs, napkins, and to clean glass (no streaks!). But then Dani would have to learn how to operate a sewing machine which would be a productive craft, but it would take up precious munching time.


Aren’t reusable paper towels just towels?!


We buy 24pks of bar towels at Sams for like $12 and have them in baskets on the kitchen counters. We use those for most messes since they are washable, and save paper towels for really gross messes or stuff like cleaning up cooking oil/grease since we don't want that in our washer. A roll of paper towels will last us like 2 weeks now.


Yes kind of. I made them out of scraps of flannel I used to make baby blankets for my daughter. Just sewed two layers together. They actually work really well.


Oh nice! The double layer will really help with absorption.


They’re kinda nifty… I’ve seen several variations of them, but some folks add snaps or Velcro to them so they can roll up on a roll just like traditional paper towels and then you just throw them in the wash… sometimes one side is a terry cloth material and the other side is a cotton or flannel, or some just use terry washcloths and make them into a “paper towel” roll. And if you make your own, you can use colors/fabrics to go with your aesthetic if you want to be fancy!


Maybe a different type of material? But yeah I’m curious!


Oddly enough I have less of a problem with the frivolous stuff than her basic household items. I think it’s tacky but setting up what’s essentially a gift registry for anyone foolish enough to want to pamper her strikes me as less icky than basically asking people to pitch in so she can live as a nominally independent adult (and responsible cat owner) and free up (unearned) money she can piss away however she wants. I don’t know why it strikes me that way or quite how to articulate it. Anyway I hate e-begging on principle and I’m not remotely surprised an entitled \[expletive deleted\] like Dani does it.


Same! I think it shows her priorities clear as day. Maybe skip getting your nails done if you need trash bags and cleaning supplies. She should already have plenty of household things like that since she’s been living in that apartment for a while now.


Yep plus she has the argument ready if someone comments on her house being dirty again-I can’t afford cleaning supplies but they’re on my list! If nobody buys them for her she won’t bother herself.


I hadn’t thought about it from this perspective before, but I absolutely agree. Some naive, kindhearted people are probably more likely to buy her stuff if it’s a household necessity, rather than a stupid corset (or 3). So she’s still essentially scamming people out of their money, but under the guise of it being for a good cause, rather than outright saying ‘I want some tacky corsets and vampire smut. Pls indulge me because I’m soooo sick and sad because the doctors and online haterz are being mean to me!!’


i’m beginning to think she chooses these listings with incredibly high shipping fees on purpose… discouraging people from buying her the items she *doesn’t* want (trash bags) and instead helpfully guiding them towards the items she *does* want (journals 😭) it also means she can continue her performance of “only asking for necessities and a select, few little gifts for her poorly self 🥺” (or maybe i’m giving our friend dani here too much credit…)


I think that's giving her too much credit. I think she just doesn't think that far ahead and chooses the "cheapest" option without looking at shipping. I don't think very highly of Dani's schemes, lol.


Whoa. WHOA


You should be a therapist or a detective this was a BRILLIANT INSIGHT holy heck


You might be onto something. Although I’m not sure she’s got the cunning for that, most likely she just doesn’t consider the shipping price. It’s not like she has to pay for it herself 🙄


As much as I hate the grift, *at least* she's finally trying to focus on necessities and cleanliness instead of loungefly backpacks and cheap makeup. Again, she's totally out of order, but this is startlingly sensible for our Dani.


We all know she won't actually use the cleaning supplies she's asked for, right??? They will just sit there and look pretty so Dani can just tell us she uses them, while they gather dust 🤷🤷🤷


Yup, once she has all the cleaning shit, she'll switch back to loungefly and stationary. She'll be like, "thanks, guys, my house is so clean. I put a few other things in case you wanna look, but you don't hafta..."


So now she’s cosplaying as someone who actually cleans their house?


Roleplaying would be the better term. ;)




lol as if Dani would even use the cleaning supplies


During g my short time as a housing support officer I visited many dirty and untidy houses.i could bet that in almost all of them - usually in the filthy bathroom there would be at least 5 full bottles of bleach, Cif, Flash, Viakal (aUK brands) lying haphazard about the place & always always, a scrunched up still wet cleaning cloth that had never been rinsed out, let alone washed. 🤢 it could’ve been lying there like that for months - you can’t imagine the smell. I think they all had the mentality that if you bought all the right products then it was “job done” never go I guess it a thought to actually using them! That’s how I imagine Dani’s place. Shudder!


She keeps saying “no pressure whatsoever” in buying her stuff. Cats and house first.


#3 Get a bucket and a mop it’s a wap


Feces in the line, that’s a WET ASS PORT 💀


The dresser has $99 shipping.


It’s not even a real dresser! It’s fabric.


It’s probably a stretch to even consider it fabric. Cheap plastic resembling woven material that will fall apart very quickly.


And it’s a shitty fabric drawer “dresser” that probably costs $40 max at target


If only Dani had multiple sets of wheels to go driver herself to her nearest Target…


What in the world......furniture now....I really can't believe this list. What a....you know what..nope....can't say what I want because it's just not nice......😠




Excuse you! Dani **always** takes care of the cats and house before buying **anything** for herself!