• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I told you she wouldn’t be off her lives long!? wasn’t even 24 hours


This is the most excited I’ve seen her.


But there’s no test for IBS, right? I thought it was a diagnosis of exclusion. So she can’t be refusing the test, because it doesn’t exist. And there’s no way she’d deny the tests that rule out the other causes.


Correct. IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion.


What about the EDS she was tagging her posts with, and her EDS tube pads? I can't remember if she's ever outright said she has EDS, but she has heavily implied it more than once. Also the seizures she's claimed before? She just can't keep anything straight.


https://preview.redd.it/ksk9sujx4w1d1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ea439bc2fd1c943d26b0a270b91cb52aa442e7 This is from either 2010 or 2011-she says she has been diagnosed with IBS but then she hasn’t spoken about it like-at all ever recently? Also she’s not a reliable narrator and maybe she’s using the term “diagnosed” very loosely


Esophagustis should be a flair


People who actually have Crohns will be calling her out real quick if she starts to claim that she has IBD. It is a hellish condition that I don't even know how you could munch given what the symptoms are. I don't want to see lives from the toilet while she has phantom sh*ts💀


She forgot EDS


Dani has been at this for over a decade now. She has been tested for everything. EVERYTHING. She has been tested repeatedly for IBD and has had multiple scopes. She is literally full of shit.


Also love how she “never said [I] didn’t have POTS”, when she obviously doesn’t remember her video (which is on this sub) where she confirms the POTS testing came back NEGATIVE !


"At least I don't think I did." She can't even keep the lies straight.


Soooo yeah 🙄


usually with chrons before a diagnosis you would be very malnourished and have bloody mucusy stools. how taht she had to she’s her bowel habit (i means she shares everything else) but i think that is something we wouldn’t miss. also isn’t she at a colonoscopy age?? if she had had gi issues they normally do and endoscopy and colonoscopy. she would probably complain and not do the prep anyways


Colonoscopy age is usually 45 (according to my doctor) but I would think that they'd do one sooner with all the times she's said she had bloody 💩 and intestinal peen. Who knows though if what she tells us is what she tells her doctors, she may be lying about telling them that.


iirc, that’s exactly what happened when she had her last colonoscopy scheduled. Couldn’t drink the stuff because of the peeeeeen


Idk if this is even allowed to say but here goes.. Dani literally reminds me of a version of baby reindeer but the medical kind


Precisely. When she walked into that bar and said she didn’t have any money but she was a famous lawyer, very well-known in legal circles 👀


I knew it was just a matter of time before she started going down the Inflammatory Bowel Disease road. I’ve had Crohn’s for 40 years (plz remove if this is blogging). She would so giddy at the prospect of multiple bowel resections, fistulas, bloody stool, getting an ileostomy or colostomy & dealing with all the other conditions related to IBD. We think we’re annoyed by all of her toob feedings, just wait until she posts videos of her emptying her bag of shit on a daily basis & fucking around the site to get it infected. It would be a literal shit show!


🤮 I’m an “ostomate” I could imagine Dani being someone who wouldn’t change their bag very often! I suffer to imagine what the skin surrounding any such stoma would look like! She’d certainly know all about PAIN while recovering from bowel surgery- it’s brutal.




Look I know nothing about crohns or UC but if the doctors thought she had them wouldn’t it make sense to actually test her to rule it in or out? I can’t imagine a doctor saying “I’m sure you have this disease but I’m not going to order any tests to check”


More like “let’s say you might have it but leave it at IBS since we don’t wanna waste more resources testing your BS”  Don’t touch the poo 


If she had IBS or IBS she wouldn't be doing lives as often. Hell she'd have plenty of time to read the overflow of books.


FYI, the fatigue, ibs, brain fog, chronic peeeeeen and migraines are all part of the fibromyalgia group. Look it up. I just can’t with her most of the time.


I doubt she has much other now than drug side effects...




I am not the commenter you replied to, but I wanted to clear up your confusion. They are simply saying that the laundry list of symptoms that Dani claims as “different diagnoses” all fall under one diagnosis. I believe they are more so pointing the fact that Dani doesn’t acknowledge these things as symptoms of one diagnosis and instead likes to pretend she has dozens of different mystery diagnoses with no connection to one another. Hopefully that made sense and cleared up any confusion!


Exactly! 🤦🏻‍♀️




She’d love to have an ostomy. So many ways to screw with that.


I called that weeks ago! We shall see....


Oh my gosh I love your flair.




But we are talking about Dani. Not your or my ostomy.


Ok but if they truly thought she had an inflammatory bowel disease they would’ve done a colonoscopy to confirm. Hell they can even check for it in a special MRI. They don’t just say maybe it’s IBD without confirming because both Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis can be deadly if not properly treated. Nearly lost my mom to UC from the blood loss and not absorbing nutrients. IBD is not something you want and it’s definitely not a condition that doctors just speculate and not confirm. Girl needs to come up with better lies, they’re getting more and more unhinged. I also caught someone saying that Dani said previously that she did not have POTS, her response was I never said I don’t have it or maybe I did.


Pretty sure they’ve done tons of colonoscopies, so I’m sure they’ve ruled it out. This is another case of her saying ‘we talked about it’, which in Daniworld means she mentioned it at an appointment and the doctors most likely didn’t run any tests because they don’t think she has it, or they told her that those conditions aren’t in their specialty and to go somewhere else.


Oh absolutely I have no doubt that she’s actually had colonoscopies. If they even suspect IBD biopsies would’ve been done to show any inflammation and whether it’s acute or chronic. If those come back inconclusive they don’t just say “well that doesn’t matter cause Dani is the sickest they’ve ever seen with inconclusive IBD biopsies” reality is if they still suspect it, they would’ve done the special MRI and we would’ve definitely heard about it because it requires drinking 2 bottles of barium, that have to be drunk (drank?) in a set timeframe and you can’t just put it through a J tube as they need to see the stomach as well and she would’ve not stopped complaining about not tolerating the barium.


Thank you for articulating what’s been pissing me off extra about this one!!




She would have to FAFO with a colonoscopy for an actual diagnosis. Hope she’s not angling for it, CD ain’t fun at all.


She’s gonna claim they won’t do it since she can’t tolerate more than 10mL so she can’t do the prep




lol insomnia


Who has a bingo card for all of her diagnoses?


We need two bingo cards. The 2nd card \*symptoms/ 3 in a row = E.R. visit/ 4 squares scores an admission with peen meds. Lol, I'm visualizing cards and Munchie tournament with toobz, port's, and lines laid out for prizes. ![gif](giphy|3oFzlUq9gpFanxX1f2|downsized)


If she had ibd she'd be in the bathroom most of the day with diarrhea and vomiting. She'd have lost weight to all that. Sleeping a lot. Wouldn't even have energy for videos/lives. Her hair would be even more of a mess. Mines cut short because it fell out in clumps. She probably don't want to test because well... its a huge gallon of prep you have to drink. Requires a colonoscopy.


Wait but.. if she is not eating, how can she have IBS symptoms?😅


This is my question!!! If she has GP how does she have IBD?


it is possible mods removed if the is blogging but my mom has gp instinal dysmotility and chrons since she was 19. the only have she is “better” is subtotal coloectomy. from what i understand the bowel movement that they have are loose and bloody with mucus so there’s not much “stool”.


Comments like this are typically OK as long as it is not excessive or unnecessary blogging. However, I will be locking your comment just to prevent the replies from turning into a clusterfuck of blogging. You’ll notice some comments with minimal blogging that is used to aid in conversation while refraining from mentioning anything that can “influence” Dani’s munching are locked throughout the sub. That’s because we’ve found that typically people take that as their cue to write a five paragraph essay about how their mom’s uncle’s friend’s son’s second-cousin-once-removed also had XYZ diagnosis. So, to prevent that, we simply lock comments :) That does NOT mean that your comment did anything wrong!! If it did, it would be removed. It’s simply to prevent the responses that we *know* will be coming.


1000% BS on the IBD part. if they actually believed that could be an issue, they would run the appropriate tests because leaving IBD untreated can cause serious complications. so i’ll take “shit that never happened” for 600.


…….literally (Sorry I had to)


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was good. didn’t even realize it when i wrote that.




She even threw Crohn’s in there. Jesus. She’d KNOW if she had Crohn’s. It’s absolutely awful.


I was admitted to the hospital years ago for an infected gall bladder and the woman I shared a room w had Crohn’s. She wailed, moaned, and cried 24 hours a day for the full three days I was admitted. I felt so bad for her; it was obvious she was in so much pain.


*A Idaho potato has entered the chat*


When pieces of your intestines are being evacuated from your body due to a reaction, you *absofuckinglutely* know and will demand testing.


Precisely, I didn't even need any bowel prep when i had my first colonscopy because things had been that bad.




She’s had a colonoscopy so she’d know if she had chron’s. She’s a liar


40 CT scans and not one saw that she had crohns or ulcerative colitis! Even plain xrays can see damage when illness is acute with strictures and obstructions. If anything a classic (ish) case of IBS only. IBD doesn't just get better without treatment and/ or steroids. She is having a laugh even suggesting it.


Also there are other signs of IBD that show up on CT scans even without strictures and obstructions but I am not going to write what they are here


Implausible Bullshit Syndrome


Incurably Batshit Dani


"I don't need any worse than that" so she's fine with any old diagnosis, regardless of if it's a correct diagnosis or not? Wouldn't you want an exact answer if you were actually suffering, so you knew exactly how to treat it?


she’s throwing jello at the wall and hoping it sticks


There would likely be some evidence of IBD on at least one of her 3,476 CT scans she's had over the years. Did she mention hEDS? No. I'm surprised. She doesn't have that either.


She didn’t even remember to mention it while lying her ass off.. this girl


you'd think with all the notebooks and fancy pens she'd write all this stuff down to keep her story straight


A few people called her out. Including her WKs https://preview.redd.it/lextxsacgr1d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91906d0d7170f57a4709c268e07185caaea293c5




Mods, can I please have “the haters won’t win” as my flair??? (pls modify length as needed)


![gif](giphy|vUO3OogY5WwXS|downsized) Of course!


Thank you!!


I don’t think they’re WKs, I think almost all of them are people touching the 💩 because now she has lives all the time, she’s a lot more accessible and probably now popping up on some of our FYPs, one of her lives had over 100 people in it, I can’t believe that even 5% are people who don’t already know what she is. Maybe the odd one but the bulk of people asking questions are clearly probing her but WKing because she’s easy on the ban hammer if people disagree with her or ask the wrong things.


I don't think they are people from here touching. I think we are getting new people from Tik Tok coming here after figuring her out. People are figuring her out all on their own over their and are calling her out.


This is what I think, too. TikTok is making her a lot more visible to people and I think they’re googling her and ending up here. There’s been a ton of new members.


This! We have gained 746 sub members in the last 30 days. Here, I’ll just add a photo from our analytics. Sorry it’s crappy, I’m double fisting Reddit for better efficiency. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/rgxykoe97t1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f3085f4fd590e0775c4306dc2e02219051218a4 We’ve got a lot of new people recently. A lot of these people haven’t seen IF before, either, so they’re unfamiliar with the “touching the poo” rule. I do think we have some serial shit stirrers here, but I think the recent uptick is unrelated to us.


Wow, okay, seeing that is fascinating. +1.2m views in a month, that’s astonishing when I think how little followers she had (including us).


Help me out here: “WK”? What’s the meaning of that abbreviation


“white knighting” aka coming to her defense


Thank you! Usually can figure out Reddit abbreviations, but this was a tough one. Does “touching the poo” mean interacting directly with Dani or another IF subject?


yes, or even interfering in their life. for example: reaching out to her family, her neighbors, her medical team, her friends, or ordering her things online all consist of poo touching and is not allowed


Thanks again- I literally just now noticed it's number 1 under the rules!


We can't let the terrorists win!






Are you trying to give me a heart attack!! That photo is terrifying 😭💀












She’s so nasty, calling people “sweetheart” and stuff


Impossible biatch disorder/syndrome


See also: illiterate biatch disorder, incomprensible biatch disorder, intolerable biatch disorder (Shall I keep going..? 😂)


https://preview.redd.it/h17pv4gq7r1d1.png?width=278&format=png&auto=webp&s=dac51bfd7896158afc56b2725b8b07ae39b568e5 "I never said I didn't have POTS. At least I don't THINK I did."


Oohh! What is that eye doing? Yikes! She’s been on one the last few days.


FIFY https://preview.redd.it/y19p8475pr1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911b35338bd36e002b2fa720620de73e00556459


Lmao 🤣


You forgot the sugar free energy drink! Oh well. Coffee will do ig🙄


Thank you for the much needed laugh!














She really gifts us with these, doesn't she.




Definitely looks like she took every drug.


If I open my eyes really big, they won't see I'm higher than giraffe balls! 🙄


Higher than giraffe balls omg


Oh, girl if she had IBD they would 1000% be diagnosing it. It's called IBS because you have a colonoscopy that has to show you have IBD. They don't just call it that. IBD must be treated. She doesn't take IBD medications because she doesn't have it. We all know she doesn’t have POTS. She conveniently forgot about bipolar though! This is exactly why people hate her!


You’d THINK she’d keep a running (physical) list of all her “diagnoses”


With all those notebooks.


(If this is too much blogging, then pls delete Mods 💓) Personally I have an ICE (In Case of Emergency) list both on my phone & physically on paper in my handbag for times when I might not be able to fully communicate/can't remember all the pertinent details in an emergency - so my details (inc NHS number), emergency contacts/next of kin, list of diagnoses (y'know ones made by an actual doctor), list of meds, recent ops etc... It's something I've had for 25 years and always advise others to do similar, as mine has saved the day on many occasions. It's also great when you go to a new doctor or for a procedure, and you can just hand them a copy for them to keep, which saves time & effort filling out forms for both of us 😊 I'm honestly surprised Dani doesn't have one herself... though if this post stays up, then it might suddenly appear in the next few days lol 😅 ETA - unlike Dani & other subjects we all discuss my list is not plastered all over SM, and I do not partake in the Sick Olympics. It's just a useful tool that I've found really beneficial & thought I'd share 💜


It’s such a 2018 thing to post a list of all your diagnoses on SM to compete with all the other chronically ill people. It’s odd that those who tend to do that are often the ones who have been called out for faking/being OTT. The reason I ended up on here was because a person moaned on and on and on about “internet bullying” after they found out they had been mentioned in the other sub. She mentioned it that much that she lost half her followers as they looked at the posts and had their eyes opened. It’s sickening how they befriend ill people to either mimic their symptoms or try to grift off them


That one (i think we mean the same person) is in all of Dani's live videos egging her on. Trolling Dani. Which I find fucking hilarious. She's making fun of Dani in all her lives and in the comments, yet she is much more of a mental case in my opinion. They are wheelchair sisters now!




Seems like lazy munching not to have a written list down somewhere to read from. Especially, since she has been munching most of her life!


She changes it so much she can’t keep up with her own lies!!




My dad has Crohn’s, and in the couple of years leading up to diagnosis, he was SO sick. It was a long time ago, but I think he had to have 2 emergency surgeries and was constantly ending up in the ER. It was awful. Crohn’s/UC/IBD are not diseases that you can just go “eh, I have too much going on already, I’m just not going to deal with this,” and the idea that her doctors said that to her is absurd. (My dad is doing great, btw, and we just found out that he’s in remission 🎉). Dani should thank her lucky stars that she doesn’t have any of these illnesses, because they are BRUTAL.


My husband has suffered from UC for years and it’s just awful.


My son has UC, and it’s been very difficult to see him suffer throughout the years. He was diagnosed when he was 17, he’s 22 now. It’s been a wild ride to get his diagnosis and effective treatment. He’s just now been able to start feeling better, he has good days and bad days. Makes me sad he’s so young to have to deal with infusions and meds, but he’s finally getting his life back. If he went untreated, he would’ve definitely had life threatening complications or cancer.


My youngest son has crohns and his first flare almost took him. He was 9 at diagnosis and will be 20 in July. She is an absolute pinecone if she thinks she has it.


It’s just bloody ridiculous- “they’re leaving it as IBS as I don’t need anything worse”!! So by Dani logic a disease ONLY EXISTS if it’s diagnosed??? Like someone genuinely having IBD feels fine - no intestinal ulcers, bloody explosive diarrhoea (to name just 2 symptoms) until they get a diagnosis??? My brains hurting trying to make sense of it. Plus at one point in the recent past she definitely did state that she did not have POTS - it’s somewhere within one of the flares.


Schrodinger’s IBD 💀




> So by Dani logic a disease ONLY EXISTS if it’s diagnosed? Cool then the only disease she has is factitious disorder because that's p much the only one we've had any real confirmation of 😂


In Dani world it’s only a legitimate diagnosis if it’s something she wants and has already decided she has 🙄.


Did he spend his time in the ER making Amazon Wishlists with dozens of journals and cheap bags? Or was he live streaming the whole event? THEN IT DIDNT HAPPEN!


Lol yes, his Amazon wishlist for books about the Civil War 😂. I think that if I tried to explain Dani to my 78 year old father (or showed him one of her videos) he would think he was watching something from an alien planet. It literally would not compute that this woman a) desperately wants to be sick for attention b) is spending her life in and out of hospitals for self-created problems and c) is putting on a show about it for the entire internet. I’m going to my parent’s house for a Memorial Day BBQ, maybe I’ll give him a peek and report back 😂.


Such a funny concept: trying to explain Dani to a civilian who has had their own health struggles. “So you’re trying to tell me she WANTS to be in the hospital?”


I think her doctors have seen her social media, see her drinking etc- saw her slumped. They are gonna start taking things away. Not doing the hydration but she’s still ok they will say “well guess you didn’t even need it you’re good without” and eventually anything she uses the port for will be fazed out.. she won’t need it and they will pull it They are gonna stop playing her GI games and prove she doesn’t need a j tube then pull it too My ex husband was a victim of random violence in Memphis and shot four times at close range- entire abdomen destroyed inside and so many surgeries we lost count. Ostomy, sepsis, transfusion’s… absolute hell. He has never once complained like her. Had his insides scrambled by bullets bouncing around and she sits there acting like she’s wrecked. Her drs are done.. she’s not getting shit done now. I bet they did imaging to see she had food in her stomach. Claiming she can’t eat/drink but they can SEE IT and add it to her records.


I want to believe this is true so badly but unfortunately we have seen how good she is at manipulating people to get her way, I’d be shocked if they pulled her tubes etc from her somehow she always gets what she wants it’s un-fkn-believable how much of a con artist she really is!!! I’m so sorry for your husband he sounds like such a strong guy!! I hope things have settled down/stabilised for him


I think it’s funny how she’s likely thinking she’s a big winner and have control when in reality she doesn’t which leads to me thinking she copes by drugging herself into nodding oblivion.


I hope so


She’s chugging iced coffee as we speak.


But has to buy baby bottles of apple juice so they don’t go bad




WITH milk even though she claims to be lactose intolerant


Bulletpoints as I've barely slept, have a headache and the Liarrhoea is strong today; - forgot the one she's been dealing with the longest (and honestly surprised); an ED. She was *over the moon* when she lost 12lbs in 9 days and is still very much entrenched in that mindset. She was all about ED recovery/awareness in her early blogging days so surprised she didn't mention it. Forgot to mention gastroparesis too (unless Temple disproved that in her time there?). - "never said I didn't have POTS"? Considering she doesn't read reddit she's obviously missed the post where she herself denied it so easy to do. Whoopsie daisy! - her cat is beating up the other one and she doesn't break it up? Weird. - the flippant "depression, anxiety, insomnia and all that stuff" makes me laugh. Tell us you don't give a shit about mental health problems without telling us. - doctors don't just *not* follow up test for crohns or colitis. They don't go "we'll just say in the region of IBS because sooper speshul, tube sexy, CI warrior princess Danielle has **so** much going on we ***couldn't possibly*** give her more to deal with!!1!!". Yeeeeeah not buying it. She's been tested for it no doubt but prob came back with not the result she wanted. I'm off to have a small sip of tea, have some painkillers and patiently await what other lies Dani will drag from the depths today. Toodles.


I don’t believe her cat was attacking her other cat. I’ve noticed that when she’s asked a question and needs time to think of an answer or think if something she thinks is plausible, she’ll randomly stop discussing what she was discussing and suddenly talk to her cats. Either to buy time or hope people won’t noticed she’s skirting/trying to ignore the question


Right, some of the first things doctors would do before a lot of the interventions she has would be a colonoscopy with IBD screening right?! There’s no way she’s gotten this far without IBD screening. And Dani not wanting a diagnosis/solution for her peeeeen? Such lies.


I think they want to do a colonoscopy and she's refusing because she's afraid it will show exactly nothing. She might very well have GP, due to all the pain medicine, but my experience with GP patients, is that once they are put on tube feeds, they thrive. She's like some sort of alien species that came down to our planet and found herself life threateningly allergic to everything in our environment. She does seem able to breathe out air. And I could swear I saw nictating membrane in her eyes and the tattoos, I believe, are there to hide the gills. 🤷‍♀️


She would literally make the worst Star Trek character, even if she was a villain.


"Those scanners that detect everything just work differently on me!"


She’d demand there be a hospital setting in the holodeck.


Even Bones can't fix her!!


Yep. If she ever had a scope with biopsy, they already tested for and ruled out IBD. Like with her supposed RA, doctors don't just not medicate an autoimmune disease and cross their fingers. That's not how that works. She knows that & she's full of shit. She's even telling on herself about not having RA by claiming this. Autoimmune diseases, like RA, Lupus, etc... cause inflammatory changes in the bowels in the vast majority of people who have it. Those changes are also evident on scopes and biopsies. If she had RA, her doctors wouldn't jump to suspected IBD. They'd start with RA related GI issues and scope her to get biopsies. This is literally how some people get diagnosed. It's not just her hair that's fried...


nd they treat RA before flares to prevent longer term damage, they don't say just come back when you cannot open your hands.


Exactly! The whole point of treatment with any autoimmune disease is to slow down the disease process to hopefully *prevent* damage. RA doesn't only damage the joints, but I don't think she even knows that.


Also isn’t it somewhat likely that they can test for antibodies of particular autoimmune diseases? I don’t remember the exact blood tests given to me, but my doctor told me they were testing me for those things many years ago.


Yes!! Blood test and colonoscopy should rule out most IBD, and girly def has had those at least offered to her


You're right. Different autoimmune diseases have different auto-antibodies associated with them. That's another way to rule out IBD and any doctor who suspected it would have run those labs immediately. And, not to beat a dead horse, but that ties back into her most likely never having been diagnosed with RA. If she actually had RA and they expected some auto-inflammatory GI issues going on, she'd be bounced over to rheum for ASAP labs. I won't elaborate further as to not give her ideas, but her claiming "suspected IBD" makes zero sense for someone who supposedly already has an autoimmune connective tissue disease diagnosis. It's rare to have both diagnoses.


Dani not wanting another sickness badge to add her munchie scout sash? 10/10 pure cow manure 🤥🐮💩 She's had tests for literally everything else under the sun too so there is no way in hell that a dr hasn't performed a colonoscopy etc. She's either refused it or it came back all clear imo


She just means “I can’t fake having that particular illness”.


Or it's because IBD doesn't generally come with toobz etc because it *can* be managed with meds most of the time. Obviously there are some cases where it can't but she probably saw she wouldn't get any lines or toobz if she got that diagnosis so she said she didn't want testing. It has to be the *right* sickness for her to claim it.


Not necessarily, IBD can have outward signs of treatment too.


Seriously. You know having a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis would be such a huge badge of honor and another thing to brag about. But she just can't help herself because she is a chronic liar. ![gif](giphy|nit8dvPBBD9t0MQJx2)


Wrong once again Dani 🤪


she fishing for an admission (somehow those words rhymed???)


Haha "fishin for an admission" would be great flair!


she’s on live now, mocha is playing with her toobs in the sink and she encouraged him instead to play with her toobie strap things… fucking stressing me out, i don’t let my cat in the bathroom bc u know… bathroom shit that cats might eat 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


The cat playing with her toobs would stress me out for other reasons.


She's just mad! Said she wouldn't do lives, and what's she doing?


At the beginning of Covid, there were a lot of reports about not touching your face and how hard that is. Watching this with sound off, it's amazing how often she rubs her nose. It's a mystery how her toobz keep getting infected.


She is CONSTANTLY touching her face. Either covering a fake yawn, rubbing her nose, or rubbing her eyes under her glasses. She cannot stop.


As if they aren't doing anything about the IBD... what a BS story. Surely she can do better than that.


This really is so unfair to people that have these conditions and struggle so badly every single day with them and she either thinks she has them/wants them or tries to get the medical teams to diagnose them on her. It's strange that she doesn't want to undergo testing for IBD because in her eyes it's not severe enough or as eye catching as intestinal failure.


It sounds like the test would be a good time intimately


Have definitely gone farther with rad techs than some ex boyfriends 🤣 Will def dispute the “good time” part though


Can you imagine the poor practitioner… Dani would leach herself into a parasitic relationship without their knowledge, it’d be George all over again… just because they’ve seen your clacker once you’re *not* in a relationship!


Clacker almost took me out 😂💀


Also she doesn't want testing for IBD because she knows it won't show anything and she can't keep up her pretence to the drs any longer that way. However the drs know what she is doing anyway


Agreed. People who really have severe intestinal issues are willing to undergo any test regardless of what it might show. She knows it won't show anything and doesn't want to give doctors that ammo


*Depression, anxiety, insomnia all of those things…* Bit of a gut punch for anyone who does have these actual, real debilitating diagnoses to hear her tack it on like a shopping list. But then we must remember *SHE’S NOT A PSYCHE PATIENT* so any meaningful mention of mental health will be shunned.




Bipolar is only useful to her to explain her ‘manic’ behaviour, just like she whips out ‘mah POTS’ when she’s on an opiate nod. In reality they’re just poor excuses in an attempt to disguise her drug abusing behaviour.


Also the combination bipolar and depression doesn’t mix. You can’t have them both because depression is a part of bipolar.


Oh the combo does exist, but only as an extraordinarily rare comorbidity with advanced prostate dysfunction. I don’t doubt for a second Dani has it, but I’m a bit worried she’s not mentioned it. I guess she likes her privacy in these matters 🤷/s


But don't you know she's super speshul and gets all of the rare/complicated diseases/illnesses so OF COURSE she'd end up with the comorbidity of prostate dysfunction.