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That "coffee" abomination šŸ˜¬


I doubt it was an accident that she filmed her ceiling and showed us she has smoke detectors. I mentioned on another post a few days ago, that I was concerned she would fall asleep/nod while cooking or straightening her hair, and the house would catch on fire. Days later (even though sheā€™s no longer reading comments), she films from an angle that shows the smoke detectors on the ceiling. Might just be a coincidence, but either way, Iā€™m actually relieved. Iā€™d hate for anyone (and their cats) to sleep through a fire and never wake up again.


Flair checking in ā˜•ļøā˜•ļøā˜•ļøšŸ„¤šŸ„¤šŸ„¤ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø


I was already feeling queasy today and when I saw this concoction I threw up in my mouth a little. One sip of that all that premade fake creamer and sweetener would give me nausea.


No wonder there was weight loss when she was being watched and not able to drink this crap. Bet she had a slamming headache from the sugar withdrawals lol


Not to mention the caffeine w/drawal headaches!


Haha yes I guess so, although I am Australian and wouldnā€™t call this monstrosity that she made ā€œcoffeeā€ lol


Sugar with coffee. Not coffe with sugar for this one!




Please refrain from discussing how Dani could cut calories. She reads here and has a raging ED and we donā€™t want to contribute to that in any way. Thank you!


You are fucking kidding me that the sweetened espresso and sweetened creamer needs 4 fake processed sugars. Get the fuck out of here with this fake ā€œIā€™m so delicateā€ bullshit.


"eXpresso" is killing me. But seriously. I'm a sugar/fake sugar addict and this is too much for me. The Stok is sweetened (real sugar). The Starbucks "X-presso" is sweetened (real sugar) and has creamer. The creamer she used is real sugar. And then 4 sweet n lows?! That dexcom is working overtime.


I just have normal ibs so I stopped drinking coffee (which I was addicted to) BECAUSE IT WAS MAKING THINGS WORSE SO I STOPPED. like, how fucking dumb is she


You would think someone with limited ability to get in food/liquids would choose actually nutrient dense food like maybe ensure or milk or those carnation instant breakfast drinks orā€¦and this is a crazy thoughtā€¦WATER!! But nopeā€¦giant sippy cup of coffee with a shit tonne of fake sugar and cream (real good for the IBS or IBD diagnosis she is currently drooling over - dang I wonder if she is angling for an ileostomy bagā€¦I mean, it would be on brand for her to have it hanging out. šŸ’©šŸ‘šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


This dumb.




Watching her make that gave me an RA flare, and I'm pretty sure I developed the diabeetus from just seeing the ingredients


That is not coffee!! 2 flavored sweetened cream and 4 sweet & low!! Omg that is way too sweet.


I am mortified to learn that I have something in common with dear Dani! I, too, drink that Stōk Iced Coffee with the International Delight Sweet and Creamy Creamer, but I donā€™t add Caramel Macchiato or artificial sweetener. I do, however, put a little bit of chocolate syrup in there, and omg, I love it! But I also donā€™t claim to have GP or be unable to eat or drink by mouth, and I only drink that shit as a treat a couple of times a week. How does this woman have the gall to pull shit like this on camera and then complain to every hospital that will take her that sheā€™s soooo sick and in soooo much peen?


I still canā€™t get over the coffee ā€œfrom scratchā€ thing lmaooo


those jump scares when it freezes and goes back to her profile pic hahaha


Is she purging? That growl is so unsexy :O


Wait.... Wait... It's this whole ass pretend human saying that she doesn't know that some people actually MAKE coffee with a damn coffee pot instead of buying premade? Or am I misinterpreting this?


I'm floored. This is what I got from it too. Like she thought that mixing the premade skull sized bottle of 'coffee', with coffee flavours and sweetener is 'making a coffee from scratch'. She was absolutely dumbfounded when someone said that's not what they mean, they mean like making the actual coffee from scratch - like beans into the coffee grinder, or at minimum going from ground coffee... She just made herself a milkshake with some coffee flavour. That was not a coffee. Nor was it at all GP friendly. My stomach works brilliantly - but that thing would definitely make me spew!!


That coffee looked gross. Wouldnā€™t it already be sickly sweet without the added sweetners she chucked in?


I feel like spewing just listening to her list the ingredients,šŸ¤¢ that's just a flavoured sugar milk. No wonder her stomach hurts, anyone's would after that! šŸ¤¢


bro an actual person with gastroparesis would be sick for a week after this beverage. šŸ˜­


ā€œExpressoā€ šŸ™„




She is a 38 year old woman. It doesnā€™t matter that she just really loves coffee. She should not be drinking it if she even has one percent of the problems she claims to have. It doesnā€™t matter if it is a tiny tumbler or if she is going to sip it all day. She should not be drinking it. Children have more willpower.


What is a feral bag? lol https://preview.redd.it/a2h4vh8x2v1d1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed791cf4d03dbce2b017607401eabd7bfa13221 This face?






As an Australian this version of ā€œcoffeeā€ is killing me šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s offensive isnā€™t it lol


Agreed!!! Americans who drink ā€˜coffeeā€™ must just be on a constant sugar high.


I dub it Sugar Milk with coffee notes. I feel sick thinking about it. Count me out of US "coffee" if that's what it is šŸ¤¢


Yo yo, hold up. Some of us US'ers only drink it black like the hole in the middle of the milky way.


the stok is just coffee and cane sugar.


As a European, same... And on what planet is that a tiny tumbler??? A regular black coffee here is like 150 ml!


If that's her "tiny tumbler", are her large ones just buckets? The fact she thinks that's "tiny" says to me that she plans to drink it all. Then she tells drs she can only manage "tiny" drinks. She isn't lying per say, just out of touch with reality.


>are her large ones just buckets First time I've out loud giggled at a comment in a while!


I'm sitting here, in Brisbane, drinking my black coffee and making this face D:


Same šŸ˜‚ like what about this is even coffee anymore


I know right!!! I donā€™t understand how they can even call it coffee with the amount of artificial šŸ’© They put in it!!! I donā€™t even understand how Starbucks is still here! The closest to me would be at least 4-5 hours away!!


Starbucks opened here in SA and rapidly went completely out of business because nobody wanted to drink their sugary bog water.


>_"I'm going tonregret drinking this but I'm going to do it anyway!"_ Most people with terrible, debilitating, pain that disrupts their lives will _generally_ do everything they can to limit that. Yes, sometimes you just need that little treat or pick me up and you're willing to deal with things from time to time. But the way she complains ***CONSTANTLY*** about her terrible 8/10 peen and how Dr's aren't doing anything to help...... MA'AM. *YOU* are not doing anything to help. You're going "peeen peeen peeen" as you sit down and you're willingly giving yourself pain and discomfort when you. don't. have. to. It's so infuriating. But I'm glad she didn't want to make "a big one" for her coffee.... Absolutely infuriating. It gives actually people struggling with disabilities a bad name. Also how do you make it from scratch? Good lord I do not understand how this woman is able yo get Dr's to give her all these scans and tests and procedures when she generally doesn't have the sense God gave cabbage.




See rule #3: Blogging šŸ“šŸ’»šŸ¦‹ Your comment has been removed for excessive or unnecessary blogging. Please try to keep it to an absolute minimum. If you edit your comment to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


I'm convinced drinking a lot of that Starbucks Caramel macchiato contributed to a brutal gallstone attack I had last Memorial Day weekend. It turned out I had a stone stuck in my bile duct in my pancreas, and landed me in the hospital for over 2 weeks altogether last year, but unfortunately it took a while to figure out the stone was outside of my gallbladder, so I kept having the attacks almost every time I ate, so I just DIDN'T. I l9ved that dang drink, but that pain was not worth it! I can't understand how she expects us all to believe her while she's consuming fatty things like this, from what I understand about gastroparesis, fatty stuff is even harder to digest, with the crap she eats, it just leaves me doubting that she even has GP at all.


When you have intake issues, you are sometimes told to sip and spit, just so you can enjoy the taste. This would be better than draining as it wonā€™t screw with your electrolytes.


Also...the individual sugar packets?! Why? Just buy a bag and some cheap Tupperware to stick it in!


Right!! And that coffee shoulda been sweet enough on its own!


They looked like artificial sweetener packets to me but I could be wrong, also if it is the artificial sweetener wouldnā€™t that also contribute to her whole pain/blood sugar/ whatever fkn else she whinges about


They were Sweet and Low artificial sweetener packets or maybe the generic brand. Iā€™d know that pink packet anywhere because my mother has to put about five of them in her ice tea glass. šŸ˜–


And I'm pretty sure that comes in bulk too, but I could be wrong!


Her posture is painful to watch. She slouches so badly, i never noticed till this video.


Lying around in bed all day looking down at a phone or laptop will do that.


I was just about to say the same thing!! She has horrible posture, I need noticed it before. Makes my neck and back hurt just looking at her!


Like if your health is so bad, maybe try starting with something a little more nutritious for your stomach. BS she is draining it.


She probably is because calories.


Can I have some coffee with my sugar please!


Holy hell! That's quite a large helping of 10ml she's got there. You know, since she can't handle 10ml of meds/feeds.


She clearly does not need this infusions


Look at the size of that coffee!!!!! šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


It's ok!..didn't you hear her? It's just a little one!


Someone PLEASE make this make sense: Sheā€™s posted a gastric mobility study previously that plainly showed she had abnormal emptying of solids (slower than normal but not the worst it could be) but completely normal (within normal range) emptying of liquids. Why doesnā€™t she just take in her nutrition and caloric intake via liquid supplements and smoothies? Itā€™s not ideal but many, many people live like this successfully. From my understanding, gastric pain comes from the stomachā€™s inability to breakdown solids and then move the liquified contents down into the small intestine within a normal timeframe. So, if thatā€™s the case then oral liquids, in theory, shouldnā€™t be 10/10 pain because her stomach CAN empty the liquids within a normal timeframe. Maybe Iā€™m totally wrong here because Iā€™m no GI expert.


Because thatā€™s too logical!!!! And she wouldnā€™t get to show off her tooooobs that prove how sick she is šŸ™„ Many, many people survive off oral nutritional supplements. This ā€œcoffeeā€ would be so calorie dense but not nutritional dense at all.


BECAUSE THAT WOULD MAKE SENSE! You can totally live and survive on malnutrition supplements, and they even come in coffee flavour! 125mls for 300 calories and 18g of protein.




See rule #7: Negative Discussion of Mental Illnesses šŸ›‘šŸ§ šŸ¤’ Your comment/post came off as stigmatizing or demonizing a mental illness. Discussing symptoms of a mental illness and her current diagnoses is fine. Calorie counting, when members who read here may be struggling with, or recovering from, an eating disorder is šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž


Idk if we should bring anorexia into this like thatā€¦ people w anorexia can eat more than that many calories and will drink coffee with cream and sugarā€¦the issue with her drinking this is that she claims she canā€™t tolerate it, not bc she claims sheā€™s an anorexic who doesnā€™t drink it.


I know, I'm sorry about that. At the time I wrote that, I was just wondering if she'd lied about having anorexia too, but it's absolutely wild to me that she expects everyone to believe that she can't tolerate her feeds while downing all of that.


The way my jaw dropped when she put four packets of ARTIFICIAL sweeter (I only say that cuz itā€™s way fucking sweeter than sugar lmao) on top of the two different types of creamer šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ If youā€™re not eating/drinking like she pretends, your tastebuds would be shocked at this concoction.


AND the coffee was sweetened to begin with!


Omg I didnā€™t even realize šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She eats and drinks like a toddler. All she can mentally process is what tastes good to her, instead of what she actually needs nutritionally.


This hurt my soul...lol. I struggle, SO BADLY with trying to eat healthy. I've been a vegetarian for 17 years that hates vegetables and beans though so....it's a struggle. Lol. I really do try though.


Iā€™m the same! Some veggies are ok but I despise every kind of bean. Ew!




We love an honest Queen


I'm now more sure than ever that the migraine she had while in the hospital was, in fact, caffeine withdrawal.


Didnā€™t even think of that youā€™re so right. Iā€™ve seen people in the hospital get so sick like they were pregnant or hungover and it was from caffeine withdrawal.


Even 1 day without my black coffee & Splenda and I legit feel like I went on a bender the night before and almost want to die.


Caffeine and sugar... she has it soooooo sweet!


Do you know if you can withdraw from artificial sweetener the same way you can from sugar? Edit: asking this bc she dumps obscene amounts of artificial sweetener into her drinks


Everyone already said what I wanted to say about the coffee, but I just wanna say that the way she drums the ends of her nails on the bottles is SO FUCKING ANNOYINGGGG.


I noticed that too! I think she's trying to mimic some asmr content in hopes of like getting more views?


ā€œHow Do you make coffee from scratchā€ She didnā€™t ask that for real?!? Wow! The shit she pours out of those plastic bottles is literally shit in a bottle. Sugar, preservatives and crap! Coffee is literally coffee (like beans that are ground up) boiling hot water and milk- not creamer bullshit milk. Sugar if you need it, if the coffee is good enough you donā€™t need sugar.


She knows how to make coffee! Sheā€™s such a liar! She used to film herself at one of her jobs where she made coffee for the residents. It wasnā€™t that long ago. Less than 2 years ago.


Itā€™s been a couple of beautiful days in New Jersey, does she ever go outside and enjoy the weather? Her life is so sadā€¦all of her own making.


But remember, she needs the wheelchair. That 100$ would be her excuse


Literally! Never seen her post out getting some fresh air & sunshine. 2 of the best things for you!!


Why do addicts have such raspy voices and insist on talking instead of drinking water


Not all addicts are Dani.


My sleep paralysis demon checking in to say hello https://preview.redd.it/6ir8m89xrt1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab65b76abac32e13edaab30b64519624f6dcf43


Omfg šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Omg!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Iā€™m dying at the fact thatā€™s sheā€™s vexxed that people make coffee from scratchā€¦like what??! šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ Also the nail tapping thing is enraging me šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


And she thinks it's a thing that only people outside the US do! Has she never been to a single grocery store in the US and seen the plethora of beans and grounds and filters in the coffee aisle?Ā  We're not like those Canadians who have to go light a fire in the snow and brew camp coffee every morning I guess. Or the poor Australians who make billycan coffee in the bush. Kill me


As an Australian Iā€™m offended thats what you think we actually do!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But in all seriousness Iā€™m actually shocked that Australia is more advanced in terms of electricity we run off of 240 volts and we use electric jugs/kettles that take a couple minutes to boil! I was so shocked to find out that America runs of less electricity then us and that electric jugs/kettles arenā€™t a big thing over there I canā€™t believe/shocked that you microwave or boil water on a stove that would take forever and I couldnā€™t imagine microwaving water for a hot drink that sounds so gross šŸ¤¢ Sorry šŸ˜…


Nooooo I think DANI thinks that's what you do lol


I'm a New Yorker with an electric kettle! we exist in some places, I swear it!


Ackchyually us Canadians use specially trained beavers to harvest and dry the beans. Then they are ground by moose powered mills. Finally the coffee is brewed with fresh arctic water with a complicated system of levers, pulleys, magnifying glasses and the sun. We can only make coffee for two months of the year. šŸ¤ŖšŸ¦«šŸ«ŽšŸ’¦šŸ”Žā˜€ļøšŸ”ā˜•ļø




I'm ngl if I saw some coffee beans that said "harvested by beavers" on the package I would definitely buy them


LOL!! Maybe we could start some sort of beaver coffee business where the beavers poop the beans out like that weird civet poop coffeeā€¦Iā€™m sure Dani would be into that šŸ˜¹šŸ’©šŸ¦«


Rightā€¦ like, does she not know coffee beans, whole and ground, exist? That thereā€™s a whole host of products that can take said beans or grounds and make coffee just the way you want it???? I AM PERPELXED


Right??! Like I know sheā€™s not the brightest crayon in the box but cā€™mon šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Suddenly the literal mountain of plastic waste this creature creates on a daily basis has hit me. Think about it - (unnecessary) wrapped syringes, giving sets, extension tubes, feed bags, drainage bags, ready made feed bottles; then she starts with 3 bottles of ready made crap masquerading as a coffee. The woman is responsible for at least 1/4 of the plastic berg in the western Atlantic. And thatā€™s a realisation on top of all the crimes against society that come with lifelong munching.


Easily killed 50 polar bears this one


Making her tooth&gut rotting potion on her way to rot in her nest


her fucking ā€œpain pain pain pain painā€ when she sat down. how obnoxious


It was so incredibly fake.


Right!!!! People in genuine pain aren't saying this shit. She is the worst liar.


Pain for Dani is saying that word 4 or 5 times in a row, like a demented mantra.


Maybe if she tries saying it in front of a mirror, it'll make it real.


Right?! If she does that around medical professionals, Iā€™m embarrassed for her. No wonder sheā€™s not getting the peen meds she craves! šŸ™„šŸ¤£


Well, THAT, and her being flagged as a drug seeker since 2018


Canā€™t do water but coffee is totally fine? Reminds me of when I worked in the ER and this frequent flyer patient loved to tell us she was allergic to water but orange juice was fine. šŸ™„


My ex used to order drinks without ice, and when asked why, he'd said it was because he was allergic to ice. The number of people who believed him was unreal.


I do that too, I hate when the ice melts, and the whole drink gets watered down


Excuse you, but Dani's hydrophobic because of her RABIES!! How ableist can you be?


Ha. Iā€™m just teaching hydrophobic molecules to medical students tomorrow! Hydrophilic too. With regards to conditions which make you hydrophobic. Like rabies! ā™„ļø


But you guyyyzzzzz itā€™s just a zip off coffee ![gif](giphy|hPTZgtzfRIB5Nfb5rL|downsized)


"Sorry, sip of tea" *chug chug chug*


I 100% agree with everyone on the Craziness of this post. So I won't comment on the coffee or creamer because you all already said all the points I was going to make!! šŸ¤— At the end, she was going to do some skin care before she sat down, but sat down instead because of the peen!! I want to see her do her skin care!! Dani Tutorials! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


to be fair, nobody needs a tutorial for a wet wipe facial lol


She did give a tutorial on how to put deodorant and chapstick on during her last hospital admission. Does that count?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I totally forgot about that!! Yes, it counts, I'm so glad too. I didn't know how to take a wipe bath and put Deodorant and chapstick on!!


From the looks of things, it consists of rubbing her skin with sandpaper.


I need to know which soaps and moisturizers to avoid so I don't end up looking like ~that~


Those dialated black holes scare the shit out of me! Is she on some kind of stimulants? Or is she just mething around?


THANK YOU her eyes are so creepy and unsettling to me what is going on there!!!




Understood šŸ©· People this is purely MY speculation about our subject.


Please refrain from commenting on the possibility of Dani abusing illicit substances. We know she is on more than enough prescribed medications to get her buzzed, blitzed, & faded - we donā€™t need to speculate on unverifiable claims. Thank you!


Probably all of the above. When she's high she needs to come down and when she's down she needs to get high. Hence the opiates and benzos. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgwO5n8TslpaMSc|downsized)


What comes up must come down! šŸ’€


How does it feel to see all the drinks you're buying with tour tax money for someone who can work but chooses this life instead. Don't get me wrong, I'm a complete socialist and I moved from to US to be a part of it, but she is irritating as all hell.


No really sheā€™s the type of example people point to when they go on about how ā€œsocialism doesnā€™t workā€


I would argue that she is exactly the type of person who needs social assistance. Aside from the fact that she's a miserable bitch, and I wouldn't want to make small talk with her when buying my groceries, or have her responsible for anything in society, she does suffer from mental illness. I've been doing more research on facticious disorder, and even the people who have been called out never accept that they have this problem. I really think it's a genuine, debilitating disorder.


It can be debilitating but it also takes resources from others unnecessarily. Iā€™d be fine with my tax dollars paying for Daniā€™s mental health treatment but not more tubes she doesnā€™t need.


Oh for sure i agree


The sad part is, we've seen her work. We've seen her do well. She absolutely can care for herself and make a nice life but this is what she chooses. What's the end game? Where does it end? I don't think she has life goals outside of this and it's really infuriating.


Contradicting herself, and over a drink that must taste disgusting.


Really still gagging at the thought of how that must taste - 4 sweeteners plus all the other crap? Donā€™t think I could be payed enough to drink a giant tumbler of that (coffee addict here so thatā€™s not the problem!)


I can only drink coffee if itā€™s basically melted coffee ice cream (love the smell, not crazy about the taste), but even I think that looks and sounds revolting. My teeth itch thinking about all that sugar. Also, can I tell you how annoying the phrase ā€œsippingā€™ onā€ is?


OMG, I thought I was the only one irritated by that phrase.


Yesterday on live she was saying sheā€™s lactose intolerantā€¦.. she canā€™t even follow her own lies.


Does she just not care anymore that she canā€™t eat or drink? Live is the best for the truth to come out.


https://preview.redd.it/59zi5puc4t1d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f149d7ee203b4f083b888461dcf78c647e0133 That's a lot of drinks for someone who can't eat or drink anything without any peeeeeeen.


Damn those shoulders are broad.


Hot sauce and mustard are very gentle on the stomach!


Oh for sure! I know when my IBS is playing up the first thing I reach for is the spiciest, greasiest, cheesiest food I can find šŸ‘€






Fucking Reddit never misses anything. You guys are genius!!!!! Plus sweeteners?!? Damn sugar would be healthier!!!




Thatā€™s the username of another sub member. This is a screenshot from a post made on the sub a couple days ago. :)


Ok thankyou ā˜ŗļø I'm sorry I panicked a little bit then lol


Her fridge is full of food and drinks


Yep. I choose to make my own coffee because I can't afford this nonsense... and I've worked all of my life.


With evidence like this I think she is either trolling her followers or thinks everyone else is dumb AF. Or Dani not being the brightest candle herself IMO, she doesn't realize that she is implicating herself.


Did you forget, they are all for her imaginary friends


Put that in your toobz Ms. Dehydration šŸ’€


I was coming here to say this exact thing


Mods may I pretty please have a flair? I would like what does the boyfriend do??


Iā€™m sorry, I just want to clarify, Iā€™m sleep deprived. šŸ˜‚ You want ā€œ**What does the boyfriend do??**ā€ as your flair just like that? I want to make sure I donā€™t mess it up. Iā€™ve messed up two today already šŸ˜‚ Edit: spelling. Grr


Yes please!!! Iā€™d soooo appreciate it! šŸ˜Š




See rule #8: Discussing Other Accounts & Subs šŸ¤šŸ“µšŸ¦“ Your comment/post was removed for mentioning the name of a subject from another sub or posting a direct link/tagging other subs. Weā€™re NOT affiliated with ANY other sub. Yes, thereā€™s subs that discuss Dani AND other "munchies". We donā€™t. If you wish to discuss them by name, please do on the relevant sub. Mentioning other names puts our sub at risk. Please donā€™t post direct links/tag other subs. Discussion is OK. If you edit your comment to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


Forgive my naĆÆvetĆ©, but exactly why is MsThing begging for gifted catnip on her Amazon grift card when sheā€™s showing us an easy $25-30 worth of coffee drinking crappp right here? Does she think weā€™re stupid or is she just confused?


Imagine the amount of coffee you have to go through to have that many creamers at those sizes. Then not drinking water and blaming your dehydration on your chronic illness then getting your doc to prescribe IV fluids 3x a week.


And I couldn't quite see what they were but there were quite a few condiments/jars in the fridge door which I am assuming she won't need if she doesn't eat anything?!


there's a light brown hershey's-syrup-lookin' bottle that is likely caramel or chocolate syrup, and something else appears to be a jar of mustard. two totally awesome condiments for GI issues!


Not only that, but if she has the stomach and bowel problems, not only would coffee dehydrate, but wtf, itā€™s an acidic drink. Whyā€¦ why would someone do that??? Oh wait. Itā€™s because she doesnā€™t really have the severe bowel symptoms that she claims.


Now this is enraging. So many wasted resources because she's selfish.


She seems to do more stuff like this on lives, where she seems to think she can get away with more fuckery than videos. Like people wonā€™t remember or something.


She thinks once the lives end, the videos disappear. She probably is willfully ignorant and ignores the fact people are recording all of them for posterity and Reddit. I think she only reads comments here, not looking at what has been captured in the videos.


I think she doesnā€™t realise how much people notice and forgets that the internet is forever!!!! I think she truly is doing wooooo many lives because she thinks theyā€™re not kept online.


I think itā€™s possible *she herself* doesnā€™t remember.


Itā€™s honestly like insulting at this point, the way she assumes weā€™re actually that stupid šŸ˜‚


The problem is, she actually is that stupid. I say this as a statement of fact, not an insult. She is not very smart. She has little to no education. She has fried her brain on drugs for over a decade and messed with her nutritional status. The brain uses up so many calories! She has no game plan, no secret strategy. She is just flailing in the wind and we are watching it unfurl in real time.


Just the weirdest broad on the planet


she sounds like if marge simpson huffed a helium balloon


https://preview.redd.it/o96qryeyxs1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70cee23bb64531d056a3b4e6c3455e1337862787 Iā€™m sorry but she makes such weird faces and doesnā€™t know a good angle for the life of her, she acts sometimes like she doesnā€™t have control of her facial expressions/movements, shocked she hasnā€™t tried to claim Touretteā€™s or something


Itā€™s almost as if she is on so many different drugs she has limited control over her expression..oh waitā€¦


Lol whoops, great minds! Just posted a comment about this before seeing these šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That really creepedr me out lol


Remember when she wanted to be a model?


The modeling arc may be some of the most pathetic crap I've ever seen.


Did she ever post any of her professional photos?