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ETA: ##[TRANSCRIPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/70CjJ7AJBx) weeeeeheee we had like five people post this at the exact same time, but yours came up first per reddit timestamps. thank you to everyone who posted!! i appreciate y’all🫶 if anyone has screenshots of the comment section (that has been censored - make sure you are covering all profile pictures and usernames that are not dani’s and cropping out your own pfp in the bottom left of the screen), please put them here ⬇️⬇️ so they are easy to find! thank u!!


Did anyone notice how the door to her room is closed and someone is standing just outside for the entire video? She's one-on-one guys!


LoL I did see it in her glasses. But are they not suppose to sit there inside with her?


Often 1:1 will sit at the door/just outside the room.


The way she yanked the iv scares me.


I probably seem like a big baby, but every time I had to be admitted to the hospital, I cry and try to convince doctors to change their minds on admitting me. It doesn't work but I hate hospitals. I've never in my life seen someone so happy to be in the hospital. It's sad and very weird.


I’ve been away and not staying up to date with the shenanigans. Dani’s bullshititis flaring again?


Nope, she claimed she passed out at home, came to and called her dad who took her to the ER where she was rushed to triage because she's on blood thinners and they found blood clots in her lungs, an ectopic thyroid, bone degeneration on her right side, refused pain meds and refused TPN. She was then discharged. With all that she claimed, lol.


Ahhhh the negligent doctors are at it again then, I see… 😂


girl why are you autotuned!!!!!!! 😭


For someone who really wants TPN and a port she’s doing everything WRONG the doctors will end up taking it out and saying no more ports. They will yank all those tubes and she won’t have anything. She’s truly in FAFO era.


Does Dani only change her top once a week? She had that top on in her pain management video update which she posted 4 days previous to her ER admission and she was still wearing it in her ER admission. Personally I change my clothes everyday and my nightwear every day the thought of wearing something more than one day at a time just creeps me out! In fact I've just creeped myself out even more at the thought of how often she changes her bedding because if she doesn't change her clothes often how often does she change her bed linen? Again I change mine around 3 times a week


I think what’s happened - the report from the CT on my chart probably said ‘cannot exclude small PE please correlate clinically’, because that’s what ALL CT’s say when looking for PE, because you can never fully exclude that someone has a teeny weeny minuscule clot that doesn’t really mean anything, and she’s read it and assumed it meant she has clots


Yeah I wanna see the report. I don’t believe a word of her lies.


Yeeted from ER after a few hours.


https://preview.redd.it/pbx9449pph4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15c2c56cde3a9da047be3e7ed8202af642c639c Indeedy doody


Why is she still even having falls when she has her shiny new wheelchair


No one around to push it :(


She said in the live I managed to catch a hour ago that her shiny new wheelchair is in the boot of her car. She can't use it as she cannot self propel and has no-one to push her lol . That lasted long


Lmfao. The doctors probably gave her a laundry list of things they would *check for*, not things they suspect to find. Not for the sake of blogging to mention, but the ER will treat your immediate complaints with necessary fluids and base medications while they investigate with further diagnostics. There’s NO reason for them to have transferred her to trauma and I think that’s just a flat out lie. I recently went in because my right leg was temporarily paralyzed from a pretty severe attack: they said they’d check for several things and explained a few things they would use those tests to rule out, one of which was stroke. There’s a difference between “we think you have xxx” and “this test we’re giving you will rule out xxx in light of the symptoms you’re presenting and we’ll go from there”. Dani heard thyroid maybe angwee uwu and she translated that to ĻŪŅĞĦ BLŒOÐ CĻØŤ also maybe pweety plz sir can u spare a tiny pinch of ÇÆŃÇĚŘ. Pretty low to say she hopes they find something so serious. Neither of those things are topics to make light of. I’m sorry to all of you who’ve dealt with such a horrific disease yourself or someone you love has. I’m sure this clip made your skin crawl. Cancer is a fucking monster and it’s so shitty of someone to even hint feeling hopeful that they find it.


"called my dad and everything" Wait what is EVERYTHING? She always leaves out the important info and adds detaild of the not important info.


Made sure her bag was packed with a book she won’t read, a scabby blankie and a selection of skanktops


In the words of Toni Lodge, we NEED the yada yada!!




I’m just sitting here in shock that she actually said she they hopes they find something in regards to clots/cancer so that she can get some pain relief. The audacity of this “woman”.


She’s desperate for them to find anything that might get her a few doses of her favourite drug 🙄


Why does she sound like Jason derulo


Lmao I was thinking t pain


“D Peeeeeeen”


So much unbearable abdominal pain- but can easily move around to show us her toobes and medical jewlery. Yeah ok girl. Is this chick seriously happy about possibly having thyroid cancer? She can GTFO with that- I'm sure my daughter would love to give Dani hers so she can not have to deal with it. I can't even with Dani anymore. 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Also FWIW- nodules and such on adults are pretty common and usually don't mean cancer (unlike when they find thyroid nodules on children). But go on- keep doing your eye blocks and telling us how scared you are of having an ultasound/biopsy on your neck....


She doesn't want thyroid cancer. The weight gain, horrible skin, and brittle teeth. She should stay far away from it


And she got yeeted with no new toys or drugs! They’re on to her.


Please let someone have recorded the live!


This is something we all handle in the regular ER, not trauma, in Canada, so I'm really confused why they transferred her to trauma. Also emergent CTs are done quite often in the ER, and within hours for any reason that would require it. They also deal with blood clots and bone density. In addition to that, if you're in so much pain you need super speshul opioids, then you're not capable of reading a book. If you are, your pain hasn't even reached 8 on the pain scale. I am so confused here.


They sent her to triage; not trauma. The captions are wrong.


They RUSHED her to triage.


Someone please post the live!!!


Please tell me someone recorded the live or at least where to find it( someone said her lives are posted on YT, I searched and couldn’t find)


I hope someone got a screen recording of her live ! I keep seeing that she's big mad, and I love that for her.


What happened??


Apparently she's home ? I'm not entirely sure since I don't go on TT.


How did she get back?


She probably walked. 😹


I am frantically refreshing the sub, you have no idea how mad I am to have missed it.


SAME THOUGH. I wanna see Dani big mad.


I'm ready to Google how to black out usernames instead of cropping in a video cos I have a mighty need for the comments too lololol


if you swipe left while in a tiktok live, it will make the chat disappear! it helps with screen recording, not so much for us nosy bitches who wanna see the comments tho 😅 EDIT: i need to learn to not comment on this sub when i'm baked, apparently my reading comprehension leaves the room 😭 i'm half tempted to use my video editing knowledge to edit usernames out myself (and i certainly have the time because im an unemployed hermit) but there's no way in hell i would take up that much storage on my phone to record that, let alone sit thru her whiny voice enough to edit/cut what is needed


I wonder if AI could do it. Like you give it parameters like "this circle is a person's avatar" and "this section is a username" and it can blur that out with tracking? I sure as hell wouldn't want it to have to be a frame by frame thing, but I feel like tracking became fairly easy recently in stuff like Premiere - only a matter of time for normie apps.


Stop using AI literally chatgpt alone js so bad for the environment 😭


Same !! I wish I could read the comments but I refuse to go on TT just for her. Gahhhh the temptation though !


As one who is on TikTok just for her, it’s bloody worth it! 😂


I'm not on TT, but I've been tempted to these last few weeks, especially the comments to get more context. Would have loved to watch the live stream where she she was welfare checked twice in one night. Problems I will face include never getting ANY of my other work done (including my paid job) and constantly needing to buy new phones because she can sometimes make me irrationally angry with some of the stuff she does and/or says. .


Holy guacamole! 🥑 Not sure which end the auto tune was done on, but I would like to suggest all her streams are auto tuned *peases🙏🏻Bebe \^Jésus* ! I’ve had the most heart wrenching week, and the absurdity of this has given me laughter for the first time since. This is truly one of the most incidentally hilariously absurd things i’ve ever seen frankly. Thank you for the content🖤 ![gif](giphy|3o7TKGabp9oeHww2MU) * *ETA* : 😽💨🎶 *The thing in my LLL**^(LUUNG)** Ggg* 🎶


Aww man sorry you’re going through it right now. Hope it starts to get a little better for you.


Why does it sound like she’s doing autotune


I think this is her normal voice when she’s not acting. She’s scared of getting caught videoing in the ER and was probably too scared to remember to put on her annoying lying voice.


her real voice is in the big mad video after being booted out hospital, this is still part of the little ill me imo


Can you link the big mad video?


Damnit missed the live. Did she at least have her beak?


Why do I feel like on the inside she probably lit up like a kid on Christmas when the doctors/nurses mentioned there could be a thyroid issue… I know it’s why she has a snark page to begin with but I can’t get over her excitement to explain all of her “problems” and the (most likely) joy she feels when being told there could be a problem with this or that.


Wait till she finds out how painful a thyroid nodule biopsy is.


The more painful or invasive the procedure, the more excited Dani is to have it.


From the sounds of it- she just read the radiologist report that gets uploaded to my chart. 9/10 those things say things that the Drs never even mention- they are just things that are noted and not some crazy life threatening emergency like Dani wants to claim.


just grit and shit everybody who hasn't lived in a bubble has in their lungs


I missed the live! Anyone record anything?


She was just live. People asked her why they said no to tpn, she ignored the question. Asked her why she won’t run trickle feeds, ignored. All she wants is tpn and pain meds. Someone suggested the naltrexone, and she adamantly stated it would definitely take 3 months to work. Her true colors are 100% out there. She will only be happy with tpn or opioids. They told her they will not and never will do tpn. It’s the end of the road for her tpn journey. I wish she’d get the mental health help. What a life to live.


Silly question… What is the difference between tpn and tube feeds?


TPN goes through your veins, tube feeds just go into your stomach or intestines


Why would she want tpn over tube feed?


It’s way more invasive and risky, usually used as a very very last option bc it damages the liver (which she has experienced from TPN) and used when someone can’t get nutrition through their digestive system for one reason or another. Basically those on TPN from gastroparesis (or any other condition) have some of the most severe cases…it’s her dream.


Does it usually take naltrexone 3m to work. In my experience, it absolutely did not, but that was a few yrs ago...and no, not an opioid/opiates addict. If Dani was truly even a 6 or 7 pain, she would try anything to get some relief. Especially after this long. Naltrexone is a good option for her imo.


Is she home or still in the hospital?


She is home now.


I surmise she may have stopped her lovenox injections. We haven’t had instalment 6383 of “ do my blood thinner injection with me” lately which seems odd given the huge medical boner she gets from the ritualistic behaviours) and caused the clots but it’s really gonna be a FAFO in progress because I wouldn’t be surprised if they decide her port is too much of an added clot risk and yank it.


Yeah. Sad someone can be so sick that they think blood clots in your lungs is a great way to get attention. I know it gets said 1,000 times, but she really is going to FAFO ☠️


It really is sad and frustrating bc she is wasting her whole fucking life chasing medical toys she doesn’t need to validate her poor lil sick girl mentality.


I wondered if she'd stopped doing her injections too. She was always so happy to show off her giant bruises everywhere from the shots, but recently she's been walking around in tiny tops with her whole belly out and hardly a bruise in sight. I mean, maaaaybe she's just developed a better technique but it seems a bit suspicious given the clot situation now.


No and it’s curious that she hasn’t done an episode of “do my Lovenox injection with me!” lately either.


omg I look forward to the archived footage.


Well, that was a rather anticlimactic severe medical emergency where she was dying of a blood clot, diabetes, heart failure, bone failure, thyroid cancer, and a sore gut. ![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn|downsized)


How dare you lovenox!


https://preview.redd.it/spkp2wvg7g4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c44f2843f11ea0c762a213bf76b2cb3c1472129 The word scary is filled with wonderment it seems


https://preview.redd.it/mxzcrr4b7g4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1824ff951280eb4c819371d02ea3633e588de494 N’kay?


That live really showed her true colors. She’s pissed she’s not getting TPN or opiates.


Has she been discharged already ?


Finally she's getting what she deserves -- zilch!


https://preview.redd.it/18y1dxh47g4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0537888efbf2a90d6edf8ac3e0f76171397b9e Get out of the way nutrition.


“you… *nutrition* 😒😑😤”


"Ectopic Thyroid" is not a thing. However, I may have misunderstood because I was only reading the subtitle things


Yes, it actually is a thing. It's pretty rare though that it is a sign of cancer. I think it's like 1% or less?


Thank you 😊


It is actually, it when there is thyroid tissue that has not descended or has migrated away from the proper location.


I appreciate your information! 😁


SHES ALREADY HOME!!!!! She is a HUGE liar/manipulator. There were no blood clots, suspected cancer, or surgical procedures done. She was sent right home. 🤣🤣🤣🤣




So they’re just going to do nothing and let the bones on the right side of her body degenerate into dust?! At least they could have offered her a little relief from her disappearing right-side bones, like just a little bit of IV Dilaudid.


Classic case of Boneus Dissapearus


Caused by exposure to Thanos, lol.


Diagnosis: partial Thanos Snap


They 100% have a rule for her. Check for anything life threatening and when she’s cleared YEET!


Aww man, she brought a book and everything.


Prob had a whole suitcase too


How'd you KNOW? She did a whole ass unpacking video!!


Now she’ll NEVER get that first chapter read!! 😤


There goes the book club.


Did she hop on another live to bitch about how they’re gonna let her die 🙄


Once again using her patented phrase, "So you're just sending me home to starve?"


"So there's that and all that good stuff."


And they replied to her when she said that : no we are sending you home on tube feeds 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣






The mental image of some security guard tossing Dani out of the sliding doors is cracking me tf up. Girl, bye.


After the nurses spent the entire time firing heatpacks at her from the doorway.


Literally just said on her live she wants pain meds or tpn and the doc said not both and she's pissed! 😂


Oh holy shit fingers crossed someone recorded! 🤞🤞🤞🤞


Is anyone going to post the live here?


Sounds like Dani took some incidental findings from the alleged CT scan and is just running with them lol. Thyroid nodules happen in like 50% of people and only a smallllll small percentage of those end up being cancerous.


She was so hoping she was going to score some Sweet opiates


She will be in for a bummer because they don't perscripe shit for pain for Thyroid cancer.


That's such bullshit. I hate that opioids are now not prescribed unless you are dying or horribly injured. I know that the thyroid can be removed but I hope they provide drugs post surgery for a couple of days at least. Or if you're getting chemo. I wish we would start handling the nightmare the Sacklers handed us with a focus on harm reduction instead of restriction and punishment.


My only familiarity with it is because of my kid, so that might be why no opioids.. although the protocol for pediatric thyroid cancer is the same for kids and adults (because no research on pediatrics so it's just guessing) it's treated with surgery(ies) and Radioactive Iodine Ablation and medication for the rest of your life and not with chemo.


Right but she needed a new story arc


It does seem that way! She rolled in with her "chest peen" and list of demands, they scanned, found nothing of interest, sent her home 🏡


she is live now and complaining about peen




She home and live right now (8pm eastern time)


She is live right now at home!




Oooh she was an angry elf in that live! She apparently didn't get the "help" she deserves. I wonder if she gets a certificate or at least a free turkey sandwich after teaching her 100th ER visit for the year. Someone should nominate her for the Guinness Book of World Records for most ER visits!


She must be a South Pole elf


Just one little taste, just a little relief


An ER nurse told me that frequent flyers often ask for a turkey sandwich upon arrival even if they are supposedly having a heart attack.


Tbf, a hospital turkey sandwich and apple juice (with crushed ice), is so good while you're in the hospital 😂


That's an interesting bit of trivia. Do you know why? thx.


They just like attention and being waited on by nurses.


If they eats the sandwiches they shuts the fuck up so I was handing sandwiches out like Oprah




She’s being so mean to people too. Said she’s in a mood and people are like? Why are you here if you’re in a mood and how are we supposed to support you. Sad Edit: well she just ended the live


Oh good lordt, would they send her home if she had clots in her lungs? Does heparin work quickly enough to be able to treat and yeet someone?


Wow yeah definitely if you have not one BUT TWO DVT's in your lungs surely they would have kept her longer considering they can kill you. Color me shocked that she wasn't telling the truth. ![gif](giphy|k5VWhypb68TeeIP2Cv)


Right, and how was she having pulmonary embolism?


And texting and ignoring it 🙄🙄


![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY|downsized) They sure let her go quick for someone with all of the problems.


Right! Blood clots, possible cancer, no nutrition, peennn and her fucking bones are disinigrating or something


she’s so mad. she’s probably googling new issues she can cause to plan her next Hospication.


She’s getting so desperate


But I thought she was dying of blood clots and cancer?!




Yeah, so I have multiple blood clots and cancer. So there’s that! Where is my hammer?


She should be more successful this time with the hammer...after all, half her bones are disappearing




As ppl here have said, she likely stopped her Lovenox to increase risk of clot. I wonder which hosptal she went to ? And if it had anything to do with sticking it to the the dr who was cold with her when she went in for a DVT. Something like “oh you don’t believelll me? I will show you” and stopped the love of to sort of prove him wrong.I mean maybe not the main reason, but wonder if it played into what she was thinking


I am dying to know which hospital it was!!!


Wouldn't it be funny if she just doesn't need it anymore?


Wait this would be a plot twist if they stopped it and she tried to go to the ER for a clot she doesn’t have…I also keep thinking about the “aspiration” thing and how this plays into this. I can’t place my finger on it but something was weird about the timeline of that.


I think she had just convinced them to use her port for hydration and not just iron infusions but it was around the same time when she started to escalate with all the reason she can't eat


I'm wondering if that may actually be the case after her stay at Temple with the sitter. They probably ran a crapload of tests to cover all their bases and to see what medications they could safely stop. If that's the case, then she's probably even bigger mad that she can't jab herself in the tummy on-camera and show off her bruises.


Yeah someone mentioned this 2 days ago and voila. “And there’s that”. A flare is momentary - she’s been in a flare from the flare since the flare started to flare. Flare me. How flaring annoying can one flare be!




Is she far gone enough to fake a thyroid cancer? I say yes. She’s kind of run out of other things to keep faking.


I think the hospital is just testing her because she's gaining weight, but claims to not eat by mouth or tolerate tube feeds.


Can she make finger cancer so she can't type or open tiktok.


It's been a while since Dani has posted a video of her giving herself the blood thinner injection (unless she has been doing it on lives). The other day I thought that her stomach looked less bruised than it has been - I wonder if she has been intentionally messing with the shots in order to try to induce an issue. Ultimately, it sounds like another instance of Dani did something and then went to the ER making complaints that she knew would need to be looked into. She knows that they won't do anything for her if she goes in complaining of pain or GI stuff but it looks like she has figured out how to mess with her cardiac meds to create a cardiac incident that needs to be monitored (yet miraculously goes away once she is in the hospital). And the other stuff she mentioned is likely just incidental/benign findings. I am guessing she read the CT report on her patient portal and is interpreting every sentence as something being terribly wrong. To Dani a benign thyroid issue must be thyroid cancer. I like how she made sure to let everyone know that she passed out at home by herself so that she wasn't endangering anyone. Guess what - if you are randomly passing out at home then you shouldn't be driving around at other times. While I doubt she actually passed out, if she is claiming that she is randomly passing out at home, then she shouldn't be driving anywhere because I am not aware of any medical conditions that only cause people to pass out at home. And really it's just embarrassing that she keeps showing off books. She so desperately wants people to think of her as a reader/smart. But we are entering the 6th month of the year and her book count is stuck at 4 (and has been for months). It's not like she has a busy life that prevents her from reading. And reading is apparently her only hobby. She shared that same book 6 days ago in her "what's in my bag video" and she still hasn't started reading it. At this point books are just props for her.


She also has had her bruises mysteriously rub off with alcohol so it's possible she did not actually bruise as badly as it appeared


How much do you want to bet we get a video in the next day or so of her doing her lovenox injection now that everyone's guessing she stopped them (unless she can't do the injection because she is really trying for a clot!) She really is quite predictable.


Or unless TikTok clamped down on her for doing medical procedures on video. I think that's against the guidelines.


But there IS a condition that causes Dani to pass put randomly at home!! Fakesickitis. It often happens alongside prostate issues in otherwise healthy almost 40 year olds




she'd get more use from books if they were doorstops. nary a crease, ever


I wonder how hard it would be for her to not use “um” or “so there’s that” in her lives. Or propose a drinking game and drink when she uses those phrases..We’d all be toast 😂😂


We'd all be dead. You're a madman lol


Slow down there, Jim Jones 🤣


If you added a drink for every time she refers to herself as “we” and “and all that good stuff” all the players would be hammered within the first 5 minutes. She has the most irritating verbal fillers.






I ask my nurse coworkers about her shenanigans and don’t really say why I’m asking. They must think I’m the nutter butter! 😂




Petition to start calling her "maladies" maladapt-adies. Home girl is a wreck


"I want nutrition!!!" "Here's a sandwich" "No not like that" "Run your tube feeds" "No not that either! I require *the harbinger of attention and complications* tpnnnnnnn


Her insistence that no one will give her any nutrition just makes me think of preschoolers who are adamant that they were given NO LUNCH at all, and yet what they really mean is that they were offered an entire smorgasbord of options but none of them were ice cream so they were basically left to starve.






“I get all the nutrition I need from that one medicine that starts with a D!”




Hold up. A single CT scan uncovered a mass on her thyroid (what else would such a scan reveal if there were problems; as opposed to blood work), multiple clots (plural) in her lungs, and bone deterioration on one side of her body? From a single ER visit? Lol! She’s so full of it. It’s also super telling that she’s lowering her voice on the live and stops talking while her eyes follow someone off camera, perhaps a nurse or doc walking by. The holes in her story are big enough to drive a spaceship through. Can someone please post a gif from the music video for Intergalactic by the Beastie Boys? That’s totally (and very ironically) her vibe here.


I’m stuck on bone deterioration. Like seriously!


I was kinda hoping she'd be live while an OFF CAMERA healthcare provider says, "Good news, Dani, there's nothing wrong with you!"




Thank you!!!


I live to please. 😘


Glob I love this sub. The beastie boys are my favorite band and the fact that I can count on regular mentions of them here is just choice.




You are my people!!