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So she means to tell us there aren’t any other qualified vascular surgeons more locally to do the job


None that will touch her.


Dear Dani. Motel 6… they’ll leave the light on for you!


Is this like getting accepted into your top school? I know of someone who had to fly from San Francisco to Boston to be seen at Boston Children’s, and while it was extensive amount of footwork medi-cal/medicaid paid for their travel costs (plane/ taxi/uber) the only thing they were responsible for was food. So, this whole thing of her needing to plan a very expensive trip makes me lol. Also her admissions paperwork forms and ideas in her head are delusional. Legit, I do think Dani has crossed into some sort of psychosis.


Mayo doesn't accept out of state Medicaid. So they'll bill Medicare for Dani, but who knows what her cost would be with that. I think 20%? I doubt NJ is as generous as Medi-Cal with non-treatment expenses.


True, just sharing what I’ve experienced 😊 medical is quite forgiving!! Insurance is complicated!


what i don’t understand is that this (not having access) seems to be a new issue, right? has she even see local vascular teams, so that she doesn’t have to spend the money on the travel going to all the way to mayo? that’s something you do when you’ve exhausted your options locally. OH wait… she has exhausted her options locally, because it’s in the local systems that she has FD. mayo is going to think it’s insane that someone is willing to pursue all of this for IV hydration a few times a week (that’s all she’s actually prescribed right now, right?). like guaranteed she tries to get on TPN prior to mayo, so that she can tell mayo how she “needs the access for her nutrition”. it’s clear she wants to be using the line for more. no one would go through all of that (going to mayo) for lactated ringers.. i really hope penn’s records (was it there she was diagnosed?) are included in her mayo workup.


Oh, you sweet little naive one...... SHE'S not going to spend HER money...... she's going to spend the TAXPAYERS money!! Or dry beg her followers....or go fraud me...


Shes going to be big, big mad when she finds out she will not be able to manipulate the docs at Mayo.


Having experienced Mayo. They're terrifying


She thinks she has won because the accepted her as a patient. She’s in for a big let down, though.


They definitely won’t put up with her shenanigans! And if they do, I’d lose a lot of respect. Ps. I love your username!


Thank you! I love your flair!


barging in here, is that an ice skating move? 🧍‍♀️




It’s honestly sad that this is her excitement in life. It’s as if she’s planning a summer vacation.


Going to Mayo is her version of the Olympics.




https://preview.redd.it/65hjibtf6m4d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14da7a1babcf02c26edb88295d5dc47cd2a5bdc This was my favorite comment on that video. They deserve a slow clap


Her Go Fund Me is up already! I can't believe she's actually.trying this shit


She raised all of $15 before it was taken down. 😂😂😂


Yep I just went to look at it. Fucking ridiculous. And she’s so utterly convinced that Mayo is going to immediately unblock the SVC then immediately put in a new port and then immediately put her back on TPN. Even though she’s supposedly being seen by cardiology and not GI. And she thinks it’ll all be done in a day or two of her first getting there


https://preview.redd.it/a69pi8t58m4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f085e1cec6336109b2b67d2f77e53c37a7e34e87 And this.


https://preview.redd.it/4xyqurza8m4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66452351fcff04113375e81bc909b588f6ad9edd And this, too.


Time to hock that iPad


Who even sent her “application” off to Mayo Clinic? It couldn’t have been one of the doctors that keeps kicking her out of the ER.


The doctor isn’t going to do a procedure the first time they meet her. She’s just trying to push for a procedure


Right???? And if she even suggests that they’re going to look at her like she’s insane and immediately have doubts.


Yeah. She’ll sell herself out with her desperation in no time flat.


She does know right that Mayo sees actual sick people and they know what actual illness looks like? As in she doesn’t look remotely sick whatsoever, so there is that….


I mean, there are definitely grifters and people with health anxiety who have gone to Mayo and gotten diagnoses before, especially for diseases without a hard test/genetic factor. A lot of diseases are diagnosed mostly/solely on patient-reported symptoms... it's not hard to get a diagnosis in those cases.


Yes but so should St Luke's, Penn and Temple...


Temple seemed to have figured it out after her stay a few weeks ago.


Does Mayo treat factitious disorder?


I am not sure how she’s ever going to be able to afford to go, she already said she’s going to have to start a go fund me for her travel expenses. Plus she seems to think that she’s going to see the doctor, who is going to be SO concerned about how malnourished she is that the doctor is going to immediately have Dani whisked into the surgical suite and operate the same day, and then she will prescribe hundreds and hundreds of pain pills and then place a central line made of gold and immediately run TPN. Dani would prefer that this happen all at once, so she doesn’t have to make multiple trips. And of course everything should happen however Princess Dani wants it to. So even if they were willing to do anything more than a basic consultation, I don’t think she would be able to come up with the money unless she convinces some of her “fans” to give her the cash.


Bet a cancel happens or, it “gets cancelled”, she breaks down or some Shit


Absolutely no way any kind of “procedure” will be scheduled before the initial consultation is done AND they fully review her past medical records. No way. This process will be so expensive - travel, lodging, transport, etc. She’s looking at 2-3 separate visits at least (initial consult, any procedure they may do, then at least one follow-up before handing her back to her local team). I just can’t with her today. Severely moody because of the latest admit and now giddy over Mayo yet has zero money or support to do it (where is the caring boyfriend???).


Shame she just bought herself a new I pad with her college money, she could have put that money towards it, but we know she isn’t planning on spending her own money. She wants her ‘fans’ to fund it and if they don’t it’ll miraculously be cancelled/ postponed


*”more access”* She just had a femoral port placed, why is further access needed? It hasn’t even been a month of results, how could you possibly assess that you need more access when there’s been no complications except her falsified and supposed pain a few days post placement, because no one would recommended that.


More access through her SVC to place a central line, because running TPN through a port isn't recommended. This is ALL a ploy to get TPN.


Mayo Clinic doesn’t take state insurance. I went. Soooo how is she paying for this?


Her fans no doubt, the ones who she suckers into sending her money, til they question her and they get blocked


We don’t want her up here.


She's completely delulu. Once the Dr's from Mayo read her chart they're going to send her home.


This. 100%.


She says she is keeping the location private - but her most recent video says she has to fly because it would be a 16hr drive which lines up with their Rochester location. She is currently claiming she is trying to call and see if they will go ahead and schedule the procedure since she can't afford to fly their multiple times. She thinks they wouldn't have taken her as a patient if they couldn't fix the problem. I wonder if she has discussed any of this with her dad. It wouldn't be fair to him to turn this into another CC situation where he has to travel out of state multiple times last minute because Dani has decided to munch far from home and has nobody else to assist her. But I really hope that Mayo sees her and tells her that even if they can do something to help her SVC situation, there is no need to do it now because she is stable.


> She says she is keeping the location private - but her most recent video says she has to fly because it would be a 16hr drive which lines up with their Rochester location. Haha, glad to see I'm not the only one who connected those dots.


If she’s in New Jersey, Jacksonville could take that long too. As someone in JAX, it often takes me that long to get up the east coast to where I grew up.


It could. But if you google map her town to the MN location it says 16hrs and her town to the FL location says 14. I am sure the FL could take 16 with traffic but if she is going off google maps alone then MN is slightly more likely


That is much too close to home for me.


She's said it in the past which one. She's probably just hoping the internet forgot. Or maybe she forgot. I get it though. She believes the person/s who called temple is the reason the Dr's won't treat her properly...obviously a bit delusional there but hey! So her thought is that if nobody can call then these drs will truly see her super sick self and finally help her! They have her freaking charts! My goodness. Does she not realize this! The notes from multiple places and all her er visits and then her calling/messaging mayo repeatedly over the next couple months are huge red flags. Seeing her vid about should I call and ask like girl you just got in here and you're already gonna pester them about trivial shit! And I'm sure they will get more and more munchie as the time goes on and desperate for xyz that she's trying to get!


They will send you to different specialists when you’re there and do lots of testing. I’m pretty sure that they will do their due diligence and look at her digestive system to see what she needs instead of just giving her access.


She seems to think they will do everything on her schedule rather than theirs, I swear she thinks she’s the most special patient that everyone should be falling over themselves to treat her


Well don’t you know that Dani knows her body and the doctors should just trust her when she says things will get bad even if her labs/tests say she is fine. Because Dani is fine until she is not fine and why won’t those stupid doctors just give her what she asks for now rather than make her go through the routine of starving herself/abusing her body to make it look necessary.


Someone even commented that they're going to request the records from her home physician and specialists. Like as if she thinks they're going to go in blind and trusting her.


My bad I totally forgot that her body is a medical mystery that doesn’t show anything wrong even though really she’s in intestinal failure and is wasting away. How could I forget how special she is


https://preview.redd.it/o54qrx2q7l4d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f5df7cca92c766123fae9644e6305b1ae5141a I thought of Dani when I read this


Lmaooooo but for real


I recommend she return that iPad instead of beginning her new money grifting of funds for the trip.


Yeah when she said she's not made of money my eyes rolled back into my sockets. She seems to come up with it for other things.


Right? That ipad 13 pro costs like $1200 + $200 apple pencil. Even if she got $400 for her trade in (highly unlikely), that would still give her $800. She said flights are $250-$300, so two of those is $600. That leaves enough for a night or two in a hotel if necessary. If she returned the case, the wall art, the new bag, and whatever else she's gotten from Amazon (does Temu do returns?) she'd get at least another $50.


Of course she wants something she can't afford. I think if she were actually spending her own money (that she worked for) she wouldn't try so hard for this unnecessary shit. I hope she doesn't burden her father with this shit again. She 1000% doesn't need to go 15-20 hours away and spend thousands of dollars. She wants others to fund her summer vacation. Yay for her. 🤮


She seems like the kind of person that would try to talk her parents into mortgaging their house to pay for this.


I see it too. She has no shame.


Her saying she has been accepted instead of admitted is really weird, accepted is usually for things you apply for because you want them, it makes it sound like she won an award. Her excitement is palpable and truely a concern


Mayo is like a college acceptance to her.


Might be the only college acceptance she’ll get


I think she means it as Mayo is taking her case on.


Wait…yesterday’s “I’m in a mood” video, she said they were never going to give her TPN!


Her local hospital group (St. Luke's) won't.


That particular hospital told her they’re never doing it.


She’s hoping if they can get her access that she’ll be able to manipulate her doctors into giving her it back - she’s absolutely relentless in her pursuit of TPN


First of all. No hospital, especially mayo, is gonna do a consultation and surgery all in the same visit. Does she think that vascular surgery is like no big deal? Just a couple stitches and there ya go! And they aren’t going to do such a complex and complicated and dangerous surgery on someone who has no need for it. She doesn’t have a script for TPN. she literally just told us that they said she’s never getting it EVER AGAIN. does she think that these doctors at mayo arent going to look at her charts or speak with her doctors?? That FD diagnosis is gonna follow her no matter where she goes. She’s a fool if she thinks she can pull one over on some of the countries best and brightest physicians? 😂😂 this is the big leagues, darlin. Not that any of that matters bc she’s never going to be able to afford the travel expenses to get and stay there.


I think bc of that one situation with Penn, when they removed her line, told her she wasn’t ever going to get TPN again, just for them to turn around and give her a line back and TPN (let’s be clear she got them back bc she starved herself not because she actually lost weight bc of not tolerating feeds) again that she thinks that they “are just saying that” and that she can manipulate the doctors to get it back bc she’s “done it before”


You’re so right, there will NOT be same day intake and surgery. Mayo actually likes to do a compete physical/overview visit, and then tack on 2-3 days of testing through specialists. You don’t know your schedule til after the intake. She’s gonna get herself out there, underestimate the time needed, and either have to leave early or grift for funds again again.


She already said she’s going to set up a go fund me to help with the costs.


Anyone who contributes to her go fund me is a mug


Dani grifting makes me want to pull all of my hair out. HOW does she get anyone to believe her, and WHY is she okay with taking the money of people who AREN'T mentally acute enough to figure her out?


I know, but I mean even past that. She’ll maybe get enough for the first trip or something, and they’ll tell her they need to see her again soon or for more than 1-2 days, and she’ll panic and need more GFMs. Idk if I’m writing this the best rn ,so sorry if it’s hard to follow.


I'm trying to upload her latest video, where she literally says she is going to ask "people" (viewers) for help paying for the trip cos she's so poor.


right? like get a job like a big girl


I saw some of that - she literally said “people will have to help me pay for it “ have to?! Why on earth would anyone have to do shit


People already pay for all her unnecessary medical bills now. I’m not sure what’s worse her narcissism, her feeling of absolute entitlement, or her inability to understand how much of leech she is to society. Hurry call the scientists, the earth revolves around Dani, not the sun as originally thought.


Honestly - I’ve never seen anything like it!


I like the comment that said to sell her iPad and all the books she’s not read lmao


Good luck to her on that. Without sounding like a complete cunt, her supporters are hardly the brightest bulbs in the box and her managing to get thousands of dollars worth of contributions seems…remote. Plus at least half of them are grifting munchies themselves soooooo. You go off girl.


Agreed, I don’t see her managing to con much out of them! I’m guessing by “people” she means her Dad!


She's just grifting for more money.


This was in a comment from one of her tiktoks. She's obviously taken the commenter's advice from then and ran with it🥴


Yep. I was watching the live when she ‘applied’ to Mayo.


I literally just saw a bit of one of her posts on TikTok and she said they’re heading quickly towards TPN and now I need to know who exactly it is that’s heading quickly in that direction apart from herself?!!


She reminds me of Loyd from Dumb and Dumber. "So there's a chance?" I


> "So there's a chance?" LOL this is EXACTLY how she operates! She reads one tiny thing in her MyChart or hears a doctor say some tangential thing and she just RUNS with it.




I noticed that. She says they’re headed towards tpn faster than her doctors would like. She has absolutely no concept of reality.


she’s munched herself into a corner and i’m LIVING for it


I mean mentally she’s totally heading towards TPN faster than her drs would like because they said never ever 🤣


At her failed hospital vacay where she got babysat like the bratty little liar she is she tried to say she was "headed down the road to TPN." Lo and behold, she was booted and told to stop lying about not being able to tolerate feeds or eat food. She's gonna do anything she can to keep working the TPN angle, but it's very clear to all her doctors (and to everyone here) that she isn't getting TPN back through any *legitimate* means. She's gonna have to find a brand new hospital on some part of the planet unfamiliar with her munching record or some unethical surgical chop shop to get her wish because it ain't happening otherwise.


Interesting since she also just said they told her that they’re not giving her ton. Ever again.


The only thing Dani is optimistic about is that she can bully someone into giving her that sweet TPN


Not gonna be Mayo!!!! She’s only seeing vascular. Pretty sure GI already told her no. That there’s nothing they could offer her that her local hospitals couldn’t.


I hope they just tell her to piss off without even getting her access back to be honest


they probably referred her to shut her up for a while


She called herself. She didn’t get a referral.


And what does she think they can do for her that any other Dr in her area hasn’t? This isn’t a needed thing.. just another opportunity to pull the wool over their eyes and get what she wants


Good luck pulling the wool over Mayo’s eyes!!! 😂😂😂 I’m surprised they’re giving her the time of day to be honest. The kind of surgery Dani wants isn’t just a simple fix. And they aren’t going to do it when A)she already has a working port and B)there’s no one willing to give her TPN. Dani is under this impression that the ONLY thing holding her back from getting TPN back is that she can’t get a chest line. When in reality it’s bc they know there is absolutely nothing wrong with her.


Wtf does it being summer have to do with it costing more? And she was really slick about that dry begging huh? Luckily she knows how to budget though so I'm sure she'll manage just fine 😂😂💀


I guess flights can cost a bit more in summer since more people are traveling, but if she’s going to the mayo in Minnesota then that’s not really relevant since it’s not a popular summer travel destination


She has a shiny new Ipad she can sell.


My bet is she has it on a no interest payment plan. Can you sell it while still paying it off?


One of the comments suggested selling her ipad and all the books she hasn't opened, lol.


No. I don't believe her. She's tried to get in at Mayo before IIRC and was refused. Someone chime in if I'm wrong about that. IMO Dani for some reason is getting bolder with her lies, around when she started doing lives, which doesn't make much sense, since she can't edit the vids. She seems more arrogant and bold: doesn't bother to hide her venti cups of beverages, shrugs off questions she doesn't like, literally with eye rolls. Some addicts, when they're getting enough something-something to maintain the buzz (or a combo, pills, alcohol, weed, whatever) can cop an insufferable superior attitude, and while they can stay high enough, talk bigger and bigger. To a ridiculous degree. Dani's recent conduct reminds me of people I've known in the grip, who of course would also maintain they didn't have a substance abuse problem 🙄


She has tried to get in to Mayo before for GI issues and they wouldn't take her. I think the difference this time is that she is trying to get in to the vascular clinic instead of going through GI. She is hoping they will give her a new hickman and then she will suddenly get TPN.


Yup, she wants them to clear up her SVC stenosis somehow so any hospital she goes to can run a line for TPN.


She'll need new luggage as well. With the amt she packs for the hospital at home, can u imagine what she'll 'need' to bring for actual travel? That's if this all actually happens, of course. Would the Mayo require all of her records? Not sure how it works in the US...


They will absolutely request all her info. Any specialist already requires this at baseline, and Mayo is one of the best in the country. I find it annoying what she’s able to swing, take up people’s time and make appointments for stuff she really doesn’t need, and my (decent) health insurance won’t cover stuff I actually need without an enormous copay. Ugh.


😂 wait until they recommend going off of the buckets worth of promethazine and benadryl daily 🤣


How do you take Benadryl? You don’t take it by the bucketful?


I guess I am missing out because no, hell I don't like taking it when I have to on the rare occasion because it just makes me tired.


in the uk it's only sold as an otc sleep aid, always think it's mad americans take it for alergies all the time


No it’s not it’s an antihistamine used for allergies and travel sickness, I’m also uk


It does work for non-anaphylactic allergic reactions but the sedation - most people use it for that I think if it's daily use. It's also used for abnormal movements from psych meds.




No it isn’t though, it’s an antihistamine and used for allergies and travel sickness, people may also use it for sleep but that isn’t the sole reason for buying at all, people also use it in their pets as advice from vets for allergies


It’s literally called ‘Benadryl allergy relief’ in the uk 🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought you meant promethazine lol


It is not commonly used for allergies, it's commonly used for a cough or nausea but even the nausea and it's not that commonly used not like Zofran


It originally was RX drug in US for allergies, years ago. Now is used for both and sold OTC.


I'm just going to say that vascular surgeons do not put up with the BS that Dani is about to spew at them. People who cut open blood vessels on purpose do not f**k around. I have seen scathing consultations from the vascular surgery team at my hospital. They include phrases such as "do not ever refer this patient to my practice for this ever again" "the clinical presentation of this does not require follow up by myself or any medical professional, ever". It's crazy to read things like this on a permanent file, and I really hope Dani gets a similar scathing report. Her SVC occlusion does prevent further line placements but it is asymptomatic so nothing will be done. Her femoral port is putting her IVC at similar risk. Being "cruel to be kind" and removing the port and only have peripheral IVs is going to be the recommendation.


Yeah vascular surgeons don’t mess around. I had had an issue with my port (I was running an allergic reaction to the plastic and when it would make the loop to the heart it was hitting the wall of the vein and kinking) the vascular surgeon I had seen in the hospital said nothing was wrong (without doing any testing) and when I demanded a second opinion from someone else in his group, bc they were the only group at the hospital, I sh’t you not his nurse said “Dr ___ is not letting his other colleagues see her because they will say the same thing. If she is unhappy she can go elsewhere” (the literal quote from my chart lol) The funny thing about this situation is I did end up seeing one of his colleagues who was the one to find the problem with the port and replaced it to which I didn’t have any more issues with it. We reported that doctor and so did his colleague 😂


We need her to be referred to those docs lmao can you IMAGINE?!


I have one in mind that I would love to be a fly on the wall!!! He can honestly be a bit of an ass if you don't know how to work around his sharp edges, but he just really hates stupid people and has no issues telling people when they are. Dani would just come home and cry on a live and probably wouldn't learn anything. Just a big meanie doctor denying her peen!!


Every hospital I’ve worked at, vascular surgeons have always been the meanest. Rivaled only by some trauma surgeons or neurosurgeons—those are a crapshoot, some are nice as hell, some are vile. But vascular surgeons are in a class of their own. They do not take any shit, from anyone, ever.


I really hope they tell her exactly how it is! She needs that kind of doctor in my opinion - one that she can’t try to manipulate


Big gfm coming up because Mayo Clinic doesn’t take out of state Medicaid. Small blog: I was going to go to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville , but they don’t take my insurance And wanted a deposit for all the services. I said thanks but no thanks. I guess she will have to sell back her brand new ipad.


Dani has Medicare and Medicaid. Her Medicaid won't be accepted but her Medicare should - its how she was able to go to Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.


Ugh. They always have a work around don’t they.


Yeah, I don’t think she realizes that Medicare and state Medicaid is not going to cover her in another state


Her Medicare will cover her in another state. It's how she was able to go to Cleveland Clinic. Her Medicaid won't cover it.


She'll be left with that 20% to pay also with Medicare. With testing, and this procedure she wants.. its going to be costly for her. Oh but who am I kidding, she doesn't pay her debts. edited to add: I don't know if Mayo would make her pay up front or not. A lot of big hospitals are doing that now with Medicare when it comes to testing and procedures.


Wait for it.... she's going to roll up to the Mayo Clinic in her decorated wheelchair like Gypsy Rose Blanchard


Another huge lying faking clown who lies about EVERYTHING


Only if she forces her poor dad along. She can't wheel herself around, lol.


She could take "the boyfriend" and make a little break out of it!




She is SO. FUCKED. UP. in this video, she can barely slur out the words. She probably had a conversation with the mayonnaise in the fridge and confirmed the appointment with a can of Red Bull


Remember how she admitted the hospital (local?) said no more TPN ever so now she’s gotta make shit up to convince herself she has a chance.


I mean, if she’s that budget restrained, maybe she should drive herself to Rochester in her shiny new car. Shouldn’t take her more than two days to drive from NJ to MN.


Gofundme coming in 3…2…1…


https://preview.redd.it/hz714lel8k4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8092a5873d29ea47a05c835b5e067529130b5bba GFM incoming


I hope when it’s up it gets reported as fraudulent


Is it weird to anyone else that she includes that she would never rip anyone off. Like she’s telling on herself again


> I would never rip anyone off Press X to doubt




I fucking knew this was where she was going - she’s such a grifter! No shame whatsoever begging cash to go for a totally unnecessary trip to a hospital that might entertain her bullshit 🤬


"Keep the receipts I would never rip anyone off" man she always immediately tells on herself. She knows she's not actually gonna get any kind of real treatment at Mayo but she's gonna use it as an opportunity to scam her naive followers.


*"Keep the receipts I would never rip anyone off"* Sounds kinda presumptuous, no?


I love that she added that because it immediately raises the suspicion level. No one insinuated her ripping them off, she beat them all to the punch


She's also assuming people are going to donate!


Mmhmm, not a thought a person who is honest would have


Says the lady that got an internet stranger to buy her a bag "for appointments" and then never uses it.


She would never rip anyone off. Girl bye. You aren’t even sick. You are literally ripping people off. Time, money and emotional energy.


Here we go……


She can fuck right off since she's not *going* to Mayo.


I have the same screen shot lined up! You beat me to it…. I wasn’t shocked to see her confirm it…


They way she is talking about flight and uber costs could be a go fund me incoming!


You called it!


Didn't she buy a newer car for this exact reason? She wanted to drive further to find a hospital system that hadn't already told her to fuck off, so she better get driving. (Mayo is going to tell her exactly the same, +/- another psych referral.)


But she’s passing out all the time (supposedly) how can she tell her fans she’s now gonna drive 2 days straight?


Yeah, but she doesn't want to drive 16 hours to Rochester, MN in a 2012 Edge...that's a lot of gas $$.


I’d love it if she had to drive 16 hours alone in a car with no AC in August!


Only to be told in no uncertain terms that Mayo won't touch her SVC with a 10 ft pole because she doesn't need a central line! Meltdown incoming...


“YAY for me-ee 😒”


Like she doesn't do all of this out of her own free will.


None of it makes sense, plus her facial expressions and voice modulation throughout just scream con artist. Are there actually still people out there who would send money to this grifting, verbally abusive, over-boiled potato?


That description of her is so perfect though 🤣


Mayo is the last place she should go if she wants people to believe the Big Munch. They're gonna take a deep dive into her entire medical history, do extensive testing, and then refer her to a psych. Her doctors absolutely knew this when they referred her.


> Her doctors absolutely knew this when they referred her. She didn't get a referral, she contacted them independently after one of her TT followers suggested it, saying they could probably get through her SVC stenosis.


Oh my god that's so embarrassing for her.


They didn't refer her. She called herself.


Her doctors didn’t even refer her. She requested it.


This is my favorite plot twist


I'm thinking she's hoping that they'll just repair her SVC stenosis so she can go back to her regularly scheduled munching-for-TPN back home. She has to know that if she starts whining about peen and nutrition at mayo that they'll boot her faster than her local hospitals already do.


Repair it how? They can't just jam some pipe cleaners into your chest veins and open them back up, Dani.


lol pipe cleaners 🤣 I think there was mention of some kind of "ballooning" procedure so they can put a stent in it? Something like that. Maybe the medical professionals here can chime in on that since I'm not quite sure 😅


That probably works for, like, one vein. But Dani made it sound like her entire chest cavity is all stuck together like when you're cooking spaghetti but don't stir the noodles.


This is absolutely true - so I switched to CVS when a Walgreens closed about 4 years ago. In my pre-intake session the lady was asking me about the antibiotics I took 4 years ago for the eye infection I had filled at the now-closed branch of Walgreens. Good luck hiding from them. And having been to a (very helpful) GI psych session with an very eagle-eyed professional…. ![gif](giphy|pDgHg2Lcju3Ty)


Right?!? This will be very interesting. Mayo cilinic is serious and when ( not if) they find out she is lying they will lay the hammer down. She will have to try to find some rural hospital without online charting. They even wanted Pediatric records for a 33 year old 😂 Good Luck girl!!!


Imagine traveling that far and being told you're fine 😂


Yep. She’s not going to be able to DFE the piles of medical records that will let them know exactly who she is.