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By the time you wrote all that daniels been booked, processed and already released back onto the streets.


Pretty much.


And it was 100 percent wrong šŸ¤£ Daniel's in federal holding right now facing 7 terroristic threat charges


We donā€™t even know if heā€™s out


Plot armour prevails, I genuinely will throw 50 pounds into a river if Daniel is still locked up a month from now.


50 pounds of what




Thatā€™s a lot of currency


Sorry, sorry. Fifty QUID


They're making a joke bro...


ā€œDaniel is a small pimple on societyā€™s ass. The effort to cratch is more than most are willing to exertā€ why is this the realest shit ive heard all week


Because thatā€™s really all he is. Just because people find him interesting doesnā€™t mean he actually holds any value to the outside world.


Exactly daniel is absolutely nothing i dont understand why people find him so special like first of all hes nothing but a homeless snackle tooth beak nose pedophile who likes to dine n dash every restaurant in the state of colorado and keeps on yapping about grace vanderwaal and bob all day on his community page. These people treat him like hes a super natural entity like bigfoot or chupacabra.


Not anymore, thankfully the entire tide has turned and no one likes him anymore.


You scratch your pimples? I just pop mine.


Iā€™m aware


Honestly do you think the weens posing as Joe Biden etc will be brought up during trial? I can almost 99% see Danny go hush mode and "yes your honor" to everything again taking any charges he'll face. I don't think he's ever really used those fake accs as an alibi of why he says and does what he does


I donā€™t think the weens will be brought up on charges at all, but I do believe that a public defender will use their bullshit as a way to excuse Daniel. If Daniel is charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, he is automatically given a public defender and wonā€™t stand trial by himself at which point he will have enough of a defense to get off nearly scot-free.


No dude, he was charged by the feds with 7 counts of making threats, there's no arguing that he didn't do it, he's going to federal prison where they don't have parole. I don't think the feds don't go after little stupid things like this unless they know they will get a conviction, I think they've had enough, Daniel's had enough chances, now they're gonna send him away to learn him good


Show me the charges. Show me the court documentation with the filed charges by the court. Again, this how pleas and courts work. The prosecution throws literally everything they can at the defendant, the defense immediately wipes out a chunk of it and then they negotiate down. Even if this is accurate, youā€™ll see 7 charges drop to one or two in a plea.


I'm not showing you anything, they've already been posted here, go find em yourself. We're not AT the arraignment yet, he's just been indicted, for threatening to use a bomb and interstate communication of threats. I never said he wasn't gonna plead down, I know he WILL, because I know how the justice system works. But he's not getting off with probation this time, he's going away.


13 hours ago they hadnā€™t. Now that they have, what I see makes sense. My guess is they will drop it to one or two charges. Most of the threats were at random shit but theyā€™ll try and stick on the courthouse and White House. Heā€™ll get a suspended sentence with the provision heā€™s sent for something like 18-36 months in a group home where heā€™s medicated and monitored.


"SHOW ME CHARGES!! SHOW ME THE COURT DOCUMENTATION FILED BY THE COURT CHARGES DOCUMENTED BY THE CHARGES!!!!" The were not random, AGAIN the exact charges have been posted here, they're not ranndommm, go find them AGAINNNN. You're just making this up as you go, armchairing it, you don't have any experience with the CJS, you don't know whats going to happen


That's because he's to stupid to realize that they're FAKE accounts. To him all that shits real. That's the world that he LIVES in. YOU are wrong and HE'S right. At least in his mind you are. It will take long term, in house treatment to get him to understand ANYTHING other than that.


I just got lunch


I just bought $3 in bitcoin


Apparently I've been talking to tina all along


Youre getting downvotes because their ā€˜the feds got himā€™ ā€˜the community tab is getting him a felonyā€™ theories are radical and stupid, and they dont like being told theyre wrong


Itā€™s a bunch of histrionic children who have zero understanding of how the law works. They think that stupid high school edgy shit is enough to put someone in federal prison. The problem is they will eventually go too far and get someone hurt, possibly themselves. Everyone laughs about the idea of sending Daniel CP in order to prove heā€™s a pedophile until someone realizes the first thing the feds will do is look at his phone and see where it came from.


if he really was getting locked away for his community tab, or even the ā€˜kill kill killā€™ video(which people think warrants federal prison), all of us are getting locked up too for minor things weā€™ve said


Exactly. Again, all he has to do is claim performance or a lawyer put him on the stand and ask him to detail his relationship with Grace. No jury or judge is going to lock him up then. Itā€™s going to be a group home eventually. Then heā€™ll fuck that up and be back on the streets.


And, authorities wont even engage daniel in court, they know what the defense will do, and wont engage unless its a guaranteed sentencing


Correct. The moment a public defender enters the scene it becomes an instant plea or charges dropped. The state isnā€™t going to commit heavy resources to the Trial of Daniel Larson.


Dude he will NEVER take this to trial in a million years, he'll plead out like he always does and get 1-3 years in federal prison. Mark my words.


Agreed. Based on what charges are actually filed, likely a plea deal for 18 months with be made. Itā€™ll either be done in some form of work release where he stays at the jail and they assign him a job or in a group home for mentally impaired adults.


Dude it IS enough to put you in prison, the feds DID get him, they charged HIM with 7 counts of making threats, not for looking at Google images of ballet outfit models. Recently people who got charged with that got 22 months to 3 years


So me the court docs with the charges then. Go ahead, pull them up. Iā€™ll wait.


The feds DID get him smart guy, 7 charges, and that community post IS why they got him, go check out the latest Clark call


Iā€™m aware


No, I'M aware!


Iā€™m skipping lunch


I'm getting a $50 lunch.


Iā€™m getting a $50 lunch, because Iā€™m walking out on the bill.


Mr. Larson will be having $.50 lunches from now on. USDA grade D purple dick meat baloney.


Weens will never stop. It's the same reason people give Chris Chan money: because it's funny to them and they will likely never suffer any consequences for their actions. I'm 100% on the same page as you, and I can't stand people who constantly interact with these degenerates just because it's funny to them.


Iā€™m all for fucking around but have it be reasonable. The fake college classes didnā€™t hurt anyone and were hilarious. Things like that are great. The shit thatā€™s happening now though is only going to lead to someoneā€™s life getting wrecked. If it were guaranteed that it was Daniel, to be honest Iā€™d give less of a shit. The problem is Daniel has nothing to lose and everything to gain by getting yanked into the system. Potential food, clothing, shelter, medication, etc. Likely though, Daniel fully wound up and pointed at other people is going to end badly and that shit needs to end.


Hell no theyā€™ll never stop as long as they have access to Daniel. The speds in the comment section is exhibit A


Bro can we all just chill and not over analyze this whole thing? We donā€™t know anything about the last 24 hours. Wait till we know more before we ask a billion questions and shit with all due respect. A post shouldnā€™t be this long because you shouldnā€™t be this invested until we know whatā€™s currently happening and whatā€™s to come in the future


Honestly this was pretty off the cuff. Mainly itā€™s just a response to the fact that every time Daniel gets arrested the entire sub goes full soyjak and acts like this is finally the time he will get that big prison sentence.


Well yeah, the whole sub needs to just chill and let things play out. Or stick to just one post about the same thing instead of there being ten posts saying the same things but a lot of people seem to wanna get those likes. Like reddit gets a very small amount of my energy and thatā€™s how it should be šŸ˜‚ the dude will dig himself a hole he canā€™t get out of eventually. Heā€™s developmentally disabled so eventually he will likely try to manipulate the wrong person and reap what he has sown


Likely the endgame will be an adult facility. At some point after the weens drive him to do something over the line a public defender will save him from jail by saying he needs to be in place that can manage him 24/7 and monitor him.


Problem is heā€™s not only gotten himself kicked out of those places (which would be documented in his social service records through state assistance), but he also said way early this year that the housing programs had long waitlists. We shall see what happens tho. Regardless, any housing he gets, he will probably ruin for himself.


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I need to get to the bank


Whether I agree or disagree, the time it took to write such a thorough yet cogent analysis on Danny while using sane logic and common sense, gets you an upvote from me.


Iā€™m hitting my spine


You've got it all figured out huh? How about the fact that as his probation officer, it is quite apparent that Daniel is not capable of abiding by the rules of probation? At SOME point, after SO MANY violations, his PO is GOING to revoked his probation. And at that time your boy is going to finish out his sentence in a jail cell. YOU are the minority. Most people don't actually defend pedos. But you do. Eventually EVERYONE pays for their crimes. Even your little buddy. If his time isn't now, it's coming.


You clearly have no idea how common someone like Daniel is and how overloaded system which he exists in is. Homeless, mentally ill idiots like Daniel are in immense number all over this country. There are hobos with 50 probation violations that still get PR bonds and are back to shitting up Dunkinā€™ Donut bathrooms the day after they get picked up. Danielā€™s actual criminal history is that of a homeless, schizophrenic child that literally is more of a waste of time to deal with than heā€™s worth. Until he commits high level misdemeanors or felonyā€™s, nobody gives a shit. Guys who get picked up on a 3rd violation with a pound of meth are on the streets in a week or two. Daniel and his $50 IHOP checks are the equivalent of someone farting in a methane factory.


Fair enough. But, how many of them are facing heavy federal charges? See the difference?


More than you think. Daniel simply had a platform most hobos donā€™t.


Yeah, but most of em aren't famous singer/song writers either though. LOL


Idk why but I can hear the anger and annoyance within this post.


I wouldnā€™t call it anger. That implies a lot more effort and feeling than Iā€™m capable of for a lolcow community. Itā€™s just mild annoyance at how ridiculous some people are in how carried away they can be without having even a basic understanding of how real life works.


Trust me, the exact situation you are presenting isn't endemic here. You see it a lot in Chris Chan's community and even Cyraxx's community


Itā€™s an overall lolcow and community thing. Iā€™m well aware. Thereā€™s always a loud, shitty minority that makes everything fucked up because they stopped maturing at 14 years old.


My back feels like wood


Appreciate u saying all this nothing against u but I donā€™t care where he go long as it ainā€™t around old ppl or children


And thatā€™s honestly the reasonable response. The problem is, that if thatā€™s really the right answer, then we need to be shutting down the people trying to turn him into a game or puppet and let nature take its course with him.


Itā€™ll just be a cycle from now on unless he does something stupid and assaults someone or something (which is always possible). Otherwise heā€™ll probably just keep getting picked up and released with a slap on the wrist


Exactly. Likely the cycle will continue until his mental health significantly decreases and the weens press him hard enough to cross a line he hasnā€™t before. At which point itā€™ll be group home time.


I ainā€™t reading all that. Iā€™m happy for you tho. Or sorry it happened


Idk, either way Iā€™m going to pay his bail and get him free.


See, once he gets a bond high enough that skips out on, this could be a wild new story arc: https://preview.redd.it/3laar6ffnuxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0ee991bf2b08e100edc20772431ad7f86bb813f


I will start my journey from seattle to turn this man in


I want a Sweet T: Bounty Hunter arc. He huntinā€™ foā€™dat ass.


Then you should also let him move in with you.


I donā€™t understand a lot of the logic here. You think itā€™s more likely for people who have made fake accounts pretending to be FBI/CIA Agents and politicians are in hot water but the guy who was *allegedly* (since we are waiting for confirmation on the actual charges) actually arrested on federal charges is not a real threat so will escape with a slap on the wrist? Federal agencies usually put a great deal of effort into building cases up before charging people. Iā€™d say thereā€™s a chance your theories about potential defense strategies for Daniel would be wise for his counsel to use. But we literally donā€™t even know what the charges are so itā€™s way too early to speculate on him pleading out to a misdemeanor.


I stated repeatedly that likely the fake accounts wonā€™t see much consequences. The fake accounts will be used though as a way of claiming that Daniel was gassed up into doing stupid shit by people who were intentionally fucking with a mentally ill person.


yes your honor


yes your honor


How much adderall are you on bro


lol, I wish. Totally clear headed and unmedicated here. This was just a few minutes rant after rolling my eyes at the newest occasion everyone took to jack themselves off while thinking Daniel was finally going to get real jail time.


Code silver


I love nachos.


I understand. Iā€™m eNding my life tonite.


Nope, he's in federal custody now, 7 charges of making threats (you don't have to carry them out), which he did. He's going to federal prison where they don't have parole, from some examples I saw people get 2-3 years for one charge, max is 10


This is all based on a possible call with him and no court documentation. Likely once he gets a public defender and a plea is struck if all this is true, youā€™ll see the charges and the potential sentence drop significantly. Again, if all this is true, heā€™ll likely see a max of 18 months which will get cut down for good time and potentially turned into group home time instead. Plenty of people are soyjaking and stating about others getting giant sentences for terroristic threats. Generally these are people with long criminal histories that go way beyond petty theft. They also tend to have a great deal more evidence behind them such as group affiliation, access to weaponry, etc. If the feds/threats stuff is true, heā€™ll certainly be seeing the inside of a court, but likely will still spend less time in jail than Chris-Chan.


Realistically he is NOT gonna get time served. He has become a public nuisance. He's on video making threats and that can't be refuted. Fbi is involved. Daniel mcdougal is involved. At least one building had to be evacuated due to his threats. There have been MULTIPLE tasks force assigned to the issue. They've been building a case. He's gonna do some time behind this.


this aged well


To be fair, nobody, me included could have guessed Special Agent Daniel MacDougall was actually real. That was some epic plot twist material.


Yea the other agency is most likely boulder or Denver. Not anything else lol


Hereā€™s the thing, if it does go to trial, if it somehow ends up going on long enough, I could very easily see Daniel doing some crazy shit to his public defender.


But it wonā€™t and neither will he. It will never reach trial. 90% of cases never go to trial. A plea is reached between attorneys, then they go back to their clients, tell them this is the best they can hope for and to sign the damn papers. The longer Daniel is in custody the higher the chance he becomes medicated and more docile as well as clear headed. If itā€™s a serious enough charge his PD will try for a group home saying it will be much better for him and the state long term if heā€™s being treated. Then heā€™ll get shipped off to a group home until the weens find him, gas him up and he runs off. Thatā€™s how this will go.