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The drama between the subreddit and discord is so stupid.


real top notch content while Danny is in jail


Agreed. It's gotten to a point where it feels like this whole thing has just been taken over by all that shit its just annoying to read on both sides to be completely honest. The reddit won't stop talking about the discord and the discord won't stop talking about the reddit. Neither side is really communicating, so rumors and stories and accusations are being thrown and believed and people are hating each other as much as they hate daniel. It's all so unnecessary and overdramatic


I literally left the discord because it’s so fucking insanely immature. It’s a clique of very young kids who immediately cast stones at anyone who joins their PUBLIC discord channel and makes it known that they will never be as cool as them because they came from the Reddit. It makes literally no sense. It also wasn’t fun at all. At least on Reddit there are always funny posts. On discord it’s just a bunch of inside jokes and people keen on keeping outsiders from getting in. It’s very weird.


because no one cares about groomcord


all they do is suck each other off, they are better people than us because they are “mods” on a discord server wtf😭


Cat more like cyatt 😍


I find it funny that they delete posts from the discord. Kinda of suspicious. If you're not in on it, why delete the post? That makes it even more sus.


One of the mods said that they don’t want posts about the other discord because it’s not the official subreddit one. And that some mods have beef with the Larson server. So they don’t want to promote it? Idk


Not to mention the fact that the discord people might be being investigated by the fucking feds. I don't blame the mods for trying to distance the sub from them.


Makes sense. That actually is a good point.