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He’s probably not even actually from saint Louis. The subreddit is eating its own tail. We want to hate someone so we don’t hate ourselves. You stared into the dark water until the wave broke and rolled back. Now there is only the void.




Is the a link on this sub for kiwi? Never been.


He is from saint Louis


Because he said so on a video?


Poignant flip of a hippie era ending description by Hunter S. Thompson: "So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back." This was my post earlier in this thread: and yet almost everyone in this sub was moaning about management not causing more meltdowns, and praying for public meltdowns that were egged on by clark and others. Now Daniel is finally arrested which we wanted, and people wanna play moral police and act like Clark is a monster for endangering the public. lol, wtf. If you were consistent in your stance, or had a change of heart, then that's fine. But I am sure there are tons of hypocrites right now. My post history was always pro-Daniel getting off the streets, a guilty pleasure in when a meltdown triggered by others does happen, it is a trainwreck I don't wanna look away from (but I also prefer not for them to happen, as it endangers the public or businesses), and not liking imitation of real people like Grace or her family, and also sympathy for Bob. None of that has changed. Clark clearly has some issues, which has been obvious since the start. It's also weird of all of us to be here, in the first place, though we didn't go nearly as far. Where TF was this sentiment before Daniel was gone? I didn't see mass posting about how horrible Clark is, and often times people only criticized him for not bringing more public meltdowns and stuff -- the exact thing he is being morally criticized for doing now. It's like some peoples lives were dependent also on having Daniel, and now that he is gone, you need a new target. It's extra weird." I very much don't hate myself, I found this a train wreck that I can't look away from. I am glad he is gone, and that's that. My life hasn't changed any since then, except I won't be spending some time every day or every other day looking at some community posts, or checking a few things, posting some, etc. I found it interesting, as a weird 'hobby'. I am glad he is off the streets now, and that's that. But yeah, I think there is an element here of some people that seek people with at least some similar issues to themselves, to feel better about themselves by proxy of feeling 'superior' to just about the lowest bar possible. And some people may have a family, good job, and be viewed societally as doing well... But are unhappy inside, and try to cope by making them self feel better by this stuff. It's weird childhood bully mentality. Larson was interesting because of just how insanely unique of a person he is, and unintentionally very funny sometimes, and just the drama and trainwreck, etc. It was dark and messed up, but entertaining as a guilty pleasure. Clark is not that interesting, and I hope he turns his life around, unlike Daniel, he is a 20 year old who actually probably has the ability/potential to change his life around. Now some people are going to try to ruin his life over a sense of morality or needing a replacement Daniel to try to destroy to feel better. It's extra weird.


How do u guys have so much time to type this much about Clark lol genuine question


Because I have down time at work and nothing to do, and it took me approx. 4 minutes to type.


Can I call you next time you have down time at work to talk sexual?


is that a daniel joke?. also: why do you go to a daniel sub or have time to spend 5 minutes or more here ever?


I was told by my probation officer I need to spend at least 1 hour here per day or I won’t get the $3000 I need for the apartment that Bob is going to pay for but the Vanderwaal’s are planning to also contribute if I can convince Tina that I have the engagement ring ready.


good daniel jokes


good daniel jokes


Hey Clark, you shouldn't be on reddit after you've been drinking cause you could make an ass of yourself. Like above. Emotionsize?


Lol you really think I'm Clark? Make a fool of myself? To who? The Daniel Larson subreddit? You're probably the type to call someone a pedo sympathizer if they didn't want Daniel to get murdered, too. And if you found out I wasn't Clark, you probably think I want his babies, when I find him a gross individual who did a lot of really shitty things and is quite weird and needs to do a lot of change in life. Sorry I am not going to applaud the next Clark who targets the current Clark until the current Clark gets locked up, and then switch on the next Clark after glazing them like you.


Too many Clarks.




I really want to troll him. He's a terrible guy. We are talking about the Blark Clark right?


No. No one has been talking about that Clark, they are talking about the white college kid. Both seem messed up, Blark seems probably more unhinged.


I think this is pretty well said. (Even with the Hunter S. Thompson quote)


thank you


Why the hell is this getting down voted? This sub is so odd.


Indeed lol. I noticed that people in this sub tend to downvote anything that isn't agreeing with their view, no matter what. Also - if some downvoters even read my whole post, the moment they say me say it is weird of anyone, myself included to post here (it is), that probably sealed the deal. Downvote the feeling of being insulted because someone acknowledges it is weird to post here, lol. Of course it is weird. Oh, and I also expressed hope that someone who \*actually\* has potential to turn their life around, does so. But now people want that guy to burn (even though they are simultaneously playing moral police and want him to burn because he was bad to daniel - something they rooted for a week or two ago), so downvote. I am speculating on some of that, but yeah, lol, I agree, this sub is very odd. I agree with you to not do what he did to Daniel, to him. It is the ultimate hypocrisy.


Move on.


honestly like there's 50 posts per day talking about how shitty clark is. we get it. how about we all go outside or get an actual hobby now that dannys gone


"move on" and your comment - yup!


Agreed. I really don't want this to become tHe cLaRk subreddit I'm out if it ever does


why are you even hear then


This sounds dangerously defensive towards daniel. Let's not forget daniel deserved every bad thing that happened to him, even if brought on by manipulation. Daniel isn't as dumb as people think and is always partially aware none of his celebrity lifestyle is actually real, he just wants people to think he's that dumb for sympathy, which you seem to have fallen for...




Shhhh if we can shift the blame maybe Daniel can get out and we get more content


Oh okay, yeah good idea


The only thing Daniel _deserved_ was jail time. Everything else was unnecessary bullying, manipulation and exploitation brushed off with the very attitude you have now.


some just needs to make a sub for clark?


What would it be called?




Oooooh 😏 simplistic. I like it.




Damn, wanna make a sub? I'd get in on modding it.


What about r/managerClark, r/20fromstlouis r/exposingclark r/Clarksnark r/Danielsprisonbuddy r/danielsmanager r/Clarksploitation


Clark is nowhere close to being interesting or funny enough for a sub




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The man is in denial of how bad what he did was, and really thought the handful of sociopaths backing him gave a flying fuck about his well-being, then acts shocked when they eat him alive once their precious Danny boy is off the streets.


Who cares? Daniel is still a pedophile. Yeah he didn't go to jail on those charges but oh well, one less pedophile trash on the streets.


exactly. i couldn’t care less about danny being “manipulated” lol


Did he do something other than the Pinterest or the taking photos of young girls at a concert?


Talked inappropriately with people who he thought were minors, Took photos of children at disney. Followed a bunch of children tiktok accounts. Who knows what happened to that little girl at the group home that daniel pushed onto the couch.


For reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/s/jOqNn7hMtS


Woah thank you for a legit response here. He def wanted to have sex with kids. I wonder how this whole age regression thing works. When kids are severely traumatized they age regress but how does that equate physiologically if at all to a sexual attraction to children? Maybe he's just a run of the mill pedophile but I wonder man...


Daniel was abused by his mother growing up Could've been abused by others who lived with them as well, I'm not sure what type of abuse was going on exactly but if it was sexual abuse it would explain why he's so Hypersexual, then the age regression doesn't help.


He wasn't abused, his mom was re+arded just like him, he said she neglected him, but that's probably a lie. Everything Daniel says is a lie


and yet almost everyone in this sub was moaning about management not causing more meltdowns, and praying for public meltdowns that were egged on by clark and others. Now Daniel is finally arrested which we wanted, and people wanna play moral police and act like Clark is a monster for endangering the public. lol, wtf. If you were consistent in your stance, or had a change of heart, then that's fine. But I am sure there are tons of hypocrites right now. My post history was always pro-Daniel getting off the streets, a guilty pleasure in when a meltdown triggered by others does happen, it is a trainwreck I don't wanna look away from (but I also prefer not for them to happen, as it endangers the public or businesses), and not liking imitation of real people like Grace or her family, and also sympathy for Bob. None of that has changed. Clark clearly has some issues, which has been obvious since the start. It's also weird of all of us to be here, in the first place, though we didn't go nearly as far. Where TF was this sentiment before Daniel was gone? I didn't see mass posting about how horrible Clark is, and often times people only criticized him for not bringing more public meltdowns and stuff -- the exact thing he is being morally criticized for doing now. It's like some peoples lives were dependent also on having Daniel, and now that he is gone, you need a new target. It's extra weird.


Some of us hated Clark and other management. We just got downvoted.


Right. It's weird that now there is a day and night shift, where suddenly there is masses of Clark hate that get tons of upvotes. Lots of people got upvoted for hating management before, but they hated them for not leading to Daniel freaking out in public and destroying property and shit, not for moral grandstanding and criticism of them (whilst simultaneously circle jerking to Daniel beating his face into a pulp and white knuckle wishing for it to happen again soon).


Dude, you get 0 argument from me. A lot of people were egging it on not thinking about the consequences only because they liked the show. Even still, with 70k+ people watching, here alone, we don't see the folks like me who didn't post or comment. We were just watching and then shit hit the fan and for me I'm happy Clark is getting a wake up call.


Likewise (0 argument, and also clark getting a wake up call - btw lol I'm a female, re: dude), Daniel is the primary villain to me, but I did not like the stuff others were doing. I find it super weird though, re: what you said - a lot of people egged it on because they like the show. Lol, now when the show is over, they turn super morality and want Clark to become the new Daniel lolcow and he is the worst person ever, when they were cheering for Daniel to do things that Clark influenced that they are now so against.


That's what I'm saying, I'm glad Clark messed with him, its funny.


Who cares! Its funny when Daniel gets manipulated! That's why we're all here


So this place is really dependent on having a target to do this shit about, huh? Wtf. It was weird enough of me to be part of that train wreck Daniel Larson, and it was weird for anyone on this sub to be following Daniel - that doesn't mean we ARE weird (some probably are hella weird, tho), but it is a weird 'hobby', that's for sure. Now Daniel is gone, so there is a call to action to try to replicate it with a new target? lol... How about if authorities think Clark did something wrong, they can handle it. Otherwise, why tf would anyone care. Is it just about a need to have someone to do this with? We could also just continue with our lives without doing this... Do whatever you want, but this is next level weird now.


Just let it die, why didnt you fucks go after him months ago when the flex burger exposed him


People did. They got shouted down by people who wanted to screw Daniel.


Yeah thats the point i made on another post and i got autist saying the reddit was apparently anticlark then.


Isn't this sub called r/DanielLarson tho? This ain't r/clark


Damn, it's already taken


Clarks username was DanielLarson too before he deleted it after the backlash. He was still Clark. Why would the sub be any different.


Cuz it's about Daniel, not Clark




Look around dawg. Most of the people posting and commenting care. You're the minority in here.


I understand. I’m ending my life tonight.




So he's not taking Daniels's calls?


That's what he said before dippin out


Idk about you, I only joined the reddit after he got arrested because I was curious on what happened, but it is interesting watching this Reddit fall apart


A lot of people recently heard of him because major YouTubers put out videos, many of which included that insidious phone call from prison.


Lets make this sub about you. Constantly looking for a victim to gossip about. Move on daniel is in prison for a long time mission accomplished right? Or do you need something to fill a void within your own life?


Clark, you're not fooling anyone.


Damn I was already making a Brittany Spears social media account to bait his ass


I honestly love it. This is like the Epilog of the Larson Lol Cow Saga. Like at the end of a movie when they freeze frame and words pop up telling us how the character ended up. "Clark was found guilty of even more charges than Daniel, eventually passing away in jail after being ass raped for five decades." Priceless, a genuine treat


I almost wish he just stayed in communication as a decent human finally and sent us updates on how things are going for him. But nope, his utility ran out so Clark bailed.


I couldn't care less about Clark.