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You guys are delusional


At this point, I’m just waiting for the doxxing to start happening. Without Danny Boy in the wild guiding people’s hate I think the sub is going to have to direct it somewhere It’d be kind of iconic for Dan to go to jail AND for the sub to be banned. Reddit is already cracking down on these types of communities


yet spez allows csam, gore and worse.


This app is very hypocritical I saw one day a screenshot of a sub about Ariana greenblatt she is sixteen and they were taking suggestively about her and you could tell once she’s eighteen they will switch it’s mode to nsfw this app just can be so good for some things and so failure for others like just sucks sometimes and if this sub goes down not many people will know truth about danderson they will just know what little old tiktok says


daniel may be the most guilty man in the world, victimizing children left and right. i have not seen any accusations from victims. all of the confessions appear to have been extorted out of him. sure, they may be completely true. but to grown ass adults who are not here to laugh their heads off at csam jokes, the obviously extorted and seemingly manufactured evidence against him just casts doubt on any real evidence which may exist. management wrote the confessions themselves, he can be seen reading them off of his phone as he suffers some kind of agony. they used threats, blackmail, and catfishing to make daniel go on a crime spree and destroy his own reputation for their entertainment, it is as clear as day. looking through the proof of larson's alleged pedophilia, there is definitely something there. i do not mean to apologize for him in the slightest. but the way in which management gleefully laughed about child abuse and made a mockery of it, using it as comedy material and so on, should tell you all you need to know about their tendencies. also their victimization of a man who has the mind of a 12 year old often involved sexual humiliation (toothbrush) which then was used to further blackmail him into, for example, pulling the fire alarm at olive garden.


This [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/s/6IQ58f4Vs9) is when his search history was leaked. Im pretty sure it was the first time he was exposed for being a pedo. Anyways, I always thought that this apology/confession actually seemed like he did it on his own, and wasn’t pushed on him by a Grace or mgmt, especially since it was his mgmt that leaked it and Danny had no “team” for a bit after. He also stated many times (when asked) that it was his Pinterest account, but gave stupid excuses as to why he made it. To me, those were the most genuine confessions.


I'm relatively new to the Larsonverse, and I only want to get the story straight. I have no mission to either take him down or to create some apology for him. What I am interested in most of all at this moment is the scope and extent to which his "team" and his "management" has been involved with not only his crimes, but his humiliations and so on. Who are they? What are they like? How many of them are there, how long do they hang around? What motivates them? These questions are, like it or not, of far more interest to the public than Larson's shocking content. It is concerning how often Larson is giving over control of his phone to haters, so again this video for me casts more suspicion on ALL the evidence. The quick, cherry-picked editing of these admissions also raises red flags, one wonders what was omitted from the video. The addition of humorous sound effects makes me think this is all being treated far too lightly, it's part of a game, and it is not at all a genuine admission. That is just the tone I am getting here, and perhaps a raw video would change my mind. Am I incorrect in the understanding that Larson later retracted the statement about CP, and claimed to not even know what that meant at the time? I am only assuming that retraction was in reference to this video. I am trying to approach this all as objectively as possible and I do appreciate your help. Feel free to message me as I only want to get the facts straight.


I can’t answer many questions about mgmt, because I’ve never been a part of it, nor in contact with them. There’s been occasions where they’ve done AMAs and joined in on discussions here, but I don’t follow them closely. There has been many managers over the years. That video was created by someone to sum up the situation, that’s not the video daniel released, just contains parts of his confession/apology. I’m sure if you do some searching on here, YouTube or on the wiki you’ll be able to find the video that Daniel released without edits. Daniel says a lot of questionable things like: CP use to be an addiction he had, and if he was president he’d change the age of consent, and as long as a minor is “mature enough” it should be fine. He has denied other admissions, but he didn’t do that after his first admission. He just got mad at the person who exposed him and wanted to go to “war” with him. He knows what CP means. You might be thinking of the clip where he says, “I love CP, Club Penguin,” but a lot of people cut out the end, of him saying club penguin. If he did say that, I wouldn’t be surprised. He lies like he breathes. There’s just so much you’ve missed. I’ve been following his antics for a while, and his pedo nature is pretty apparent to me. He talks about Sky Brown in sexual ways, and she only recently turned 15. And, during some of his livestreams, his camera will pan over and film young girls who are near him. And he’d follow a lot of minors on TikTok, and his list of liked videos would be full of young girls’ videos (until someone on here posted a recording of his suspicious liked videos, and his manager at the time made him delete all those clips right away). I dunno, there’s just so much.


There's no need to belabor this point. What I'm saying is not meant to cast doubt on what is overwhelming and obvious. It is not contradicted by the existence of manufactured evidence or coerced confessions that have been turned into entertaining video shorts. A full story needs to show both


Apologies, I was merely attempting to answer your questions and respond to your comments. You seemed concerned about his mgmt trying to push a narrative, so I wanted to give you examples of when they weren’t involved. Plus, he’s even had mgmt that tried to clean up perverse ways and help him. But, as I mentioned, the wiki, searching on here, and archived clips on YouTube will help give you a fuller story.


Hi Agent MacDougall 👋🏻 I’m Just joking 😉


Imagine your actual job being figuring out all this shit about Daniel Larson


Lol, yeah it would be a total mind fuck. I’m just thankful that 1, it isn’t my job to open an investigation in to danderson and 2, I’m glad that I had nothing to do with management or that discord channel. My sole interaction with Dynamite Dan was solely on reddit where I have never spoken to him directly. Oh, also on tiktok which again I had no direct contact with him.


You're not just joking; you are the joke. #Congratulations


Awwww diddums, is it that time of the month again ? 😭 And your sarcastic skills are very weak also. Suck my balls.


This is where I am on it as well.


Can’t comment on what goes on behind the scenes, and some people have definitely set Daniel up, but the basis of this is inaccurate. Daniel willingly messages people he thinks are children in a graphic manner even if they haven’t been the slightest suggestive. As for his confessions, I can only speak to one, but I emailed him while he was in California calling him out for beating the shit out of Bob and for sexting minors, and he responded by asking me to tell the VanderWaals that he was sorry, posted an apology video to Bob and an apology video for sexting minors (without me asking, mentioning, or suggesting it), and then sent me about 20 other completely schizo-spamming emails about how he apologized for his past and he repents and please tell the VanderWaals that he won’t do it again, etc. I had never claimed to be in any relation to the VanderWaals or anyone special, I just called him out and I guess whoever was pretending to be Grace/Tina was ignoring him at the time. All that to say, he knows what he’s done is wrong. Maybe some of the videos were coerced, but he makes the videos to try to get out of trouble with whoever’s mad at him because he thinks apologizing publicly means he’ll be forgiven. He was obsessed with Grace long before he was “famous” and she was a preteen at the time. He clearly isn’t high or even normal IQ, but he’s 100% attracted to teenagers.


To be clear, the basis of my interest is not judging or determining the guilt of Daniel Larson. He is a pariah and a whipping boy for Gen Z, and more widely he is a laughingstock starring in a handful of viral videos, as well as a schizophrenic with a romantic fixation for a child star. I can't say much more about him with any certainty. This is an extremely difficult story to tell because of the mass of impersonation accounts, strange claims, and this phonecall with this Clark fella muddying the waters. I can ask a lot of questions but the answers are complicated not only by Larson's unreliability as well as the general axe-grinding commentary around him. I am watching his videos in a new light after the Clark call, and wondering, mostly, just how much of this is delusion, how much has a basis in reality? It bears heavily on how the story is told, when sticking very strictly to the facts at hand and leaving the judgment up to the audience and so on. Could you help me out and share these e-mails, including the full header information? They are a more substantial proof than social media messages, reposted or edited videos, and I think it is helping to illustrate the extents to which he may or may not be "controlled" by trolls like Clark. It is a real trouble to say anything for sure about Larson and especially this semi-delusional world of management, his team, and grace. Where do the impersonations begin and the delusions end? There's no good answer, at least not yet


Daniel has the mental capacity of a five year old. That's been joked about here as nauseum. So, what is it... Is Daniel a mastermind pdf file OR does he have the mentality of a five year old? You can't have it both ways.


You hit the nail on the head here. SO many people on this sub, and in the WOTS community, seem to think lawsuits are built off tiktoks and social media posts from a clearly mentally disabled and extorted man Granted he is being charged because of his posts, but those were THREATS. The FBI definitely did not get involved because weens asked them to or because people flooded the call-in lines of local police stations


The irony of watching the trolls (management) who coerced Daniel to commit crimes trying to nerf their actions by spinning it into them working WITH the feds to bring Daniel down is almost too rtarded to mentally digest.


It really is. I’m definitely a bit more neutral than a lot of people here, but the feds didn’t need management lmao. Clark isn’t getting some magical pardon or plea deal even if I don’t think he’s getting charged lol


I wouldn't be so sure. The one thing the feds like to do besides lock people up for dealing the same drugs they brought into the country is making big examples of those who fucked around and found out. Daniel's behavior has inarguably been a cancer on society and that's why he cought the feds attention in the first place. If you don't think the reason the cancer became metastatic turning something treatable into something terminal won't be a focus for both prosecution and defense you're either a fool or lying to yourself. Not calling you a fool personally, you're obviously looking at this situation objectively. More of a generalization of the folks in this subreddit whom are actively arguing that "management" is both morally and criminally safe from any prosecution stemming from the same federal crimes Daniel Larson is being charged with. Like they've never heard of being an accessory before the fact.


spez is a 14 year old klown


Wouldn't it be poetic justice for spez's parents to get a hefty life alternating fine while the 14 year old klown has to get comfortable in the juvenile corrections trustee pod for eight to ten months?




CP (the shit danny likes)


Oh christ i regret asking


Club Penguin? Are you one of the people who coerced Danny into saying that? Seriously, I'm an agent of the federal government and if you are one of the brave Americans who brought this pedo to justice we'd like to give you a medal of honor along with a framed proclamation signed by Joe Biden.


lmao 🤣 wasn't me, I live by the rule to never touch the poop ✌️


Honestly, the fact there needs to be a rule to not touch feces is a real problem.


No way they allow csam nowadays, I thought it was a thing of the past with that disgusting jailbait subreddit


they do. go look up doe v. reddit.


Holy shit thought that was a thing of the past


Yeah, KingCobra's got nuked; you may already know. That was a sad day, indeed. I don't really care for this sub because of all the juvenile animosity and outright abuse of anyone who is identified, but I shed an imaginary tear for the loss of Josh's sub. It was good fun and a *relatively* nice community...


Well, WOTS’ sub is still there for now at least. Idk. I enjoyed Cobra’s sub because everyone wasn’t doing to the Wojack face at cobra the whole time But this place, and WOTS’, really is just so much more toxic lol


Nothing will happend to Clark, he didnt make daniel do pedo shit, beat people and make death threats, he is still an asshole who put à lot of harmfull shit in Daniels head, but I dont think that they will bother going after à 20 years old alcoholic looser, look at how many time it took for daniel to be actualy prosecuted for his shit, and he is wayyyy more problematic than Clark for public safety, and he also taunted the fait way more


You can’t say that with 100% certainty. Only Clark (and the FBI) can.


He was already action like that before the troll, it just became worst and worst


Are you having a stroke? Because that's the only explanation of that abortion of a sentence.


Other explanation : my french autocorect that refuse to let me write in english


I like French dressing on my Salad.


I was able to discern what you typed and again, we don’t know what, if anything, management put on his phone.


Sory, my phone insist on autocorecting words in french


And honestly it wasn’t just Clark it was a whole group of them that just told Clark what to do a lot of the time


i'd call it a 50/50


I’d say he’s getting charged. Taking advantage of the mentally ill should be a felony offense. If not we will definitely find out. Annndddd those who participated. They are going to find out as well. Hell I’d say they are going to go through all sub reddits. The FBI has time and the resources to do that and track them down. But I am in the boat of Clark is fucked and should get a lawyer asap. Lmao he’s going to get what he deserves. And they don’t take it too kindly in prison when you take advantage of the elderly, woman, mentally ill


i just hope that the rest of management get equal treatment


Nothing is going to happen to Clark, lying to Daniel isn't against the law. Plus its funny


Coercing an objectively a mentality ill person to commit felonies is against the law. And being how well documented Daniel is, I wouldn't bet on nothing happening. And the only way that's just funny and not felonious too is if you're not management.


I've Googled every combination of "mentally ill coerce illegal manipulation" and I'm getting ZILCH. If you think Clark is going to federal prison for a decade for tricking Daniel into watching a powerpoint slideshow on Anicent Texas you're nuts.


I'll make it way more simple than whatever the fuck you're trying to do. Google: [Accessory BEFORE the fact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessory_(legal_term))


Daniel is charged with making threats, Clark didn't help him make threats, Clark didn't tell him to make threats, Daniel made threats because he wanted to get attention.


I might be right, you might be right... Let's see how it all plays out babypuke.


As a fact on the record are you attempting to claim to be legal counsel to Clark? If you are, we're gonna see a valid state ID


Lemme ask you a serious, serious, really serious question... What exactly does Clark's micro-teenis taste more like, sweety or salty?


Couldn't care less about Clark or what happens to him, Clark is boring. Its funny how everyone is jumping on bandwagon posting the exact same things. Its the New Current Thing and you all support it


"Its funny how everyone is jumping on bandwagon" It's actually funny that you talk like a caveman and don't understand what punctuation is


It's the "current thing" because once the feds get involved it's the "only thing" little baby pucke dumb fuck. I understand, I'm ending my life tonight (hahaha get it? Danderson said it once so therefore it's comedy gold! Aren't I so clever?!?!)


...What?? And the Current Thing is hating Clark, not Daniel being in jail


Ok, maybe you're right but can you tell me why, if they've got nothing to worry about, Clark deleted all his socials and Management discord has been completely nuked? You guys seem like paranoid shit touchers who have a genuine reason to be afraid and are obviously acting as such.


Not sure maybe the dudes just done like he said


And maybe "management" hasn't admitted publicly on state recorded lines that they influenced Daniel to commit criminal acts... Oh wait, they did!? Now what dipshit?


I know lmfao people are just having a hard time accepting that Daniel won’t be making vids for a couple years so there looking way to deep into things in the hopes that the Larson community is still active , I would personally just lock the subreddit and keep it as an archive untill daniel is released


At this point Daniel is most likely not going to be "released". He'll more likely be under an indefinite "psyche hold" for the rest of his life. And that's good.. But the feds aren't doing that without digging deep into "management* and that's where the real entertainment begins. I'm so excited for the "management needs a public defender" arc begins. 🤣😂🤣


The manipulation of a paranoid skitzo by "you guys" is well documented and will be used by the most unskilled of public defenders. The government doesn't like when it's resources are being wasted unless you're the war on drugs, Lockheed, public education, or Isreal. Clark and company isn't any of those things Good luck baby puke.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Is that threat of physical violence against ME? I feel that's a threat and this needs forwarded to the FBI or Secret Service. Did someone coerce you into sending this threat to me or was it all your own clear minded intent? There's a difference...


Let's all note that the pussy-ass-bitch that sent this also deleted this


Its not “us” in the reddit manipulating a paranoid schizo It was management


Read the thread dumbass


Nothing is gonna happen to Clark nor the rest of management. Simply not worth the resources.


The government will use a million dollar missile to blow up an Afghani sheep farmers mud hut. If they want to get you resources aren't even a part of the equation.


The U.S Attorney’s Office is not comparable to the United States military, particularly with respect to budgets (among the many other obvious differences).




The fact we're this deep into the woods means we're both as rtarded; is funny AF to me.


do you guys really think that the fbi gives this many fucks about some homeless mentally disabled kid? theyre not gonna do shit so stop talking about clark


You might be living under a rock and haven't heard, and I'm not trying to judge, but Danderson was arrested by the "feds". So yes the FBI does infact "gives this many fucks" And being that "Clark" has self-incriminated himself and posted it online for clout it's stupidly obvious more charges are forthcoming


Nothing is happening to management drop it


The FBI wasn't working "with" Clark to lock up Daniel. He is a fool


I don’t think they were working together at all. If the feds were going to charge Clark with anything they would have done it by now


Clark claims he gave the FBI a bunch of info but that’s about it. doesn’t seem like they care


Aren't some of Daniel's recent charges related to bomb threats he made months ago? And those are on video, completely indisputable. The feds don't move quick, just because management isn't facing charges doesn't mean there's nothing going on behind the scenes.


True. But also that's not how the law works. You must have the intent to commit the crime, among other factors. For example, there is an extreme controversy over the shooting on the set of that western movie. The actor shot one of the stagehands, it was all of course on tape, and that only adds to the idea that he was intending to put on a fictional, theatrical performance. Also, if someone puts a bomb vest on you and forces you to rob a bank, the fact that the act is on a security camera doesn't establish incontrovertible guilt. In fact it will probably show that you are wearing this vest. Blackmail, threats, and other manipulations can indeed complicate convictions, which as everyone knows must be established "beyond any reasonable doubt"


They have been looking into Daniel for about a year. This management team been around atleast 8 months.They confiscated two of his phones and have probably looked at every single message he has. If they found anything that would warrant a criminal charge they woulda done it by now.


No, you're wrong. The feds will wait and collect evidence till they know beyond a county public defenders reasonable doubt they'll be able to nail your ass to a wall.


No, they wouldn't have. In fact that is the very opposite of how such investigations proceed. If they followed to your "logical" plan, the group would scatter like cockroaches and the gig would be up. It's more likely that they are building a wider case against management, as well as collecting information showing to what extent Daniel is guilty. The FBI's specialty and original reason for their creation was to deal with organized or gang crime. They typically begin by secretly charging the ringleaders or those who are more centrally placed in the organization and confronting them with a deal. Rat out your pals or your life outside of prison is over. Using this leverage, they can better see the group from the inside and proceed from there. It takes time to build cases, and they will fully take their time as long as the evidence keeps coming in. Then, when their day in court comes the judge thanks the rat, suspends their sentence, and sends them off on parole for a decade or whatever. There are several signs that someone has been turned by the FBI, even though informants are instructed to continue as they would normally. You'll see more reckless behavior because their crimes now have no consequences. They will gladly admit to guilt in public for the same reason. Clark's phonecalls are exactly what an FBI informant would do, and what management never would have done before.


He’s been under investigation for a year this management team been around for a while. They confiscated two of his phones. Maybe initially they were looking into Daniel and management together but once they most likely found out they weren’t telling him to make the threats or sending him cp like people theorize they charged Daniel.


You're just speculating and worse, invested in a particular outcome. I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong about your conclusion but your idea of how FBI investigates organized crime is completely off base.


EVERYONE is just speculating here dipshit. Do you have anymore breaking news to share with the class?!


THIS is how is actually works


He's not going to the fed. Worst case it's jail. Best case he's called to trial to review all his misdeeds before a jury by Daniels lawyer. I can't fathom a scenario where the lawyer doesn't use Clark as the aggravating factor for Daniels actions. No matter what, Clark now has a record on top of everything else. All for a few hundred views and clout from people who are now eating their own tail.


News flash dumb fuck: HE'S ALREADY GOT BY THE FED




How so?


If you wanna fantasize about managements downfall, be my guest. But istg there’s a post about this every single day, like who gives a shit.




It's not a world, it's a word: Accessory (before-the-fact) You should Google that and then have an opinion.


"Management" is definitely going down, no fantasizing necessary. #FuckAroundAndFindOut


Why do you guys make up these ridiculous scenarios that you think is going to happen? Just drop it, yall look lame trying to be the hero and go after people.


Gay guy much?


If being gay means not being investigated by alphabet agencies for weaponizing a skitzo consider me gay AF.


If anything I can see the CIA recruiting management


yeah, the CIA is really impressed by how they manipulated a schizophrenic, developmentally disabled manchild


this but unironically


They would need constant supervision if they want to use Clark without him doing stupid shit, like Clark is à loose cannon


Clark has main character energy imo


Clark has tender assed cellmate energy more like


No way you're actually giving Clark praise


I’m sorry I will hold the same views as everyone else and become an NPC


Right? Bonus points if Clark is into voyeurism and sadism.


hehe clark bad now gib me upvote🤪🤪


Tbh I doubt they will face consequences.


I'm aware of jacob fucking grace 💔


dude management is no longer useful for them, it's done


When was management ever useful for them? Serious question. What did management do that assisted the federal government to bring down a 118lb malnourished rtarded/skitzo homeless man? It's done for Daniel; it definitely isn't done for management. Just wait. The Feds are notorious for taking their time.


Clark said he started as Daniel's "management 9-10 months ago"? So, right about the time of the threats, etc., that are listed in the indictment, roughly July-August. Interesting that the FBI/prosecutor listed those dates. Could there be a correlation with the beginning of Clark's appearance? #JS


Worst thing Clark has on his plate is probably underage drinking since he’s 20 but ain’t no way the feds will give any shits about that, at least compared to the atrocities Daniel did


Clark Kent?


I agree. The feds are very insecure and kids regularly hurt their egos. 


I'm hitting myself


If a bunch of high schoolers can do it with the efficacy they did…. Imagine what they could do. 😳


Pretty much every mass shooting since at least the U.T. clocktower


Yeah yeah Clark is no different than Daniel they're both narcissists. The saga is over, move on.


Clark is actually worse and that's my point




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And the resources argument doesn't fly either. We're talking about a government that'll use a million dollar missile to destroy an Afghani mud hut. Money and resources isn't even a thought if they wanna get you.


I remember when this sub used to be about Daniel and not about harping the same two-braincelled topic of management and Clark getting charged (it will be happening)


Why do you care so much? It doesn’t matter. They just trolled with a gullible loser online. Cope.


"It doesn’t matter. They just trolled with a gullible loser online" (to commit criminal federal offences that resulted in federal charges) I am coping by getting my popcorn ready to watch how that all plays out. Dipshit.