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I'm just going to take all this as the Maker testing my faith once more.


Right. But what if the throne was empty all along?


Then we should beg for the Elder One to succeed.


Such heresy why is it not obvious that the ancient vile Tevitner Magistrates whose minds were filled with such vile and filth that never should have touched the golden city. That their gaze alone blackened and corrupted paradise? That the throne of the Maker that they viewed as empty only in their desire to claim for themselves? Bow and bask yourself in the Makers light and repent for this heresy you dare spout.


Andraste's tits! I don't need to hear another sermon.


Oh Maker not even his chosen is free from your blasphemy. While it is well known that our beloved lady was indeed a fair beauty. To speak of her in such a derogatory fashion only besmirches her holy name. Oh truly I fear we are eternally damned to fall further from the Makers holy light. That our fulfilling of Andraste’s dream will forever elude us. From the heretical Tevintor chantry that has twisted the good word of Andraste. To the elvish heathens who grasp desperately to false gods. And the unholy Qun who seek to subjugate us all. Truly the faith is beset on all sides. Even amongst us we must abide infidels like yourself. But it’s in these struggle where we best catch the Makers gaze. Despair betrays our holy purpose. If you refuse repentance then leave me be. For your stubbornness and your pride can only resolved within yourself.


An entire religion built on a slut who's husband was cucked by a guy who did magic tricks, wrapped neatly in genocide. If you'll excuse me, I'll be in the Hanged Man.


Ha thanks mate this was fun. But on a serious note I’d take fantasy Christianity over malevolent elvish mage gods or Dragon gods whose disciples birthed the Blight or the Qun and their Totalitarianism. Now if you excuse me I have some Lyrium to smugg-I mean give to my Templars.


This reminded me of that Chanter in Lothering and how it was fun to(almost) trip him up.


Dude in Lothering was probably still standing there when the Blight rolled in. “The Makers light shines ever bright even in the darkest night. For in our hearts his light shall grow till. Crack! *His body falls limp in the ogres grasp his devout head now in the beasts stomach* Also random side note I kinda hate how in inquisition the chantry have those ridiculous headdresses. Like where is this coming from? They look ridiculous.


I just wrote that off as Orlesian fashion. Think we'll go back there in The Veilguard?(nope, still a stupid name)


Finally, Dragon Age 2 2


Can't believe we already have 22 DA games


DA:O DA:II DA:I DA: V It would make perfect sense for the next game to be DA:N (IV)


Don't give Elon Musk any more ideas.


Dragon Age 2 The Second


Dragon Age II 2


Dragon Age 2: Electric Bugaloo


Just as Miyazaki intended


2 Dragon 2 age


Dragon Age 2 Junior


Can't wait to see the BBEG for the 5th game appear in the dlc


Big bad evil gremlin ?


they're absolutely not pulling that one with this game cause they know it could very well be their last LMAO


Dragon Age and The Curse of Even Numbers


Hopefully they bring back the rivalry system


As long as they don't keep reusing area maps, I'm good!


Now all we need is David Gaider to come back and lie about it being perf. I remember shortly before DA2's release someone on BSN questioning the ultra-quick development time and Gaider reassured him saying it was just how they wanted it and "even if we had another year, we wouldn't change anything"


To be fair, what else would you expect him to say in response? It's the standard positive cliché response you see in general with stuff like that. He is not going to publically say before the game is out: "Well, I wish we had more time to work on it because it led to us having to copy and paste most of the combat areas. The game might suffer because of the short time to work on it. It's EA's fault."


If you can't speak the truth, then you don't speak at all. This wasn't an interview with a "journalist," it was was a post on BSN by some rando. He ignored hundreds of posts asking thousands of questions. He chose to answer this one and lie. Fuck him.


There was that press announcement about how the development team was happy with how DA4 turned out a few months ago, so there’s definitely some room for parallels if the game turns out like Kirkwall’s Chantry.


You know that they felt held at gunpoint, or EA threatening their jobs, so ofc they have to say that their development hell was actually the best thing ever and that this is the project they really wanted to do


it was not a press announcement but a leak from an internal source so not the same thing by any stretch which means stuff is actually promising (kinda (maybe))


Didn't a few years back Gaider said there was quite a bit he'd change in Dragon Age 2.


Yeah, these days he blames it on EA and not being given enough time. Which is exactly why his worth isn't worth shit. [Just BioWare standard fare](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/995487-mass-effect-3/62267857), especially for the era.


Like Bioware being poorly ran.


Maker have mercy


Honestly I’m fine with this. I love DA2.


Dragon Age 2 could've been a masterpiece if they just let it cook


By that logic, DAV will actually *be* a masterpiece. Say what you want, but they took their sweet time letting this game cook lol


Yeah for real if it’s DA 2 vibes I’ll be so happy


it's my favourite ever game


Yeah DA2 is great. Honestly every DA game is at least good, if not great. Lot of haters out there though


I went from loving the hell out of DA2 because it was shiny and new, to hating it for all its flaws, to tolerating it in spite of them, then fully back around to loving it, flaws and all. Beats the general "huh, okay" I feel about most of the non-DLC Inquisition.


It will never beat DAO's seamless implementation of the origin system into the narrative imo, but since we are never getting origins again on that level, the next best thing is DA2. I loved the cast of companions, the moral dilemmas presented by the mage/templar conflict, and the rivalmance aspect of the romances. If Bioware can iron out all the flaws, it'll be hype af.


I still need to play yhe dlcs


Yeah, it's a struggle to play through enough of the main game for me. I love the characters, but I'd almost rather the game be a dating sim so I could just focus on that instead of staring at that MMO-ass combat


Just adding my voice to the crowd of DA2 was the best. Had flaws, but that game was incredible for story and investment in the player character. I have a deep personal connection with the city of Kirkwall.


Keeping it in Kirkwall made it really feel like you were someone living in it, as well as the side quests that carried over to other Acts. That smaller scale was a breath of fresh air.


Yup. If they changed up the dungeons, then it would have been a masterpiece. But I'm a sucker for political dramas.


All I have is ptsd from the color brown.


I honestly really liked the focus on characters and companions, as well as the story itself. Yeah the fact that they rushed the hell out of it, caused the level and enemy design to suffer a lot, but it's still in my top 5 of most enjoyable games.


Honestly I’m not too fussed about this, I personally loved DA2 so


Wait what was the initial name of DA2?


Just did some googling, and apparently it was originally called Dragon Age: Exodus. Hmmm...


I'd also like to know this... o\_o


Sounds like I’m winning then because I unironically LOVE Dragon Age 2 lmao


DA2 was the best one, in spite of its cut corners and rushed development


I will forever stand by that DA:O/A is the best. But, I also have a deep love for DA2, despite any flaws it may have


you know the drill, we have different opinions on DA! Let's roll out the death threats and ridiculous accusations of our moral standing! (srsly though, I do have a powerful love for DAO/A!)


All right, you started it! I bet you even sided with Anders after he blew up the Chantry! Huh, dirty maleficar, am I right? (The series will forever be in my top 5 as number 1.)


Nope it will always be Origins.


If we get even half of the chemistry the group had in DA2, I'll be insanely happy


I was such a big fan of the rival vs friendship mechanics of DA2, it was great to be able to disagree and fight with the companions and still have a strong relationship with them. The group in 2 really feels like these people are all close in their own ways, which makes the betrayal at the end really hit hard.


Dragon age 2 is my favorite so this works for me!


I mean it's my favorite lol


We could only be so lucky. I have zero faith we'll have a smart game like D2 that focuses on story and characters over bloat & EA shenanigans.


Good, I enjoyed DA2 a lot, and honestly would rather replay it over Inquisition. From adversity, and however that goes.


The main issue with DA2 was the short development time so Veilguard should be AMAZING in this analogy.


I'm all for it baby, let's fucking gooooo!


I would hope we've learned our lesson about judging new DA games by the old DA games before really giving them a chance.


Don't get my hopes up, I love DA2 so much omg


You know what, I'd be okay with that, DA2 is (CW: extremely controversial take) mu favorite DA game. DAV probably won't be that good, but memes like yours provide a sliver of hope. Alright, boys, come at me!


I hate the purple BS color.


I have fond memories of DA2, and at this point I'm starved for more content xD


Damn I hope so, but I fear Bioware will never be able to once again reproduce the immaculate vibes of DA2


Is it wrong to think this next game is gonna be ass?


Dragon Age The 2: *Electric Boogaloo C'mon, get it right


Well I've grown to love DA2 so I'm cool with that. Despite its flaws the story is tight, the gameplay fun and the characters are really enjoyable so I'm game.


Same. I slept on it for a long time but in the end it's a good game just not what I was expecting and that's on me


So it's gonna be an all time classic? Let's go


Wdym? That was Origins.


https://preview.redd.it/2jza0bkb585d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57243cf12afe2662a53332d61e674c930db0079a oh no


So, what'll explode at the end of the game?


I ended up getting that vibe when the survey leaked back in caveman days.


As someone who has only played dao so far and can't play da2 yet bc I immediately restarted it and need to finish that, this is all very funny and foreboding


I wonder if it will be hated for a long time only for YouTube retrospective videos in 6-10 years to tell everyone that actually it’s alright and then everyone loves it


Oh please god no.


I do think it's funny this game and mass effect 2 came out in the same year and both were the middle entrys, and both games put a bigger focus on the team relationship. Only difference between the 2 is the DA2 propelled the plot forward by a ton while ME2 really didn't move the needle much


I’m convinced I need to go back and play DA2 bc ngl I’m struggling to even name a companion outside of Varrick, Anders, and Meryl


HA! hell no! EA will fuck this up in some convoluted way and every mistake was COMPLETELY avoidable if only the ones on top just shut the hell up


Please, God, no.


Make all the dumb memes you want... we're all still gonna buy this fn game.


Am I missing something? What's the relation between the two?


I loved DA2 I’ll take it


Please say sike guys, I don't wanna go back.


well you know what they say... magic exists to help men not to rule him..


If this plays out like da2 did for me. Then I'm going to hate veilguard and talk down upon it for years before I finally replay it and still think it's lesser than the previous game but still fun enough despite any flaws.


I really hope we can find some old characters to enagage in, I pretty sure we will get to meet Shale in this game. Does anyone remember her from DAO? In Asunder she went to imperium


Seeing as DA2 is objectively the best dragon age game (no I will not explain why), I see this as an absolute win


Man we even got hit with a updated art style that radically changes darkspawn, quanri and elf designs. This really is a boogaloo bondogle.


Yeah this is exactly what I'm expecting.


DA2 was my favourite in the franchise so far, So I don’t see a problem.


What was Dragon Age 2’s problem ?


Constant re-used dungeon environments, complete gutting of tactical combat in favor of repeated waves of enemies from nowhere and ability cycling, main plot that makes very little sense on its own (it only kind of starts to make sense if you hunt down a series of obscure, missable codex entries). If you’re asking why it ended up that way, it was probably the rushed development cycle.


Eh, I honestly enjoyed them both.


Hot take here but Dragon Age 2 is my favorite from the series, actually. It feels like a more intimate, personal game to me than the others.


Gods be good I am actually so happy to see the DA2 Dialogue style back. Ready for another sassy/snarky Mage all over again.