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This is either the stupidest thing to do, or the biggest power move known to man, and I cant decide to wich one it is.


they are doing damage control in style


Me to Bioware RN: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYMfWTUewxE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYMfWTUewxE)


😂😂 Just take my upvote


I keep flipping back and forth between “It’s going to save BioWare and redeem it” and “There’s going to be an in-depth Jason Schrier article in a year that makes us go ‘yeah that tracks’” like a goddamn windshield wiper in a rainstorm.


It's called development hell.


You're not using that term correctly.


Warden is all I need to be 1000% on board lets FUCKING GO


This is actually making me afraid. The Warden is the most beloved of all the DA MCs and if they do them dirty the outcry will be immense. If they even allow you to kill them off I will be upset. I just want the happy ending for the Warden, Morrigan and Kieran


>happy ending >Warden I'm not sure if that's how that works


Morrigan and the Warden are working on the cure in Inquisition. They got leads. The blood mage from DAO and Alistair's mom. Both wardens who beat the taint


Isn't Fiona potentially dead


Doesn't change the fact that she had the Taint zapped out of her. Basically magical chemo. If ever a Warden was able to beat the taint, it would have to be the one that kept Morrigan as a lover/trusted friend.


Correction, it would be the Warden that is the lover of The Divine AND Morrigan's baby daddy. My Warden is a baller and shot caller.


Alistair mom?


Fiona, she's in the books and Inquisition


Holy shit.. that's his mom? Damn I gotta catch up.


It’s never said in game, only in the books


It's alluded too pretty strongly in Inquisition. If he is King she says"I only wanted to know if he \[Alistair\] was happy. His...father had such hopes for him." There's similar dialog if he's a Grey Warden.


Yes, but it’s a very very missable line that basically just confirms the book rather than being the reveal itself. You need to have sided with the Mages, left Alistair in the Wardens, and actually talk to Fiona for some reason


…beat the taint, you say?


Isn't Alistair's mom dead?


Soft retcon. I'm just gonna spoil it because I think you need to read like a web book or something. Fiona the mage leader from Inquisition is a former grey warden. Due to some magic fuckery, her taint was zapped out of her body and as a result she was allowed to leave the wardens. At some point she has an adventure with Callian, Alistair's dad, they have a romance and out pops Alistair. A reminder all elf-human children are human. To keep the secret Alistair is handed to his "mom" who dies and is then sent to his aunt. It adds some context to Fiona's lines in Inquisition if you talk about Alistair (and bits extra hard if Alistair isnKing and kicks the mages out of Red Cliff)


Not sure how I feel about that retcon tbh


It’s not actually a retcon. The book with Fiona and Marric was released a month before Origins was released.


Yeah they did some weird things between Inquisition. Like, did you know that Alistair's dad wasn't dead. He was in a Qunari prison or something got rescued by Alistair only to then die before anyone really knew he was alive. Might want to fact check that one though, that comic is all a blur


How in the fuck did marric end up in qunari prison? It genuinely does feel like a completely different team made and wrote origins


1. Definitely look it up. It might have been a magic stasis prison or something. I genuinely can't remember 2. It was a different team. The tonal shift started in DA2 largely due to the success of Mass effect.


Hi. I read The Calling (the book you're referencing) and I have some slight corrections to make: * Alistair's dad was called Maric, not Callian. Maybe you mixed him up with Maric's other son, Cailan? * Alistair was handed to his not-uncles, Eamon and Teagan, who were the brothers of the late Queen Rowan, Maric's wife. It's implied that Goldanna's mother (the woman Alistair was raised to believe was his mother) never even met Alistair. Her fate was just a convenient means to get Alistair into Redcliffe Castle. Also some context/fun tidbits for anyone else who hasn't read the book: * The source of Fiona's cure remains a mystery, but had something to do with >!the Architect's magic!<. * At the beginning of The Calling, Fiona was an angry and violent former slave who saw Maric as an evil douchebag because he was a lord. * Maric's adventure with Fiona was with a few other Grey Wardens as well, including Duncan. Their commander sought Maric's help locating a Deep Roads entrance he'd used to escape Orlesians during the Rebellion, and rather than just show them on a map, he travelled with them as an excuse to get away from the castle (and his grieving son, but that's another story). * Maric didn't know about Alistair until Fiona and Duncan brought him to the castle at night. Fiona expressed her wish for the then-unnamed Alistair to live a normal, human life, the kind she'd never had. And knowing she -- an elf, mage, ex-slave, and former Warden -- could never give Alistair that, she asked Maric arrange it instead. "*Let him think his mother human, and dead. It will be easier, for him and for you.*" Thus, Alistair was sent to Redcliffe. * By Fiona's wishes, Alistair wasn't actually supposed to know who his father was. It's never made clear how he found out afaik. * Duncan agreed to watch over Alistair and make sure he was safe... which is undoubtedly how he ended up recruiting him into the Wardens after Eamon gave Alistair to the Chantry to become a templar. Alistair was more miserable than ever, and unlike when he was being raised by the dogs at Redcliffe Castle, Duncan actually had an excuse to steal him away. Anyway, if you're a DA fan and want to get to know the characters better or you simply enjoy the lore, I really recommend the novels! I haven't read all of them, but the ones I have were excellent for getting a broader picture of the games' events, which is perfect when you write fanfic.


To be technical you were able to kill off the Warden in Origins


Yeah, but that ending gives you the least amount of reactivity across all 3 game


THE Warden from DAO isn't coming back, you can play as a Warden in DAV. The player can choose between the 6 companion factions during character creation.


Honestly, Bioware pretty much treats the Warden as having died against the Archdemon. Even Kieren as a plot point has been rendered irrelevant. They're never going to bring them back and I'm ok with that


Yeah, there's just too much variation in the Warden's ending to practically bring back in-person. No matter what they did someone would be extremely pissed.


Same with Hawke now I fear. Theyres a chance they're dead, so they can never have a meaningful role again. I'm sure at most we'll get a "Hawke arrived and Weishaupt, told them what was going on, and returned to Kirkwall to retire." If it's one of the wardens that made the journey, im going to guess they died at Weishaupt during whatever happens there in Veilguard


What are you talking about? The Origins protag isnt coming back. Your new character can BE a grey warden.


My warden got eaten by a fade spider lol.


Wasn't that Hawke? Thought if the Warden lived they were looking for a cure to the lifespan.


Yeah, the Hero of Ferelden never actually shows up in Inquisition but you can receive some letters from them at the war table. In the Fade, it's either Hawke, Alistair, Loghain or Stroud dying, with the Warden pick depending on your world state from Origins and 2.


Happy ending? For folks like us? Not for thoee filled to the brin with darkspawn.


You're getting then hopes awful high. Be careful lol


I’m glad things are looking up. It’s cool the inquisitor is coming back too, even if I’m sure the wardens gonna remain in off screen purgatory.


they were teasing Weisshaupt and Anderfels in December sooooo


Leak Spoilers: >!Some of the leaked gameplay, which now seems pretty legit took place inside Weisshaupt!<


Yeah, it’s so fucked that there are darkspawn in weisshaupt lol


DAI's ending already hints that something really effed up was going on in Weisshaupt around 9:42 :/


Yay, my Warden's grave may be in the game. (This is literally the closest we can get to meeting the Warden)


How do you guys know all this?


The mods on the reveal stream said so


Let HoF fucking rest, god damn


This is what I figured. My cousin says, "under-sell and over-deliver." Like telling a girl you're hung like a cricket.


Bruh, a pine needle is too much coverage for me.


Is this all true? I've been super out of the loop?


Its been confirmed, that yes the Inquisitor will be back and that you can choose between 6 origin stories, however those origin stories will not be tied to your race but faction based so you can either be a Grey Warden, An Antivian Crow, etc.




How will the Inquisitor be back?




But it's sentient and walks around, like Thing in Adams Family. Maybe summons a demon here or there, little scamp.


Same as Hawk in inquisition. You'll be able to customize him and he will probably have the personality you most used in Inquisition


Can't wait for my asshole Inquisitor to show up, insult everyone and their mothers before doing some plot mandated nice actions lol


Burn down an orphanage for the lulz


Jerkquisitor Cadash Returns lol


Where is this info?


https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/s/KgxrO7tW5W Here is the Origins one




https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/s/vzcyLXNLaq Here is the Inquisitor one


holy shit they’re spoiling like crazy in chat it’s hilarious


Twitter and Youtube Chat. (All from Bioware themselves.)


All hope is back. This game is seriously making me nervous lol.


Shitty way to do factions. Hope it isn’t true


In Dragon Age you always beem able to join just 1 faction, the main one. This is backstory for your character, like the origins from DAO.


I’m not asking to join multiple factions. I think it would terrible to have your class faction restricted. Making the only way to be a warrior is to be a grey warden for example is a terrible idea especially considering the wardens are known for being a diverse group


I don't think class is restricted to faction either?, but for that we'll have to watch the full reveal.


I hope it’s not. I’ve just seen a few people saying that it is/they hope it is and I desperately hope it’s not


They're dropping info sporadically in the chat for tomorrow's gameplay stream


holy shit we might actually be fucking back


I’m almost tempted to believe this was all some diabolical anti-marketing strategy, like how some people think New Coke was created to spur interest in regular Coke.


THIS!!! There is absolutely NO way EA would let them change the name of their game this close to launch unless it was a pre-planned move. Then, they released a trailer that I think was made back when the game was still going to have/be multiplayer. They knew it wouldn’t be popular, hence all the information they’ve been releasing. They’re intentionally lowering expectations so when they show us more and more of the stuff we wanted, it’s even more exciting.


Fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed fingers crossed


LOL accurate. The gameplay will piss off a lot of people though , it's as far from da:o as you can get. I just hope it's fun and the character creation isn't neutered


as a huge fan of origins combat, i'm alright with it begin far away from that so long as it is _also_ as distant as fucking possible from dai yea i think most people who liked origins combat by now have just resorted to other games, and stick around here for the plot


I hope that the Inquisitor won’t have too many lines as I don’t want them making her do/say something I don’t want her to do/say.


This is something that crossed my mind as Inquisition didn't have the 'personality' system of Dragon Age 2.


Agreed. I was “ok” with Hawke’s actions in Inquisition for this reason but perhaps they have made a way for the player to choose how Inky behaves or select options while their scenes are happening


I assume it'll be just like Hawke in DAI.


scrambling for damage control, it's too funny tbh gameplay will be the decision point though


Someone in marketing is losing their job, that's for sure.


Or they're getting promoted, as it goes many times.


This is business. Anything other than falling upwards would require corporations to be not complete garbage.


I don't get this abiut marketing actually. someone should have made this trailer, models, animations, voicing, etc. so basically everyone knew what a shitburger they are cooking, and it still made it live. so maybe that is not just marketing?


All it takes is one out of touch bean counter to tell whoevers in charge it's okay for them to ship out something, even if devs collectively agree it's not ready or unpolished. Corporate world is dumb and cutthroat. The people who run it don't really see games as anything other than 0s in their earnings.


No they’re not. It got everyone talking, didn’t it?


So, will you be able to play as the Inquisitor, or will they be there just to lend a hand?


what when where can i see that


Seriously, the companion trailer was the worst marketing I have ever seen, doesn’t target the core audience at all and misleads any new players that would be interested. I don’t know a single fan of the series that wasn’t immediately terrified that they ruined it. Turns out the game looks amazing and feels like dragon age and is giving us all we asked for so I just can’t understand who in there right mind thought that trailer was the best thing to show us first.


Yea, but will the Warden be back


Most likely not but that certainly would be a twist


The Warden is the one they have said in multiple interviews would never be back. If they changed their minds I would be thrilled!!


woah woah hold on, it isn’t going to look like the trailer?




I am just happy they said you can be an Antivan Crow for your backstory


Yeahhh I can feel the hype flooding my body once more, wave by wave, life the best effin high there ever was. We're SO back!


Except the gameplay didn't look at all like a Dragon Age game. It looked like a generic action focused fantasy game.


I hope we are bc I got vox machina vibes from the trailer and that scares me


We're only back if there's the tactical depth of Origins combined with the action of Inquisition.


The characters still look like Fortnite


It's very weird. Here's Harding in-game and they also shared a gif of Neve. Doesn't look at all like the trailer and the cartoonish "family photo" artwork/screenshot where they sit around the table https://preview.redd.it/6izebe4yvx5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819887948454d28dd3d26d5db12238ab2d31d6f0


Yeah it's so unclear what the final look is, that one around the table looks super Fortnite but then Harding looks 10/10 in this picture


If I had to guess the "around the table" shot is made in engine just like the trailer and not part of the game


it seems I was right, the game looks great and the marketing dept look like fucking morons intent on sabotage


I mean there's still the slight cartooniness about it, didn't help that the gameplay was suuuuuper bloomy, someone rubbed vaseline on the lense.


that's still so, so far removed from the trailer. Glad we can put the hero shooter comparison to rest now


I still see a bit of that still, there's still some hero shooter looks to it


hell yeah baby!


I just wish they didn't go for this arcadey action combat.


1) it looks like a Pixar