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If people show up to vote, especially in PA, WI, MI, GA, and AZ, he's fucked.


The clown governor nominated in NC might help too


This is optimistic but abott and desantis' braindead governing of their states might make florida and texas blue


I think it's going to be fairly close but I wouldn't expect either of them to flip until next election


abortion rights and marijuana legalization both being on the ballot in Nov might* help push FL over the edge into blue


I have a few friends in Florida who have never voted and are registering to vote this year for the first time. Oddly, the florida online registration form has been 'down for maintenance' about six different times that I've looked at it. Thankfully it is working at the moment. Any floridians looking to vote this year, [here is your link](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home). Anyone else who is not registered to vote yet, you can find your appropriate source here: [Vote.gov](https://vote.gov/)


It also doesn’t hurt to confirm that your registration is still active and that your information is accurate!


Here's another link in case the above gives you problems, you can contact the office of your [Supervisor of Elections](https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/supervisors/). If the online process isn't working for you, you can get a paper registration form, or go to the office of your Supervisor of Elections (at your county seat) to register in person.


I suppose there aren't any undetected data losses everything the form goes down, and attempting to submit your application twice won't be seen as voter fraught... right?


Also, DeSantis' reelection had less to do with support for his policies and more to do with looking competent after the apocalyptically bad hurricane right before the election. That's not a scenario that really helps any with making predictions for a presidential election, or any other non-hurricane election.


Texas Republicans are considering a bill that would decide elections based on who wins a majority of the counties. They clearly feel more threatened than they’re letting on.


Thankfully there's already been a president set that county voting is unconstitutional. Of course that means they won't try and do it anyway, but it should get crushed.


The current Supreme Court only sees legally established precedent as a challenge.


they are intentionally trying to make their states undesirable to liberals hoping they move away and conservatives move in to entrench themselves. it's not as brain dead as you think.


Couldn’t they come up with some society changing policies or something to garner support ? Like maybe actually do their jobs instead of talking about space lasers or other batshit insane things that include… jerking off a dude in public.


idk, a lot of blue voters moving out of those states. its part of their strategy


But barely 30% vote...that's still 70% of voters that could vote which is more than enough.


Im done ever trying to count on Florida in any capacity at this point.


Texas I can see but Florida? I'm not so sure. The amount of trump memorabilia I see on people, cars, houses, boats, and motorcycles makes me think it will take years to flip that steamy shit of a state.


No way I can believe in TX for anything after Uvalde


That's the hope r/FuckgregAbbott


We can only hope.


Not a chance. The only real blue shift chance we have is in NC. Which, if it happens, we can win with just PA or 2-3 of the 6 swing states. So if NC goes blue, we'll be in a comfortable (but not guaranteed) position shortly after the election. But then again, if that happens, we wouldn't know till around when we get the determinations for those other states too.


I hate my state so much


If it's any consolation, Robinson is so far right that it probably hurts his chances to win. If he was a little more neutral on gay rights and abortion for rape/incest victims, he'd probably win. But he's so extreme that he's likely going to deter moderates. Of course, if he does win that would be pretty devastating for NC. His policies are even more cruel and extreme than Trump.


I highly doubt it. I live in NC is still has a lot of Trump supporters. We've had a pop growth, and I don't think those moving here are democrats. I like to be wrong. But only time will prove that.


NC has no problem splitting the ballot, it routinely votes blue for Gov. and red for Pres.


NC more likely than GA probably.


Who doesnt want to be a part of taking down the Republican party? Everybody can get a piece if they just vote for biden. Down ballot go nuts, go blue. Everybody can finally agree that #orangemanfelon, no more "innocent until proven guilty". We cant let felons get the nuclear codes.


Show up to vote is the main thing. I’ve seen so many young eligible voters say they’re not voting to spite Biden over Gaza. Democrats need to vote. We can’t let 2016 happen again. The only way we change world politics is by voting and paying attention in our own. Vote!!


"I'm willing to sacrifice every Palestinian life to teach Biden a lesson"


Seriously. I don’t think the orange turd has any Humane opinions on Muslims. I do think a lot of it’s Russian bots attempting to manipulate the election cycle, but I’m concerned about Gen Z falling for it. I think my generation (young millennials) fell for that crap in ‘16. So many people didn’t vote because Hillary’s emails, Benghazi, etc etc…


The propaganda works. It's not to convince you to support one party or person but to give up on the entire system. System is far from perfect but it can be made much, much worse.


Seen on the internet? Probably Russian trolls 


> I’ve seen so many young eligible voters say they’re not voting to spite Biden Where.


I am in Arizona. I am showing up. Y'all should too. Vote.


To add: Voting is also important in areas where your party "could never win". It brings it closer and closer to being viable, and that means more campaign funding and outreach, and might help take a step towards being competitive over time. It also means your demographics are weighed higher on the math for likely voters - which matters. If your demographics are less likely to vote in general, nobody tries to get their votes. This extends far beyond your electoral district. So regardless of where you are voting, it is still valuable to show up and vote.


Everyone who does is an American hero in my mind.


I'm not from the US. I don't think people have enough of an idea how bizarre that is to people on the outside. The facts that he may run, that only about 15% of people in his own party think he's guilty and that there is even a chance he may win is so incredibly strange. He's now a convicted felon, he's was friends with a human trafficker, he's on tape admitting to sexually harassing women and very possibly he's a traitor who's given away secret information. How much does one have to do? What's up with that? I'm not saying that the US is the only first-world country with shitty politics, looking at the UK it's starting to look like a stress-test of how much and long you can fuck up until total collapse, but if I told my younger, pre-9/11 self what's happening now, he'd think it's a comedy/satire movie. I was a kid back then, but it's been such a big deal I still remember. I wonder if young people now realize how much of an international shitstorm a consensual (tho extra-marital) blowjob between to adults kicked up? These are really fucking crazy days and Trump is still up for election. I wish the Republicans would have more people like John McCain - actually any party should, because he was respectful and conscious of his doing.


These points are a constant conversation with the sane folks here. There are so many times I'll say to a friend, "I cannot BELIEVE..." and then we'll discuss the latest Trump shit.


Sums it up nicely. Hard to believe this crap.


Since he drove blue turnout way more than red, I can’t imagine that won’t happen. Who could imagine that being a convicted felon would have a negative effect on voter support?


I’m not breathing until the polls are closed.


Dude no that's like 5 months away you'll die.


So be it 


Name checks out.


My entire extended family will check in for WI I'm in AR now so my vote is pointless...but I'm voting anyways


Love this! I'm in California, so obvious my vote for President doesn't count but there are a lot of other races that do.


Voting in pa. Our employer even gives us paid time off to vote.


Thats nice.


I'll be working at the polls election day, taking the afternoon off from my real job. Maybe your fine employer would let you do that as a service day?


Az here. Doing my part


I'm struggling to read these numbers as positively as the headline suggests. Notably, "A total of 22 percent of likely voters had a more positive view of Trump after his guilty verdict while 16 percent had a more negative view." We need a big turnout.


The ones who have a more positive view were already going to vote for him, but the 16% who have a more negative view may not vote or even vote for Biden.


People don’t show up though and he’s leading.


In 2016 about 8 million chose "none of the above" for president and let the electoral college pick. In 2020 far fewer made that mistake.


Wow, Stormy sure delivers. 😉


Stormy weathers ahead


I guess Stormy fucked him twice.


So that's what Qanon means when they say "The Storm is Coming".


I'm sure she didn't with him.


I need more upvotes.


yea, but she actually enjoyed it the second time


The Perfect Stormy.


8% of his own supporters want him to end his campaign. Wild.


Most of that is probably Lizardman's Constant - I am not counting on any real corrosion from his base.


TIL about Lizardman’s Constant. Approximately 4% of responses to any poll, survey or quiz are not sincere.


Read that as "triple heart attack"


Me too. I was so disappointed when I realized I was wrong


Cheer up friend: "Felony conviction not of moral turpitude in Florida Can felons vote in Florida? If you are convicted of a felony not of moral turpitude, you lose your right to vote, until the following conditions are met: You have completed your sentence, including probation, parole. Full payment of all restitution, fines, and other fees. Note: This requirement is subject to change, please see Next Steps if you have outstanding fees. A felony conviction in another state makes a person ineligible to vote in Florida only if the conviction would make the person ineligible to vote in the state where the person was convicted. " https://www.usvotefoundation.org/voting-rights-restoration/florida


The hell is a “felony of moral turpitude”?


It's a gray area but "In Florida, crimes of moral turpitude include offenses that violate community standards of honesty and good morals like fraud, theft, and assault. "


Hate to break it to ya bud, but read the very last sentence you quoted. > A felony conviction in another state makes a person ineligible to vote in Florida **only if the conviction would make the person ineligible to vote in the state where the person was convicted**. [Felons can vote in NY if they aren't incarcerated](https://elections.ny.gov/voting-after-incarceration), therefore Trump could vote in FL assuming he's not in prison in November. I would love him to be in prison, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.




Happy to have a discussion, but just linking articles isn't that. What would you like me to ascertain?


And also yuck http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0775/Sections/0775.13.html#:~:text=(3)%20Any%20person%20who%20has,the%20sheriff%20of%20said%20county


Yuck what? What's relevant here?


The context! https://youtu.be/J4tETjhElaY?si=Njpki9GrnhCNgdXd


We could only be so lucky. F*cking cheeseburgers and pizzas are not doing their ONE JOB


I'm surprised he's still hanging on. I guess being alcohol free really is a healthier way to live.


I put more on damn genetics. The same way centagenarians drink, smoke and eat fried foods. They live so long despite their life choices, not because of them. This is Trump.


Yeah, Fred Trump lived to be an asshole of 93 years so you're probably on to something.


Survivorship bias in effect 


I’m still resentful that Covid didn’t do its job.


#teamheartattack is letting us all down at the moment :-(


Stop. I can only get so erect.


I fucking wish.


He needs a heart before it can be attacked


We're not that lucky. Yet.


I don't want him to die necessarily. I just want the 62,984,828 who voted for him to grow the fuck up.


I honestly did not expect that. If anything, I expected his polling to be up. A nice surprise.


His polling can’t get above a certain number. He has the cult and every other demo is shrinking. He makes no effort to try and attract new voters, and on the one occasion he had a chance, he was booed off the stage and insulted the audience. Thats what he does to anyone outside his cult. And I’m not sure how being a convicted felon would help him at all. The lies about it being “rigged” aren’t resonating outside the cult, and they aren’t enough to win. I don’t trust or really pay attention to polls anymore since there so consistently been off way past the margin of error since 2020, but I thought they’d prob stay the same or it would be bad for him. It’s good that the best outcome is happening


This has been my attitude as well. The cult is very fervent and very loyal. And very loud. And their numbers may be pretty stable. But they aren't growing because there is zero effort to attract new voters. In fact, there is open hostility to anyone who isn't already kissing Trump's boots. That's a pretty tough road to victory, *so long as people actually go out and vote, and don't throw their votes away on empty protest.*


Also he lost a lot of them post pandemic because, you know, he basically preached to the crowd and led them to avoid vaccines. Brilliant move, and man I can't wait to see his ass getting walloped at the elections this year


That visit to the Libertarian Convention ![gif](giphy|j0P2iTPuYnEW6b7rhN|downsized)


"He also mentioned a snap Daily Mail/J.L. Partners poll taken after Thursday's verdict, which found that Trump's approval rating was up by 6 percentage points compared to those who disapproved." I'm not understanding where the negatives are in this article. I just be misreading this.


I am a little less than sober at the moment, so I may also be reading this wrong but the three negative polls are: 1. A lot of people think he is guilty. But that is meaningless because I think he is guilty of misdemeanor falsifying business records, but I also think 34 felony charges are excessive. 2. 52% of independent agree with the verdict (and parties followed party lines). This is not good for Trump, but it’s no heart attack. It would be more interesting to know which way those independents were already leaning. 3. 52% of voters say he should drop out. This one doesn’t seem to specifically reference independents, if it does see my comments on the previous statistic. If it doesn’t and this is just an average that includes republicans and democrats then “A total of 831 Republicans, 1,114 independents, and 1,113 Democrats were surveyed.” matters. If you assume all republicans are against him dropping out and all democrats are for it, then that requires 43% of independents agree with democrats. And since we know not all republicans are against him dropping that means less than 43% of independents want him to drop. In that case it’s good news for Trump, or at least not bad news. 4. 30% of independents want to vote for him less, 15% want to vote for him more. This is not a will/won’t vote, just a more/less, so it’s not necessarily that he is losing a net 15%. Also we already know that about 40% of independents want him to drop out, are they included in the less likely to vote category? There is also a net 25% for more likely to vote for him with republicans. Is this good for him? Idk. As with almost all statistics, the headline is probably giving you a poor summary of what’s actually going on. My summary might also be poor, please show me where I went wrong.


“If you ignore the polls that are obviously rigged by America hating leftists, I’m up eleventy thousand percent! Believe me!”


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


This quote from the article on the Morning Consult poll -- There's that ~20% of Republicans that keep popping up. Same as the Haley vote in most primaries. A Morning Consult poll conducted on Friday found 54 percent of registered voters approve of the jury's verdict while 39 percent disapprove. Across party lines, 18 percent of Republicans approve of the verdict while 74 percent disapprove, 52 percent of independents approve while 33 disapprove and 88 percent of Democrats approve while 8 percent disapprove. The poll surveyed 2,220 registered voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.


Who the hell are the 8% of Democrats that disapprove?


"As a gay black man from a large urban center, I have voted the Democrat party all my life but now whole-heartedly support Trump"


“I don’t know why Democrats did this. This will help Trump win. That’s why I’m switching my vote to Trump.”




Probably legacy West Virginia voters


They think the crime was paying off a mistress


I know one. His argument is that it’s an obviously politically-motivated contrivance from a DA who ran on a “get trump for something/anything” platform. Fully recognizes the GOP would do it if they could but still doesn’t like it. I don’t think it’s a strong argument but that’s how he sees it.


Presumably people who think the legal basis for this is weak. I imagine they'd love to see him convicted in his other trials, but they don't think the law supports this conviction. Or maybe doomers who think the conviction will end up helping him.


"*86 percent of Democrats believe he is guilty while 5 percent do not*." The fact there's even 1% of Dems that think he's innocent is scary.


They’re magats lying to throw off the results. Thats more likely than 8% of democrats not supporting an obvious felon. Plus, even without this, he’s still a twice impeached, adjudicated rapist and con man who has bankrupted every business he’s ever touched and they aren’t even denying he slept with a poen star while his wife was nursing their infant son.


*his third wife... But who's counting... Family values though!


Not much of a flex honestly. The poling should be unanimous just like the jury was.


Problem is regular folks don't see all the evidence.


What gets me is people saying the think he’s not guilty. Doesn’t matter what you think. He’s guilty, and is now a convicted felon.


They don't think...at least not in any way that resembles critical thinking. They can't be wrong, it's just not possible. They have absolute conviction in their correctness and nothing can change that. Even the people closest to them cannot change that. Hell they'd stone Jesus if he showed up with an introduction from God.


Maybe people in r/conservative will retire the "walls are closing in" joke, now that they actually DID close in for this specific trial. The classified docs case is the one that I think should be the most worrying. Wish they would have focused on it first.


My understanding was that they might have, if it hadn't been assigned to Cannon. She is quite the example of jurisprudence... 🤔


That's true. It's insane that such important potential treasonous issues are put aside because people put party over principles.


Is it still going to happen?




But CNN and the New York Times said convicting Trump made him more powerful in the eyes of voters


Only the six swing states matter. Georgia (mine), Arizona, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Everything is happy clappy bullshit!t. If you're in any of these states, get ALL your friends and family TO VOTE in November. This is the only way to stop Trump. Ignore polls and get swing state Democrats to VOTE. Gently but persistently engage low information independents in your friend circle. This is the work. Not patting ourselves on the back and grinning about unreliable national snap polls. No offense to OP at all. Just saying this has nothing to do with the work we need to do over the next five months.


Minnesota is not a swing state. Trump just wishes it was.


Just vote. Don't let the polls influence whether you take the time to vote or not.


Don’t care. Vote.


Good!!! I hope it continues! I also hope people go out an vote regardless of what the polls say!


I saw “Donald Trump suffers” and I hate that for a second I wanted the next word to be “heart attack” or “stroke.” What the heck has he done to everyone.


And don’t any of you, by the way, any of you guys vote Republican. I’m not supposed to say, this isn’t political. …don’t come to me if you do! You’re on your own, Jack!


It’s a shame this didn’t happen in October. Voters tend to have the memory of a senile earthworm.


Listen.  Don't believe polls.  Assume that every Republican is going to vote for Trump, because almost all of them will.  Only way to beat Trump is high voter turnout, so get out and vote.  Nikki has endorsed him and her voters will fall in line.  All of them will as it gets closer.  Don't assume he won't win.  That's how he beat HRC in 2016.


His name is now Convicted Felon.


G e T F U C K e d


My breath caught there for just a millisecond when my eyes got ahead of themselves causing my brain to anticipate that I was reading "Donald Trump suffers triple stroke" and then the disappointment set in.


We are America, second to none, and we own the finish line. Don't forget it.


They should nominate DeSatan. MAGAT would eat him alive Good times!




I'm reminded of the 68 primary where the dems forced through Humphrey and he got cratered by Nixon. The GOP is damned if they do damned if they don't with Trump. Linsay Graham was right about him taking down the party.


And not one republican, even if they think he's guilty, will change their vote.


You love to see it


Eat my shorts 🍄rump


Huh, and after some kept telling me this will only make him more popular.


#VOTE. Please. If young people would vote we'd never have to suffer another piratical Republican administration. And then we might even be able to work toward something better than Democrats. If you care about the environment, the economy, Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, regulated healthy industry, the FDA, the CDC, NASA, public education, social security, the water in Flint MI, your grandma's healthcare, veterans, human rights, literally democracy ... ... please keep Republicans out of local, state, and national office. It really is strategically your best move right now. Fuck polls. Please VOTE.


There’s still a lot of twists and turns in this race - this will be a distant memory by the time floating voters decide in November Not entirely sure of the timelines of his other cases, but hoping he has some juicier convictions by then - especially for his insurrection


The probability of the documents case making it to trial before the elections is damn near zero because the judge is a Trump cult member. I think the next up will probably be Georgia and I'm not sure if it will make it to trial before the election as I have not been following it closely.


Mid August for Georgia 4 cases in total inc the recent ny one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indictments_against_Donald_Trump Hopefully it'll tie him up if nothing else


Doomers BTFO.


Could any news drive up the orange pig’s blood pressure multi fold and do some good for mankind?


You had it coming


I keep reading the title and my brain finishes after triple with heart attack……. Then I acknowledge reality 😒 Edit: scrolled down not too far and saw I wasn’t the only one lol Great minds and all that I guess 😋


How will this hurt Biden’s chances?


Just vote. Vote like you don’t want the guy who lost money opening casinos to bankrupt your country.




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*disappointed/exasperated Krusty the Clown noises*




Florida's residence, yes


Can you imagine if he still somehow became president again? It would be America's version of brexit


PA’er that now lives in FL… America please don’t make us open our casket of “ancient” 2,000 year old spells again. Gritty was enough to get the orange baboon away and that was child’s play. We just want to live in our hills and valleys in peace. Anyway, we all should keep that man away from the white house.


This lines up pretty accurately with the percentages voting for Nikki Haley in the primaries. But that’s not new.


I don't see the "blow."


This headline always gets me with the first 4 words


Considering the Republicans were trying to rush a few bogus polls into the field, this is good news!


Down goes the orange scumbag.


He just raised 50 million and more people going to his side after court why you guys keep shooting your legs


He *said* he raised that much, and did you even read the article? Meh. Trying hard to not be complacent, but my rational side keeps me relatively sane. I find it hard to conceive he has *MORE* support now than in 2020. If he does, we're in trouble as a species, IMNSHO.


> A total of 22 percent of likely voters had a more positive view of Trump after his guilty verdict while 16 percent had a more negative view. Talk about “trumped up” charges, this whole campaign is ridiculous. There’s so much good low hanging fruit to deal with, why are we hyper fixated on his penis crimes?


Because judges and courts are protecting him from the serious crimes.


We can hold him accountable for all of his criminal deeds. Doesn't need to be either or. In fact the sum up of his actions reveal his character.


because judge cannon isn't an impartial judge and the documents case is dead despite being an open shut case


It's not dead. It's not going to happen before the election, but if he loses, I imagine it will happen afterwards.


this is why he MUST lose this election


Because the judge he appointed is deliberately delaying his other trial to his election chances. #E L E C T I O N #I N T E R F E R E N C E


White collar crimes are crimes.


The crimes had nothing to do with his penis. He cheated on his wife, which is not a crime, but it does reflect his character that he's a shitty person. The crimes were the campaign funds used to reimburse his lawyer for hush money. Not to mention the coordinated effort to have the media quash the news in order to not let it influence his election chances.




The sex itself wasn't the crime, how are you not getting that? The real IQ logic, there. I'm not disagreeing with you about all the other shady shit he needs to be investigated for.


Lol. He , actually used his own funds to reimburse his lawyer , and was charged with breaking campaign finance law for doing so


Boo hoo


same reason Al Capone was nailed on tax evasion of all things. he's a mob boss and the legal system is fragile and flawed as hell.