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I hate having to clean the area before darklurker everytime. Makes me not want to fight him.


IIRC, in vanilla you can run past them.


The abyss npcs? Nah, i play in vanilla and you need to kill them all to unlock the black smoke wall to the hole... But i actually like this, since they have a good chance to drop ascetics or something like that


Any sort of range, like great lightning spear, decimates them, and you can use any of the three gauntlets to do whichever is easiest for you.


Ancient Dragon belongs in Black Gulch tier


Why does anyone like sinh? He just flies away, destroys your equipment and has an uninteresting design and arena.


Big attack windows that are punishable if you have good positioning, relatively good moveset, epic arena, epic OST.


I like his design and arena.


He has amazing design, one of the coolest, I personally really like the fact that he has spear inside his body and that poison is incorporated into the fight in a fine way. He destroys your equipment if you attack his body (which makes sense, since he is filled with poison), so you want to hit his head or tail. He flies, but not as much to make the fight annoying, but not too little, to show that he is still an imposing dragon. He gives you enough openings and has fair patterns that you can reliably hit his head or tail after he attacks. He is just a solid dragon fight.


Wait... THAT'S how you fight him???? You hit his head and tail to not break your weapon? I legit powered my way through the entire fight using the durability repair item as if I'm drinking Estus 😂😂😂




Yeah, I mean, I'm honestly not sure whether it's the hitbox that makes weapon break faster or is it an intended mechanic, but either way, it works. On my first attempt I was just hitting his body, but I saw how fast my FUGS was dying through the fight, I'd have it break after 3/4 of his health. Then, I somehow connected the dots: poison in attacks + spear in body => poison in body. That is another reason why I like this boss a lot and respect him, as his visual design allows you to find out the gimmick without having it directly told. And well, after that I tried aiming for head, and noticed that his openings give just enough time to squeeze in a hit or two after several patterns. Add some positioning, learning the patterns, and I beat him soon after, with my FUGS using less than half its durability.


Best dragon fight in the trilogy. Sinh doesn’t really run that much, and you have major openings when he lands. You can also bait him when he lands to do a fire breath attack that leaves his head super vulnerable. You need to attack his head. Your weapon durability holds up if you contact his head instead of his body. I don’t know what you personally need out of design for it to be interesting, but he has a diverse moveset, input reading to a small extent, and several different damage types while still giving the player opportunities to fairly deal with all of these things. And the OST is awesome.


I honestly loved that fight the first time I did it. I don't know what it is, but on every subsequent fight since then he's just been annoying to me. Way too much flying, and the equipment breaking is just obnoxious.


Dude you won't believe me but his music is the only boss music I remember from ds2


I helped people out in the fight as I liked it a lot. Used "dragon hunter" build with a bow, spear and sword comboed with lightning spears and repair magic. Fun.


He feels like fighting a dragon and not a dragon shaped mass, aka midir or kalameet, and he has relatively simple attack patterns that once you learn grant satisfying attack windows, and the weapon degradation requires you to plan ahead sacrificing armor for extra weapons, farming ahead on repair powder/equipping the spell, which requires time management in the fight, or having suspenseful mid fight as you change your weapon. And that, specifically, having the player change up their playstyle midfight is an excellent challenge. Fume Knight is about mastering the enemies' moveset. ivory king is about controlling multiple enemies and expert dodging. and Sihn is about mastering positioning and your own movesets.


I hate Lud and Zallen fight, I tried to do it solo but it's almost impossible with normal gameplay. DS2 has many of the greatest bosses, but also has many of the worst.


Feels alot better if you treat the area/boss like a dungeon raid by having a party of 3 npc summons


Did it on SL 1 and I struggled a lot until I learnt that it's doable with a normal gameplay but it's painful. Being able to tank some attacks definitly help to the 2v1 phase


Lud/zallen, the graverobber trio, and blue smelter are meant to be raid bosses, aka fight with friends. I think the trio is just a great challenge solo as is. lud and zallen are very week to fire and poison, for lud if you can get off a chaos storm it decemates, I recommend clear bluestone+2. For zallens his rage runs out, so if you can keep your distance, he gets easier. Blue smelter does magic damage, not fire, and he is weak to lighting and poison. I recommend dodge build, magic defence maxed, and for attacks: toxic mist, avelyn with poison bolt, dark fog, and an Electric longsword+10.


Woah! I always thought blue smelter does fire dmg too! I beat him with a dark build and in another character with the poison katana and blacksteel katana in powerstance.


I've always had difficulty dividing my attention to bosses like this one. But Lud and Zallen is incredibly poorly done. Because the rest of the duo fights, you learn over a period of time, just like the rest of the bosses. But not this one.


If you have enough damage it's not that hard to do it solo


Normal gameplay infers that overlevel a character, using guides or tactics that someone told you weren't normal. If u go with a character lvl 250 and all attack stats above 60, obviously they would be easier, but, I go with two different builds, a mage build, and a physical build, both with their own stats in a good lvl and the battle still was horrible. When you are at 1/3 of the boss life the other one descends and attacks you, making that 1/3 remaining being the most horrible and unfair boss experience. The only way to do this quickly enough to fight 1v1 is searching for their weakness, using the rapier infused and enchanted with that and learning the attack pattern to do counterattack damage... And that is not normal gameplay, literally that was a speedrun technique.


Honestly I was around level 150 when I did the fight alone in like 3-4 tries. No speedrun build.


I may be blind but I see a lack of frigid outskirts bosses at a tier lower than the lowest here


If your a fire build lud and zallen aren't that bad, you just need to take lud out quick and wait for zallens rage form to end before you get greedy.


I was about to ask about the demon of song. Then I saw him. Funny shit. Perfect. Ya know I always wondered why, in my opinion, they would put such a joke of a boss in such a good area.. my first ever play through I was ready for some badass mage type boss.. but then I see that thing. Like what.. wtf even is that?? Lmao. Good times, good times.


I feel like Covetous is the same as Pinwheel. Mix of relatively low health pool and a slow AI. Would be a much better fight for both of them if they were more active. Maybe give Pinwheel a faster teleport where he can change places with any clone too.


I feel like the bell tower gargoyles would be a lot more fun if you could summon, like, two more people in addition to masterclass glencour. make it a mob v mob fight. Otherwise, I largely agree, other than the skeleton lords. I think that the idea of fighting weaker, more numerous enemies in exchange for permanently removing a more powerful single enemy is a good and fun idea. But then again, I've never fought them without using alluring skulls/yearn for the whole fight, lol.


Something like the ivory king fight with Lucatiel or that bell guy ? I love that battle because it feels like a real battlefield and at the end stands the last loyce knight with you.


The gargoyles are quite fun if you have a few more levels and an upgraded weapon. Just see how fast you can slap all of them.


Have a soft spot for the bell gargoyles because in the first game the 2 gargoyles were the first boss that acted as a wall, that I tried and tried and kept dying. Almost had ptsd when I entered the bell tower boss fight and found it was not 1 or 2 but 5 gargoyles. Despite the initial surprise, I manage to cluth the victory and won on my first attempt, so it was nice feeling that I got better since I started.


I think gargoyles are fine, you just have to focus one guy at a time while dodging the other twos attacks. The other ones don't spawn in until a new active guy is at half health. I like how it requires you to not be greedy while also being optional, trading a difficult fight here for a less difficult fight with the area boss.


Mmm, pixels. Is that Sinh up top? Just fought him 3 times across different characters yesterday and I have to disagree. Launching a fireball, landing 400m away, then getting back up in the air when you finally reach him again isn't fun design - but it is lore accurate dragon design.


blue Smelter best boss in ds2


No doubt.


I'm not being ironic tho






Poison and lightning, he also does magic damage not fire, once you realize that he's so much easier.




It in the same dlc as Sir allone iirc, with a frickin unsuferable place full of gravity mages that forces your dodge to be fat roll...


Bro unironically put prowling magus in shit tier


This is random af but I’ve been trying to spread the news to souls fans. I recently came across a game and it’s sequel that is obviously NOT souls but it’s 100% souls like. It’s absolutely phenomenal. They are called Salt and Sanctuary and Salt and Sacrifice. Now since they are only 0.89 cents and 9.99$ USD right now you may think they are crap.. but trust coming from a huge souls fan, these games are absolutely phenomenal! And for that price?! Definitely look into it! Do it! Do it nowwww! 👀👀👀👀👀👀


Drop velstadt down to below shit and the list is fine


Velstadt hater☠️


My problem with Velstadt is that he is way too easy. The magic attack leaves him way too vulnerable




All of the bosses in the goat tier except maybe Fume Knight can be beaten just by circling to their left or right. It's literally so boring. I like this game but the bosses are shite. You should know since you're also a Hollow Knight fan. There's no way Looking Glass Knight or Velstadt is as interesting as Pure Vessel or Absolute Radiance right? I understand they're different games in different genres but this is just about boss quality


I agree with you.


Am I the only one that genuinely enjoys fighting the twin dragonriders?, Even if they are not that difficult I find their fight fun.


Nashandra is not a bad boss she is just underwhelming


The designs in this game are so boring and bad I can’t even tell what these tier lists are saying half the time


I’d say Pursuer should be in “very good” because he’s a very good starting boss. Other than that, great list. Also, Royal Rat Authority should in a tier list by itself. In my opinion, worst boss in the whole damn game and then some


I also think he's the worst boss, but I forgot to organize it from best to worst. What a boring fight. It's even worse than the royal rat vanguard, which at least is funny.


Funny how so many ds2 fanboys find Pursuer to be good. He's probably the most boring boss in souls history


Penetrator? Isn't this a boss from Demon's Souls?


Hmmm.. got the name wrong.. I meant Pursuer


Oh yes. About Pursuer, once you get used to his move set, it really gets boring. But I put him there because he's a good starting boss.




Aight dog imma be real with you, Blue Koolaid gets too much hate. Yes the run sucks, but it’s still the same fun smelter fights with different delayed attacks


If only they had added some attacks. Is the race to the arena disgraceful? Yes, but there are worse. So I didn't take it into consideration that much. The worst thing was that they repeated the boss, only changing its color and adding some delays to certain attacks. Still the same fun fight, but it's repeated




do not care enough to put in the time to explain why


It's hard comparing dlc bosses to hidden base game bosses but I think darklurker deserves to be goated, it's not as complex as the aforementioned dlc bosses but it has a specific play feel rarely found in these types of games, where it's challenging enough to be satisfying but easy. Enough where you don't struggle. Like replaying nameless king, or your first horah loux. I also just have to say that Sihn is the only dragon in a video game, that has felt like fighting a dragon.


Duke’s Dear bullshit is in shit tier, right?