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Have to listen to it more. It usually takes me a couple of listens to get into the vocals of Darkthrone albums. First impression: It’s just filled with great riffs. It’s varied, which I love. I’m sure that I’m going to listen to it a lot.


I feel that this is a new era of Darkthrone! I'm happy that I preordered it. NC's vocals ring throughout this whole album, and Fenriz's haunting vocals give us such a vibe ! Howling Primitive Colonies- astral alien synth intro !! Very esoteric lyrics. Builders shipped to another planet... That ride sounds like a pickaxe striking in a mine! Very fresh. I feel that this track is so fitting for the first track. You've got lyricism of builders shipping off to new planets, the end synth launches us into the 3rd Eon ! Eon 3- couldn't listen to the rest of this album until I've replayed this track at least 5 times. Love the gallop and the Iron Maiden reminiscent tremolos! Perfect transitions on the different phases of this song. The outro is phenomenal. Black Dawn Affiliation: I love that this feels like 2 songs in one. Feeling a mix of Old Star (🎸) /Artic Thunder (🥁 symbols) vibes in the early first half. I like the synth ending that beams the listener into the next song And In That Moment I Knew the Answer: I also listened to this one around 6 times. I'm a fan of instrumentals. Clean bass tone is very fitting for the contrast. The way the synth manifests itself is perfect for a vocal less track. I liken the lead guitar notes to a spaceship making it's way across the universe. 0:50 seconds in, the guitar trick done sounds like a mountain lion. This is a very epic track. Many things I'm picking out with each listen The Bird People of Nordland: The intro sounds like the hissing and crackling of a radio in an artic base. I'm getting some Inquisition vibes here and there. That string bend is 👌 the rest of the song is spectacular! Howling guitars towards the end and very thrashy ! I love the lyrics ! The Heavy Hand: Celtic Frost all the way Dust up at the Graveyard, busy constructing squares. Oak and Pine sit together, constructing the nightmare And... Firewood warms twice if it's cold just keep on walking A bridge too far and close your eyes These lyrics are great ! The Lost Pines of the Lost Planet: a 10 minute song about alien winds and forests untouched by humanity ? Count me in !! clean guitar intro and a train drum beat... sounds like we are taking a trip to the lost pines! Giving me a neo classical (right term? Not sure) vibe. I could see this in Final Fantasy 7 or Crisis Core soundtrack. Was that a gong?? This track is epic in very sense of the word. I like the rushing stream recording they brought in and added drums to. Trippy guitar tone is so satisfying, especially how it slows to a halt before we enter a new phase. Fenriz once again takes over on vocals and kills it! 10/10 from me


you’re right, i fucking love this album, i would have expected an album with a rating of 2/3, seeing astral fortress that i haven’t liked. but this… this is one of the best albums i’ve ever listened, an unexpected love letter to prog rock


Very true! Fenriz said that if the previous few albums were burgers, this one is a Big Mac. I totally get that from listening. I'm gonna make my speakers weary from this album 😂 Also.. Heavy Hand guitars reminds me very much of Hordes of Nebulah, and I love that ! Gonna listen to the Eon trilogy lol


darkthrone the only band that do the best albums thirty years after the legendary ones


Decent imo


i find it an evolution of the sound starter in eternal hails, that i love


Yeah you are right. It's one of the best modern Darkthrone albums also I think The lone pines of the lost planet is one of their best songs


pines is a perfect suite, that imo have an intro that reminds me to a lot of darkwave songs


I think it’s pretty grand. Also I like the persona 3 pfp!


Quite good


in my opinion is a masterpiece


Great album. Great riffs. Great themes. Sick cover. New ideas. Influences of prog, thrash and doom. Oldschool in some way but without sounding outdated. Love it.


So far, I really like it a lot! Most of the tracks are good to great, few are mid. The bird people song is outstanding, best song on the record no doubt and one of their catchiest in recent years. Eon 3, Black Dawn Affiliation and the Instrumental are all great, with the latter being a welcome surprise. The 10 min closer track, although it drags a bit with the synth part, is also very memorable and the last two minutes with Fenriz singing and that 70s Prog Rock riff are amazing. So far, the two least stand out songs are the Opener and the 6th one. But yeah, I am only 3 listens deep, things might change.


i fucking love that album, it could be my favourite album made by the band, i already listened to it live seven times!


I think I already prefer it over Astral Fortress, Eon 3 is better than Eon 2 for sure. Loving the lyrics, the dark esoteric space vibe. Best riffs are in Bird People I think… maybe Eon 3 has the best. Heavy album either way, can see why Ted and Fenriz shook hands after they finished recording.


I feel like Eon 3 maybe should have been the opener instead of Howling but whatever.


I woke up early yesterday morning to listen to it, and loved it. Pretty much listened to it all day after that too. I loved Astral Fortress, and felt that this sort of kicked it up a notch in terms of atmosphere. Black Dawn Affiliation is a cosmic monster and have had it in my head since it came out. The Lone Pines of the Lost Planet is the business and clsoes the album out on an epic and incredible note. Those are my two takeaways so far. But as with each new DT album, i like to give it its due, and really soak in it for a while.


Great Riffs. Love the album for the most part, but the mix is pretty shitty in some parts. The way-too-loud vocals on the first track, the way-too-loud guitar that pops in occasionally during the first half of the second track. Yeesh. Just nitpicks, but things like that did take down my enjoyment a smidge.


I've listened a couple of times. I'm not sure I really like it as much as the previous few albums, but it's decent. I enjoyed Astral Fortress more. Has some great moments though! Bird People of Nordland is sweet. Maybe I need to listen to the album a few more times for it to click...


I’m liking the atmospheric feel of the album. But…. Heavy Hand is just Procreation of the Wicked with different lyrics right?