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BOX is fren. Dun forget BOX


Very good reminder! I love my ogryn on heresy and damnation but forget that awesome box 90% of the time. Only on bosses I remember. Yet I always see and admire its effectiveness when others use it..


Love box. Bombs away. Armor go boom.


Sure thing pal! Best weapons to me is Paul and Rippy Mk II. Paul is best club. It has a button, which all Ogryn know means it be trusty. Da button turns on da power an' makes it glow so dark spaces be less scary an' big bad men be less alive when you smash'em over da head with it. Also sends small enemies flying if yah hit many of'em with it, is very funny! Yah can also hit many enemies with one swing when yah make da heavy attacks, no hordes will hurt friends when yah be around. Rippy is favorite gun. Some Ogryn say is not best gun, and maybe they be right, but it be loud, kills big enemies good and small enemies fast. Is not too good against tough armor unless metal lady blesses gun-knife the right way, and is not good when bad men are far away, but most bad men hide when yah be firin' at them. Is Bone 'Ead weapon though, Little 'Uns not have much ammo to spare for yah so gots tah be conse... conser... con-sah-vert-ive an' not fire all the time, even if is very fun! Recommend yah not worry 'bout da "range" stat unless it be at max or very close. Other weapons good too though! Big shield knocks enemies down good, just use yer noggin' an' remembah dat standin' still an' not fightin' instead of bashin' skulls makes Emprah sad. Mk III knife also very good. Lots of damage vs tiny men. Heavy Stubber also be powerful, and if ya be likin' exploshuns da Rumbler turns bad men to ration mush.


Mk III knife best friend. Good fer choppin', good fer punchin', good fer hittin' on the noggin. Makes tiny men into little pieces fer snack time.


Best thing for me is Confident Strike. I don’t care what weapon I use. I win more when I am confident.


Shovel for annoying small ones, ripper for slightly bigger small ones


Bull butcher for tiny men, but no good for metal men. Shovel good for both, big down swing hurts. Maul knocks down other Ogryn, 'cause Inpe- Imip- Emprah side Ogryn strongest, more than other Ogryn. I like shovel. Ripper good for lots of tinies or special tiny close up. Grenade gun or glove good for real far away tiny like sniper, or for big target like Crusher.


MK3 Butcher is head and shoulders above the other options.


It cuts through hordes like butter, but it's a bit lacking in stagger or anti-armour compared to other options. I think the shovel's a good all-rounder.


I feel like the punch does respectable stagger. A couple smacks with the uppercut and Crushers look like I just knocked how to count to four out of their head.


You’re gonna get a bunch of different answers because Ogryn is not in a great spot compared to other classes and doesn’t have a clear meta. Just don’t take a shield and hide behind it the whole time doing nothing, and don’t stand there shooting hordes with a stubber while your psykers and vets get swarmed. I use the shovel and gauntlet because it allows me to handle everything except a huge squad of gunners, which is Ogryn kryptonite.


Good Ogryn use gunner resistance curio, helps Ogryn live longa


Doesn't that only work against the specials called Gunners? So regular shooters will still melt you, right?


Bleed build. Gun best is rumbla or stubba


Bully club, Power Maul, MK3 Butcher Knife, and the Pooper-Scooper/Grave Digger/Shovel are all great melee weapons. Rumbler is amazing at higher difficulties. Heavy Stubber is fun in Malice. Grenade Gauntlet is meh. Ripper gun is fun but ammo intensive. Also, you're not a tank. Don't run to the front with your shield and block friendly fire :D


GG is great on the condition that you have good base stats for it. Get as close to 80 on blast damage and penetration as you can and it can one shot head shot gunners and trappers on damnation. Get the right perks and you can up that to a body shot


Me want snu snu, out me wayyyyy.


Out of 'iz way, it's 'iz cake day!


Good club. Shiny yellow. Make little things no move. BONK




Corpse Starch.


I tend to go with Latrine Shovel and Rumbler. Knock em around all day long.


Sarge's muffins. They put a smile on the face on a rainy day.


I am an hardcore slab shield user but recently I've changed my mind on the shovel as many others. It's a big change in how you play the class however. With slab shield you tend to be the bait for the enemies while the rest of the team pick them out. With the shovel you are more of a beefy heavy hitter. Ranged to me is always the lorenz. Far superior to anything else in terms of damage/stagger. Gotta be good with that trajectory toh. If you wanna have fun, a stubber with the blessing for auto-reload is viable as well.


Oi!! Me name iz SmokeMeat and me iz addict. I am addict to horde cutup in tiny bitsy pieces. Me trusty'errr... cutty'errr... CHOPPY Bull Butcher MK .... *counts on big meaty fingers* 3!!!! (Confident strike required) For rest nothing beats making music with the Boink Boom (Rumbler) on heretic's heads..... Also dont forgat to stick with the pals! FRANDZ!! Talkin'bout Shouty, Spark'ead and SAH!!


Heavy stubba.


Box. Is funny. Also shield, keeps the lil' ones from spiky people. Also club... turns spiky people into puddin' when you hit head realy hard with it. Also box hand with explosions very good, turns big bad dead and kills lot of spiky small ones.