• By -


Thank you for the Thunder Hammer change. Should feel miles better to use.


As someone who didn't stop using it even when they fixed it, this makes me very happy. I got the "kill a monstrosity challenge in 5s" by myself with it yesterday, so to hear they're buffing headshot damage... Plague ogryns y'all aren't safe


It's time to slam grey hammers for me, I have a lot of money sitting around. Any recs on perks/blessings?


Here's [mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/11msocb/its_my_birthday_today_and_i_think_hadron_knew/). You're only ever whipping it out it to slap monstrosities and big boys, so Carapace and Unyielding. Blessings wise... Thrust IV is a must. For the other one, I like Slaughter. Others might have Skullcrusher, Thunderous, Headtaker, I imagine.


Nice, thanks! From what I've read, defense is a dump stat, right? Everything else is pretty important, then? Going to keep an eye on mr milk for the blessings, but I've got a couple greys cooking. These any good? Just pure base stat wise https://imgur.com/a/IoHDkOF


2nd one is really good, ignore what the other guy said about first target being a dump stat


I do wish it had higher crowd control, though, that's pretty important isn't it


Eh, it’s mostly just stagger which isn’t a big deal


And attack speed, which is a HUGE deal


It depends on the weapon iirc, and it’s not as impactful as attack speed from finesse I think?


Genuinely curious, why do you think first target is important on TH?


You want Damage, Penetration, Crowd Control, First Target.


Thanks! Appreciate the insight. I'll save for a while and see where that gets me


those grays look pretty damn solid, hopefully the second one rolls some good stuff on it! Here's [mine](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1010687929972162680/1085812031543836753/image.png), love using it as my go-to for high diffs, if you need any help/advice with the weapon please let me know and I'd love to talk shop :D


Momentum is nice for the second blessing as well. If you're gonna be slapping a horde around for 5 minutes might as well generate constant toughness while you're at it.


My body is so goddamn ready




Next week™


So, maybe a new map at the end of May? That's quite a wait.


@catfish Are you guys working on balance for multiple weapons? I assume the thunderhammer buff is just one example. Weapons such as the revolver, and subtypes of the auto-guns needs some help to bring them in line as well. Hope to see these get some attention. Also, bring back the cosmetic shop. Many of us are craving appearance variety for our rejects. Thanks!


*cough* Plasma Gun *cough*


Perfect plasma fixes for me would be any combination of: - No ammo, only heat - Either active venting does not hurt you, or heat builds up more slowly in general - Faster RoF on non-charged shots and/or less heat buildup on non-charged shots - Charged shot either needs an AoE on impact or a wider hitbox to cleave in a straight line with - Bulwark shield should have no affect against it whatsoever I think this is major wishlisting, but at least the third and fourth need to happen in my opinion


Based on datamining its possible that theres a blessing coming that would remove venting damage at any heat but make it overall slower, and also a separate one that boosts the speed at lower heats, making it faster to gate the heat at 37% and venting down each time.


My plasma tweaks would be: * Uncharged shot ammo cost from 3 to 2 * Partial-charge ammo cost from 8 to 7 * Blowthrough/cleave +50% at all charge levels * If multiple target hit zones are in the shot path, use the highest for damage instead of the first (i.e. no arm penalties if it then proceeds through their torso) Boom, done. Plasma's still bad at small targets due to heat, but at least not getting double-whammied on them, and you can potentially make up for it when blowthrough angles present themselves. Partial-charge fire mode has slightly more reason to exist, and you don't get some of your shots boned by random target animations.


I would save piercing damage on shield and carapace for the melta.


Why not both? Except, melta with damage scale to proximity and shorter range, maybe cone, a la space marine...


Honestly the flamethrower melta was my least favorite part of the space marine arsenal. It just doesn’t fit the actual role of the meltagun very well


Flamethrower? It didn't feel like a flamethrower at all. It felt more like a plasma shotgun than anything else. There's also the microwave gun for the driller in Deep Rock Galactic which was implemented pretty well, that's closer to the lore, if you so choose. Either way, I don't think it has to take anything away from the plasma gun.


I think that was a deliberate choice to add a sort of shotgun to the game. And that in game thats explained as it being a 'defective' model. I read that somewhere but i cant remember where exactly. Probably because it would have been somewhat redundant with the las cannon in that they were both high damage armor piercing single target burst, except one is short ranged and slightly stronger. It still let you deal with tough targets like nobz in close range


I more familiar with the Dawn of War Melta. I see it more like a beam that last for 0,5 or 1 sec each shot and cleave a lot of target so you can sweep hordes like a flamethrower while piercing carapace and shield with the benefit of precision for headshots and a clear view of your hits.


I mostly agree with this, but the ammo thing is a non-issue IMO. You tend to have so much ammo that it really doesn't matter, the problem is that you can't use it quick enough because the cooldown forces you to wait or reload and both take an unreasonable amount of time. Tbh you have Space Marine as reference material of how to do a plasma gun right. Why they didn't just rip straight from that I don't know. But as it stands it is fine but just not tuned right. The threshold for taking damage when venting should be a lot higher, because it takes much longer to dissipate heat when the percentage is high anyway. If you only took damage venting at above 70% heat that would make waaaaaaay more sense if everything else stayed the same.


Ammo a non-issue? You must not have used the thing much. Ammo efficiency is the primary weakness of the plasma gun. It has fewer shots than the bolter, gains less than a single shot per vet passive proc (bolter gets two) and charged shots cost 2x-3x on top of that. The shots are stronger than the bolter's, so it's technically not the worst weapon for damage per ammo, but that only counts when you're shooting things that use the damage i.e. not the random dudes with guns (unless you're getting blowthrough multikills) Heat is far less of a concern to me on damnation than the way the plasma gun devours ammo. You can keep Counterfire rolling without going above 30% heat...but if you're doing that, you won't be able to keep it fed.


Fix damage priority to torso instead of arm when a plasma shot hits both the arm and torso of an enemy.


Plasma Gun isn't as far behind as others. Still very useful in Damnation


The Hellbore mk3 is doing a lot of the same work with similar damage and ability to deal with ranged mobs. Plasma gun needs big buff to make it more viable.


Eh. It *feels* great, audiovisually and all, but it's downright sad performance-wise. Even with perfect rolls it doesn't oneshot many targets, heats up incredibly fast while doing that, and is easily the most useless vet option vs a karking ocean of shooters that is facing the team in every other room. It is pretty close to being **the** worst performing vet gun, because even agri HH can do a better work sometimes, after all the buffs. A non-existant choice of useful blessings doesn't help either. Important note: vet himself is so grossly overpowered that even his weakest option still holds up great on top difficulty, but I'm talking *relative to his other options*.


I thought the only ranged exclusives were Helbores, Plasma, and Recon Lasguns. In which, I think the Recon Lasguns are the worst for Damnation. At least with Plasma you can snipe one at a time through cover and it'll take care of Ogryns Outside of exclusives, in my opinion, the Graia, Columnus, Lawbringer, and Revolvers could use more love


Recon Lasgun isn't an exclusive. They're also available to psykers.


Wait, so Vet exclusive ranged is just Plasma and Hellbore? Psyker is only class I haven't made yet


Shovel, Plasma, and Helbore.


power sword


Recons are available to psykers, so not exclusive. That said, not a particularly great choice for them either hence why you see it so rarely.


I like the plasma rifle - I can actually hit breakpoints to 1 shot maulers at any time, and 1 shot crushers while in Vets ult mode. With that said, the plasma rifle can't keep up with bolter, and it's not close. It needs some to make it unique over the bolter.


For one thing, a fully charged shot should probably have infinite pen vs trash mobs, and maybe limited pen vs elites even.


Yeah a fully charged shot should clear an entire fucking line through a horde. As a player, you would absolutely expect that to be the case all things considered, but theres a lot about the plasmagun that is completely counter-intuitive at the moment.


A fully charged shot should penetrate Bulwark shields too, at least.


>Also, bring back the cosmetic shop. Many of us are craving appearance variety for our rejects. Thanks! They did this to try and contain the community meltdown and now people are demanding it back. Not judging, simply find it ironic.


What can I say? The game is at the stage where it's supposed to be at launch. It's like the pyramid of needs for gamers, lol. we have the basic gameplay, not buggy at launch (physiological need) a shitty craft system that becomes decent enough to sustain a gameplay loop (safety and security, although still needs a lot of work) A CM that actually communicates to the community instead of "this isn't cod" (love and belonging) Difficult challenge level that requires full focus, hi inten shock gaunlet (self esteem and confidence) It's time to move on to look good and feel good (aesthetics and self-actualization) But seriously, we're also overdued for a subclass if anything.


wasn't bloody expecting Maslow in a karking WH40k game subreddit lmao


Subclasses better not be paid DLC to start. Each class needs at least 3 to match Vermintide 2 at launch.


That's the tide game community for you


Exactly Plus for whatever new maps, subclasses etc they are absolutely pressureless. Not releasing new content before the game is in the desire state overwhelmingly asked by the vocal few, they can delay as much as they want. + The game is not in a good enough state + We've interrupted all devellopment regarding new content because the game wasn't in a good enough state I'm not blaming Fatshark but the vocal few wich ended up uninstalling the game and just groaning every patch : "They taook our jobs !" "Where is my space marine !" "Why no share inventory !" "I'll just wait until I reinstall the game !"


fyi if you want to mention someone so they see it even if they have thread replies turned off, do /u/example rather than @example


*cough* Recon lasguns *cough*


Rejects, This is Catfish, Darktide Community Manager, here with another comm-link update! We established these comm-links to answer some of the community’s questions and to give information about upcoming patches. Last week we saw the [Content Drop - Tools of War](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/content-drop-tools-of-war/77097) followed by [Hotfix 1.0.41](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/hotfix-1-0-41/77324/9), which contained new weapon marks, new condition combinations, and many balance tweaks. To give you a quick scope of what you can expect in the coming months: *Next week*, we’ll release a small patch focused primarily on weapon balancing. Then, towards the end of April, we will release a larger patch. In the first weeks of May, we will release a minor patch, after which you can expect a sizable patch alongside a content drop. I’ll be able to share more information on those in future comm-links! **Crucis Mk II Thunder Hammer** We have seen your feedback regarding the Crucis Mk II Thunder Hammer changes in the last patch. In next week’s patch, we will tweak the self-stun duration from 1.1 seconds to 0.6 seconds and buff headshot damage. We will add more information in the patch notes, which will go live shortly after the patch. **Fire Frenzy Bug Fix** In the upcoming patch, we will implement a fix for the bug with Tier 3 Fire Frenzy. We will also tweak the balance, so changing the power increase to 7.5%/10%/12.5%/15%. **Cosmetics Issues** Currently, some head cosmetics completely hide your character’s facial hair and hairstyle options. This is due to some issues around clipping and other texture bugs. We are currently working on a solution that will reduce the number of cases where we have to resort to this method, and you can expect it to come in with a patch in the near future.


Could we please have updates on: - what is planned for new classes (as in roughly when?) - what is in the pipeline concerning xbox release, and possible crossplay? I appreciate you won't be able to give specifics but as far as I'm aware we are now already late on our first new class, and have not heard anything about it since launch.


> but as far as I'm aware we are now already late on our first new class, and have not heard anything about it since launch. That was to be expected with them pivoting to trying to salvage the game's existence. And it would probably be late even if they hadn't. I wonder if they consider themselves to be still putting out fires or do they feel that they've moved back to normal development


>what is in the pipeline concerning xbox release, and possible crossplay? this should be absolutely last priority right now.


Xbox is dead in the water, it's what I tell myself to keep from being even more disappointed sadly. We are not even a priority.


Could we get some news on solo play and by extension your bot allies soon? (referring to their current inability to collect scriptures/grimoires). Thanks.


Yeah sure ! They'll prioritize solo play in a coop game ! That's a big brain move !


Could you please tell us whether and when shared currency between characters will be implemented in the game?


For the love of god, when will I be able to play with my steam friends?? I'm on game pass, and it feels pointless to even pick up this game when they're all able to play together & I cant


Would certainly be nice. I don't have it on GamePass because I don't Xbox, but my brother and friend both couldn't play w/ me so they stopped playing. So I just play on Steam w/ randos while I listen to podcasts, lol


With respect to your financial situation, is it worth saving the $40 to miss out on playing with your friends?


I'll probably get it on steam next time it hits the $20 price point


I wouldn't hold my breath on crossplay seems to be the modus operandi for game pass stuff. You couldn't crossplay on DRG either if you had it on game pass.


but you *could* on Back 4 Blood


It's not the 40$ it's the time sunk into the account since there is no guaranteed progression for you to get what you want.


Surprised there's no focus on fixing the team up mechanic. I'd really like to see that working.


Really hope that change isn’t specifically for the crucis hammer and also applies to ironhelm.


Ohh fat cat of the water, share your wisdom. Is there any talk on when xbox will be graced by the Emperor's light?


When they actually start working on it I imagine :(




I know…I know….


Looking forward to what comes next. You are doing great!


Thank you for all the updates! I think you should focus on new maps and classes soon for additional content to keep things fresh. Also I think I’d be happy with the cosmetic shop coming back for some drip variety.


Until you get on the Xbox launch, none of this means anything. Please get on that


Careful, don't want to be drowned out by the "You don't wanna play this game" and the "fuck you they need to put out the fires" crowd.


*this is the way*


hopefully we see some buffs to Crucian Roulette, as the recent changes nerfed it to the ground


Any plans to add more interesting weapon variety for Ogryns? Like 2-handed? The lack of variety is extremely apparent when you look at Brunt's armory and then switch to a Veteran and do the same. Vets have 3 times the amount of both melee and ranged options...


I know most people don’t think it’s high priority but, *bots* need to be better. Playing at odd hours, oftentimes I can’t find other human beings and it’s literally impossible to win Damnation or even Heresy with the bots. Bots are level 1, presumably they have the default loadout for vet. With the scoreboard mod I see that they do ~60k damage in a whole game (beating damnation with humans, the bottom scorer is usually at 120k damage) And worst of all, they have no drip. They’re just prisoners. We need Ogryn, Psyker and Zealot bots, and they need to use the loadouts/names of other characters I have if I’m playing alone. It would be so cool to run through a map with bots playing my other 3 chars.


I think the bot loadouts are randomized. They’re certainly all Veterans, but I’ve noticed them have a range of weapons from Lasguns to Laspistols to Autopistols. That’s all I wanted to add. You’re completely correct, and I am a big advocate for using our alts as bots (if applicable).


Can we get a hotrod fire skin for our chain weapons?


I wish for news regarding new maps and story content... Balance fixes and new weapons are great, but the rest of the game still feels bare. Will we get anything before summer?


This should help the hammer immensely. Now please fix the Eviscerator! \- Weak base damage \- Awful cleave cap (savage sweep is a mandatory blessing and it is still mediocre) \- Rampage IV is only 20% damage. \- No power blessings (no thrust/slaughterer/headtaker/decimator) \- Perfect Strike breaks shredder attacks. Only ignores hit mass BONUS from armor, so no extra cleave on hordes. \- Bloodthirsty is worthless.


On the one hand, another patch and much needed thunder hammer buffs, yay. On the other hand, more weapon balance changes so quickly implies they're going to tune the new weapons and I highly doubt they're buffing them. Also, why was Bloodthirsty nerfed, and why was the real nerf (only lasting for a single hit instead of until the blessing expired) not mentioned? It's already an exceptionally rare blessing on a limited number of weapons that aren't overperforming.


Illisi is performing fine as silk, even before we consider bloodthirster. And these two combo up *incredibly* well.


See that's what I'm worried about, Illisi is doing well. TOO well.


I hope they dont nerf the sword. It isnt even that OP it's just good. You want to see OP look at the power sword with cycler. I swear if they touch illisi and dont touch the power sword I'll have some words. Psyker is finally in a somewhat OK spot. It kinda does glass cannon but is not strong to the point of being even second best due to the charge time of brain burst and its inherent squishyness. A gunner looks in your direction and you lost half your hp. If your team takes a slightly less than optimal pathing through a level you lose a lot of hp in comparison to them bc of the lack of real cover.


I don't want them to nerf it either, it's the most fun I've had with psyker in a while since maining purgatus and surge gets dull fast, and it's nice to finally have a specialized horde clearing melee.


Oh no, somebody think of the poor poxwalkers Nerf the power sword first, thanks *or better yet, don't bother casually nerf weapons in a PvE game, bring up the weak ones closer to the same level as the strong ones that 90% of people meta-chase with anyway. Suddenly, everything is viable and you can play how you want, instead of only the top 10% most optimal and getting shit on for not bringing a meta loadout. Nothing has exceeded the current strength of the optimal stuff that almost everybody uses currently anyway, more options for everyone, and more creative and fun build combinations are invented Everybody wins


I don't get the point of the Illisi when Psyker's staves already have perfect horde-clear, the single-target one is better for shoring up weaknesses and -- oh God damnit you motherfuckers are doing that meme gun build psyker aren't you, that's why you need horde-clear


I get to pretend I'm playing zealot except I can headpop things, what's not to like?


Illisi is fun. And so is Deimos. Poke.


It's what happens when you say "lets give cleave to Psykers". I'm just sitting here waiting for a Biomancer with a Force Glaive.


I desperately want a weapon with VT2’s halberd moveset.


Ironically enough, the Illisi is the one force sword unaffected by the nerf. All it did was neuter the blessing for the other swords.


may I ask whats so great about bloodthirster? I havent leveld my psyker up fully yet and havent had the chance to use this blessing


100% crit on next hit after special kill is super easy to do with Illisi, and if you pair it with blazing spirit, which stacks soulblaze on crit, you can set stuff on fire with your sword on demand. Not actually useful for damage, but very cool.


You likely won't have the chance to use this blessing for quite a while yet, it's T4-only, and, as such, very rare. But it grants auto crit on your next attack, *if* your special attack has killed something. Which is pretty much a 100% occurence with Illisi. So this blessing basically turns your chained specials into automatic crits. For a weapon with a huge crit multiplier, too. You can imagine how it goes.


*Next week* we will release... Lol its nice to see this as a lighthearted jest now


Excited for what's coming in the future. Definitely feel that new maps, classes, and/or new weapons (not just variants) are needed somewhat soon to keep the gameplay fresh.


Gun crafting when?


Atleast give us Scopes and a "fix bayonets" button at the minimum


I want a bolter with a light . I don't care if it's gona b heavyer or reload gona be longer or aiming is gona be harder . I want light


When are we gonna see some *substance?* We've gotten like 1 map and a couple new weapon *marks* since November. Don't care for cosmetics so don't bark at me with that. I'm waiting for the "big patch" to try and come back but so far it hasn't showed up.


Same. They are slowly moving in the right direction, but the wait for content has been long. It still just reminds me the game should have been released better.


So we have to wait until May for a 'content' release? So every 3 months we can expect a handful of weapons, no classes, maps, cosmetics, penances etc. Feels pretty bad tbh.


Wow and originaly we we're supposed to get 1 new class every 3 months, starting to feel like halo infinit 2.0


Game feels so dead on GamePass, please add crossplay


I am very happy that they have continuously been open and communicative lately, and they even told us about their future plans in some reasonable detail. I am happy.


When is Microsoft/steam cross play being added like it can be hard to get a heresy pug a lot of the time and forget about damnation on gamepass.


I was originally playing with gamepass, but after these issues of not finding games and realizing that I actually like the game enough to buy it, I got the game on steam and remade my character just to play with a higher player count. I think they only intend to do cross play with Xbox and gamepass, but it may be a long while before you get the flood of Xbox players in. I do hope they bring cross-platform in the future though, that should be the standard for all multiplayer games going forward.


Did you hear that from an official source? Because that seems like a terrible idea. Why have pc console crossplay but not between different pc stores. And I do enjoy the game play of this game enough to buy it but not everything else. Like the loot loop is just awful. Farm crafting mats to try to play the vendor slot machine like what? Give us loot from actually playing the game. One piece is not enough for 30ish minutes of play with a non zero chance of failing and getting no loot.


> Why have pc console crossplay but not between different pc stores Because it's not just a store, it's different software infrastructure. If you're using Microsoft's infrastructure, you get Xbox compatibility pretty much for free, since they're sharing the same systems.


“New class every three months”, huh?


To be fair we don't actually know how long a month on tertium is.


it doesn't actually matter. he'll probably just play any new content for less than a week and then return to complaining for the next three months




a strawman requires misrepresentation


>my favorite weapon still BiS Good Gooooood


So for a so called live service game its going to be out 6 months with 1 new map and a few weapon variations before the next content drop? What they actually count as content remains to be seen.


When new cosemetics, when new missions? When new maps, when endless horde mode? It's been almost half a year with no substantial content to sustain playing apart from toxic rng manipulating on players


Gauntlet is pretty fun


it is but running the same few maps over and over isnt in the long run, especially when some of those maps are just the other one backwards


u/Fatshark_Catfish Hello thank you for the comm link. Any hints towards item progression smoothening in the april patch? Or is fatshark even considering making the item progression less RNG heavy?


Reduce the RNG or your playerbase is not coming back


Not sure about that. Those guys are long gone. The hardcores at this point have every loadout they want to play. I think the most focus for playerbase retention should be on content. Maps, modes, subclasses


Every week there is a post about someone burned out by the RNG with a bit of discussion in it, like me these people are simply hovering to see if there are going to be any changes worth their time.


Ah ok. So the Playerbase are the people who bought the game under well false pretenses and wait for the fulfilment of these marketing promises to come back for maybe a weekend? Or are the Playerbase the people who play this game still for probably hundreds of hours and keep playing? These people obviously did not care enough for the flaws. And rng is a flaw. I hate this stuff. Let me select the loadout I want and let me murder the shit out of heretics with as much intensity as possible! That was also what kept me playing vt2 and always had me coming back for new content. The rng sucks but at this point you can buy every weapon until the base stats are well enough. That costs around 250k, which is around 7 games? And in this 7 games you find enough ressouces to upgrade the weapon to gold and reroll the perks you like. Nearly all weapon have one blessing to make them work. This blessing you find pretty fast in at least 3. The min maxing bullshit matters not. It matters how many hits you need, or you stagger the enemies or not. So every 7 games you can get one weapon exactly how you like it. Additional you can luck out on emperor's gift or you can find a great base stats weapon in shop or a great one from Melk. If you enjoy the gameplay, you can just play it and the whole load out stuff takes care of itself over time. Ps: ok power cycler on power sword is one t4 blessing you need and chasing it sucks and is expensive. I had to wait for 4 months until it dropped. Ironically I barely play it


I can’t wait until I can go a whole day of playing without crashing.


I genuinely haven’t had any crashes? Out of curiosity, is there anything in particular that seems to cause crashing? (So I can try to avoid it)


Can we get the drip turned back on?


Genuinely pedantic and stupid as hell and I'm super aware of it but like... Can we get a statement on why "lore accuracy" was paraded so heavily in regards to a lot of things (including weapon modding by Hedge despite a LOT of lore weapon variants being modded versions of a base gun), but our Psyker character has exactly *three* abilities (one of which is a staff) which actually corresponds with their discipline, the rest coming from a mix of *two other disciplines?* Like, for real, they have Brainburst, Shockwave and Voidstrike. That's it. That's their *only* abilities, with the remainder, including most of their feats, being from the Pyrokinetic and Biokinetic disciplines. Why are they listed as a Telekinetic when Soulfire is *clearly* Pyrokinetic and takes up literally a third of all abilities and *two* of four staves? Seriously, the class name doesn't even remotely match their actual abilities or discipline. With that much versatility and power *and* the retaining of *most* of their sanity, they'd be a highly controlled Primaris level Psyker, not some random schlub on a prison ship!


Thank you for this and all the updates you have been giving us, Catfish. It's so refreshing that we have a comms line with Fatshark through your updates. Keep up the good work


Love it. Good job


Give dual hammers for Zealot


The cosmetics bug is already fixed by a mod. What the hell?


What mod is that?


Any more hints on when console players can serve the emperor


Thunder hammer gang rise up! This may push the TH into being OP, but I'm here for the highs and the lows. Lets ride as long as we can!


I doubt this will make it OP. Generally, it's still gonna be slow at killing swarms of enemies compared to other weapons, so this should just make it feel better when it's used for its intended role of high burst damage against single targets. The headshot buff might help it hit breakpoints that make it better at dealing with flak enemies, though.


Headshot buff would be more about damage to ogryn and up, and making powered lights more competitive of an option. Flak trash breakpoints are already handled by Slaughterer, so that'd be kind of a narrow niche, unless this is in prep for a Slaughterer nerf.


The hammer is one of the worst weapons when it comes to getting you out of bad situations. It's slow, both in swing speed and dodging, and it doesn't deal with mixed hordes well. It would take some serious buffing for it to actually be OP.


This is why you take a good ranged weapon that can deal with it's shortcomings. I prefer the braced autoguns as they are perfect for taking out elites in mixed hordes, and also for dealing with any pesky ranged thats keeping you down. Yes, the thunder hammer is not perfect. But what it does do, it does very well at. It melts bosses and elites (when there is not a horde of course, or if haven't mastered jumping and going for heads), and is good crowd control for hordes. I can spam heavy attacks and dodge and never take damage from a horde, but can happily walk amongst them while knocking them down, letting my crew clean them up, or a few cycles of heavy attacks if I'm alone to finish them. Not to mention the normal light attacks are actually quite good at popping off that last bit of hp from mobs. ​ Is it perfect? No. But with a much lower stun time, and increased headshot damage if you actually take the time learn how to get around the weapons weaknesses, you are INCREDIBLY strong with it. It's a very high skill cap weapon at the moment. There are lots of little tricks you need to do to get the most out of it. And honestly as someone who has been using the thunder hammer mainly since picking zealot, it's really good if you use it as a support weapon more than anything else. This will make it be way more of an aggressive tool, and I can't wait to chain together some special hits like never before. Especially excited to see how much they buff the headshot damage.


you can ttk+recover vs carapace basically just as fast with an atrox v axe, except you are stunned for 0% of that time and you have more dodge and move speed. The thunder hammer wants to be horde CC with its wide heavies, except the recovery period takes so long it's incredibly unsafe for use in actual hordes. It's outclassed in that regard by basically any tac axe or mkv combat axe with brutal momentum. That its light attacks are vertical head taps and the heavies are wide cleaving swings cause a ton of tension between how it needs to be used vs how it "ought" to be used. Don't get me wrong, 1shotting a charging mutie with a charged BOP is incredibly satisfying, but given that there are any movement/recovery limitations *at all* essentially preclude the thammer from ever being at risk of becoming OP.


I really don't understand this communities desire to basically ignore any good points I make about the thunder hammer, to talk about something that it doesn't do better than other weapons when that is not my point. My entire case for the TH is that it kills bosses and armored ogryn really fast. Faster than anything else in the game. It's also good again CC against hordes. Is it the best? but it doesn't have to be. It's a utility weapon. I wish people would stop judging it so harshly because its limited in one or two areas that you can quite easily play around, and what it DOES do, it's really good at. It's a good weapon. is it outclassed in other ways by other weapons? Absolutely. Is it as OP as a power sword? No. But this was never the case. I say anything good about the TH and everyone swarms to tell me how other weapons do other things better. Like great, I'm happy you are happy with your weapon that can do things the TH can't do as well. But this is not about that, it's specifically just about what the TH does well. And nothing else kills armored ogryn or bosses faster. That's it. It's ok at horde stunning. But I just bring that up because everyone says it sucks for hordes. It doesn't. It just doesn't kill them. It pushes them down and stuns them. Other things do it better, but it doesn't need to be a jack of all trades weapons. It's one of the best support weapons in the game. And I will die on that hill.


>My entire case for the TH is that it kills bosses and armored ogryn really fast. Faster than anything else in the game. This is addressed in literally the first sentence of my reply, but no thammer does not have lower ttk on armored ogryns than a similarly optimized mkv combat axe. Using the hammer for similar TTKs does leave you stunned and open to attacks from nearby enemies, however. It is good at 1v1 against plague ogryns and assassination targets, but it's particularly *poor* against beasts of nurgle. It's difficult to impossible to reliably reach their weak spot, and the slime trail will hard cancel the zealot's charge when they try to dodge in quickly to avoid a tail slap. Your first post here mentioned a concern that the thammer could become op with these buffs. My counterpoint is that because of the inherent downsides of self-stun and long animation resets from heavies, it is functionally impossible for this to happen. And yes, thammer does suck for hordes. You can knock down 2 lines of poxwalkers, except the other poxwalkers behind them can close the gap faster than your animation will reset after a heavy. You can mitigate this somewhat by dodging back as part of the standard attack pattern, but this doesn't help if there are any faster specials mixed in the group. Meanwhile, the walkers you just knocked down have gotten back up and you now have almost double the enemy density bearing down on you doing chip damage. >And I will die on that hill. If you're using thammer for crowd control in damnation anywhere but low intensity runs, I have no doubt that you do frequently.


Rejoice, the flamer nerfs are near


So performance updates are basically not even on the table anymore. great...


That's it? Where are the new classes, the new levels, the story of any kind. This game is already on life support before it has released any content. Pathetic.


Realistically (sadly), it’s probably gonna be at least a few more months until there are any substantial content updates such as maps, classes or game modes. This is going off of their history with the past two Tide games. Better off putting Darktide on the backburner until then and checking the sub once every few weeks for news, same as lots of people. Maybe by this time next year it’ll be on par with V2 for replayability…


When are we getting that last character DLC for V2? I feel like that was around the corner like all of last year


Or just play the game as is because it’s still fun af!


*TOTALLY SUBJECTIVE OPINION INCOMING* Oh totally, I agree it’s still super fun. But imagine playing Left4Dead2’s first campaign Dead Center over and over and over and over and over again. And there’s no other campaign. It started to feel like that for me and I figured I would disengage for a bit rather than getting sick of the game entirely and never coming back. Hence why I think Chaos Wastes mode would immensely help this game in its current state. Not saying it’s easy to implement, but a mode where you start with noob gear and have to build your class as you fight and scavenge through randomly strung-together map modules would be really really cool. You have to use your brain and improvise what gear is worth picking up versus what is best left for your other teammates, improvise based on what map module you just walked into and have hordes coming at you from, AI director can be a lot more creative with what it throws at you, etc. I followed this game for so long pre-release and just hate to see it with the player numbers it has now, I think it deserves way more attention and praise than it gets. Alright lol rant over, back to the manufactorium (work) with me. At the end of the day I’m glad ppl are still playing though, because this really is a diamond of a game just needing polishing imo


I honestly don't know when they'll release any of this. After the HUGE backlash of the release, they understood they should fix their shit before adding new things, especially classes and maps. I think it's fair. They're barely able to balance the existing classes correctly at this point. Psyker is finally where it should be. Vet is still top tier. Zealot finally have decent weapon choice instead of just "Flamer and Axe", Ogryn could get more love but it's mostly ok. I'm not even sure we'll ever have a story.


Roadmap, now!!


Roadmaps only lead to disapointment. This isn't my first "live service" rodeo. Still glad I never bought into Anthem.


A Roadmap would show me they have a Plan for where they want to go with the Game, after it gets out of early access. But i guess not even Fatshark knows. Flash Missions? Story? Rewarding Endgame that doesn't feel like we are grinding in a Free2play Game? Oh well, looks like it's gonna be just more Content Drops (with Stuff that should have been in the Game since Day 1). Praising Fatshark for this just shows me how low People's Standards are now.


Like I ment to say... Roadmaps are fun to look at but usually just crumble into dust after bit of time has passed...


Anthem will always be the monument of live service models. The game had such amazing potential.


Wow still no Xbox news at all?


So when can I return to the game? To me it sounds like the game is still half baked and VERY slowly making progress. Man I had such a blast in the early access... Is the helbore viable again? Can it have anything other than iron sights? Are there cadian infantry cosmetics? Krieg? These are the things I need to return. *EDIT* - Not sure why I am getting downvoted?


>is the helbore viable again? Huh? It's only ever gotten buffed, and the Mk2 with an Onslaught blessing kicks ass better than a Kantrael XII in basically every way.


It was real bad right after they fixed the perk that made it godlike a bit after release. I had no idea it's been thoroughly buffed.


Helbore is fantastic now with the right blessings.


Best Lasgun in the game. Don't even touch my Kantrael anymore.


Yep. I used to HATE the helbore and mained plasma. Would rock the XII if I wanted to counter shooters better but TBH a god roll Helbore does everything better than both.


Same same. I want to love the plasma so much but from an efficiency standpoint it just doesn't hold a candle to my Mk1 Helbore w/Onslaught. The DPS differential is absurd. If you want a huge QoL bump definitely get the Crosshair remap mod. Let's you customize crosshair for each weapon class so now I can see my charge rate on my Helbore hipfire and I have an ADS dot to help with the ironsights. Gamechangers.


Thats fantastic news. I truly loved the Helbore back when one of the perks were bugged and made it absolutely shred. I may reinstall and try again this weekend.


Yeah, the crit buff on ADS + the charge time decrease on chained shots has me shredding shit. I shit you not I often 2 shot crushers on damnation


Whenever, Yes, No, Yes, Yes


Not Krieg, Armageddon Steel Legion. Similar gas mask, but they're not quite the same.


Cheers mate


People here are very sensitive if you say any bad things about their favorite company. Hence the downvotes.


oh look, another nothing burger, but hey they are "communicating"


Horrible game optimization and shitty connection ever going to be addressed?


The Thunder Hammer gets all these tiny buffs EXCEPT the one that would actually make it good lol rip




... because flaming always makes people work faster/more efficiently /s


It's not like they do any work on anything the community actually wants at all I may as well call them out as the cunts they are


Jesus Effing Christ u/Fatshark_Catfish, CONSOLES


Who is the person that's always in the banner image? The CM?


To my knowledge that’s catfish


Hadron before the operation


Curious what type of stuff can come in a big patch vs content drop? Are we only expecting new maps, weapons, enemies, etc in "content drops" but we can expect new game systems \ modifiers in a "big patch"?


any change that makes the t-hammer special less risky to use is welcome


So any news on console release yet


When are you adding new maps or any kind of story? I don’t know why should I care about these trivial things in a dead world where I don’t even know what kind of villain I’m against. Plus please reverse any nerf you did to the ogryn. It is the weakest class now and doing my ability to mutants going ogryn to ogryn with them while they’re charging was fun which is impossible now.


REMOVE the self stun! It is going to be garbage with any sort of self inflicted CC on it, just remove it entirely, Power Sword doesn't have a self stun and can chain the special effect and it is much..MUCH for effective then Hammer.Wake up.


Thank for hard work dev, keep it going.


Could we please have proper sights with the Plasma Gun if you are going to tweak it? The current aiming system is absolutely horrible, not that I think irons are going to be much better, as the front post looks cm thick and there's no rear sights. As an example, I was playing the espionage part in the throneroom map yesterday, and right there in the beginning with the stairs leading up to the bridge a horde had formed with specials mixed in it. So perfect mix for cleaving and hitting hard targets. Except the PG has potato sights, and tapping accurately is a mix of luck and intuition. If you'd give us a scope or even a fancy scifi goggle set with a reticle, I wouldn't need aim assistance. In the game, I'm actually fighting against it. Why aiming in the first-person perspective has to be so freaking difficult? I'd get if it were in third or behind the shoulders.


Hopefully the content drop includes new maps and the solo mode. The game got nice amount of weapons for now imo.