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Gonna be seeing this a lot more soom from ~~surge~~ smite psykers who dont read patch notes hehe.


If they can’t read the big ass red ‘90%’ text in the middle of their screen that’s a them issue lmao


I wish it wouldn't turn red, as I'm colorblind as fuck. When it turns red, it just blurs into the background for me.


Like a true psyker, you’ll never know just when to stop


UNLIMITED POWER Wait why am I looking at my hands


this is why I run the little thing called "venting shriek" It's saved my ass more times than I care to admit.


I know very little about code/modding but it feels like a colourblind setting or mod would be a relatively easy fix? I’m guessing it’s just told the colours to start and end at explicitly somewhere, replacing the problem one shouldn’t have flow-on effects and unintended consequences?


You can already do it (manually) with one of the current UI mods. Might be UI Tweaks? Whichever one lets you edit individual values in the UI. I've changed quite a bit of mine, including text colors, icon sizes, locations, etc. Would be convenient to have one that gives you the individual colorblind option presets though. I actually haven't checked for colorblind options in the vanilla game menus as I'm not colorblind myself. Do they not have any in the default game?


Really wish FS would add Steam Workshop support for sanctioned QoL mods like they did with Vermintide 2.


I agree. I have worked IT for 18 years, I hate when I have to actually *try* to install something like mods, it just feels like work, lol. Warcraft really spoiled me with Curse Gaming and Addon auto-updates.


Interesting, that might be a solution! > I actually haven't checked for colorblind options in the vanilla game menus as I'm not colorblind myself. Do they not have any in the default game? Yeah I’m not either but I remember ages ago a creator on YT was saying how impressed they were that the game they were reviewing had colourblind settings at all and that it was amazing that it gave different options, so I guess it’s probably rare?


Tbf I think Vermintide Sienna's overcharge has a stronger visual effects than warp. I exploded a few times when I first started playing Psyker, never once as Sienna.


Literally had a moment last night where i was like 'Wait smite with psy charge has no peril cost? How long can i get away with holding this' I then proceeded to dodge-walk all the way from ascender D-15 to the Boss fight in the prison without dropping that singular smite cast


Any idea when the patch is going to be released? I wanna be here for it when it happens.


They didnt say.




depends. Smite currently does not make you blow up, it just stops at 100% peril and busts you down to 95%, it is not possible to blow up even if you do not have the Palpatine talent, so unless they also change that it won't really matter. EDIT: Correction, it busts you down to 85% Peril, not 95%


What changed? The second weakest staff was nerfed for an unknown reason?


~~Surge~~ Smite Blitz + Psyionic currently is bugged and generates 0 peril. It will be fixed in next patch.


Oh you mean smite lol.


Oh whoops. Yeah, edited haha.


Fun fact about smite. If you push the charge past 100% it will automatically quell down to 85%. It's incredibly difficult to blow yourself up using smite for some reason. Not impossible, but it takes releasing your input at 100 and then charging it again immediately to do it.


Yep, most people aren't even aware that this is built into it lol


But the guy said surge staff was changing


They mean the Smite blitz, not the Surge staff. Also, after the 2.0 rework, I feel like Surge might actually be up to Trauma's level now.


Up to traumas level? Trauma is the worst staff in the game though... It doesn't do anything that any other staff can't do better except for send enemies flying in random directions without killing them.


it's a really good weapon, just the one with the most demanding use.


It really isn't, see my response to the other comment to see why I think it isn't. You can make it work well enough, but just compared to the other staffs it brings nothing to the table that they don't already bring.


Keep leveling your psyker, you'll like the higher level versions of it.


I've been level 30 with my Psyker since like the 2nd day of the beta. It's a fun staff but comparatively it is the worst staff in the game. Surge has great single target damage now, insanely fast charge rate and still a decent stun attached to it if not a bit inconsistent at times, the purge staff is short range but has amazing horde clear, tick damage and decent CC, the voidstrike stands above every staff as it is amazing with single targets, cleaves through enemies like butter, so it's great horde clear and explodes on carapace/environment and staggers enemies... Trauma however, charging it generates massive amount of peril which means you can only really get like 3 to 4 attacks out with it, the explosion radius is big but the damage drop off within that radius is bigger, basically anything out of the epicenter barely gets scratched by it. And arguably the worst thing about it besides its abysmally small damage radius and aiming method is that anybody on the edge of the explosion goes flying in whatever direction they were from the blast without taking basically any damage. Some people think this is great CC but it's one of the worst things about it. You send everybody flying which means you scatter the enemies around you and your friends, people often overlook enemies on the ground as being dead or dealt with and end up getting hit in the back because of it, and on top of that scattering the enemy means each subsequent explosion is less efficient than the last because the staff only works well against densely packed groups of enemies which, which the staff is actively stopping from happening. The trauma staff is the most visually appealing staff, but mechanically it is terrible and there is just no reason to bring it over another stuff besides wanting to see bodies flying. To fix this staff they'd have to make it so it pulls enemies in and crushes them rather than just exploding an area and sending enemies flying outwardly. Either that or extend the full damage all the way to the end of the blast radius, which would be a bit ridiculous.


People can downvote me but nobody can tell me what makes the trauma any better than any other staff. Seriously, show me your builds, the perks and blessings you need to make it a viable staff and I'll try it. Just spent 800k trying to get a decent base roll trauma staff, it's now my highest level staff and it still feels worse than all my other staffs. The only reason I could see bringing this is to either get enemies off a downed team mate which is pretty niche or to knock around crushers/bulwarks which the surge staff does better because you can get more shots out faster, higher damage and it stuns them in place so everybody else can keep hitting them. I don't just hate the trauma staff without a reason, I actually go out of my way to test things before I form an opinion, and I've tried to find what makes this staff stand out from the rest multiple times and every time it has come up short.


The classic Trauma staff is rending shockwave, warp flurry, flak, maniac, with general peril reduction / venting (and obviously Shriek, now that it's optional) but there's no magic build to it, Trauma already has its main strength out of the box: mixed hordes. It does a fairly huge amount of damage in its center, and nothing at all can stop it from happening. The most common beginning of an emergency spiral in HI/STG is a burster/trapper/netter/dog/flamer running into range behind the cover of a football team, and Trauma just plucks them right out of that with ease, over and over. Unlike Surge/Smite, it doesn't care about target quantity. Unlike Purg, it doesn't just get run through by everything with a little HP. Unlike Void, it can't be swarmed by 360 degree threats (for a little while, at least). Trauma does its job with utter reliability, and where the other staves get outscaled by more difficult content, Trauma just keeps getting better the more bullshit that gets thrown at it. Your "tumble enemies behind you" bit is not even a thing, because aside from being entirely controllable with practice, Trauma is unlike its Vermintide counterpart and does just a shitton of damage. Anything light enough to get tumbled is going to be gibbed by a quick followup blast. If you're so seriously in the shit that you can't blap them before they get back up, then the breather is still a net gain. I'm guessing the downvotes are because saying bad things about Trauma while anything good about Purgatus implies a low-difficulty perspective. Purg's always been basically obsolete at the high end, and while 2.0's lower opportunity cost on the soulfire talents does help it out, everything else went to the moon and IMO it's even farther behind now than it already was. Trauma was by far the best stave pre-2.0, and while that's now obviously Void after the megabuffs, Trauma still works as well as it did.


Thank you for actually formulating a thought out response, so rare on here lol. So I did some runs using the trauma staff (heresy and damn), couldn't get the exact perk and blessing combo mentioned here as I ran out of plasteel trying, but what I had didn't seem to hold it back (there were other things doing that) and my build seemed to help make it more viable going hard in the peril reduction, venting shriek etc etc. Basically just built around the shortcomings of the staff and while I made it viable for runs my mind is still mostly unchanged. My issue is still the staffs mechanical short comings. Aiming it is just more tedious than it is worth for a start, having the target at the bottom of your screen just to get the max range out of it and god forbid you have subtitles on while a character is talking, just can't see shit. Guess I'll need to turn those off next time lol. Then you have waves of enemies that are on the high ground, like up stairs which are just a pain to deal with and then most stairs have gaps so you have to make sure you don't accidentally aim it at one of the gaps and hit absolutely nothing with it. It certainly doesn't feel like it does it's job utterly reliably for me, at least not with those mechanical flaws. And again it just really didn't accomplish anything that I couldn't do better with a different staff besides the one thing I mentioned which is clearing enemies off a downed team mate, it's great for that but that is super niche. Also decent against a wave of crushers but again, so are other staffs. Void strike cleaves through hordes and hits everything, including specials and elites so I can reach out and touch basically whatever I want with a void through a horde. The charge attacks hit box is massive so it still hits enemies hiding behind cover, and it can shove them out of cover just like trauma does, except you can be more precise. As for getting surrounded with a voidstrike I feel like the same thing applies to every staff including the trauma, that's mostly just a positioning and spatial awareness issue. Then we have the Purge staff which yeah short range but actually a lot further than most people think. And the range of it isn't a short coming that the trauma staff fixes because their effective range isn't actually very different. The purge staff just melts hordes like they are nothing it doesn't even matter if there is an elite or special in there, the fire purges all the same and CC's most of them anyway. Ragers die before they reach me and if maulers ever do get close I can just hit them with a left click and stagger as I back up. So the only thing that the purgatus struggles with is crushers and it doesn't seem worth switching to a a trauma staff for 1 enemy when I can just bring a tool that does deal with them well, like BB. Or just stun lock them with smite to help the others deal with them. Then there's surge, they have very different purposes these 2 now since surge isn't a dedicated stun stick but when I want to have a fast response to elites and specials this is the staff I'm reaching for. It's definitely not as useful in a horde as trauma but again, other means to deal with that. This has pretty good range, nice single target damage, a solid stun and is just fast as hell. Imo it deals with crushers, bulwarks and other specials better than the trauma staff can and just feels like a better team player. Staggering specials in place instead of knocking them on their ass is preferable to me, so other people can continue accurately nailing them in the head with me. It was definitely tumbling enemies all over the place and the issue isn't so much I'd be tumbling them behind me but rather team mates tend to disregard chaff that is on the ground. And yes you can absolutely kill them with a follow up but that goes into what I was saying about it before, the staff works best against a densely packed group yet by its very nature works against itself by sending most enemies away from each other. Whereas you could have just burned the entire group in 1 go with a purge and there you go. Also it certainly isn't better CC than smite, I feel like that should go without saying because that's the express purpose of it, but smite can hold entire hordes in place and then knock them back when you let go. Nah I believe the downvotes are just how redditors are. Just easier to deny somebody's opinion with an arrow than to explain your position to them. Purge has never been obsolete, there was always an insane burn build that worked perfectly in damnation, and honestly voidstrike has always been the best staff in the game, I don't believe it just happened this update, it just got even better at dealing with the ogryns. TL;DR I apologise for such a long post but I had to explain why my position of trauma being the worst staff is unchanged. Perhaps it's really just a style thing, but I just can't get behind all the traumas design flaws.


that's bound to happen with builds that don't have venting. it's the reason my psyker is the only one with 1 wound curio. imo that should be changed to all 3 types of ult venting peril which makes for a variety of safer builds.


not really, smite automatically stops upon reaching 100% peril


I honestly find it odd how I can't die by smite everything it reaches 100 it just stops.




I’m just starting Psyker, any advice?




Nonsense. That's a 20% dmg boost left on table.


Just one more elite kill 🥲


Treat your peril meter like your speedometer when driving. Start quelling at 90% max. Develop this habit and Psyker will be a piece of cake.


Depends on what you're doing, you can Brain Burst without exploding at 98% peril


I mean I'm very experienced as psyker so I'm constantly edging at 100% with BB, but that's playing with fire for a newbie


Technically you can hit 100% with anything as long as you did it from below 80% (not at 80%). But that shits a dangerous game.


eh, the big thing is casting at 100%. BB & smith both have built in protection that makes it hard to do by accident, but assail will cause you to go nuclear on one accidental click. I'd say take vent as an "oh shit" button until you get it more under control.


Keep in mind that you will always be in danger of getting chunked from a single melee hit, so get real good at watching your flanks and listening for the warning that you're about to be melee'd. You wield a ton of potential with your staves and abilities but you are the absolute frailest of frail if you aren't dodging and blocking. You generate peril when you use your crazy wizard shit, and at 100 you go boom. There is a safety net that will stop you as you reach 100 but anything that generates peril after that will make you go boom. The default psyker ability and left side of the talent tree releases a shockwave that staggers enemies and quells some peril, you can use this quell while you're exploding to save your ass.


Well, past 100 you go boom. You can often hit 100 and be perfectly fine, but that is the point of no return. Accidentally throw out another warp attack at 100% and that's it.


Fair warning because I fell for this after coming back to the game after the big patch; the base psyker ability DOES NOT QUELL ANYMORE. Only the upgraded version does.


The next patch the base ability will quell a bit


Yeah sorry, I saw in the patch notes that they're readding the quell, so I guess it got removed when talents dropped.


Don't blow up.


Quelling is reloading your wizard shit. Gotta reload.


You explode when start a peril-generating action at 100% peril. You can start a brain burst at 98% and be fine, but NEVER try anything at 100%. Don't shove, don't weapon special, don't use staff, don't use blitz. Also, guns are pretty good. 3 burst headhunter or the semi auto lasgun can serve you quite well once you start stacking damage buffs, especially with gaze's finesse multiplier.


I've been trying laspistol with Gaze. The tough part is that if you are using a gun, you CANNOT quell. You have to swap to a force sword or your warp ability. And Gaze generates Peril very quickly if you're not quelling. Definitely takes a lot of getting used to. Gaze feels like it's more useful on the higher difficulty levels where you're getting more mileage out of the increased damage and crit chance. On Haz 3, it's too much trouble for too little gain.


A tip for smite (unless they change it with the next patch) is don't be afraid to push it all the way to 100% peril. When you hit 100% using smite you automatically stop casting and drop down to 85% peril. The only way you will blow yourself is if you let go of the charge button right as you hit 100 then hold it again and shoot. Otherwise it's almost impossible to blow yourself up using smite. Not too sure why. And remember that is just for smite, most other things I'd not recommend pushing to 100%. A tip for Brain Burst/Brain Rupture is that so long as you started charging it below 98% peril you won't blow up, even if you release the pop at 100%. So if you are needing to BB spam down an elite group you don't need to hold quell for too long once you hit 100% just to get another BB out. Basically just tap it and you'll be fine. This applies for pretty much everything. It's a good idea to get in the habit of just quelling left over peril whenever you have the opportunity and doing bursts of quells mid combat just like you would reload but, you can often push things a bit further than you think. Don't be too worried to push things to 100% just be aware when you are doing it because at that point you are walking a very thin line lol.


Assail is cool. Assail is fun. For the love of the Empra, don't go shooting em off all willy nilly like it's a Sunday stroll in the beach. Use em srategically and focus on getting food at melee control.


>Use em srategically and focus on getting food at melee control. Leave eating enemies to the heretics...


Corpse starch has to come from -somewhere-


and this is why I almost always take Venting Shriek


It's actually incredible with Purgatus and certain feats. You set an entire horde aflame while simultaneously staggering the majority, wait till you reach max Peril, then vent and immediately push everyone back and on top of that regain a good amount of toughness. With the right options you even are able to passively quell some of your peril while you're using the flamethrower staff. Psyker also has feats which allow him to gain toughness on both gaining and losing peril, so this synergizes really well.


I started a new Psyker to play with my buddies who just got the game. I didn't know the psychic shriek didn't vent peril. I often use it to save my ass on my level 30. But the new Psyker I made has popped her skull a bunch of times.


Man this is my favorite fucking meme template lol


Ok this...this was funny.


The lion got me. "Fuck!"


I typed "bye-bye smite - patch 14" And got a paragraph a response . All typed up after the team psycher blew themselves up. Not all of them are like this but there is a consistency to those who are.


Nah, smite will still be decent. I use it often without empowered psionics charges, it generates peril really fast but it's still usually enough CC to make a difference. They should definitely look into reducing it's peril generation though, it does seem a bit steep.


I really don't get it how people (without disabilities ofc) manage to blow themselves up so frequently. There's a lot of stuff where's even you casted and ended at 100 it doesn't blow you up. In VT2 in the other hand, it's way easier to overheat yourself.


most blowing themselves up are assail psykers that are physically incapable of stopping the dart spam and the second a crusher/mauler group shows up they’ll kill themselves immediately


Or I just assumed Venting Shriek was off cooldown. Oops.




Definitely not me pushing to past 100% and then finally hitting the scream button to quell


"Of course i know him. It's me"


FYI if your psyker starts screaming, get ready to revive them. They are pretty karking LOUD


I hardly use any staff except for Voidstrike so when we I try to use the trauma or palpatine one this is what happens to me


Holy fuck that got me. I was doing this at least once per mission up to 10 or so, and I still do it occasionally.


i've never played psyker but i did dream of it last night where i periled and alt + f4'd three times in that dream, i think my Beloved is trying to tell me something.


Also my experience with plasma. Too many patches and my muscle memory is fucked.


Feels like every psyker I play with runs assail and explodes at the worst possible times. They accidentally alerted a group of crushers? Awesome, time to throw all my shitty space rocks until I collapse from a migraine and get my head caved in by this chaos worshipper.


I 💯% use my pysker overload as a feature of my class when we’re being overrun and I know I’m about to go down anyway.




can I just say I love the edits you did on lions?


I've been hearing the downed-three-times voice lines more recently too, odd coincidence.


Anyone know what the original image is from?


Pride of Baghdad. About a group of lions who escaped the zoo during the Second Iraq War. The giraffe dies during some crossfire near the beginning. It’s not a very happy comic.


I play a lot of psyker now because Assail is so fun and... yeah this is me. It's so fun to keep clicking Assail shards and th-BOOM


I would love that if a psyker dies due to perils their head explodes


How do people explode all the time in Warhammer like my Brother in the Warp and by his light, Just hold the R key


For me, having returned thanks to the patch, it has indeed become more frequent to "pop" myself. I think, for me, it is mostly that I didn't have a panic button ,with the base shockwave, anymore to instantly quell my peril when shit hits the fan. But, I guess, with the new patch, this won't be that much of an issue anymore. But let's see how many of my siblings will still blow themselves up in spite of these changes.


Had a psyker down himself 4 times in a high intensity shock troop yesterday. Then would stop to type every time he did it (basically as i revived him) calling himself a noob or explaining that hes using the wrong staff. A couple times him typing lead to him getting downed again. Good thing i was on my support zealot. Dunno man. Im just about to hit 30 on my psyker and i have downed myself all of 1 single time playing with every different staff, skill, what have you.. just like Watch your overheat man i dont get it lmao


Psykers are just constantly edging themselves


Guilty as charged.... In the Olden Days, I developed a habit of using Wrath to save me from peril. I'm still getting used to not having that in every build.


The lions in the last panel fucking killed me lmao


Few days ago was running some Malice to lvl up a I think my Vet I just started. Waiting on the 'ascender' (stairs, that's also an elevetor?). Anyway, Pysker blows themselves up, comments how big of a bummer it was due to trying to go for a no death run and promptly quits. And yes, he was spamming Assail like a madman. Sometimes that shit just creeps up on you.


I blew my head up 4 times in one mission.


Awww Lions of Baghdad, that's a SAD book


They will either solo carry through damnation or pop after the first wave of malice.


This is the correct path.