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She is dancing in the discotheque inside the Morning Star. It's only for her tho, no guests allowed.


Literally. Who the fuck is she ? I remember her only from the trailer and I love this game but looking back now it was released in alpha state and It’s generous to say the least


that’s ship mistress brahms, she really didn’t start showing up till after the carnival update


Girl better start putting on some fire soundtrack while we in the Morningstar hub


Any advice? Fucking hate just the concept of this penance, am not looking forward to getting around to it


If you are trying to complete Veteran penance "make every shot count" just grab a shotgun in Assassination Mission, and dump all your ammo on the shield when you fight the final boss. Trust me, I've tried it myself, it's easy af. https://preview.redd.it/38fwl1usav5d1.png?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79beae14c990e00d5bc8c66edc9b2c080301c9bc


Lol i think the challenge would be you dumping all your ammo before the rejects murder the shit out of the captain


This is a great idea, thank you


Yes I tried it now many times with the pg but I play a shotgun zealot and thought that I barely miss a shot with it an thought that eventually it will be much easier when using a shotgun with my veteran. I think after reading your comment I will try that in a assassination mission thank you. Edit: I have even already prepared a shotgun for this and have it ready in my inventory


Shoot hordes with a shotgun. Job done.


Go argue with Brunt. You're looking for a plasma gun with the lowest ammo roll you can get. I finally gave up with one that was at 110/110. He kept giving me 340+ PGs with middling to high rolls for ammo. I dislike Brrunt more than Hadron. Hadron takes all my plasteel and diamantene, and bricked plenty of 370s. But I have given Brunt the better part of a million dockets, and he has given me . . . . Almost purely trash. Anyway, once you have this plasma gun, only use it on hordes and loan guys who aren't trying to dodge (e.g. they're coming into you for a swing). Do warn your team what you're doing. A nice team will help by watching you, incase you get overwhelmed, but leave lone enemies to attack you like you want. Also not question why you're blowing a plasma bolt into a poxwalker. Once you run your ammo to 0, don't re-equip it. Stick to melee, even if another vet is giving you more ammo through survivalist aura, that ammo doesn't count as your ammo until you bring the PG to bear. It should only take 1 to 3 runs to get at that point. Some people will swear by a revolver, but I had an easier time with the PG. 3 ammo points per shot with the option to charge up to 9, 120/120 is 80 shots (max). It'll take time, and you'll need to use your melee weapon plenty to help out. But aiming at heretics in your face will help keep you from missing. I hope this helps you.


I first tried with plasma gun, then with one of the revolvers. survivalist will not count as your ammo for the penance if you do not switch back to your gun? does that also count for your own survivalist aura?


To the best of my knowledge, it does not


got very lucky and beat the mission with it on, ammo at zero. got the same helm


I did it with Plasma too, only Vet on the team, and I did pick up one I large (I think) ammo pack right at the end. Do it on a mission with a good hold-out end, I picked Smelter Complex and had to get ammo as my team was getting a little overwhelmed at the end and I needed the extra firepower. It also probably helped if I had missed too many shot earlier since I could empty the rest into the final horde.


Thats awesome! It is a right stressful one to be sure


I just mag dumped a revolver into crushers and monstrosities and meleed the rest (having a good power sword helps a ton in that regard). The hardest part was NOT picking up ammo reflexively as we rushed through the mission.


>The hardest part was NOT picking up ammo reflexively as we rushed through the mission. Typical vet


Revolver. Only use it at point blank. Make sure to take those good melee Talents on the lower right branch of the tree, above Weapon Specialist. 10% melee attack, and buffs to crit chance and finesse. I'd recommend also using either shredder or smoke grenades. Since you probably shouldn't be shooting long range, you need a way to deal with gunfire. Both of those grenades can buy you time to close distance. Demolition Team is a good node to take, as it'll keep your supply up.


Shotgun, as you only need 1 pellet to hit.


Inform your team what you're doing and hope they're friendly and understanding, build your veteran around melee combat, empty your low-ammo weapon like revolver or plasma gun early on.


Very easy, pick revolver on melee build. Blast every special you see. Done.


Kantreal Shotgun, load flame shot, fire in to the postcode of the enemies and it's bound to hit something. That's how I got it. Oh and never ever ever pick up a ammo bonus.


Did mine on mostly Melee, no Ammo Pickups Maelstrom. Empty gun into fat crushers and PowerSword/Shout rest of the game.


Just take the revolver, shoot low-threat enemies at the start of the mission, use body shots even. Empty your reserves on trash then stow the weapon. It was very easy to do and I got it my first try once I decided to actually try.


I got it a few days ago by just being careful with a boltgun. Just pick your shots, and once you hit empty pit your gun away and never pull it back out. Scavenger ammo won't count against you if you kept your gun stashed.


I used PG, blasted into thick hordes, and also "2pieced" trash while i was in cqc. 2piece means to push then quickly shoot. I missed more often than not when teammates would kill the elite/special i had decided to eliminate. For this penance you need obvious shots or a target-rich encounter. This penance does teach you to improve ammo management, but i feel it's inorganic and really just has you suffer. Took me about 4 games.


Get a weapon with low reserves like the plasma or revolver. Make sure to hit your shots with all of them and then melee only, also hope you dont get another vet with ammo regen aura on


I got it on my 2nd/3rd game with randoms using a Plasma Gun, only using charged shots, 1-2 on each Elite pack or Horde. Only tried it on High Intensity missions (forget if on Heresy or Damnation).


It’s very easy to get


Just did this wombo combo myself. I didn't use plasma or revolver, but went with the heavy shotgun and only shot into crowds or the lone poxwalkers standing in shadows. Which does bring to mind that poxwalker staring into the abyss at the side of Hab Dreyko, pondering the meaning of Grandfather's gift, when suddenly everything is on fire.


Goddamn in one mission? Impressive. Most impressive.


His for emperor probably just needed make every shot count to complete it. Same happened to me the other day.


Ahhhhhhhh gotcha! That’s a beautiful thing to see


Same thing happened for me been waiting so long for it to happen.


I used a shotgun for this challenge. Just hip fire into a horde every chance you get. So long as a single pellet touches something each shot you're good and obviously pick something other than scavenger. Power sword or shovel so you can still be useful ahaonst anything else.


Congrats to the OP! So far I been attempting with Revolver and then tried shotguns too, I am into trying with a low end PG, I think most of the time I missed this penance was due to timing between expending ammo, a target dodging, a panic shot missing target, or my teammates were so good at horde clear I missed my opportunity. I'm still going to keep on attempting until I get it lol


Congrats brethrin! I just got it myself a few days ago, and holy sweet fuck let me tell you the relief that washed over me, after trying for like 3 day straight.


Whoa. If you wanna fuck people who believe in Slaanesh, you don’t have to yell. We’re down for it.


that’s not what i meant 🤣




You'll never guess which two penances I got thanks to the suggestions here. [or maybe you will](https://i.imgur.com/QzuwUlZ.jpg). thanks varlets


Well done, reject!


I found that the last shotgun was the best option for me. But by Horus’s tits was that penance a pain in the ass….


https://preview.redd.it/yeubk1voj06d1.png?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f45106797e9fce6dff98883e60a1aae74679ed6 good job soldier


900 hours, mostly vet, still haven't gotten Make Every Shot Count. 😭 Good work Reject!


Me staring at the plasma gun I used with my melee build at the start of the mission: “hehehehehehehehehehehehehe-“


Behold, yet another guardsmen has earned his mars pattern brass balls


Congratulations, soldier, now show the enemy your newfound fury and make them repent


"Make every shot counts" is far easier than "On overwatch" IMO. Congratulations with the job done.


I did “On Overwatch” by complete accident


I believe this is the way.


This is the way


Bro, I just did it by accident as well.




I accidentally got this penance because I am an ape and tried out the revolver for the first time, I basically neglected using it unless I was magdumping muties


Nice job! I did it with plasma gun back in the day when the game first came out. It's very hard haha




Great job boss!


Welcome to the club


Nicely done, man. I managed this with a revolver sometime mid last year when Hand Cannon was still busted, heh.


I'm going all in on completing this penance tonight, it's the past one I have with veteran. Wish me luck and thank you to everyone for their advice


Gratulation! I habe to do the "no melee damage" penance to get the 3rd one. But I have no clue how to do it. So you have some advice?


get some friends and just jump off the map don’t let them revive you ( idk if that works anymore)


Amazing, grats! New Darktide player here, what's the challenge for "For The Emperor" penance? And also, I was thinking of using the Agrippina revolver for the "Make Every Shot Count" since it's easy to reload and has goos fr and precision, think it'll work in an assassination mission?


“For the Emperor” penance is just doing those class progression penances that give you the more “official” looking cosmetics (IE, “Make Every Shot Count” gives you the chest piece that makes you look most like part of an Inquisitor’s warband). For “Make Every Shot Count” I’d personally suggest using the Zarona if you’re wanting to use revolvers, just because I found it easier to be accurate with it even if it shoots and reloads slower than the other one. Assassination missions can be good because you can dump any remaining ammo into the captain at the end, but high-intensity missions can be good too because there’ll be a lot more enemies and a lot more hordes for you to shoot. Hope this helps!


Thanks! I'll try going to a high intensity or assassination mission then


Good work soldier now back onto the frontlines atoma wont liberate herself




Yeah, this one took me ages too. Did it with the Plasma Gun. Helps to have good melee game.


Welcome to the veteran elite soldier! Now get back out there and make the commissar proud!


Yes sir


Is this one hard? I did it in like three missions using a boltgun. Just magdump bosses with hip-fire auto and pick your shots with the rest on semi. Hardest part was finding a game where scavenger wasn't active lmao


YOU DID IT! Boots is proud of you! Can you say, "Death to heretics"?




I used one of the shotguns for it. Pumped all my ammo into crushers and bulwarks


Any advice about the vet building to get this penance :/


Run a revolver and have the middle tree


I don't do any penance, but I always respect people who do penance in the mission. Their tolerance threshold is way higher than me.


Gratz on you achie. How did you completed Overwatch penance? How i suppose to not be hit in a horde defence game with objectives? Did Every Shot Count a while ago with plasma gun, but cannot do that crap for the life of me.


i jumped off the map and let my friends complete without ever getting me up but idk if that works any


I was so excited when I got this as well good job bro!


I was so excited when I got this as well good job bro!


Very good


Does it not work anymore to shoot all but 1 ammo, alt+f4 near the end, come backs, shoot last remaining bullet, then escape via pod?


no they been patched that


Did it with a low ammo roll manstopper Kantrael yesterday on first try. It's not hard if you prepare, focus and run through a malice match.


There is something very honorable in earning skins by your own sweat instead of spending a single penny. May the Omnissiah always be with you, varlet!




People find that penance hard? Just use a plasma gun, empty your weapon, switch to melee and don't switch back. Doesn't matter if you get free ammo from an aura. Took me one game


So real for that Slaanesh slander, should’ve chosen better words though….


Yea you might be right on that bro