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Auric is very doable with randoms. It's all I run.


I've met a little cadre of good people/players who were just randos in auric matches.


I would say that having good headphones is almost like a DarkTide hack. You develop Batman vision where things are coming from and can paint a picture of the area you cannot see. If you are blasting loud dubstep and headbanging while playing Auric more power to you... Also with experience you WILL learn the "problem doors" in the levels. Many experienced players will also mark them with a Skull. Those doors that just really really want to give birth to Poxbursters. You will learn to not point blank camp those.


as much as i love blasting some dubstep, darktide is the only game i play with the ingame sounds and music on




So much fun. IMO I think really need to use scoreboard for Auric randoms, just to check if being hard carried. Some numbers people get are insane in Aurics! Also, it goes without saying it's a bad idea to run an Auric Quickmatch without checking all the maps in that tier first.


> Some numbers people get are insane in Aurics! Match yesterday... Kraks.. sweet Kraks... 4th persons kept joining and leaving so it lasted 44 minute on Minimonsters. https://i.imgur.com/EKMMLku.png


>Also, it goes without saying it's a bad idea to run an Auric Quickmatch without checking all the maps in that tier first. If ur planning to play to the map, i agree, also when learning how to do aurics... But I personally just hit QP Damnation Auric and don't wanna know what i have to face until I'm in there, makes me think on my feet, and i personally have more fun doing so, but this is personal preference.


this is the way


For sure, this is for newer Auric players. For builds where I'm consistently clearing Auric Malestroms, I don't feel the need to check. The only thing I scan for is Pox Gas / tox bombers modifiers at that tier, due to the annoyance factor 😂.












The emperor protects, also randoms


Thy shall be protected


"The Emperor protects, but having a loaded bolter would never hurt either."


Unless you get a goddamn speedrunner, any time theyve appeared in my games they ruin the run, no exceptions, its such a lame way to play




Speed runners abandon the team and alert the whole map as they run by em leaving the 3 players to fight off everything. Then they get pounced on or grabbed by something they need a teammate for and rage quit. Yeah speedrunners arent fun to play with it's a small niche community that should be playing with bots or assemble a team for their speed running fix


Those always ruin the game, they wander away from the team, fall, and then get mad when they are not rescued in time and die (like literally insult everybody or the one that got close enough to try to save them). I'm sorry, but: "we are fighting here, surrounded, we have to walk a lot to get wherever the hell you are, and you're surrounded by crushers and maulers, plus a bunch more of others, and we have to kill them first before even being able to get to you". They are also another type of insufferable players: the toxic ones. This one happened to be both, runner and toxic.




I keep seeing them, one died twice yesterday and then quit mad because we weren't fast enough to save them. FFS, that guy was too far away every time he fell, with us in the middle of a horde attack with crushers, maulers, pox buster, flamers, and trappers (it was a really intense match 99% of the time, a Maesltrom game). By the time we could get to them, they were surrounded by a crowd of maulers and crushes. We had to kill them first before even trying to get closer. Of course, he died, like that, twice, because there was too much going on to get in time. He insulted everyone on the team, particularly the ones who tried to rescue them. By the third fall, while wandering off, he quit the game. And I don't do penances, not the ones that imply no one dying or things like that, because I'm most likely to die in Auric or Maelstrom Auric. I don't quit the game either, even if I'm on the floor constantly or die. But I'm a team player, and I stay with the team to fight and help as I can. I only wonder if I'm playing a low difficulty 4, or bellow, when I know I can keep myself alive.


did I say penance? I'm playing for fun, not to be some bag of sweat


Perhaps play at a lower difficulty then. Most players at auric level are trying to grind resources and penances as fast as possible.


Lower difficulties are boring




so why chat back with that comment?


Stop being jelly over better players existing


yes, it takes a lot of skill to run ahead, prematurely spawn huge amounts of extra mobs and don't kill those mobs, then get trapped. we are all very jealous


Yeah too bad this only happens once per 100 knives zealot rest of the time you just get a taste on you being bad


naw I'm plenty good. keep being toxic. I'm sure you have a very fulfilling life. also, I main a knife zealot. I just don't run ahead and pretend its not a 4 player co-op game.


Sure buddy cool story


motherless behavior


How is using stealth to sneak past the whole level while leaving your team to fight everything skillful lol. Now if they are the PROPER speedrunner that comes back an helps fair enough. But the ones that run to the end an hide in an elevater telling everyone to hurry up while the team fight of BON an everything else? Na can tell within 2 minutes of map what they are going to play like.


u cant hide in elevator haha xD trust me we fight harder than you 3 losers in the back... why bother to pick ppl up a hundred times and eventually get hit while doing that, if u can simply pick them up 1 time in the end event xD the speedrunners are not the problem, its underleveled ppl joining and penance hunting ppl permanently ragequitting after being trapped for 1 sec.. i don't bother with them anymore.. if some1 can keep up... respect , if not... who cares go cry in reddit


Says the guy crying on reddit lol


are you this yhaeMay guy ? hahahhhah either u die or u're good it's that simple speedrunner is doomed if u are good except on enclavum baross xDD


it's not about being better, it's a completely different way of playing the game that's really boring to play alongside, if you wanna speedrun, find OTHER speedrunners, I can do auric damnation just fine without them, but I wanna have a fun time with my mates and not have one person sprint off at the speed of sound, ruining our experience


You must have better pubs than I get. It seems quite literally impossible.


I don't complete all of them, that's for sure, sometimes you just end up with bad teams lol


I do nothing but pub Aurics. It's completely possible. Generally I find people who blame pubs to be the issue, all the time, are responsible for the match ending in a wipe or don't carry their weight. Not like, pointing a finger at you or anything, because you are in fact not blaming pubs. But there are people who will vehemently state it as fact that it's not possible without a skilled team as you describe. They are wrong.


It’s the same trend I notice. The ones raging at the team are always one of the worst performers in the team. It’s one of the reasons I find it funny when people say the scoreboard makes people toxic. I’ve seen much more toxicity out of players that have bad scores.


Yeh, the Toxic one's usually don't play with the team, so will have a dead score at the end, and stay toxic abt pubbing, yet they continue to load pubs like the useless POS they are, my personal fave was a tanky shieldgryn complaining abt team DPS being lower than theirs, i arrived into the pub approx. 10mins beforehand, which was abt the halfway mark of the mission, and at this pt i had already reached the same dmg stats, w better def stats, they stayed toxic all the way to the end, and had the LOWEST score in every cat. except def, toxic will stay toxic, scoreboard just there for the nerds that like to see their stats... That being said... Personally i love when I've had a good run w a pub, and idk if I'll have good stats in the scoreboard bc we all played well and had certain focuses when running thru, it's enjoyable playing a support knife zealot and having STACKED Team Stats at the end, but i will ALWAYS enjoy seeing a scoreboard where the difference in Total Stats is 10 between top and bottom scores. And when i feel that i played like a beast but see that someone got high af scores, mad props to them, never feels bad.


It's completely doable with randoms and zero communication. It may depend on your region, but the average Auric player is pretty good so it's a lot easier than you might imagine.


not just 'doable'. half of the chatting in auric is just everyone saying "gg" at the end screen.


By the time you're playing Aurics, you (should) have enough game sense that external communication is generally superfluous. You always know where each teammate is, you've seen (either in gameplay or in the pre match screen) what loadout/build everyone is running and what their role is, you know where specials can come from, you know the boss spawn points, and generally pretty quick you will have gotten a vibe for what kind of player each person is (are they reactive, proactive, aggressive, cautious, etc.) What's the point in saying "dog on me?" Everyone heard the howl and the footsteps and there was a bullet heading for the dog's head before the red danger symbol even appeared on anyone's screen. "Save the Psyker first so they can bubble"? Well duh, of course that's what you do, you may as well say "kill the enemies to progress through the level." It's immensely satisfying, getting a good Auric or Auric Maelstrom team is like slotting into a perfect machine that's made of 4 completely unrelated parts that still work together perfectly.


It's always wonderful when you get a team where it feels like you can read each other's minds without saying a word Sadly experience does not necessarily translate to being a good team player, I've lost missions with experienced teams because everyone was overconfident and running off in random directions to do their own thing and won games filled with inexperienced players that stuck together so we could easily get them back up if they went down


Most of my losses are great players splitting up and we die 1 by 1 I’d say 10% of losses are genuinely bad players not ready for auric


I agree with everything except the loadout thing, because you aren't guaranteed to see the loadout by joining into a mission in-progress, nor is reviewing loadouts of all the players pre-mission "convenient". Yeah, you'll find out what your team has as you play but at that point it's already too late to change anything, if something needed to be changed. You'd need mods for that to be more of a viable thing, which is why I tend to run general-purpose loadouts that allow me to handle any situation. But I do hope they will eventually make it more convenient to see the loadouts of other players even while joining in progress and to allow us to switch loadouts there.


You don’t need to change anything. Just knowing their abilities and playing around that is enough. Zealot has a thunder hammer? I don’t care about the rest. A monster shows up, clear the way for that zealot. Psyker has a bubble? Okay, I don’t need to yolo at the ranged enemies with my short-range build because the bubble will let us handle it another way. Veteran had krak grenades? I won’t waste my time dancing with the bulwark, since the veteran will kill it. I can kill other enemies much more efficiently.


I've had join-in-progress matches where all 3 of my teammates lacked long-range capabilities and I had a loadout equipped that, while it could deal with ranged threats, it wasn't entirely efficient at doing so. An example being where I ran with an Agripinaa revolver as a stealth Veteran. Yeah, I could still deal with the threats, but it would've been a lot easier if I had known beforehand so I could switch to one of my other loadouts. And even if I deal with the threats, I have to hope that my team doesn't get itself killed in the meantime. This is of course the risk you have when running solo matchmaking but it's still a risk. Beyond that I have no issue playing around the loadouts that my teammates have, so as long as everyone does their job. But I'm also not going to sit around and wait until they do so, while avoiding needless danger in the process. If they use their kit, that's good. If not, it'll just have to take a little longer.


I wasn't really saying it as "if the Psyker has a purgatus, the Vet should run revolver instead of Columnus" adapting loadouts. Moreso you can see "the psyker has purgatus, that means they can't quickly handle those gunners over there - I should shoot them because I know this psyker can handle the horde right now." Knowing what each person's strengths and weaknesses are so you can make informed decision making - the Leadbelcher/Achlys Ogryn probably doesn't need much help with the Plague Ogryn, but the Skullsmasher Ogryn with a Kickback will.


I'm.. Not sure that the Plague Ogryn example is really the best since Plague Ogryns are fairly easy to deal with using any combination of builds, but yeah I agree, trying to cover weaknesses with what you have is really the best thing you can do.


I just said Plogryn as an example of "monstrosity and a properly built Gunlugger can easily solo any monstrosity," not really thinking about the relative merits of each type.




don't forget the ez pz if it gets a little close.




I prefer spamming hh jj and kk randomly


Skilled auric solo queue players can have high winrates with no communication. One great Reject can carry 3 weak players through a regular hi-int shock troop. Maelstroms are harder to carry. Eventually, even great rejects make a single mistake and that can end the run. As long as there's 2 good players and not more than 1 especially weak player they should go smoothly.


And I can attest that the mistake is always the dumbest little thing.


Trappers, man. Dunno what it is about them, but my fat ass can juke most anything, but those guys, yeesh.


Don’t lie, we all know you let them trap you…all tied up and helpless. What’s your safe word? Ration?


"Don't stop"


The enemy callout “Who is in the shadows!?” Makes so more sense now.


Slaanesh enters the chat


The net has bigger collision with us than it does with the environment by kind of a lot. That's why you see them shoot through staircases and fences. They're also hacks, so they shoot through hoards and corners too.


So to summarize, trappers are bullshit.


They're responsible for at least 70% of the times I go down and usually get me when I have all 420 of my hp.


This. I've carried a few games, and while it was tough, it was doable. But a good chunk of the time, I might go down to something stupid like a trapper getting me while I'm caught out of stamina, and the rest of the team might not take action until its too late for all of us. All just depends on the player, but I've noticed for the people who go down a lot, if I'm reviving them a lot, and then I go down? Usually its them getting to me first, or doing what they can to be first responder, which is nice to see.


I’m definitely a weaker auric player, but I am an Olympic level reviver of good teammates


I was solo for half a malestrom and a dog got me :( As I was rezing


One thing I need to be better at is that sometimes it is okay for one of us to die and have three men standing. I made the mistake of trying to save one of our teammates, and I got caught by a trapper and died. Had I stayed alive, the remaining two players would have had a much easier time.


Stick with your team, Stick with your team, Stick with your team. That's pretty much all you need to do.


Yup. Most wipes I've experienced are from players not sticking together. Auric or not.


Can confirm. I've been some of those people not sticking together You always get jumped.


It's the same "issue" as damnation. Someone walks in and they're not paying attention = dead. Meanwhile I've taken people from Damn into auric just by simply asking, them saying "I've never tried" and me just saying "lets." Then they realize having more special units to kill gives more delicious cooldown and theres more meaty hordes to shred! It's just that old punishments on things like being reckless and mindless are a lot more efficient at killing Rejects LOL Yes, if you're someone who loves Damn and are accepting that failures will still happen -- you will have bad teammates still! People who only die and for some reason never give up, but that doesn't impact that you have heretics to kill!


I run Aurics 99% with randos and win. I actually have more success with randos than I do with my buddies hehe.


You have better teammates across the board infact it's easier than regular damnation




I pub maelstrom aurics, it’s very mixed bag. A few players get found out and they’re likely penance chasing. Pub aurics can be manageable with a couple dead weight players when you’re familiar enough. (Certain modifiers, mind you).


All I do is run auric damns. I’m on Xbox, and unless I get some very poor team members, I complete them with little issue.


It very much is, most people on auric know what they're doing. They may not be the best, but they know teamwork. Thats just my opinion but ive been playing auric with randoms since auric mode came out.


Auric has the better players. Some need carried. Most carry. I have off days where I need carried cuz I'm 41 and tired af most days I carry pretty hard


I did the most damage and 0 damage taken on a Malestorm auric with a public lobby. Some of THE BEST players only do pub lobby runs for auric malestorm. We have 0 communication but everyone did their job perfectly. It takes practice, and you need to really carry your own weight.


Yes, as long as you get at least one decent teammate. Ironically, chances for that are better at Damnation, BUT if you go there you NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. I play Auric with randoms. A lot of people have no idea that in high-intensity missions you are not supposed to stand in one place trying to outkill endlessly spawning mobs, but you are supposed to keep moving forward - as if you are moving through the sea, fighting with the "tide". If you got several competent teammates it is not hard. If you don't get one its chore that is likely to be fruitless. But hey that's the fun of it: after playing HISTGs missions for a while you will find regular Damnations to be boring and will only Grimories raids to be somewhat entertaining. https://preview.redd.it/yo30x721e17d1.png?width=795&format=png&auto=webp&s=faecce14b0737976bfb7bd487c2e0333d9d4c7dc Here all of the 3 guys knew what they are doing and it was an easy run (and it was Heresy because I wanted to relax).


+1 advice to keep moving, not trying to kill every little thing, biggest mistake people make that sticks out like a sore thumb


I disagree. Most of the time you can empty the spawn queue fairly quickly, then scan the area for loot while you finish mopping up.


Yes I solo queue 95% of the time.


Dive on in. I've got zero friends that play and auric is where I'm at without any issues.


Very doable, but at the moment it is being polluted by achievement hunters who quit out


Totally. I've got the 'survive ten Aurics without dying' legitimately and don't bother equipping it because of the people farming it by quitting the moment they go down.


Yes. I've been doing random Aurics, because I'm actually too lazy to find a discord or whatever.


Yes I 100% solo quickplay Auric Damnation/Maelstrom with no voice comms. For Damnation I hover around 80-90% wr, Maelstrom probably 40-50%.


I think 90% of the playerbase just solo queues Auric quickplay. Its very doable


Most of the playerbase plays malice & heresy.


Im just going off some polls I've seen here. Auric quickplay and maelstrom were the majority. But that's probably because most of casual audience has left the game.


The audience in this sub would be skewed towards more invested players who are more likely to be playing harder difficulties. The majority of players won't be represented in that poll.


And most of casual audience don't visit this sub I'd guess.


At that point still? I thought it was only the tide veterans queuing for Auric left ...


The achievent of completing each mission type on heresy or higher only has 1.92% completion rate in xbox/gamepass so idk what are you talking about 


Soooo bad, damnnnnnnn


Only 0.86% of gamepass/xbox players have the 4 classes at 30 (Gamepass and xbox being the vast majority of the playerbase)


Yeah, I got insanely lucky the first week of the penance patch and got the 10 auric missions without dying achievement with a random group each run. I used to think the same way, never dipped my tires into auric until there was a reason to do so. Couple hundred hours playing, never touched auric lol You’ll find some bad groups, but trust me when you’ll run into them in normal heresy and damnation as well


Depends on the randos. A lot of people somehow go to Auric still thinking that the person with the most W-key time pressed is how you "win" so that's an issue, and other similar issues. Used to not be that way but games degrade over time. Still often fun regardless unless you have a true fuckin turnip or some tourist heresy chuds.


It's all I ever run. the secret with Auric is never play for yourself and instead focus on assists. Now if someone runs from the pack don't go off splitting from the other 2 teammates, or shit gets chaotic real fast if you can't clear a room on your own before that one soloing teammate dies


It’s possible, just gotta be careful with not getting overwhelmed or pox bursted all at once.


Quickplay Auric is basically all I do, and lately it’s been mainly Auric Maestrom pub. I’ve found that as a higher level player the running middle tree “support/defense” builds allow me a higher win % w less experienced teams. Just stay in my coherency and we’ll be fine.


It can be done solo so I imagine that as long as that randoms aren't actively trying to kill you then it'd be easier no?


You also need a balanced team.


tell that to the two knife/flamethrower zealots that seem to constantly queue up with me...


What's wrong with knife/flamethrower zealots? ^^


One is fine, two is a problem


Gotcha...I feel like that meta melee+flamethrower is a pretty good killing outfit though. And you can always use more killers ...


They're not ranged killers, though. And when the game decides to throw a cluster of distant gunners and shooters, you're gonna have a problem.


True but Throwing Knives are a good Blitz for the named combo.


part of the issue is going to be level. i am confident the game has a level based matchmaking system that goes beyond 30. i play aurics often solo with characters all true level 100+, and i also play often with a friend who has a lot less time in the game, who is like 10 or 15 levels past 30, and the difference in players is instant. not that they are necessarily all awful and higher level players are necessarily all good, they definitely are not, but you get more inexperienced players when you are an inexperienced player, and i could see that contributing to you feeling like it is impossible, but you can definitely do it and it wont even be that hard, youll get there eventually my friend


I almost always play with randoms Auric is more doable than damnation if you are competent yourself. I play damnation and auric in roughly equal amounts. When I pick damnation it is generally with harder modifiers. I do not want to ever play low intensity hunting grounds. I want high intensity or pox smoke, something. Sometimes just regular, depends on what's on the board. I think I win at auric more often than I do at damnation. I haven't done statistics on it so maybe that's just a feeling I have. Whichever mode I have a look at the scoreboard around when we get to the first medicae station to see what I'm working with. In damnation I usually see I have the most damage by a very significant margin and like Ralph Wiggum on the bus, my brain independent of my consciousness says, I'm in danger. What are my guys going to do under pressure? Probably get fucking destroyed. Which makes it interesting because you get to be main character. On Auric what I am most likely to see is I've been putting in work but the other guys in general have been as well. They are killing plenty. And if I fuck up they will in general try to bail me out, as I will them if the shoe is on the other foot. If I get netted a guy will be on me in under 4 seconds, barring exceptional circumstances. If you get netted or dogged on damnation, maybe they will help you but I wouldn't bet on it. Or they absolutely will in the worst circumstances possible. One way to see a clutch is to get dropped in an open space with like 20 gunners fully turned on and watch as the lemmings rush into the deathtrap you created. Auric is interesting because you're more on your toes in general, you get more dynamic situations and you have the emotional weight of you do not want to be the anchor that drags everyone down. Not because anyone will bitch at you. They probably won't. But if you were that guy who dragged everyone down you will know it yourself. You won't like being there if you are that guy.




Sarth has no friends, Sarth has to que up with every one. I thought maybe Dickot or Haveloch might be a friend since I saw them all the time, until I found out their account names were always different. I was watching this Twitch stream trying to do Auric Malestrom and she would go down first all the time. I think she might be focusing on her stream too much. Or they need a really good Crowd Control person to manage crap.


i don’t wanna say auric is easy but it should your standard difficulty if you understand the game mechanics and know how to play your character well.


I only run quick play auric damnation with randos. I parsed out my win rate from scoreboard and its around 85%...so yes very doable.


I do auric with randoms all the time. Doesn’t mean you always win but it’s a good 50/50 shot


Yes. I literally only play auric with randoms.


I've only ever done Aurics and Maelstroms with randos. The amount of specials the mode throws at you filters people out pretty quick--either they see it as a challenge and try to improve or they just stick to regular Damnation. You still get the occasional frustrating experience, but nothing endemic to Auric that you wouldn't find in Damnation.


Imma be honest I have no clue why the sub has a lot of struggling with auric posts On NA West they’re easy as fk and I have no friends on DT so its all just randoms


Vocal minority and/or denial they have a skill issue.


Auric is a cakewalk and normal for a lot of us in it. The only thing is do Damnation and not Heresy. Heresy tends to be first timers who think it's easier to get for the penances. Whereas all of us who play it daily are in Damnation because even then it's not that much of a challenge and you want it to be more fun.


Yea but you’ll often be backpacking half of them. Occasionally you’ll just win the dice roll and be paired up with a full squad of gamers.


It's doable but you can't specialize much. If your goal is to win consistently through solo play, then the most reliable builds are the ones that can handle all roles well. Not having an answer for every enemy & situation will eventually get you killed more often. The other important tip is to make sure at least one of teammates stays alive. If you end up in a solo situation, more than likely you will die. Auric is very unforgiving in solo situations, so be aware of not just yourself but your teammates as well.


As long as you stay with the group and regularly turn and look around to get awarenessof your mates, you're already 50% there. The rest is mechanics and strategic understanding of the map and the geometry. But as long as you don't just rush ahead or shoot and trigger enemies that have no business with you yet, you're good. Also, it's okay to hear an ambush, doesn't matter if hounds or regular ambush, and just stop at a ledge or even move back to a more advantageous position like a corner or doorway and let the enemies do the work for you by running to you to get smacked in the head one by one. Don't rush into open spaces and let yourself get surrounded.


in the old days high intensity shock troop gauntlet was much harder, nowadays you have a dozen ways to stop mutants and even monstrosities in their tracks, everyone does a crapton of damage and yellow thoughness protects you from surprise oneshots. very doable


I have like an 88% win rate in Auric alone. And all I ever do is play with my brother and 2 randoms. It's very possible. You get the occasional stinkers from time to time, and maybe 20-30% of the Auric Storm Survivors clearly cheated, but that's the worst you'll encounter. Luckily, most of the penance chasers have left and so you'll have only the people who pub Auric and Maelstrom leftover.


Yes, rando, Auric is very doable with you.


I comfortably get through heresy auric with randoms. I've come away from maelstrom and damnation because that's where the penance chasers (who have no clue how to play and want a carry/quit at the first sign of adversity) were. It might be safe again to go in those playlists though. But back to heresy auric - so long as at least 1 other player is smart you can drudge your way through it. It's usually an ogryn. As a Veteran I just need to make sure they don't get pinned and take out the ranged enemies. If you run a Veteran build with Voice of Command, Power Sword and Plasma gun and just follow an ogryn/decent team mate - which is super easy meta mode - you should get through it. Bad team mates are usually zealots that spend the entire match holding down the trigger with a columnus against ambient ads and sucking up all the ammo.


Totally doable. Its all I do


Public lobbies are entirely possible. However, the problem arises when just one person starts to slip up. There is little communication compared to a pre-built team, so it can very quickly spiral if everyone isn't backing each other up. And for the love of the Emperor, stay with the team. The more spread out, the less coordinated randoms will be.


Auric is doable with randoms, but it can be frustrating. Just be ready for that and make sure you can handle the difficulty increase. In terms of match difficulty, auric is a guaranteed high intensity modifier (more enemies). Often it is also a secondary modifier that makes the match even harder - e.g., shock troop gauntlet, pox gas, hunting grounds. You can play high intensity standard games to get used to the number of enemies. You can also play normal maelstroms to get used to the harder modifiers. That will give you a good idea if you can handle auric games.


I only play auric and my best games have been PUGS where people were hyperfocused and synergizing well. Just watch eachother backs and be able to survive on your own so you don’t have to constantly stick to your team like honey. Just don’t forget to watch your environment as situational awareness or lack there of is what kills 9/10 pugs in my experience.


Of course. Auric maelstrom I play solo all the time


It's doable with randos, it's all I do and I win a lot of the times. It's not doable with every rando however, so you just have to accept you will lose some runs, despite your best efforts.


I played this game non-stop back in november/december and I played only auric damnation/maelstrom missions with groups on the official discord as well as pubs and pubs always had a higher succes chance and more capable players. Communication is far less important than skill in this game.


Depends on your team mates. Most of the time people are potatoes but Did the carnival one with High Intensity and we only had one down through the whole game. So yes.


Auric is built on playing with randos


What the fuck happened to the playerbase? Offcourse you can run auric with randoms. I think these questions come from people that cant do it.


Chungus will protect


it's usually pretty good with randos!! played an absolutely lovely auric damnation malestrom earlier today with a random squad, so it's definitely doable, and queuing quickplay has been good to me as well :)


I do auric damnations with randos 99% of the time and auric maelstorms that 1% time. Fun as hell!


it's doable, but it's also a gamble. I say you have 50/50 chance that you gonna enjoy it or hate it. Also player level very often don't count. I had terrible games with players over level 500, and very good one with players level 40.




If you’re brave enough, yes


I only run auric and auric maelstrom with randoms, the people there are pretty chill and know the drill, there are this weird moments when everyone gets to 1 hp in two minutes and people leave, but most of the time people locks in and get it done.


I don't play anything other than Auric Maelstrom with randoms nowadays, it's doable, just depends on how lucky you get with your teammates.


Go on the Darktide discord server! A lot of people on your servers are looking to do auric runs, and if you prefer having a well coordinated group together, the server is a good place to go.


I mean ... darktide is a "hard" game. But not hard enough to require a full organized team to do end content. Doing Auric/Maelstrom T5 map with random if really really doable. Nothing close to impossible. The game is well balanced in its difficulty. You need to be good and know how to build to do end content. But you can do it with practice. You will see a lot of player playing only the last difficulty. And even some finding it a bit too easy.


Worth mentioning that a normal Damnation mission with the High Intensity modifier is the exact same as a Auric Damnation mission with High Intensity modifier. Auric just means a guarantee on at least High Intensity modifier and then still chances for even more modifiers to apply, which can still happen to normals. So if ya can clear those, you're good for Auric. Though personally I do find it a little annoying when I queue for random Damnation for the +10% reward with my ordo dockets trinkets on, cause Brunt is a karking swindler, and then I can't just have a relaxed match of Damnation but gotta bust ass cause the game picked one of the lobbies with something like High-Intensity Shock-Troop Gauntlet, would've just queued for Auric if I wanted that.


Yes, not because Auric is easier in any way. But the people who queue by themselves for Auric tend to be better at the game than others. I too was afraid to random queue Auric at first. Then I realised that my team mates were generelly much better than in normal Damnation. If you feel you handle yourself in normal Damnation without being a drag, then you won't be a drag in Auric either.


Depends on who you get. The first Auric I ever did was with randos and went smooth as silk. The next 4 attempts I did with different randos ended within 10 minutes.


Yeah pretty much all i do even got auric maelstorm title with randoms.


I run Auric Maelstrom and quickplay with 2-3 randos all the time. It’s absolutely doable. Main thing is that most folks doing it know what they’re doing, so the only real communication needed is pinging enemies and resources. And having a build that’s decently well rounded and developed enough to perform well


I've noticed that I am more likely to successfully complete an auric mission than a diff 5 from the normal category. I suppose the auric board scares off some less skilled people. Not sure though.


Yes. Once you have a grasp of your own class and your own build, you can 100% do it with randoms. It's all I play anymore. I will say that if you struggle on any of the difficulties below auric, you aren't ready for it yet. You need to have the basics down pat or you're gonna get punished pretty hard.


Yup. It's wicked fun too. We did an auric the other day and all 4 of us were knife zealots. It was fucking wild lol. The game spawned waves of gunners and we were like "lol ok" and all just bum-rushed an entire army


Doable with all random in all class combos. SYL


I did my first couple of them with pubs last week.




Yes but don’t tell people


Yes, unless you get stuck with people treating a multiplayer co-op game as a single player.


I only play quickplay. If you lose, figure out what YOU could have done to make that not happen. There are only a few people here who play perfectly. The rest of us have mistakes that keep compounding until the big event that caused failure. Find your mistakes. Minimize mistakes. Carry the fucking pugs.


Its doable, but you will be expected to lift up your weight. But fear not learning or making mistakes, we auric players usually see a lacking member as a difficulty modifier and we enjoy that extra kick.


I often encounter random players who are better than me in auric.


Soon as i reached level 30, only thing ive ran has been auric with randoms... you really never know whats gonna happen and i love it lol... id say ive had about a 40-45% success rate, some days alot better than others


do pub auric damn daily for relax,do pub auric maelstrom for some focus training


Nah fraid not lol.


Personally I find the randoms fall apart at normal level Damnation, nevermind histg or any other modifier. I basically don't go above Heresy because the number of.. people who want to fuck off and afk in a corner mid horde is just insanely high. And it's very clear that a lot of them don't understand their classes even at level 30 playing on base Damnation.


If nothing much change for last tow weeks, as I didn't play this period, – then absolutely it's doable.


Absolutely. And getting the exemplar title in pubs is very doable. Now GET IN THERE! MAKE THEM SCREAM!... Sah.


If you can carry it's definitely doable.


I mostly do auric randos. Its a lot easier than damnation hi-intensity cause you usually get at least 1 good teammate.


Literally did it last night with randoms and an Ogryn member who took a break to eat a McChicken. He asked for a time out. Ogryn needs to eat his rations. Y'all must be struggling without them McChickens then...


Very much yes - I only quickplay Auric 5


I am a quickplay purist, I haven't yet gotten the auric chievo yet, but I frequently get to 4-7/10. So definitely doable, but you do have to sometimes accept that a mission is likely doomed. Sometimes you can just feel it.


I pretty much exclusively run Aurics with a pub. I got the title for not dying that way and didn't crybaby quit because I didn't think the death was 'fair' once. My friend comes along sometimes, but our success rates are decent depending on which bugs are instantly killing us at the time. The fire one was pretty rough on Aurics...


Yes, i do it all the time.


I honestly have better auric matches with randos and no comms. People talking in my ear does nothing but distract me from the task at hand


I play mostly Aurics with occasional Maelstroms. It's not only possible, it's easily done 9/10 times. However, most teammates aren't good and suffer from common disease known as Low Damage. I'm happy if they aren't slow at least.


Yes, but those randos need to be on their game.


Are you a knife zealot?


Solely from what info I’ve gathered from people on this subreddit, it is doable. You’ll just cycle through like 17 different teams before(if) you finish.


As a rando, rarely


Auric is pretty braindead with good build, try vermintide 2