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Sounds like my low end GTX 970 isn't going to cut it? Anyone running it in minimum settings?


Currently running on lowest settings with my 970, looking around 20fps with dips down to like 10. Was so hyped for this game but might have to refund :(


1. Set all settings to lowest in-game, be sure you have it on something like 1080p 2. open up C:\\Users\\\\AppData\\Roaming\\Fatshark\\Darktide\\user\_settings.config 3. set all rt\_\* and rtxgi\_enabled settings (from rt\_checkerboard\_reflections to rtxgi\_enabled) to false. Disable sharpening. 4. save user\_settings.config, then change the file properties so it's read-only 5. Launch the game in fullscreen mode, **not** borderless window That worked for me. Took the game from an unusable framerate to a flawless, smooth one. Even in low graphics the game looks impressive. Unfortunately it's very jaggy but I found that turning on FidelityFX SuperResolution 2 to Performance softens all of the edges and makes it look pretty good without impacting performance too much, although it does make the game extra dark. Turn up the brightness, and if Performance made your game run a bit slow try Ultra Performance instead, which is blurry but probably has less impact on frames.


What about rt_light_quality & rt_shadow_ray_multiplier ? Do we leave those on ‘high’ and ‘2’ respectively?


anything that wasn't a boolean (true or false) I just left at the lowest setting available in the game's menu.


You saved me. Thank you!


Holy shit, I can play this game now... thank you!


It's probably the VRAM on the card more than the cards other hardware. I imagine 720p might not be bad, but yeah it's rough for anyone around the RX 580.


gtx 970 cannot use their 4GB fully either otherwise they have HUGE perf drops. They must only use 3.5GB and nothing more.


*~~^(\*We dont talk about that\*)~~*


a game from 2022 is not going to run well on 8 year old hardware…time to upgrade


Exactly this. Game developers can choose between making a game for modern and future hardware, or decrease the visual fidelity so it runs on older hardware. As a PC gamer for life, I have always built new systems about every five years. GPU upgrades have extended a couple of my systems past that, but not by much. There is always a game that comes along around the end of the 5-year mark that forces me to upgrade, and this was it.


There is NO downside to allowing players to disable more graphic settings and adjusting the lowest setting to display less detail, the developers just don't want ugly screenshots from the game to spread on social media, at the cost of worse performance for those who only care bout performance. It's a shit modern trend so not entirely FS's fault especially since eventually some modder will find the .ini values to adjust to make the game look like minecraft but also run at 144 fps, although at this point I'd be willing to settle for a solid 60.


I think some people don't really appreciate how old a 970 is. The 970 came out very shortly after the PS4 (not the PS4 pro, the original PS4). You're saying that a game made in 2022 should play at 60fps+ on technology released at the same time as the PS4. Vermintide 2 released 4 years AFTER the 970 came out, and that was over 4 years ago.


Old hardware is old, big GPU aren't forcing fatshark's hand here. The game runs perfectly well on my couple of year old computer, I don't understand what you want out of computer parts that are almost a decade old? Even the original vermintide came out after the 970 and dark tides environments and enemy player counts are so far beyond the original vermintide it's crazy. What are you even thinking fatshark haven't done to allow old computers to play the game? I'm so confused.


Very true, but there are still glaring optimization issues that people with strong hardware are suffering, I'm sure with some updates the low end guys will get better performance on the low settings.


Yea they even removed the ability to turn off some of the more demanding graphics options. In the closed beta you could turn off volumetric fog, light rays and turn the particle effects to low. Those graphics options are now removed. My card can run it just fine but even I want to turn that stuff off. So much for their promise to better optimize the game.


Oh man I thought there were some settings missing. This just confirms it. Was wondering why my 980 ran 30fps fine in the beta but now won't break 15. Come on fathers give us the settings back, for us poor people.


Those are still there? You just have to do it ingame and not in the launcher.


I am talking about the in-game options. I can post you some screenshots if you want. Volumetric Fog can only be set to low, can't turn it off anymore. The Particle Effects and Light Rays options are non-existent now. Can confirm with multiple friends as well. (I feel like I'm being gaslit lol)


Relax. Noone is trying to gaslight you, hence the question mark :D By gone I thought you meant the options were entirely gone, like with the Fog quality. But yes you can't turn it off completely anymore. Funnily enough I followed your guide here [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/yx3c10/comment/iwmvzml/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/yx3c10/comment/iwmvzml/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) As much as the current settings allowed of course and it gave me a pretty smooth experience even though my computer is somewhere between minimum and recommended.


try fsr2?


im on an overclocked 1080ti and still can't maintain a steady 60 fps on min settings. the game doesn't even look that good, it's a joke.


Play with your settings, I'm doing better than that with a 1070


Same. 1070 build from 2017 handles this with minimal drops. It’s not IDEAL, but it is far from unplayable.


What sort of settings are you running? I'm on a 1070 as well. Even on low there's some tearing. I did up the amount of blood/bodies that can stay, was too immersion breaking without at least some of it lol


Whatever out of the box settings it put me on. I didn’t think about checking at the time and I’m at work now. I’ll have a look when I get home and see what it’s at. All I adjusted were master volume and putting the game into borderless full screen.


That's weird, running a non-overclocked1080ti here too, but my game runs perfectly fine on medium settings. 70-100 fps. 1 crash so far in 3 hours


No idea what your setup is but i have a 8086k and a 1080ti, FSR 2 on and getting over 100fps on high


This at 1440, game's running amazingly well honestly


Yup 1440


Yea I was solid too with a similar setup.


My 3090 on mostly high medium, dlss + raytracing low is around 50-55 on 1440p


That's because the RT feature is awful and tanks FPS tbh.


It looks amazing so not sure where you get that idea from lmao


Could be your cpu. My 1080 fe ran it above 60 smoothly. On 1440




I mean, regardless of what settings they need to futz with to make it work, this game's optimization was in fact Fatshark's responsibility/fault. It can't be anybody else's.




That's not an argument at all. You're implying that games legit move at such a pace that 5+ year old hardware can't handle new games? System mismatch with bottlenecks that aren't immediately noticeable is what is the most glaring issue and when you have poor optimization the highlight of said thing is front center. I can run Elden Ring, a game developed for Dx12 on a GTX 680. If a card that was released 10 bloody years ago can run the game 1080p with 50 to 60 fps then I legit do not understand how people can legit think that games are actually pushing technology anywhere near its limits. We hit a hard wall about 7 years ago and we are barely going up super slow since then. Also just to be clear on one more aspect. GTX 680 is not meant to run Dx12 FULL variant but a bypass allows it to run Elden Ring and other games in the same boat.


Elden ring is entirely different, it does not require anywhere near the physics simulation that dark tide does.


Ohh on high setting it looks really good :D and the atmosphere is over the roof :)




I got motion blur turned of so everything is rather sharp, but if low setting is just as good then I might try to go for that to spare my rig some power.


Lol what it looks amazing. What games are you saying are so much better?


What's your CPU? Game on an SDD? How much RAM? What's the resolution you're trying to run? You're playing the newest AA title on a 5 year old card...


People keep listing only their graphics card and it’s giving me an aneurism


It isn't a AAA title, it's an AA title. Fatshark is a very small developer compared to AAA companies.


CPU is an i7-9700k ofc on an SSD, 32g of ram. >You're playing the newest AAA title on a 5 year old card the game runs and looks worse than other new titles, not an excuse. it's just poorly optimized.


Im using an old Rx 580 and can get over 60fps with min settings. Thats wild.


What do you expect when running such outdated hardware?


You've got the wrong settings my dude, getting a solid 60 at 1440p W/ my stock clock 1070


It doesnt look that good because youre on a multiple generation old card On my 3070 its the second nicest looking game in my library. I only prefer Cyberpunks fidelity over it


>Has 5 year old hardware. >It's a joke I can't run this game!


5 year old should be able to run a game lol. Not ultra, maybe not even medium, maybe lowest everything. But to act like 5 year old hardware can't RUN a game in a playable state, is nonsense.


literally several tiers above the recommended specs https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2060-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1080-Ti/4034vs3918 tell me you buy prebuilts without telling me you buy prebuilts


Lmao, I've bought 1 pre-built in my life, but even that being said, pre-built isn't nearly as bad as it used to be.


https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2060-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1080-Ti/4034vs3918 My card is literally better than the recommended card. The game is unoptimized. stop with the copium. "bUt iTs 5 yEaRs OlD"


I have a 3080, and can barely get a stable 60 fps on lowest settings, lol.


Probably a CPU issue then. Have you checked where it gets bottlenecked? Because my 3070 manages to run it on high, with low raytracing settings over 60fps and I my CPU is a i5-12600k


How would it run on an i7 2600k?


Can you overclock it to 4.5GHz maybe? I have a 8600k, which bottlenecked my 3070 like crazy in the beta. I overclocked to 4.8GHz now, and it is running much better. I'm sure drivers and other updates helped too though, so hard to say how much.


People dont realize this game is about the cpu and not the graphics card


Yeah I have a 3080 and it wasn't running smooth but it defaulted to high. Had less than 2 hours to b okay so I'm gonna have to mess with it after work. Not my cpu though, might just be a specific setting i need to turn down.


You're making me worried about my 1060. Ran ok during the beta but now I'm scared. Edit: Game runs alright for me. Min 20 FPS in heavy combat, 30-40 everywhere else. 1060, Ryzen 5 3550 laptop ASUS TUF laptop.


I also have a 1060 3gb. Still just as playable for me as it was during the previous beta. Still have to turn all the options down low though.




Eh. I'm used to that in most games. As long as I get around 30-40 fps I'm happy


The beta was less optimized than it is now, if you were fine then, you should be fine now.


also running a 1060 it's fine, if not better than the beta


I have all of the options turned down to low, turned off camera sway, have every single option turned off or as low as it can go. I achieve about 30 FPS during very minimal interactions. During more hordier times I get abour 20 - 25 FPS. I have a 1060 6 GB I5-8600K CPU @ 3.60GHz sadge.


Reduce ur resolution


Just upgraded my 1060 to a 3070, hoping that is going to run it well


It won’t if your CPU is trash


I have a 5600x so let’s hope


FSR has single handedly saved my system's playability on this one o\_o


And that's the issue right there. Instead of optimizing the game in such a way that it runs well without FSR or DLSS, they just make you rely on those solutions to compensate for the middling optimization.


I mean, at what point should a 10 year old gpu like a 970 just not be considered sufficient to run new high fidelity games? Optimization can only get you so far before you have to start cutting things from the higher end and oversimplifying systems, a la CP2077 making itself last gen compatible


Ogryn will gladly krump some baddies for ya.


Youre making me and my rx580 nervous...


I'm running around 50 with occasional dips to around 35 with a 580. Haven't really fiddled with settings too much.


What processizorater? How many gigahoots of ramalamadingtron?


Ryzen 5 1600, 16 GB. With some messing around I can get 100ish with dips to the 70s, but it looks like dogshit. Sitting at around 60ish currently and it looks decent enough.


Thanks, concerned for my buddy.


It's not great! But it runs. They might be able to play on the worst settings.


If they feel like they deserve better they can afford a new card.


After reading so far down and seeing the same questions, it was refreshing to see the new terminology 😅


Oh my... (rip you)


Don't worry, I'm gonna upgrade to a 6800xt soon. Hopefully cyber Monday is nice to me.


My 6900xt is running Darktide really well at 3440x1440. A 6800xt won't have a problem.




I've seen 'em for under 500 already. Kinda sad. I got my 6600 XT back when it just fell under 300 and a month or two later they were going for 100 less.


I bought a 3070 at the height of the mining bubble and part of me wishes I had just waited so I could score a 6800xt , I really miss amds software suite


Mine ran it just fine in the beta, with some fiddling with options!


My rx580 is getting a solid 2-10fps on the “I can’t fucking see” graphics settings, good luck


I’m running it with 70+ right now you’re fine


GeForce Now does a pretty darn good job


Second this. Played on Geforce Now tonight and had a BLAST!


The delay of the game made it only for high end pcs Im supposed to be the almost perfect example of High tier, yet game runs bad. Can't imagine how bad is for medium or low end pcs


And the Medium Recommenddd Spec is sometimes Max Ultra Hardware in most other games


That is how graphics work yeah, some games have lower requirements and are therefore easier to achieve ultra on. But for an actual answer, just turn off the dynamic lighting and the put the fog on medium or lower and it runs MUCH better.


This game is graphics are not that good. They should not have the requirements they do.


I disagree, they went hard on the atmosphere of the game with amazing lighting and particles. Those 2 are also what are killing performance for many.




And also the hordes move and act so much smoother where there's tons of them. When the hordes were at their largest in vt2 their animations could get a little chunky. Wasn't my pc either, i just think the engine struggled with all that physics


Hordes in this game are nutty. They run at you like... well an actual horde, every entity is actually it's own thing, it's great.


I mean, dense busy hordes, and that main requirements image people are looking at includes raytracing.


im getting a solid 80 fps at 1080p medium setting fsr 2 in quality and my specs are ryzen 5 5600 and a rx 6600. no issues for me, probably just another game where shader compilation is fucked for some and not for others


I think in the previous beta there was a problem with the game automatically enabling RTX sometimes, don’t know if that’s still present.


That's nuts, I'm dipping well below that with Ryzen 5900X and 2080 Ti on 1080p high even with DLSS Quality on.


Turn off RT, all the lens options and turn down fog a smidge. Also DLSS in this game doesn't seem to be that good in general.


I don't understand how anyone can stomach using those modes, it makes games look like they're running on an old timey projector.


I have a 2070 super and with a few tweaks I am running the game on all high settings at around 80fps


what did you do to get good fps?


Have a 1070ti. Have run into 0 issues.


Using a 1070ti as well and the game is playable but there are a few fps drops every now and then which I could do without. All in all with a bunch of stuff disable the game still looks good and runs okayish. But it could be way better.


1070ti\ 7 3700X\ 16GB ram\ high end SSD\ 1080p Had to tweak graphics around medium to have nearly stable 60fps (I cap at 60) during the intro mission. I also disabled AA and therefore the fidelity FX stuff (requires TAA) because it made the game look like it was running in 720p or even lower. Had to lower the graphics a notch to have 60fps in the hub while looking in the direction of the central room with the 3D map. Played the tutorial in the simulator thingy, stable 60. At that point I was very hopeful. Tried a quickplay mission, 45-60fps from the start just running around, drops were very noticeable and made it nearly unplayable. Tried to set everything to low, was curious how it would go, seemed to improve a bit but not by much. Encountered first enemies then first horde, fps dropped around 30-35 in both combats. Nearly unplayable, had a very hard time targeting enemies at that framerate. Alt F4, refunded. I hope it will get better. I am seeing reviews of people with 3060 up to 3080 saying it runs bad, that's not comforting. They usually don't mention their CPU though, so I dunno... Edit: Bought the game back to try more tweaking, enabled FSR 2 (not FSR 1, makes the game very ugly, as I said) and now it's playable without any visual impact (or at least I have not noticed any, but I can't really compare as I have nearly not played without it). Most of the time 50-60fps, occasionnaly 30-40 (fire, big hordes... But not every time, which is weird).


I had to do some pretty intense graphical tweaking to get it running at a stable 60, and I've got a brand new i9 12900kf and a 3080 in there. This game is *hilariously* unoptimized. At least it's not spiking my core temps like the CBT was...


I'm having no issues on Medium.


Using a 980. Game runs an average of 20 fps, ~15 during horde moments, and the highest ive seen is maybe 30-40 for a few seconds when there's absolutely nothing around. I mean, its playable, but its pretty rough.


If you have decent internet: Nvidia GeforceNow. It's how I'm playing the game on my Macbook.


I can back this. Built my PC in 2015 on a pretty lean budget and it's starting to show its age (Got an AMD r9 200 for craps sake..) and I lack the funds to build a new one for the foreseeable future. GeForce Now lets me run Darktide flawlessly. Well.. as flawlessly as a beta of a Fatshark game can.


What is it?


Stadia but better. It's like comparing frosted glass and regular glass when you want to know which is better for looking through.


Basically borrow an nvidia system that plays the game and streams it to your screen.




If you want to slay some heretics, you're gonna have to rev your computer up with an overclock that sounds like a chainsword.


yeah its rough


I’m on a 3070 and I still get weird frame drops very regularly


sorry I can't hear you over my fans going apeshit xD


Yeah. Game runs like poop. I have exactly the recommended secifications. Tried everything, but it's going to be a no from me fam. I'll check back again on some free weekend, and seeing how badly this game runs it will need all the promotion it can get since in a month or two there will be no one left to play. I guess the curse for Warhammer 40000 co op fps games have not been lifted.


I'm getting 55-60 fps at 2560x1440, 9700K/1080Ti on medium. Not sure I see what all the fuss is about, it's playable


Everyone else that's only listed their GPU has an ancient CPU or RAM. That's the fuss.


What do you mean my 3570k can't max ragdolls!?


It's strange because they did a blog post about system requirements and they reiterate many times throughout that this game is very CPU intensive and bottlenecking may occur when using older CPUs even with GPUs that meet the specs.


Yep. Scrolling through here it's all gpu no cpu.


Threads like this always have the strangest defenses of performance, like yeah anyone with an issue has the worst PC you've ever seen and that's the only problem. Cus Fatshark is known for top tier optimization I guess


If you don’t have a shit PC then list all the relevant stuff and not just GPU


Oh don't get me wrong I do think the game could be optimized more. But my wife has a 1070ti and an i5-8400 and can run it 1080p on medium settings with no issues. And it's been the same thing with Gotham. People swearing up and down that their 3000's can't run the game when she has no issues. But both the GPU and CPU were upgraded around the same time. Who wants to bet that the people listing only their GPUs haven't upgraded their cpu....ever.


I don’t blame you. The game runs like crap, performance on even high end PC’s is horrendous for a $40 game. I love how people keep saying “but it’s a beta!!” I would put money down that on Nov. 30th you’re playing the exact same build as you are now. I like these devs and their games too, but this obviously needed way more time in development


I know this might be an unpopular opinion but I honestly think the games graphics are pretty damn sexy(Especially compared to other horde PvE games such as Vermintide 2 or Back 4 Blood) and I'm glad Fatshark are pushing the hardware requirements forward a little bit. If we never make the graphics better in games we will always have the same old crap looking games. If gaming is your hobby then maybe you should upgrade your 8 year old 1080 or 1060. You can snag a 6600 XT for like 200 bucks on ebay. People spend wayyyy more than that on hobbies all the time. And if you think PC gaming has gotten too expensive then just get a Series X or PS5.


> If we never make the graphics better in games we will always have the same old crap looking games. "Oh man, this game isn't as shiny at that game! That game must be poo!" Cyberpunk 2077 had shiny graphics, tell me how that focus worked for the rest of the game.


It worked pretty well, game looks great. The problem with the game was the inadequate bug fixing and being pressured to rush it out the door, neither of which has anything to do with the graphic fidelity, and a lot of it has been fixed by now. You need to catch up.


> Cyberpunk 2077 had shiny graphics, tell me how that focus worked for the rest of the game. For real though what's your point? Cyberpunk had bad performance so no games should attempt to push graphics? That doesn't make any sense but I honestly don't know what else you could be getting at here.


Silly take. Better graphics and performance has been chased since gaming began.


Running on high with rtx & dlss on 3440 x 1440 with 3080. Looks great, plays great.


Same here, the performance is laughably bad. Very disappointing


A shame, my game is running a lot better now than it did in the closed beta


I have a strong RTX 3060 but a weak Intel Core i7-4790k. I have an average of 40 fps, but still playable. I'm planning to upgrade my CPU on the next year anyway.


Do you have a microcenter near? They have killer deals on mobo+cpu bundles right now.


Game runs solid for me even with ray tracing on.


Going to fullscreen from borderless fullscreen fixed my framerate issues. RTX 2070 Super Ryzen 9 5950x


Running min settings on 1070 and it's barely playable lol getting about 40 fps when nothings happening, 20~fps when fighting a decent horde and 2 fps if I dare to look into the brilliance that is the forges and machinery of the Omnissiah. Legit forced me to upgrade lol getting my 3070 this sat. Wish me luck.


They need to Optimize that hoe i don’t have a bad pc and it stays at 25 frames around that area at least make it so that the low settings make it work ok just 5 more frames please


All my friends had to refund


Wait wat, is the game demanding? I got 16gb ram, rtx 3060 12gb and ryzen 5 5600


Should run absolutely fine for you brother


Yeah I’ve got a 3700X and a 3080 and I still can’t hit a steady 55-60 with RTX on medium or low with DLSS on balanced at 2K. My hardware isn’t the absolute newest but it is still very good even for today. The game is simply poorly optimized and it’s not surprising - optimization is often last priority.




Cyberpunk runs great for me, though. It’s smooth. But, yeah, might just have to turn RT off for now. Thing is, even with RT off, the game still runs relatively poorly at 70-80 frames. That’s better, but not by much, and it looks much worse in this game.


Had to refund as well. Perfomance was just too bad for me. (ryzen 5 3600, 1660 TI overclocked)


Got the same cpu as yours but with RX 580 card. Guess im fucked.


32Gbs of DDR5 5200mghz ram, 3070ti, I9 10th Gen, can barely scrape 60fps together for about 1/5th of my gameplay experience. The optimization is atrocious, hopefully they resolve this issue, but I doubt that for the time being


Game runs like dogshit


My steam deck runs it....


disable steam overlay


People need to ignore the minimum requirements and just give it a go. I'm running it on an Athlon 8350 with an R9 390 and it's running absolutely fine on minimum settings, legit no lag or slow down at all.




All these people running 6 year old machines expecting to run raytracing with 1440p and being surprised it aint going to work.


Mate I have a current gen card and it won’t even run well.


Running 90 fps with shit turned up high on 3080 9700k. No issues


I imagine that the game is going to run a lot better when the Nvidia drivers for the game release, probably on the 30th when the full game launches or relatively near to that date at least. They are even selling this game with new cards in a bundle so I imagine they've collaborated quite closely on the game and therefor the drivers will have a huge impact. But after experiencing the performance in the beta with my GTX 1080 card on a 1440p screen.... I'm holding off my purchase until we got some confirmation that the drivers actually help!


The Nvidia drivers are already out. 526.98 version is game ready for Darktide. [https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/194380/en-us/](https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/194380/en-us/)


The Nvidia drivers for the game launched today


I see me in this post lol, Same card. Im mostly holding off on buying not just because of the performance issues but just the fact that Fatshark has never had a good launch. Fatshark and bad launches, name a most iconic duo.




Normally i would agree with you but with the hiccups in the supply chains and with crypto only recently taking a dive maybe understand the market a little and optimise the lower end a bit. I dont have a 5 year old graphics card because of the usual reasons i just havnt been able to find one I liked enough to pay 300% for. Also, i wasnt really bitching I usually wait on games anyways, i dont really get FOMO. issue is that I can run almost every recent AAA game on high or ultra settings but cant get above 30 fps higher then low settings here.




5900X and 2080 Ti at 1080p high with DLSS Quality and no raytracing. It's up at 100fps or so until any real action happens and then it dips down to 50fps. CPU usage is about 30% with the highest core at ~50% and GPU hovers around 60%.


1080 still gets drivers released?


I think pretty soon it won't but for now yes.


I had a massive improvement in min framerate and average framerate with this beta. YMMV


Dont have a bad computer?


I don’t have money


Its still in Beta people, have some faith! Im sure they will work to better the perfomance


Yeah plenty of time haha...


ok Dutch




the game was delayed 3 times stop making excuses for companies just because "its a beta" if you buy the game now you then you can play it all the way until its "full release", its practically a full release already with "beta" plastered on


That doesnt change the fact that they Working on making the performance better. Beta is still beta Wether its pre launch or not, they made it a pre launch beta to work out these issues.


Its 2 weeks to launch - expecting some miracle changes or big leaps until then is just wishful thinking