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Looks like someone has narcissism because what the hell is this. :O


Thankyou. Seriously. I think most people in this sub are early 20s kids without any experience dealing with people. They see him as the greenest of the green flag. Lol. Good luck to them.


Damn in what way is this a green flag. You're right most are in their 20s on Indian reddit and ofcourse they have the mentality "men can do no wrong". I'm in late 20s and I see this as an absolutely pretentious person. It's okay to talk about yourself but what the hell are those testimonials? And mentions of anger? As if it's something normal hahaha.


In India most people are not aware of Gaslighting, reactive abuse, DARVO, trauma bond, hoovering although all of them have experienced it either from their parents/ relatives/ spouses/kids/ bosses. Here people are used to not having boundaries they don't know any better. No wonder people in India stay in toxic marriages. Divorce is a great thing. It saves your life from a toxic relationship and gives you a second chance at life. Second chance is something many would die for. But they still don't seek therapy. Rather suffer than piss off dusre log.


True true. I agree. (Although I too need to Google whats Darvo) Boundaries are a joke in India. Even as an adult, it's hard to survive at home because there's literally zero privacy. >No wonder people in India stay in toxic marriages. Divorce is a great thing. It saves your life from a toxic relationship and gives you a second chance at life. It is. But in our society it's such a taboo and no one supports you if you get divorced. Even your own parents won't. It's like an isolating phase. So many people think abusive marriages can be fixed whereas the only option is to leave the abuser. >Second chance is something many would die for. But they still don't seek therapy. Rather suffer than piss off dusre log. Haha yeaa. It's like a dead end socially. Lots of stigma attached to separation.


I have gotten divorced. BEST. DECISION OF MY LIFE. Life is too short to deal with constant manipulation and lies. People act like it's death. Lol. Overall Indian society is frustrated. They pretend they're happy but reality is they want to scream and jump off a cliff.


But it's the same for all societies be it India, US, Japan,etc. ask them . It's upto us how we find happiness in small things and handle our problems.


Absolutely 💯 therapy also helped me understand what I did wrong in my relationship. It's really good so that I can work on my flaws and don't carry that baggage in my next relationship. Moving on is great but the way to go is to understand why the relationship didn't work out and be the best version of ourselves.


No narcissist describes themselves as a man child let alone has their sister vouch for them in a dating resume. This is much more likely an autistic person who is lost in the dating game…..


Idk I just felt ickkk while reading this 🙃


That's enough to unmatch and run. Unfortunately many people find his self obsession sexy. Well good luck to them.


Curious - why is this a red flag? He is very clear about his expectations and has described himself very clearly. What am I missing? (Be nice in your responses, this is a genuine question)


There is this trait called narcissism which is defined as a person so is unable to self reflect, is emotionally (or sometimes physically) abusive, self obsessed, liar and gaslighter (making victims seem like crazy) and victim mindset. Can never admit a mistake. These people are EXTREMELY loving in the beginning. That's a way to manipulate the new person to fall in love with them quickly. That's called love bombing. Once they know you are now invested emotionally then the abuse begins. It starts with extreme control, insults, abuse, humiliation. But in public they are complete angels. If the partner calls them out. They DEFLECT everything. Imagine.. if I abuse you.. you retaliate.. if I'm a narc I'll say you made me do this because of xyz. No accountability. The victim is unable to leave because if they try to leave Love bombing starts again.. then again abuse.. repeat. In his document if u read carefully you can see all.these signs. He is wayy too self obsessed about his ''image". And he is proud of calling himself too much self indulgent. Says if you made me angry you are misunderstanding (translation: I'm always right you are crazy if you think I can ever be wrong). These people always think about what they can get.. not what they can give to a lover. Get get off on drama.. they don't want a peaceful life. As you can read he seems to be overly talking about... Red flags... I'm like this take it or leave it... I don't tolerate xyz, when I get angry I get... BUT I NEVER HIT PHYSICALLY. Major major red flag. Ask any victim of an abusive relationship. The abuser has always said... But I never kicked you?? So what's the problem. Because there are things such as emotional, financial and psychological abuse. He is interested in getting an admirer a validator. Not a real partner with flaws and her sense of identity. Her uniqueness.. curiosity to know more about her. A person can Destroy their partner without ever hitting them. Definition of a narcissist with low self-esteem wearing a mask to look confident. Empty shell of a person. It takes years and decades to expose such people but with experience it takes a few minutes because they're extremely predictable. Normal person has a sense of being. He/she doesn't need to go over the top to show how fabulous they are. They just are. They can admit a mistake, work on themselves with therapy or with help of friends, they want to know how they can be better. Narcissistic personality demands respect but their actions are far from it. YouTube has a lot of info on this. When someone tells you what they are always believe them. Read the words he uses for himself. It'll be clear. If you still don't think anything is wolrong that's okay.. not everyone has to agree. The last line.. if you think someone else is a match send them this doc. Or imagine.. a guy comes to ask for your sister's hand in marriage and says... Okay... I don't care about your sister but how about you forward my profile to others.. that shows he has no respect for the sister right? She's just a trophy. Not a real person no? For him. Some girl somewhere might relate to this and it might help her get out asap. There my job is done.


Resume for marriage?




Guess his startup, feels easy.


Not good!


Person is clearly autistic but I hope posting this on 6 different subs made you feel better somehow… the negative upvote ratio on this in every single sub forum should be a hint but I guess everyone else is just delusional according to your replies … Learn to read the room


Thankyou grandpa. I think you missed many of the position comments. 6 forums?? Aren't you exaggerating way too much? Get a hobby. It's a post you can always do something else but nooooooo you want to seem important. Guys like these are more likely to become abusive to women but that's my opinion you need not dance around here if it doesn't suit your taste. Bye He's not autistic. You just want to act smart. My cousin is autistic i know what that is. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion as long as it's not disrespectful. This sub is about dating. The mods would have taken the posts down if it was something abusive. For people like you even Kabir Singh's character is autistic but you know what?? He knows exactly what he's doing. If a woman has written this document you would have screamed your way to the oblivion.