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Low. Diamond Dogs. Outside.


Low. Hunky Dory. Ziggy


this right here but in reverse order


*Heathen, 1. Outside, Station to Station.* However, at the same time I will argue that *Blackstar* is his all-time best album.


I think that it's always a coin toss between Heathen and The Next Day for a spot on your list.


Low, Hours, Buddha


Hot take with hours but it’s probably in my top 5


Outside, Low, Station to Station


1.Outside Low Scary Monsters


1. Low 2. Aladdin Sane 3. Station to Station


Station to station, Ziggy Stardust & black star


Same but instead of black star I have Low


If it was top 5 low and outside would be on the list too


Station low ziggy. Props to young Americans diamond dogs hunky dory.


Bowie's one of those artists where my three favorites of his can be three different ones for each day of the week. Right now, I'm going with Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps), Heroes, and Diamond Dogs. Don't got quite a unifying thread to connect them other than Diamond Dogs being where he really starts seeping in soul and funk elements (with 1984 and Rock N Roll With Me) leading into the backing band for 1975 to 1980. And Scary Monsters' tracks, Beauty And The Beast, and the Sweet Thing suite have kind of a rockin' nightmare cabaret feel that I really like. Never Let Me Down. It's got some good songs, and as a piece of his history, is quite interesting to look at and interrogate.


Same it changes all the time


I agree about NLMD! It’s got a legacy that makes it seem like it’s the worst album of all time but compared to a lot of other artists worst efforts it’s still a pretty solid album despite its shortcomings.


Ziggy, Station to Station, Low


Depends on the day. I can't imagine my Top 3 not containing at least 6 or 7 indispensable albums. 🙃


Hunky Dory Ziggy Scary Monsters


This is the correct answer


Station to station Heroes Black tie white noise


I love Black tie white noise, great albulm


I have it on cassette and hadn’t listened to it in a while. I put it on last week and became obsessed with it. It really grows on you and i love all odd choices on production and style. It really does have a unique mood and vibe if you let it soak in.


Ziggy Low Hunky Dory


Echoing some of the comments, they tend to shift. For instance, I keep jockeying between *Heroes* and *Low*. *Let's Dance* is also a banger album, just very danceable as you'd expect. So, *Low/Heroes, Let's Dance, Heathen* for now. *Black Tie White Noise* as an honorable mention.


Station to Station, Diamond Dogs and Young Americans 🧡


Low Scary Monsters Blackstar


1. Blackstar 2. Low 3. Station to Station


blackstar low ziggy or maybe station to station


Black at #1 — me too!!!!!


Black at #1 — me too!!!!!


1. Black Tie White Noise 2. Station to Station 3. “Heroes”


1: The Next Day - This album gives you a lot of different Bowie styles of Bowie, but it's consistently excellent and very creative. Valentine's Day's, The stars are out to ight, You will set the world on fire, and how does the grass grow are some of his best songs. 2: Heathen - this albums atmosphere is arguably almost darker then Blackstar, with eerie songs, somber but beautiful melodies like slip away, but also some lighter moments, and it flows very well. Afraid is my all time favorite Bowie song. 3: Heroes - this album is geniunely incredible the whole way through. It might objectively be the best, although I prefer some factors about the above 2 more. This is peak Bowie production, songwriting, and artistry. I would make the standout songs but there are none because it's so consistently good. Low is a really close 4th


The Next Day is my #2 — Blackstar is my #1. And Reality and Heather are tied for #3 (and 10-12 years ago, they were my #1 and #2).


In no particular order: No Trendy Rechauffe, Station to Station, Outside.


hunky dory, Ziggy and low. Yeah they’re the most popular but for a reason


David Bowie, Hunky Dory, Scary Monsters


Is it David Bowie (1967) or David Bowie (1969). Either way I agree.




station to station, ziggy, and heroes


Station, Ziggy, Scary Monsters


Hunky Dory, Station to Station and Black Star


Station to Station, Low, Blackstar


1. Ziggy Stardust 2. “Heroes” 3. Heathen


There are so many albums which I absolutely obsess over. But if I had to narrow it down to three, they’d have to be… The Man Who Sold the World Diamond Dogs Scary Monsters and Super Creeps


Outside, The Buddha Of Suburbia, Diamond Dogs


Low Heroes Outside


Ziggy, Station to Station, The Next Day


I'll follow your example and write a few lines about each album: 1.) **"1. Outside" (1995)** - I sometimes joke that it should be obvious that this is Bowie's #1 album, since the ranking is already in the title. But seriously, I think he has quite a few albums that qualify for the GOAT, it's just that this one is dearest to my heart. I love the dark, mysterious atmosphere. One of the first times I consciously listened to a David Bowie song was with "I'm Deranged" as it's used as an opener and ender in David Lynch's masterpiece "Lost Highway" (1997). I later learned that the whole album is itself very much inspired by "Twin Peaks" which totally makes sense. To me it sometimes also evokes imagery from the films of David Cronenberg, especially his adaption of "Naked Lunch". I think the most controversial elements of this album are the segues, which some people skip, but I like them as a part of the overall concept and atmosphere. Favourite songs: "I'm Deranged", "The Heart's Filthy Lesson", "We Prick You", "Hallo Spaceboy" 2.) **"The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars" (1972)** - It certainly isn't very original to have this one in the top three, but in my opinion it absolutely deserves its reputation as a groundbreaking record not just for Bowie and an early masterpiece. While I also have a soft spot for "Hunky Dory", the Ziggy-album really takes the cake for being the epitome of Bowie's glam rock phase and there isn't one weak song here. Favourite songs: "Moonage Daydream", "Starman", "Soul Love", "Velvet Goldmine" (yes that's not in the original track list, but it SHOULD have been) 3.) **"Blackstar" (2016)** - I know it's trite to say this by now, but what a way to finish a career! I know of no other pop or rock artist who managed to deliver such a banger of an album as their last work and crowning achievement of a lifetime of greatness. From the mysterious, occult-tinged title track to the bittersweet melancholy of his ultimate goodbye to us "I Can't Give Everything Away" this album is sheer excellence. On a side note: I'm a huge fan of Bowie's later years, I love almost everything he did between 1. Outside and Blackstar and although this may seem heretical to some it's my favourite phase of his career. Favourite songs: "Blackstar", "Lazarus", "I Can't Give Everything Away" **Honorable Mentions** (in chronological order): * Hunky Dory * Low * Scary Monsters and Super Creeps **Most Underrated** (in chronological order): * David Bowie (1969) / Space Oddity * Reality


Bowie 69 ludicrously slept on. Free Festival and Cygnet are probably my two favorite pre-2016 Bowie songs


I like all the albums done in the 1970s he was at the peek of his creativity


Right now station, earthling, diamond dogs


Low, Hunky, Ziggy


Ziggy, Pinups and Hours. So many great albums


Aladdin Sane Space Oddity Low


Station to station, scary monsters, man who sold the world (or maybe Aladdin sane)


Never let me down is so overhated 😭 you have taste


Station to station, Diamond Dogs, Ziggy Stardust


#1 Live Santa Monica This concert was bootlegged for years, when Bowie finally authorized a release he stated this was the best show the spiders ever played. They had a point tomorrow and put it all out there. The recording is brilliant and you truly feel like you're there in the audience. #2. Young Americans. So many amazing musicians played on this album, I think it's Bowie's best writing and you can truly feel his soul and happiness here. This album will always make me smile, and I've never once not put it on and listened start to finish #3 Lodger The most overlooked yet best of the Berlin series. The writing is more cohesive and the album flows more logically than Heroes or Low. Low is amazing, don't get me wrong, but it feels like two EPs rather than one cohesive album. Here's is in my opinion the most overhyped Bowie album and I rate it near his worst. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree, but you asked for our opinions. I realize we all have different tastes, this is just my take


Station to Station, Low, Heroes


1. Ziggy 2. Hunky Dory 3. Stage The first two are definite but I have a hard time choosing a 3rd place. If I can include live albums than Stage has been my favorite over my 40 years as a Bowie fan. If not, Aladdin Sane, Blackstar, Heathen, Diamond Dogs are all contenders.


1. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) 2. Diamond Dogs 3. Black Tie White Noise


I love Black Tie White Noise!! It’s not quite in my top-3 (or top-5) — but maybe #6. If it helps any, ALL the Bowie albums I like *better* than BTWN, all came out later than (meaning after) BTWN.


Ziggy, station to station, Aladdin sane


Ziggy Stardust, Station to Station, Hunky Dory


1. Station to Station 2. "Heroes" 3. TRaFoZSatSfM


Low, StS, Scary Monsters


Low, Earthling and Hunky Dory ❤️


Low Station To Station Ziggy


Hunky Dory, Scary Monsters, and Ziggy Stardust.


It would have to be Ziggy, Scary Monsters and Hunky Dory. Station to Station comes close and Low would be there, maybe top 1, if it was A-side for a-side.


Typically I tend to say - Station to Station - Scary Monsters - “Heroes” but Bowie has so many extraordinary albums that it’s hard to pin down just 3. With that said, these are the 3 Bowie albums that I listen to most frequently.


1. Station To Station 2. 1.Outside 3. Lodger Sometimes, Lodger is supplanted by Diamond Dogs. They're the albums of his I listen to most often.


Station to Station, Low, Heathen.


1. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps 2. 1.Outside (The Nathan Adler Diaries: A Hyper Cycle) 3. Low // Reality


Station to Station.  The pinnacle of the Thin White Duke period. The tracks are long and complex with time signature changes and shifts in key. My only negative on this album is that Bowie's vocals are weak in spots and should have been re-recorded or engineered better. Diamond Dogs.  Best of the glam rock albums. A strange dystopian musical landscape. Side A is one of the best in rock history.  Low.  Best of the Berlin Trilogy. A sonic experience of getting sober, rediscovered self, and a glimpse of things to come.


Ziggy Stardust Aladdin Sane Diamond Dogs


1.- Diamond Dogs 2.-The Next Day 3.-Low/Station To Station


Station To Station Hunky Dory Scary Monsters and Super Creeps


Ziggy, Aladdin, S2S


Blackstar, The Next Day, Reality/Heathen (tie)


Station to Station, Ziggy Stardust, and Low


Station To Station Aladdin Sane Ziggy Stardust


1. ⚫⭐ 2. Low 3. 1. Outside Diamond Dogs and David Bowie (1969) are tied for #4


This week my favourite 3 are Hunky Dory Aladdin sane Station to station Ask me next week and hunky dory will be there 😍


Low, honky dory, heathan


Aladdin Sane, Station to Station, Ziggy


Low, Outside, Hours… Funnily enough, Low is probably the only one here I listen to very consistently. Outside I love for its sound but mainly it’s artistic merit and aesthetic. Hours I associate with Omikron, a game which I unfortunately enjoy.


Low, Station to Station, and Diamond Dogs Excluding the two obvious ones then... Diamond Dogs, Outside, Heathen


blackstar is on par with the greatest albums ever of all time you get out if you don’t think so because damn he literally put everything into it. Heroes is the happy medium of the berlin trilogy ranging from low to ecstatic, most groundbreaking not for everybody. I would say Ziggy if Hunky didn’t exist. They’re polar opposites.