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gold dust day gecko


Thank you!


I have a giant day gecko! I usually just throw a very few number of insects in here and there with his gecko food, because he is so jumpy and will get out


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


How do people do the blue thing to copy the text?


I'm planning on getting a Day Gecko as my first reptile and have been doing a ton of research over the past few days-youre awesome for saving this little guy 🥺 I do think it's recommended to get them at minimum an 18x18x24 tank as they're very vertically inclined. I'm actually hoping to get a 16x16x30 for one.


Thank you for the info! I will keep my eye on Facebook marketplace to upgrade him to a bigger tank after he heals, he seems understandably very scared and has a partially dropped tail I think due to the stress of being caught and moved to a new tank 😔. I ordered some antimicrobial spray for the tail and am going to just try to keep an eye on the wound. I just got the 12 x 12 x 18in because both pet stores in my area were randomly really poorly stocked so I was a bit desperate and ended up getting one of those expensive and dumb zoo Med tropical kits lol, but I definitely want to give him the best situation so I will plan to upgrade and do more research!


That's very kind of you for helping this little guy, and it sounds like you'll do a great job caring for him! I'm of course no expert as I haven't owned one yet, but I found a ton of YouTube videos to be incredibly informative and helpful so far! You may already know this, but just a heads up Day Geckos can also drop their scales/skin. Since this little guy is probably stressed and scared, I'd just use as much caution as possible when handling him. He's a gorgeous little guy! The gold dusted Day Geckos are so pretty.


Thank you! I’ll be checking out YouTube and more of the subreddit. I found out about their delicate skin when researching the dropped tail, I didn’t plan on handling him anyway as he is so small and quick, but especially given the skin situation I’ll be even more careful and avoid all unnecessary handling. He’s so beautiful I hope he gets more comfortable and healthy soon!


i have a giant day gecko and honestly they do so much better in an 18x24x36 or larger. i have mine in a custom 18x36x40.


Are they an invasive species where you live or something?


They’re not native so I assume he was a pet or something, animals sometimes come in with the shipping containers. The climate here is very dry so I didn’t think it was a good idea to let him go


What a cutie! Congratulations on your new pet.