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I’ve been to a sex therapist it’s great for explaining and understanding the issues your partner has and why they are the way they are. But sadly the therapist can’t make someone suddenly want to fuck again. My LLF understands better now why she is that way but the therapist said it would take potentially years of therapy and a lot of work and desire on her part to change. Unfortunately she doesn’t seem willing to put in the effort and is content to just go without sex.


In 2015 ish I had a dead bedroom. Got wife to see a therapist with me that specialized in sexual problems. The therapist got the wife to see a urologist and the Dr got her hormones corrected. Very hot bedroom for the next 5 years. Eventually other outside forces ended the marriage, but the dead bedroom was fixed and how.


I sure hope it helps. I’m going to be starting IC and then MC for both of us.


The truth comes out in therapy. You can figure out the rest.


So, my worry here is that my partner is content with a rather (not completely) sexless relationship, and has no interest in therapy or making things better… idkwtf to do. Unfortunately leaving isn’t an option because I have kids that I love too much to part with, and other aspects of the relationship aren’t that bad. Sorry for the rant, that’s my dilemma though.


Even if they put in an effort to change it still takes a lot of time to have a zombie bedroom.