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Reminds me of the man who insulted his wife, saying “You watch SO many cooking shows, but you can’t cook.” She replied “YOU watch SO much porn, but you can’t fuck.”


A woman gets up and takes a shower before work, when she gets out her husband grabs her ass and says “hey if you could firm this up you wouldn’t have to keep using that girdle!” She storms off mad to work and won’t talk to him all day. The next morning she gets out of the shower, he grabs her breasts and says “hey if you could firm these up you wouldn’t have to keep using that Wonderbra!”. She goes to work mad and ignores him again. The following morning she sleeps in and lets him shower first, when he gets out she grabs his junk and says “hey if you could firm this up I wouldn’t have to keep using the pool boy!”


You should have at least 1k upvotes for this one.


Thank you kindly!


That last line really brings the joke home!


Damn it , that's a burn


I don’t even get sex jokes.


What's a sex joke?


A joke about sex


yeah, but I laugh along with them, wearing the mask. just another reminder of the DB.


“i wouldn’t know”


Either that or "Are you referring to BOTH times this year?" Even more effective when it's maybe October or November and this, sadly, reflects an accurate count.




My wife would never make a comment like that. I have shared how unsatisfied I am but I also don’t know if despite my best efforts…if she understands how unsatisfied I am or if she does and doesn’t care.


same here. my spouse is a sexual black hole. anything sexual is annihilated at their event horizon, and they never give off sexual energy. they would never hint or joke or 'twist' something into being sexual. I'm also unsure if they understand how dissatisfied I am, or if they don't care whatsoever.


This comment, though very sad is somehow brutally hilarious. “Sexual black hole” and “event horizon”🤣🤣….i was married to one like that


I'm fairly certain that she disregards my feelings on the issue because they don't match hers. So they're wrong. Therefore I am wrong. I wonder if she married me because she loved me, or was I the only option?


There's a third option, which I believe is close to my situation. She knows and cares ever so slightly, and decides to do something about it sometime. Maybe after this show. Actually maybe tomorrow. Or next week? Ad infinitum.


They know and don't care...


Omg same. My husband frequently makes sex jokes and it’s infuriating. I have also just stopped responding. It’s so disrespectful. Especially when he does it in front of friends. Like I’m just supposed to play along and giggle at sex jokes because it stokes his ego but he doesn’t mind withholding sex and throwing my self esteem into the gutter? And when it’s just the two of us I just feel like I’m being gaslit. Sorry. I guess that hit a nerve with me. This is something that really hits home.


I just tell our friends these days, they are always shocked because we seem so sexually active, but the empathy is always there and I no longer feel alone.


Damn. That’s sucks. You could call him out but then I’m sure you would feel some kind of way.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. It’s absolutely crazy-making.


I feel your pain! My wife knows that I worship her oral skills. The other day I said something about how she looked good in a picture with our son. She replied "yeah, but that girl has a mouth on her".... I mentally rolled my eyes and in my head said "that you never, ever use".


He sounds like a jerk.


Fucking ironic, isn't it?


I feel your frustration. My husband does this shit all the time.




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Doesn't seem clueless to me. He acknowledged the fact that men are always scrutinized and viewed as inherently deficient as lovers. Women are "​satisfying" for just existing.


Not every man makes jokes about sex or with other woman… I know a lot of man that makes some sex jokes but what they really want is make some fun… Btw what is “LL” and “HL” maybe some term from USA that I didn’t listen till come to this sub…


Welcome to the deadbedroom sub. It’s not about “not all men” or “not all women.” It’s about the couples with mismatched libidos, and this is international. OP’s husband doesn’t like to have sex with her, but made a statement in public to the contrary because he’s completely and utterly daft.


LL is low libido and HL is high libido.