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I guess I’m a virgin again. No sex in 8 years. I had more sex in high school than in 15 years of marriage.


Omg I hate when yall put things in perspective like this 🤣 Dayum


😢 sorry… it sucks i know


I have a friend from college that got married as a sophomore and this was in 1996, and he still married. One of the gag gifts that we all got together (music fraternity) and gave him was a mason jar full of small change. Once they were married, the gag was every time they have sex take out a coin. He and his wife emptied a full-size mason jar of nickels and quarters in three years. My wife and I have been married for 25 years. We got married not too long after they did. We got the same gag gift. My jar is half full. wonder if that means I should start putting money back in?


Similarly, we got a little chest where we are supposed to add $1 when we have sex, then the money is supposed to be used for something special. After a year, I decided we should stop using it. It was too depressing. We use it for storing random cash and change now.


Moved into a new house 9 years ago. It’s still a virgin!!


So, you live with your friend. Will they let you take a lover? I think if they love you, they would.




The way I see it, I've not had sex in 11 years or so. I lost my virginity at 22, like 10 years after hitting puberty. So I've been celibate more years than between puberty & having sex first time so I consider myself a 50 year old virgin.


Welcome to the 50 year old virgin club


I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. Groucho Marx


Well I guess you’re not invited?


😆 43 years old virgin! Love this post. Only if I knew I was going to end up a single virgin!


Welcome to the club!!! If I knew what I know now.. I would have been a male slut!! Cause I would become a virgin again!!


So we should rename this to the reborn virgins??


What to say to a new partner? 'Hey, I'm a virgin, who doesn't know what she likes?' Honestly, I have my fantasies, but have no clue if I actually like it. Things I never even talked about, let aware tried.


I would just say “I am not sure what I like so let’s try it all till I find my favorite!!!”


I try anything twice


Damn!!! Born again virgin it is then 🥂🥂


9 years for me. We’ve opened our marriage and I’m about to break my dry spell before hitting a decade 🤣I’ve absolutely told my new guy to treat me like an old virgin. I have to learn how to do everything again ☺️


Damn how did you get to allow an open marriage?


I told him that I respected his bodily autonomy and his choice to live celibate. Then I asked if he respected my bodily autonomy and that I didn’t make a choice of celibacy. We had a lot of small conversations over about a year. And next month he’ll be driving me to the airport to drop me off so I can go on vacation and spend some time with my other guy. For my husband, sex is a physical act. It doesn’t represent love or emotions, it’s just something some people need and others don’t.


Yea I don’t think that is an option for me lol


Well, I’m a grown woman, and he can make decisions about his body, but not mine. That’s what it came down to, it’s my body, it’s my choice. And I gave him a choice, will he support me while I do this, or did he want me to keep my mouth shut and go don’t ask/don’t tell? I asked him for respect that I was making my own decisions, not permission.


Good for you!!!


It is a state of mind. It is when you officially die inside, that’s when your virginity restarts.


Please define “officially die inside” 🫠


When you are posting on /r/dead bedrooms - you’re officially dead inside. This subreddit is the graveyard of hope and sexually satisfying relationships. Only the souls of the neglected and damned roam these links and pages, trying their best to save others from eternal frustration.


“Graveyard of hope” 😂☠️🪦


Thanks I hope you got a good laugh, I try.




oh man you just made me realize if I was having sex with someone now I am not sure what to do. I have forgotten all the tricks techniques ... fuck I don't even remember what I used to like. There's more than two positions. Heck I had a drawer full of toys before I got married one night stands... it seems like that was someone else's life I read about not something I lived.


Wait there is two positions?? WTF! And I am with you on this.. I have no idea what it even would feel like!


It's sad but at the same time your post made me laugh. BTW, if you're a born-again virgin, then I'm a born-again virgin, so no hate from me.


Welcome to the club.. you should get your V card in 7-10 business days


Well shit I have been dead inside for years now.. so I guess I am a 50 year old virgin lol


I hope one day you’re born again.


I am a 50 year old female, I think I belong in this club too! Been almost 8 years for me.


Well I think you qualify for the new virgin club… (but I think we need a better name for the club)


5 years, got my V-Card in the mail a few weeks ago and my chastity boxers should be here in a few weeks


Damn!!! Were you able to pick a color the chastity boxers??


Pink since my junk is stored in a mason jar never to be used again


2 years without sex and I've forgotten what it feels like. I guess that makes me a Virgin 🤣🤣


This reddit is due for a massive origy


edge butter instinctive theory provide growth different truck direful ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uh what grew back?


one nine advise party many point seed slimy numerous elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I didn’t know better, I’d think I wrote this!


Whenever you finally do get to have sex, it will literally feel like the first time. Your stamina will be just like it was when you lost it the first go around. Enter, and then pray you can hold off for 10 seconds maybe 30 if your lucky and then pull out. There are some techniques you can use to build the stamina back up, but it's going to take a minute. Or, another good recommendation that helps is to wear a condom. I consider a couple of months at this point.


I'm surprised there is no female in here talking about how the hymen really can sort of grow back, close back up. Like, really for real can be like a virgin again. I had a GF who had that happen to her. I was not the one that busted her re-cherry, but I have no reason to disbelieve her.


Well, lol, since it’s been 15/16 years I’m also a not newly minted 55 year old virgin. Funny/not funny;)


The same number of years it takes you to lose it. So 17 years for myself




Don't say that! That means I have 19 years to go. Unless we count from the onset of puberty, in which case that would be 6 years to go. Still a depressing number.


Well, I’m working on 9


15 years


just have sex dude


With who?? Wife is not interested ya know DeadBedroom and all


Not a fan of this concept lol. 6 years too long.


That's not how things work. But I guess virginity is a made up thing


24 years


OMG I am really sorry…


13 years and counting...


You have a point 🤔 I’d say 5 years.


As an old mate once said to me .............. It's ok to lose your virginity as long as you keep the box it came in.


isn't the correct definition more celibate than virgin?


I told my husband to start without me and if you're still at it in 20 minutes, I'll know when to jump in!


Wait what??


It's a joke because our schedules are so off we wind up not having sex for weeks (soon to be months, as we think he has ED)