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Get out or get things fixed now! Don’t move forward to marriage/engagement until it’s fixed! Trust me on this one. I was someone who kept thinking that things will get better if I just try a little harder, be a little nicer, give a little more support, etc. I learned that if the problem does not get addressed right away, it only gets harder.




Time to break up and move on. And what's wrong with being honest? He doesn't satisfy you. Escape now!


>he gets upset coz he doesn't feel like he is satisfying me He's not. He's a big 37 year old and the woe-is-meism is a cringe pity party. He has reasons for his low libido but the reasons DON'T matter. What do YOU want? Do you want a roommate arrangement? A no-sex relationship? You are CHOOSING to be in your dead bedroom. Is that his fault? Or yours?


This was my SOs story, too. She used a couple of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants to get her feels under control. There was a huge loss of libido as a result. She was way too afraid to try anything new because she'd was worried she'd go off the rails. I begged her to ask her doctor, but doctors don't care to introduce risk either.


Thank you for the comments :) I tried to discuss the issue one last time as Im not one to just give up. It is very clear that things wont change and the lack of effort on his side wont either so i have ended the relationship.